Q: How many Atheists does it take to change a light bulb?

ok...i can't resist...i know the following should probably be posted in the phil. forum..but...what the heck. i doubt they'd appreciate it...besides...they'd end up analyzing it to death.

Q.w many philosophers does it take to replace a light-bulb?
A. 3 - 1 to screw it into the socket and 2 to debate its existence/reality or not.

Then why do theists believe in the lightbulb if it was 'invented' by an atheist?
When reality is forced on them theists tend to give in and adapt especially when they can directly benefit.
Originally posted by moonman
Then why do theists believe in the lightbulb if it was 'invented' by an atheist?

ah.. u don't know that story !

theists first saw light and accepted that as light...

when electricity and luminence were explained by the inventor they prasied God for the gifts viz., electricity and revealation to the inventor..!:D

(with due respects for the inventor of lightbulb ...Edison ? ...Atheist ? )

When reality is forced on them theists tend to give in and adapt especially when they can directly benefit.
No. We simply live in reality more then you do. The inventions are let's say... "lower" realities while God is a "higher"reality. Men might have invented lightbulbs, but who invented men...? :rolleyes:

No. We simply live in reality more then you do.
Enjoy your fantasies dreamer.

Men might have invented lightbulbs, but who invented men...?
If man was invented then the inventor should be executed for such a disastrous design.

Enjoy your fantasies dreamer.
You enjoy yours. Remember that when we are in a dream, we don't know we are dreaming (for some exceptions, of course)...

If man was invented then the inventor should be executed for such a disastrous design.
He didn't designed us badly. The only things that He didn't give us directly were knowledge, wisdom and eternal life. He asked us to receive wisdom and eternal life, but we chose knowledge. There you go, you want science, that's what you have...:bugeye:
No, no, no!!! You're all heathens!!! Do you dare to deny the sanctity of the Cow Goddess and Her Legions of Light Bulbs???

EN GARDE!!!!!!!

He didn't designed us badly. The only things that He didn't give us directly were knowledge, wisdom and eternal life. He asked us to receive wisdom and eternal life, but we chose knowledge.
But if he had designed us correctly then we would have made the correct choices. If he invented us then he screwed up right at the beginning by not giving us enough information to choose appropriately.
Suuuure Zero...:rolleyes::D


But if he had designed us correctly then we would have made the correct choices. If he invented us then he screwed up right at the beginning by not giving us enough information to choose appropriately.
He wants to see us growing up as much as fathers and mothers want to see their kids growing up. The thing is that you concider science, but forget Love...

He gave us enough information to be aware of ourselves. He told us to go and eat almost all the trees of the garden. We ate all of them besides the Tree of Life and the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. He told us not to eat from the second. We were curious, so we made the wrong choice. If we had eaten from the Tree of Life, we would have eternal life and after eating the Tree of Life, we would be ready to eat from the other. We made our choice.

He wants to see us growing up as much as fathers and mothers want to see their kids growing up. The thing is that you concider science, but forget Love...
I expected your obsession with love to come in somewhere although I cannot see that is relevant at this point.

He gave us enough information to be aware of ourselves.
I guess there was a reason for you to say that, but I can't see what.

He told us to go and eat almost all the trees of the garden.
I think you mean eat "from". Eating a tree doesn't seem like a good idea to me.

We ate all of them besides the Tree of Life and the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil.

He told us not to eat from the second.
OK. But where did we get the knowledge to understand that disobeying him might be bad? At this point we haven't eaten from the tree that gave the knowledge of good and evil so we wouldn't know that eating from that tree would be bad.

We were curious, so we made the wrong choice.
So we had been given the ability to be curious but not the ability to understand the difference between good and bad. So it looks like we were deliberately setup to take a fall. God must have known that our curiosity would lead to the wrong tree but he didn't show us how to decide between right and wrong.

We made our choice.
But based on inadequate knowledge and teaching. We cannot be held responsible for something that we could not have had any ability to appropriately judge.

This pretty much makes the entire basis for Christianity and the need of a savior a total fraud.
And as Lex Luthor said - a man could read War and Peace and think it was a simple love story yet another could read the ingreidient on a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe.
Originally posted by Cris
And as Lex Luthor said - a man could read War and Peace and think it was a simple love story yet another could read the ingreidient on a chewing gum wrapper and unlock the secrets of the universe.

Sure Cris..! God express himself in as subtler form as wrapper print could. "Seek You Will Find".. . !
But everneo,

Sure Cris..! God express himself in as subtler form as wrapper print could. "Seek You Will Find".. . !
he has never expressed himself through any means yet as far as anyone can determine. But understanding the universe! Now that is a much more interesting challenge.

Ok so you show me a light bulb tree and I'll show you a spaghetti tree.