Q&A: From Knowledge to Knowledge

Can you participate in this thread in a civilzed maner, while keeping an open mind?

  • Yes. I promise to be openminded.

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • No. I find this rather usless, im almost certain God is not real.

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Yes. But I am sure he does/does not exist.

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • No. I am a biggot.

    Votes: 1 16.7%

  • Total voters
That's all it took? Even I had that experience.

This girl has told me 3 times we are just friends, then he we had intercourse. Then the next day she told me never to text or call me ever again. Two nights ago she had sex with another man with me sleeping in the room. Earlier that night she was crying on my shoulder for 15 minutes telling me about how she was in love with a third guy. I have to add she was drunk out of her mind, and I had been laying in her bed, and I was kissing her on the cheek to make her laugh, and "my friend" was poking her. Then a few hours later she is balling her eyes out to me about how she told this other guy that she thinks she loves him, and she told me how we are just friends. And she told me about all of her inperfections. At this time im on my knees (not literaly) begging her to see it my way. She balling on my shoulder and I kiss her forehead, and she tells me she loves me as a friend and I promise her again I will always be her friend. And she goes to the mirror and looks at herself and I follow her and she goes on about her inperfections. I cornered her against the wall and she stairs into my eyes and gives me "the lips." I wanted to kiss her but I couldn't do it. She was drunk, and she was distressed. 45 minutes later she is making out with another guy in her bed taking her clothes off.

If she is my wife God has proven his word to me. I have to say, I am in love with her, I just hope she understands that.
Question: Why does God allow bad things happen to good people?

Simple, same reason he allows good things to happen to bad people. You get what you put in. Whos to say cancer is a bad thing when your going up.

Question: What about free will? What is the godly explenation of it.

Free will is the choices I make. One could argue since God knows what we are going to do before we it means that it was never a choice in the first place. I have a few point against this. First, it wasn't a choice God made, and he does not interfer with your thought process, even though he could. He simply observed since the beggining, and he did know that you were going to get up and go to the bathroom, but you did it by your own free will, God did not make your bladder full.
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I wittnessed the love of my life have drunken sex with another man in front of my eyes, don't tell me about pain.
@Knowledge --

Oh please, we've all experienced something like that. I've been shot, stabbed, nearly died when my tonsils decided to rebel, and I've been electrocuted three times. I think I can top you for pain.
Oh, and I walked in on my then fiance in my bed with two different guys, one of whom was my friend. So yeah, you can take your foot out of your mouth any time now.
By getting on with my life. Getting stabbed was infinitely worse than a broken heart. A broken doesn't get you three months in the ICU and a year of physical therapy after that.
Im sorry for what has happend to you, but no one really cares. I can tell you from experience, get over it. Take the pain in, and lay it to waiste.
I'm not sure at this point whether to move this thread to SciFi and Fantasy.
He could cure us, but is the 7th day, and God is tired. On top of that, if he created even a single miracle he would have to end life.
-So He could fix us, but He's too uninterested to buckle down and put on a pot of coffee.
-Have to??? Are you saying that there is a being even more powerful that compels Him?
....Since He does not know if he is the most perfect thing that can possibly exist he had to do it by randomness.
I thought you said he was omniscient!
He created at random a single angel, and he named it John. And from John he created two angels, and from those two four, and from the four, eight and so on, and so on....
In a petri dish?

And how in Loki's name did this thread get onto sex, love and extramarital affairs that fast???:bugeye:

Archangel Lucifer, that is important. The universe came into being as the first creation of God, after self. Lucifer had his rebelion on the 6th day. At this time on the 6th day everything had been achieved in Heaven, and every great angel was in existence. Lucifer had reason for his rebelion. And it was this. God has created everything, good and evil. He can define good and evil to a TEE, so why not pick out all the bad bugs and squish them? He thought human nature was a waiste of time. Lucifer saw human life as a mistake. You see, Lucifer is the light of God. This means that when Lucifer was created Lucifer had amzingly great faith, only that could rival Michael, and Gabriel. Being that Lucifer was not faith, and Lucifer was not hope he brought Lucifer into the wilderness of Heaven to be alone. When he was alone Lucifer taught him everything, from the begging of YHWH, to the end of man kind.

Lucifer knows how it all ends, and he saw it as a waist of time, and a waist of effort on his part to come down to earth and live forever and forever until we have saved every man woman and child. Not only that, but he thought that the task of saving every man woman and child would be impposible. So he seeked to overthrow Jesus, and use Michael as the messiah in Heaven. Michael too came to know everything, but he did this on his own, through his own reason. Lucifer first went to Archangel Michael to tell him his plan. Michael then told God. As I said in another thread, God does not interfer with nature so he does not smite, not even in Heaven. So what happend was Lucifer gathered his and theres, and Michael gathered his and all that they numbered. Lucifer rebelled and he lost.

And here is why I say give the devil his due. He was right to say saving every man woman and child was a impposible task, as there where angels in heaven who only wanted to destroy. Where he was wrong was to rebel, if he had just stayed fast he would too have a kingdom in Heaven. He was to be third in Heaven, after Jesus, and after Michael. He was to the personal voice, word, and eyes of YHWH.

So Lucifer rebelled in response to mankind, not the other way around.

Think about it. 666 is the number of the beast, it is the number of a man. And if you are willing to take the mark of the six hundarad and sixty six then you are going to hell. 144,000 is the number of the faithful. God created angels as a test run to humanity. We go back up and we become the angels we were before we came to earth, that is how I see it. On the 6th day after the fallen had fallen God said, "go foth, all of you! Go to earth, and save every man woman and child. Save their dogs. Speak to the lowest insect and save he too, fore I have given you everything, and all I ask in return is this one task. Go to earth and do not return to heaven until you have saved all you can. Go now, all of you, I have sealed my gates, you shall not enter less I see ye fit."

wow. You really are the product of catholic tradition gone wild. It is almost impossable to correct someone who follows men and not the bible.

We are not going to be angels in eternity. Jesus said we would be like angels in regard to not being married in eternity. If we where going to be Angels He would have said we would be Angels.

Matthew 22
30 For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God in heaven.

Also Jesus revealed that we will judge angels. If we are judging angels then we will be higher than angels and different to angels.

1 Corrinthians 6
3 Do you not know that we shall judge angels? How much more, things that pertain to this life?

The stupid adds you see on TV with females dressed in white sitting on clouds as angels is 100% catholic creation. None of the Angels revealed in the Bible where identified as female.

On the 6th day after the fallen had fallen, and after Lucifer became Satan a grand announcement was made.

satan did not fall from heaven on the 6th day. The book revealing satans fall is the book of Revelation which is a book of Prophecy of the future events after the times of Jesus. Jesus said during His ministry on earth.

Luke 10
17 Then the seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.”
18 And He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.

So satans fall cannot have been before this time. During the time of Job satan had freedom to go between heaven and earth as he pleased:

Job 1
6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan also came among them. 7 And the LORD said to Satan, “From where do you come?”
So Satan answered the LORD and said, “From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking back and forth on it.”
8 Then the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?”

So your 6th day fall of satan is fully a creation of tradition and is not biblical at all.

Also as to your claim that God created things evil. May you repent of that and may you be forgiven.

God had made his decision. He had choosen his two wittneses. They would be the first, and they would go forever and forever until they had saved all they could. They would go and speak of all they see, and all they hear. They would give their testimony, and when they are done with that they will prophescy of the end. They will tell every man woman and child of their fate, after that they will striken down.

God chose faith, and hope as the two witnesses. They where the second and third greatst angels only to Yashua. Non where more trusted than them. They also shared a eternal union in Heaven, they where the perfect choices to be Adam, and Eve. On earth Michael, and Gabriel forgot everything they had known in Heaven even of eachother. After they met, and after they where shown to Eden God told them of a tree that layed in the midst of the garden, and it was his tree and not to eat of it, fore in that day they would surly die if they did so. Original sin, the lust of knowledge. The serpent who was Satan came to earth and lied to Eve who brought the lie to Adam. He made them wonder, and they ate of the tree of life. And then everyone in the garden ate of the tree of life. And to this day we eat of it daily. Original sin is the lust of knowledge, it is the sin every man woman and child share.

The traditions really got on meth here. This is so wrong it had me in laughter.

Human on earth, angel in Heaven.

Wrong... Just wrong.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
Adstar, present questions or go. You have nothing to add, but the same crap that has gotten many good men killed.
Adstar, present questions or go. You have nothing to add, but the same crap that has gotten many good men killed.

Pathetic. Is that all you can do as a reply to my Biblical points? demand that i only ask questions? Not point out your totally unscriptural beliefs that run counter to the expressed Word of God?

And of course a pathetic allegation based on ... nothing.

You can continue on your own personal religion construction project if you must. But bearing false witness to God after your false beliefs have been made clear to you is open rebellion against God.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Pathetic. Is that all you can do as a reply to my Biblical points? demand that i only ask questions? Not point out your totally unscriptural beliefs that run counter to the expressed Word of God?

And of course a pathetic allegation based on ... nothing.

You can continue on your own personal religion construction project if you must. But bearing false witness to God after your false beliefs have been made clear to you is open rebellion against God.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

EXPRESSED WORD OF GOD?! BIGGOT! Quiet you! Here the word of God as it is speaking directly to you. Unscriptual beliefs? So you believe the wife of your Christ Jesus was a whore, do not blasphemy my brother. You think 1/2 of man will be left out of Heaven for homosexuality? The expressed word of God is unity of man, not religion that divides! Then open rebelion God has. If my rebelion is such that, then God has a rebelion of the faithful. I stay fast, and honest to God. Your church was founded in the blood of my brother, Jesus. Your church killed apostles. Your church attempted to kill the holy bloodline from earth. Peter was cowardas, and had wavering faith. You make an enemy of Christ, fore you bare a idol.
Thinking from the perspective of God, there is only one God, why would having three clashing religions about the same singular God be acceptable to him? Here is what we know about God from an agnostic theist pov, God is real, but he does not need to be, I am no certain of his existence beyond my own knowledge which is not permicible as evidence of anything, and emense faith, but again, my God would preach faith as the second most important thing a person can have. You blasphemy my God when you preach Christianity, and damn a Muslim. When a Juden walks back to Jeruselem he walks back a faithful, not a Juden. Religion is nothing but a label, something Jesus specificaly damns.

Juden, Muslim, Christian. Christ>Muhamad>Juruselem. Juden>Christian>Muslim. If they wish to exist, this is their standing. I'll give you a hint. Christ isn't but one.