Qi gong


soft Qi gong hard Qi gong,

i want to discuss soft Qi gong, and the healing benefits of this for you and the enviroment/people around you,

does anybody have any first hand experience in healing with Qi gong,?

i personally see it on a daily basis usually, i will discuss my experiences and knowledge soon, i just want to read some events and experiences others have had across the world,

Can't say I have heard of it. Although a quick google suggests similarities with Tai Chi.

maybe you could describe how they differ?
Quantum Quack said:
Can't say I have heard of it. Although a quick google suggests similarities with Tai Chi.

maybe you could describe how they differ?

Qi Gong is a series of exercises. Tai Chi is exercise. Both supposedly increase 'chi flow', and there are various mystical aspects overlayed on this.

Basically, it's about breathing and circulation, nothing mystic.
Anything that gets the body to move and stretch is healthy. Burning calories is good if you take in a lot and don't exercise enough. If people are motivated to exercise because of the alleged "mystical" properties of a particular belief, more power to them. But its nothing a well rounded program at a gym can't do.

Acupuncture practices associated with "qigong" appear to have some promise, however. Its doubtful that anything 'mystical' is occuring and is the results are likely due to release of endorphins or some similarly reasonable cause. More study needs to be done on this, however. The Uni of Heidelberg ran a study in 2004 that compared the use of real acupuncture needles with a fake one that couldn't be detected by the patient. There were some mixed results: the overall analysis showed no significant difference between placebo & real; but a sub-group analysis revealed some significance in favor of the real.
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SkinWalker said:
Anything that gets the body to move and stretch is healthy. Burning calories is good if you take in a lot and don't exercise enough. If people are motivated to exercise because of the alleged "mystical" properties of a particular belief, more power to them. But its nothing a well rounded program at a gym can't do.

Acupuncture practices associated with "qigong" appear to have some promise, however. Its doubtful that anything 'mystical' is occuring and is the results are likely due to release of endorphins or some similarly reasonable cause. More study needs to be done on this, however. The Uni of Heidelberg ran a study in 2004 that compared the use of real acupuncture needles with a fake one that couldn't be detected by the patient. There were some mixed results: the overall analysis showed no significant difference between placebo & real; but a sub-group analysis revealed some significance in favor of the real.
Why does it have to be mystical? It's only mystical if you don't understand it.

Also recent studies show that Accupuncture is more than a placebo - http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4493011.stm
VitalOne said:
Why does it have to be mystical? It's only mystical if you don't understand it.

The point is that most of the practitioners buy the mystic explanation, over the bio-mechanical one.

There is some science in it, but buried under too much mumbo jumbo.
phlogistician said:
The point is that most of the practitioners buy the mystic explanation, over the bio-mechanical one.

There is some science in it, but buried under too much mumbo jumbo.
I'm sure if you showed a caveman a TV he would find it very mystical and magical, because he doesn't understand how it works. Get it?
Except that even to the cave man, a working TV would work. Not so with many of the so-called "mystical" shit that people have been claiming to work for thousands of years. If it works, show the evidence.
SkinWalker said:
Anything that gets the body to move and stretch is healthy. Burning calories is good if you take in a lot and don't exercise enough. If people are motivated to exercise because of the alleged "mystical" properties of a particular belief, more power to them. But its nothing a well rounded program at a gym can't do.

Acupuncture practices associated with "qigong" appear to have some promise, however. Its doubtful that anything 'mystical' is occuring and is the results are likely due to release of endorphins or some similarly reasonable cause. More study needs to be done on this, however. The Uni of Heidelberg ran a study in 2004 that compared the use of real acupuncture needles with a fake one that couldn't be detected by the patient. There were some mixed results: the overall analysis showed no significant difference between placebo & real; but a sub-group analysis revealed some significance in favor of the real.

just wanted to point out a few things,

taiji, and qi gong are simular, but there are some key differences, taiji is a martial arts combat style, hidden underneath healing and breathing excersize, (iron wrapped in cotton so to speak) qi gong is not a fighting style atall, its not a martial art, its purely to control qi soft qi gong, is the healing side, hard qi gong is to prepare your energy and body, for something such as shaolin gong fu, wich takes years and years of hard dedication, and you need to be conditioned before undertaking the hardships of shaolin training,

in qi gong you rarely have to move much atall, you are thinking of taiji (tai chi) with alot of movements and stretching type forms, you can do qi gong without moving much atall, simple breathing methods,

it is alot more than just good for your physical body, and someone said about bio and mystical, the mystical side to chinese and eastern methods are only mystical to those who dont see through the stories, they are very practical, it is anything but mystical to somebody who has fully grasped its true concepts, before fully understanding and appreciating this type of thing, you must come to terms with Qi, untill you realise qi exists and is not a myth you wont appreciate eastern ways of healthy living, and it will just be mumbo jumbo to you,

and by the way, thats incorrect, a western gym workout cannot give you the same results as a qigong, or taiji workout, thats bad information, as a personal trainer and martial arts teacher, having standpoints on both sides, i would disagree 100% with that, you gain different things from both, and they are both good,


heres some nice information i found, i checked it through and it isnt missleading, the excersizes at the bottom are real ones, not made up bs,

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EmptyForceOfChi said:
thats incorrect, a western gym workout cannot give you the same results as a qigong, or taiji workout, thats bad information, as a personal trainer and martial arts teacher, having standpoints on both sides, i would disagree 100% with that, you gain different things from both, and they are both good,

As an ex-judoka who has fought Qi Gong/Kung Fu practitioners, and won, I think western gym workouts are just as successful.

Why don't you see Kung Fu practitioners in MMA? If Qi Gong is so superlative, MMA/UFC should be dominated by Kung Fu styles, but it is hardly represented, let alone dominant!

I know _belief_ is important to you, but you learn _the truth_ in combat.
phlogistician said:
As an ex-judoka who has fought Qi Gong/Kung Fu practitioners, and won, I think western gym workouts are just as successful.

Why don't you see Kung Fu practitioners in MMA? If Qi Gong is so superlative, MMA/UFC should be dominated by Kung Fu styles, but it is hardly represented, let alone dominant!

I know _belief_ is important to you, but you learn _the truth_ in combat.

are you joking me? any real martial artist wouldent enter a UFC match to begin with, martial arts was developed for self defence, for protecting yourself, staying healthy and protecting your loved ones,

UFC is a sport, and is for entertainment, if you think those guys are real warriors, then thats up to you, they disshonor martial arts, buy trying to hurt each other using flawed techniques, the reason why you have never seen a real shaolin gong fu (kung fu bastardisation) warrior monk in UFC is because they would not fight for fun and money, a real gong fu fighter has yet to enter UFC, just some watered down wushu guys with barely any real skill, weekend warriors, who train in gyms have bloated up muscle etc,

do you understand the difference between a sportsman and a warrior?.

look what happened when a real warrior enters the sports world, he ends up killing people and animals because his powers are to strong, do you want some evidence of a real traditional warrior fighting in tournements?, how about 270 bouts undefeated all ending in under 2 mins, most with a single blow, or how about when he defeated over 52 raging bulls and killed them all with his bare hands,

see this is what happens when a real warrior enters the land of western sports, and i hope it never happens again, i would hate to think the damage more real warriors would cause if they started to enter sports like boxing and UFC,

Mas Oyamam look him up and read about him, then maybe you will come abck and reconsider your take on sports and real self defence,

and yes judo is a nice sport, i train in judo myself, my uncle is known in judo he entered a few scotish championships back in the day, gordon kennedy you might know him,

judo is good and all but its not real situations, first of all when i went to judo class last with my uncle, i was sparring with the instructor, he attempted to grab me i evaded him, then side kicked his knee and punched his chest and he fell over and said, "no striking please"

what the hell is that about how can you realisticly train with rules? its stupid, when we train in shaolin there are no rules, just respect and ability to hold back your full power,

also look at what happens to UFC fighters ont he street, they get stabbed up and beat down all kinds of shit, i would really like to see someone liek tito ortiz go and start a fight with an elder shaolin monk, that would be some funny shit,

In a conversation with a Kungfu practicioner today I mentioned qi gong and he said that it wasn't taught until well after black belt first dan is achieved. I guess various schools have various standards so there is no pont in asking whether what he said was valid or not but may I ask for a comment?

Also, often when watching martial arts warm ups there is usually the pressurising of air in the lungs and chest followed by a movement, usually a punching action. The vocal noise made is usually a "cheeeee" sound or something similar.

Now a question about observations;

I get the impression that the sound generated by this air clenching should be more a chi !.......a short "i" sound rather than a long "eeeeeee" sound. could you comment on this for me as well? I would appreciate it.
The short sound "i" conserves the chi where as the longer "eeeeeee" sound releases or expends the built up energy. So I would assume that "Chi" would be better than "cheeeeeeeee"
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Quantum Quack said:
In a conversation with a Kungfu practicioner today I mentioned qi gong and he said that it wasn't taught until well after black belt first dan is achieved. I guess various schools have various standards so there is no pont in asking whether what he said was valid or not but may I ask for a comment?

Also, often when watching martial arts warm ups there is usually the pressurising of air in the lungs and chest followed by a movement, usually a punching action. The vocal noise made is usually a "cheeeee" sound or something similar.

Now a question about observations;

I get the impression that the sound generated by this air clenching should be more a chi !.......a short "i" sound rather than a long "eeeeeee" sound. could you comment on this for me as well? I would appreciate it.
The short sound "i" conserves the chi where as the longer "eeeeeee" sound releases or expends the built up energy. So I would assume that "Chi" would be better than "cheeeeeeeee"

this is actually a very good question, also complicated,

there are many forms of martial arts wich use breathig differently, there are various noises made for various reasons, firstly all inhailing should be done through the nose, to regulate breathing you have to develop this kind of slow but steady breath control that takes awhile to get used to,

a Qigong student simular to a taiji student, will stand with a firm but relaxed stance, back straight hands to his side, put hands in a position just above the navel, its called the dantien point where your Qi cultivates to, steady his breath, his Yi (intention) must be focused on the Qi flow, as he raises his arms and hands with a certain posture (hard to explain with text i will get a diagram after i post this) as he raises his hands puts air into his lungs, as hands are raised ches high, then down again to your stomach, bringing the air/qi down bloating out your stomach area, as you go up again extend the qi/breath through your arms breathing out forcing the qi out around your hands, ready for manipulation and qi training,

long breaths along with noises are for controlling and bringing up Qi, short breaths with that "KAAAI" shout to them are for explosie power, you shouldent be doing that untill many many tears of training with Qi energy and conditioning, people do it alot with breaking shit, like coconuts boards, tiles, sticks etc, breaking chopsticks on temples, fighting, (but no sportsmen can do this in ring bouts due to protective gear and gloves etc stoping the flow and real explosive snaps and power flow)

here is a Qi exercise that people can do even sitting down right now on there chair, it lookes simular to standard Qi ball method, mixed with "touch earth touch heaven" method sometimes known as "touch ground touch sky"


if you click about on this site and scroll down, it has some pictures showing you how to do basic Qi exercise and methods for beginners, and a basic understanding of it,


Thanks for all that info....
My main interest at present is in the exhaling, [btw I am not a martial artist]

I get the impression that most people when exhaling do so with out any regulation in that they exhale in a way that allows the energy to flow in a way that is wasted. Normal breathing that expends energy needlessly. And wonder that if people learn to govern their out-going breath their energy levels would improve.

I have tried for example breathing into a restricted air space so that back pressure stops "a sigh that kills a million butter flies" to use a metaphor.

This is an area of curiosity for me and also necessity as I had to relearn to breath after an illness years ago and am attempting to polish up on it.
Quantum Quack said:
Thanks for all that info....
My main interest at present is in the exhaling, [btw I am not a martial artist]

I get the impression that most people when exhaling do so with out any regulation in that they exhale in a way that allows the energy to flow in a way that is wasted. Normal breathing that expends energy needlessly. And wonder that if people learn to govern their out-going breath their energy levels would improve.

I have tried for example breathing into a restricted air space so that back pressure stops "a sigh that kills a million butter flies" to use a metaphor.

This is an area of curiosity for me and also necessity as I had to relearn to breath after an illness years ago and am attempting to polish up on it.

you would make a good martial artist though, your very correct there.
energy is wasted all of the time, with breathing with motion even with pointless emotional ups and downs wich you have to learn to control, you know the worst energy waster and biggest downfall for most fighters, its anger, learn to stay calm move only when needed breath only when needed, and do it all with perfect technique, then you will waste the least amount of energy, some martial art styles (usually very advanced methods/styles) concerntrate on using moves that use the least amount of energy to conserve it during a bout,

when you take a hit you should inhale, when dealing a hit you should exhale,
when you mastered them learn to inhale and exhale simaltaniously, (sounds wierd but it can be done kind of liek a circulation between nose and mouth. and can be used with explosive power striking,

read up on something called Fajing, simular to bruce lee's one in punch, technique (thats where he got it from)

if you want to test your breath contrl, look into qi gogn methods, and i can help on some good ones,

when in the passengers seat of a car (safely) lean your head out of the window and try to breath under wind resistance and G force,

dragon breating techniques, holding your head under water,

hang upside down and hold your breath,

grasp simple Qi gong breathng method (would take less than 20 mins) then breath up and hold, for aslong as you can (concerntrating only on Qi flow, Yi is very important (intention)) then breath down and hold for aslong as you can, and repeat, when you grasp simple qi gong breathing you will know what i mean by breath up and breath down,

a simple rule in qi gong is this, breath through your stomach, not your chest, you have to breath up into the chest then down into the stomach, many people breath up intot he chest then out through there mouth, that is very wastefull, and also dosent build up your Qi reservs in your dantien, as you merely pass the air into your lungs then out again, always breath deep up then down,

It seems to me it is the regeneration of energy as it is expended [out/in] that deternines the level of fatigue present.
By learning to pace the outflow with inflow thus maintaining continuous optimisations.

just an intuitive observation