Q&A: From Knowledge to Knowledge

Can you participate in this thread in a civilzed maner, while keeping an open mind?

  • Yes. I promise to be openminded.

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • No. I find this rather usless, im almost certain God is not real.

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Yes. But I am sure he does/does not exist.

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • No. I am a biggot.

    Votes: 1 16.7%

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Valued Senior Member
Question: Why did God create the universe, was it out of complete boredom, did he need help with something? Why angels? Why didn't he make humans perfect? And what is the diffrence between a soul, and a angel?

Answer: Why did he create everything? Did he create everything? I answer your (my) question, with a question. Did God create everything, or did he create the spark that started the domino effect that is the evolution of everything? Did he not make humans perfect? What standard are we on? If someone tells me I am not perfect I look at them funny and say maybe you are not, but I sure am. A soul has no shape, a angel is a concious being with dominon over souls, and other things in creation, and the after life.

Question: If God is omniscent, and he can do anything he wants to, then why does he let people die, or have cancer? He can cure us can't he?

Answer: He is omniscent, just clear up what that is. He did not come into existence knowing everything, he came to aquire knowledge of everything over a very long time, then he gained conciousness of self, and this is when he started creating, and thene evolution took place. He could cure us, but is the 7th day, and God is tired. On top of that, if he created even a single miracle he would have to end life. You see, the point of life is in large a test of faith.
Imagine, you are a angel, before Adam is recieved on earth. You say to Jesus, and Michael yes I have complete faith in God, but that can eaisly be only because you have seen all these miraculous things happen like mountains forming, and volcanic islands coming out of the ocean. There needs to be a test of faith for the angelic realm to have meaning. If he created on miracle, we would have knowledge of God, we would not need faith.

Question: Does God have a plan, if so what is it?

Answer: God's plan was to create the most perfect beings possible and to have them exist together. He also is testing if he is the true God. Just because he was the first concious thing to exist does not mean he is the most possible thing that can possibly exist. What he first did was create the most peaceful place he could think of. It was a clouded landscape which has been come to be called Heaven. This was where he would being his creating, and in the end where the most perfect things would be kept. His first order of bussiness was to create helpers. One would think he would just created the things he saw as most perfect, but he wanted a better system. Since he does not know if he is the most perfect thing that can possibly exist he had to do it by randomness. He created at random a single angel, and he named it John. And from John he created two angels, and from those two four, and from the four, eight and so on, and so on.

Questions: He created John first, would that be John the baptist? How did angels such as Yashua, and Michael come about? What about Lucifer?

Yes, John the baptist. Time is meassured in Heaven in days, not years, or anything else. There is one week in existence and after that will be the beggining of an eternity. On the first day many great angels were created. First was John who is the angel of courage. Imagine, waking up in this range of clouds, and nothing else. There is you, and this crazy voice in your head who calls itself YHWH. John is the angel of courage. So many angels came of that, great ones, and terrible ones. Courage is the first light of God. The second light of God is patience, that was the very next angel in existence after John. As I said time is meassured in days, we are in the 7th day millions, maybe billions of years later. The 3rd light of God would come to be twoards the end of the first day, this angel was the angel of contempt. Much time had passed, angels were losing hope, not that they had it yet, and this angel came along who preached why not good enough? "Look at all we have, this is fantastic!" This was great to God, but this was not good enough. God always expects better, no mater what, you are suppose to do better. Angels did not believe this was possible. They said "look at all we have done, does this not please you?" "What can we do?" And God said have faith. And so it was, the second great angel gave rise, the 4th light of God, faith, Michael, the first archangel, general of God's army. When this mighty angel grew the angels had faith again, they knew now so much more was possible they were ready for anything.

Heaven at this time was still all clouds with simple acritexture, and beautiful monuments, even though the angels where contempt, they had faith in better, but they did not understand how. They knew why, but not how. It was not long after that the three remaining lights of God were born. After Michael was Rapheal, the 5th light of God. He is the angel of science. He saw all the pieces the other angels had brought to the table and he quickly put them all together and he did wonderous things in Heaven, things we can not even begin to imagine yet here on earth. Rapheal was the third great angel, and he is the the second archangel. They had faith, they all believed and they were all working to the same ends, and they knew how, and they created everything they possibly could, but they were still lacking. There where qurels and chaos. They didn't know what they were working twoards, they thought they were doing to no ends. They divided themselves and wars broke out, peace was not known in Heaven at this time, but then another great angel was born, this angel came to known as hope, Gabriel (f). She was the third angel made as a archangel. She was not the messiah, but she did exactly what her name entails, she gave hope back to Heaven. The 6th light of God.

This is where it gets dicey. After Michael, but before Rapheal, and Gabriel (f) there was Uriel, and after those four their where three more original archangels; Raguel, and Daniel where the 5th, and 6th general angels, then came the brightest of all angels, a mighty angel named Lucifer. He was chosen by God to eat of the tree of life and to know of everything. He kept the light of God with great honor and rightesousness he was the 7th archangel, but not a light of God. He was not the messiah YHWH had promissed to John, or to Micheal, or Rapheal nor where they, nor was Hope nor was any other angel in Heaven. And war broke out. Lucifer claimed to be the messiah, and some agreed, but Michael said nay, and Rapheal said nay, and Gabriel (f) say nay. Non of these virtues where the greatst part of God.

What, or who is the greatst part of God?

Passivness. Yashua.

Question: Im Catholic, will I be saved?

Answer: Do you have faith? Are you a good man? Your religion is irrelivent to God. He will judge you by everything you have brought into this world. Every deed you have done will be taken into account, your religion will not.

I'll post more questions. Give me feed back, and more questiong. I want to here from some specific posters like Arioch, Dywydyr, Lori, Signal. Just a few off the top of my head, all are welcome of course. I want some questions from Christians, from Jews, from Muslims. I want a agnostic. Mi-Kai-Gal will come in to chime for nature im sure. Atheist will ask questions.

I want to put for one suggested guideline for asking questions in this thread. Its a big assumption, but you don't have to take it home with you. I want you to follow this rule out of respect for the faithful, as we are a dying breed and we will be gone from this earth if revelation is to take place.

Follow this rule in my thread; God IS real, but he does NOT need to be real for us to exist. Im going to get into the bible, and why I am not against it, but certainly not for it. Why Judaism is the closest thing to a true religion, and who the holy land truley belong to. I want to give Sciforums some clerification on Noah's flood, and Exodus.

Remember noble learners, God is why, not how.
Question: Why did God create the universe, was it out of complete boredom, did he need help with something? Why angels? Why didn't he make humans perfect? And what is the diffrence between a soul, and a angel?

I believe God created the Universe as a response to the angel lucifers rebellion and claim to godhood. This universe is the stage set up for this claim to be proven wrong. So He needed to overcome the satanic challenge by showing it to be false not by simply destroying lucifer. Destroying lucifer would not have shown his claim to be false, it would have only shown that God ruled by brute force not by justification. So God needed the universe to reveal to the heavenly host (all angels) that He is justified as being the One and only God of all existence and that satans claim is unjustified.

Why Angels? Why not Angels.

God made man Good. But with the ability to come to the knowledge of Good and bad if they so desired. They desired and fell from a state of Good that they where greated in.

Well angels can be just spirit or they can be corporal depending on the will of God at the time. As for soul? The scriptures do not say wether angels have soul or not. So they may have soul.

Question: If God is omniscent, and he can do anything he wants to, then why does he let people die, or have cancer? He can cure us can't he?

The answer is does God have a need to heal us or keep us alive or prevent us from developing cancer? The answer in the case of death is no. Since the fall all men have died. If life is prolonged or someone is cured it is not to prolong their life or to cure them, They are cured or have their life prolonged because God needs that person to live longer or be cured. It serves His purpose. It is not about serving our desire to live longer or be cured of cancer. So the question from a Christian perspective is why did God heal that person or why did God prolong that person’s life? What task does God yet require of that person?

Question: Does God have a plan, if so what is it?

The restoration of as much as possible of existence back to eternal harmony.

Questions: He created John first, would that be John the baptist? How did angels such as Yashua, and Michael come about? What about Lucifer?

Yashua is not an angel. Emmanuel is God with Us He is the Word of God.

Michael and lucifer as angels came into existence before the creation of the universe.

As for John the baptist? He was only a human being born in about 4 BC.

Question: Im Catholic, will I be saved?

If one is a true catholic who defers to the authority of the catholic church on all matters doctrinal, i do not believe that one will be saved because to be saved one must Believe Jesus. Not just believe in Jesus. People who affirm a lie as the true will of the Messiah Jesus are in rebellion against Him. They believe in another jesus who is not Jesus the Messiah but a jesus who is the twisted manifestation of the faulty traditions of men.

All Praise The Ancient of Days
As two of the greatest theobots on the Sciforums website clash, no one knows who will come out on top. This seems to be an even match so, taking all bets guys, taking all bets.
A soul has no shape, a angel is a concious being with dominon over souls, and other things in creation, and the after life.

How do you know?

Answer: He is omniscent, just clear up what that is. He did not come into existence knowing everything, he came to aquire knowledge of everything over a very long time, then he gained conciousness of self, and this is when he started creating, and thene evolution took place. He could cure us, but is the 7th day, and God is tired.

Tired? That sounds like a bit of a weak excuse for an omnipotent being.

You see, the point of life is in large a test of faith.

Why did God bother creating life just to test its faith?

God's plan was to create the most perfect beings possible and to have them exist together.

Is it your claim that human beings are the most perfect beings possible?

Since he does not know if he is the most perfect thing that can possibly exist he had to do it by randomness. He created at random a single angel, and he named it John. And from John he created two angels, and from those two four, and from the four, eight and so on, and so on.

Are you saying that God doesn't know everything, then? Not omniscient?

Questions: He created John first, would that be John the baptist? How did angels such as Yashua, and Michael come about? What about Lucifer?

Yes, John the baptist.

Er... John the Baptist wasn't an angel. He was a man.

Time is meassured in Heaven in days, not years, or anything else. There is one week in existence and after that will be the beggining of an eternity. On the first day many great angels were created.

First was John who is the angel of courage. Imagine, waking up in this range of clouds, and nothing else. There is you, and this crazy voice in your head who calls itself YHWH. John is the angel of courage. So many angels came of that, great ones, and terrible ones. Courage is the first light of God. The second light of God is patience, that was the very next angel in existence after John. As I said time is meassured in days, we are in the 7th day millions, maybe billions of years later. The 3rd light of God would come to be twoards the end of the first day, this angel was the angel of contempt. Much time had passed, angels were losing hope, not that they had it yet, and this angel came along who preached why not good enough? "Look at all we have, this is fantastic!" This was great to God, but this was not good enough. God always expects better, no mater what, you are suppose to do better. Angels did not believe this was possible. They said "look at all we have done, does this not please you?" "What can we do?" And God said have faith. And so it was, the second great angel gave rise, the 4th light of God, faith, Michael, the first archangel, general of God's army. When this mighty angel grew the angels had faith again, they knew now so much more was possible they were ready for anything.

Heaven at this time was still all clouds with simple acritexture, and beautiful monuments, even though the angels where contempt, they had faith in better, but they did not understand how. They knew why, but not how. It was not long after that the three remaining lights of God were born. After Michael was Rapheal, the 5th light of God. He is the angel of science. He saw all the pieces the other angels had brought to the table and he quickly put them all together and he did wonderous things in Heaven, things we can not even begin to imagine yet here on earth. Rapheal was the third great angel, and he is the the second archangel. They had faith, they all believed and they were all working to the same ends, and they knew how, and they created everything they possibly could, but they were still lacking. There where qurels and chaos. They didn't know what they were working twoards, they thought they were doing to no ends. They divided themselves and wars broke out, peace was not known in Heaven at this time, but then another great angel was born, this angel came to known as hope, Gabriel (f). She was the third angel made as a archangel. She was not the messiah, but she did exactly what her name entails, she gave hope back to Heaven. The 6th light of God.

This is where it gets dicey. After Michael, but before Rapheal, and Gabriel (f) there was Uriel, and after those four their where three more original archangels; Raguel, and Daniel where the 5th, and 6th general angels, then came the brightest of all angels, a mighty angel named Lucifer. He was chosen by God to eat of the tree of life and to know of everything. He kept the light of God with great honor and rightesousness he was the 7th archangel, but not a light of God. He was not the messiah YHWH had promissed to John, or to Micheal, or Rapheal nor where they, nor was Hope nor was any other angel in Heaven. And war broke out. Lucifer claimed to be the messiah, and some agreed, but Michael said nay, and Rapheal said nay, and Gabriel (f) say nay. Non of these virtues where the greatst part of God.

How do you know all these things?
@James --

Better question to ask him would be "what the nelly are you going on about?"
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I believe God created the Universe as a response to the angel lucifers rebellion and claim to godhood.

Archangel Lucifer, that is important. The universe came into being as the first creation of God, after self. Lucifer had his rebelion on the 6th day. At this time on the 6th day everything had been achieved in Heaven, and every great angel was in existence. Lucifer had reason for his rebelion. And it was this. God has created everything, good and evil. He can define good and evil to a TEE, so why not pick out all the bad bugs and squish them? He thought human nature was a waiste of time. Lucifer saw human life as a mistake. You see, Lucifer is the light of God. This means that when Lucifer was created Lucifer had amzingly great faith, only that could rival Michael, and Gabriel. Being that Lucifer was not faith, and Lucifer was not hope he brought Lucifer into the wilderness of Heaven to be alone. When he was alone Lucifer taught him everything, from the begging of YHWH, to the end of man kind.

Lucifer knows how it all ends, and he saw it as a waist of time, and a waist of effort on his part to come down to earth and live forever and forever until we have saved every man woman and child. Not only that, but he thought that the task of saving every man woman and child would be impposible. So he seeked to overthrow Jesus, and use Michael as the messiah in Heaven. Michael too came to know everything, but he did this on his own, through his own reason. Lucifer first went to Archangel Michael to tell him his plan. Michael then told God. As I said in another thread, God does not interfer with nature so he does not smite, not even in Heaven. So what happend was Lucifer gathered his and theres, and Michael gathered his and all that they numbered. Lucifer rebelled and he lost.

And here is why I say give the devil his due. He was right to say saving every man woman and child was a impposible task, as there where angels in heaven who only wanted to destroy. Where he was wrong was to rebel, if he had just stayed fast he would too have a kingdom in Heaven. He was to be third in Heaven, after Jesus, and after Michael. He was to the personal voice, word, and eyes of YHWH.

So Lucifer rebelled in response to mankind, not the other way around.

This universe is the stage set up for this claim to be proven wrong. So He needed to overcome the satanic challenge by showing it to be false not by simply destroying lucifer. Destroying lucifer would not have shown his claim to be false, it would have only shown that God ruled by brute force not by justification. So God needed the universe to reveal to the heavenly host (all angels) that He is justified as being the One and only God of all existence and that satans claim is unjustified.

Why Angels? Why not Angels.

Think about it. 666 is the number of the beast, it is the number of a man. And if you are willing to take the mark of the six hundarad and sixty six then you are going to hell. 144,000 is the number of the faithful. God created angels as a test run to humanity. We go back up and we become the angels we were before we came to earth, that is how I see it. On the 6th day after the fallen had fallen God said, "go foth, all of you! Go to earth, and save every man woman and child. Save their dogs. Speak to the lowest insect and save he too, fore I have given you everything, and all I ask in return is this one task. Go to earth and do not return to heaven until you have saved all you can. Go now, all of you, I have sealed my gates, you shall not enter less I see ye fit."

God made man Good. But with the ability to come to the knowledge of Good and bad if they so desired. They desired and fell from a state of Good that they where greated in.

Story of the Apple.

On the 6th day after the fallen had fallen, and after Lucifer became Satan a grand announcement was made. God had made his decision. He had choosen his two wittneses. They would be the first, and they would go forever and forever until they had saved all they could. They would go and speak of all they see, and all they hear. They would give their testimony, and when they are done with that they will prophescy of the end. They will tell every man woman and child of their fate, after that they will striken down.

God chose faith, and hope as the two witnesses. They where the second and third greatst angels only to Yashua. Non where more trusted than them. They also shared a eternal union in Heaven, they where the perfect choices to be Adam, and Eve. On earth Michael, and Gabriel forgot everything they had known in Heaven even of eachother. After they met, and after they where shown to Eden God told them of a tree that layed in the midst of the garden, and it was his tree and not to eat of it, fore in that day they would surly die if they did so. Original sin, the lust of knowledge. The serpent who was Satan came to earth and lied to Eve who brought the lie to Adam. He made them wonder, and they ate of the tree of life. And then everyone in the garden ate of the tree of life. And to this day we eat of it daily. Original sin is the lust of knowledge, it is the sin every man woman and child share.

Well angels can be just spirit or they can be corporal depending on the will of God at the time. As for soul? The scriptures do not say wether angels have soul or not. So they may have soul.

Wrong, a angel is a soul.

The answer is does God have a need to heal us or keep us alive or prevent us from developing cancer? The answer in the case of death is no. Since the fall all men have died. If life is prolonged or someone is cured it is not to prolong their life or to cure them, They are cured or have their life prolonged because God needs that person to live longer or be cured. It serves His purpose. It is not about serving our desire to live longer or be cured of cancer. So the question from a Christian perspective is why did God heal that person or why did God prolong that person’s life? What task does God yet require of that person?


Yashua is not an angel. Emmanuel is God with Us He is the Word of God.

Of course he is, what else would he be?

Michael and lucifer as angels came into existence before the creation of the universe.


As for John the baptist? He was only a human being born in about 4 BC.

Human on earth, angel in Heaven.
How do you know?

I have no evidence of my claim that I can show you. My evidence is God, and my tool is faith.

Tired? That sounds like a bit of a weak excuse for an omnipotent being.

Yeah. He doesn't get tired. He just doesn't feel he should do anything at this point. He wants nature to settle itself.

Why did God bother creating life just to test its faith?

Good question. God showed the angels in Heaven miraculous things, they had no need to keep faith in Heaven when all was created. So he carried on with his plan for life on earth to prove faith was king. On earth we are all agnostic, period. We CAN NOT know of God, it is imposible, we only have our interpertations. God gave us faith on earth, and he will take it away to show its powers to all. There are many reason for the creation of life, but faith is the key propoienint to it, that is what God is set to prove, and do so very soon I must say.

Is it your claim that human beings are the most perfect beings possible?

No. Humans are the most random things created. They are part of nature. Lucifer lived three times. As a serpent for almost 1000 years, and the god Pharoh of Egypt, and as a man in rescent times who killed himself. Angels are men, and women.

Are you saying that God doesn't know everything, then? Not omniscient?

He does, but he does not know it all for fact, fore it has not happend yet. But he has been proven right time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time after time, and has never made a mistake, so there is nothing to suggest that he will ever make one.

Er... John the Baptist wasn't an angel. He was a man.

He was a man, three times.

How do you know all these things?

God is my eveidence, faith is my tool. God told me.
The point of this thread is for sciforums to come up with a standard of God, that knows no bounds. If we want to have realistic conversations of God we have to understand who and what he is. The only scripture I take to heart is Revelation, Genesis, the book of Jude, the gospels of Mary, and the gospels of Judas. I am not keen on my scripture, so maybe I will re read some. Religions binds their faith to peramiters of their religion. Here, we are all smart enough to know no man can know of God, because he simply does not show him self. All we have is opinons from men over time, and from men who claim to speak to God. I claim such a thing, and we have here modern, civilized men and women who are capable of sifting the crap from the gold in scripture from all religons.

A few key guidlines.

1. God is real, but he does not need to be real, and as far as I am concerned he is not real on earth because he has not put his mark on it. Anything that is to come of this world is by the doing of man, not God. He simply observes.

2. There is no true religion of God. Christians do not follow Christ because no Christ would preach a religion. Religion divides, when it should bring people together. If Christians are wrong, then Muslims are wrong, and if they are wrong the Judens are wrong.
Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to believe.

How does a theist explain that of the perhaps 100 billion people who have every lived, about half of them historically have died in the process of childbirth or soon afterward?
Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to believe.

How does a theist explain that of the perhaps 100 billion people who have every lived, about half of them historically have died in the process of childbirth or soon afterward?

As a man who believes in one God, but is inherintly agnostic I see it as God does not, and will not interfer with nature.
He seems to be doing so much non-interfering, how can you even tell he's there?

Secondly, how does this belief guide one's life if there is no communication with him?
He seems to be doing so much non-interfering, how can you even tell he's there?

Secondly, how does this belief guide one's life if there is no communication with him?

To answer both questions, I talk to YHWH every day.
So it's only in your head? How can you tell it's reliable? Has he told you anything you could not have known yourself?
As they say, "build thy house apon a rock." Thy house is a house of faith. A rock is something that will always hold true that you can feel. Your rock would be something God told you to be so, before you knew it was so. For me my rock is a woman. I met a girl, and I asked God over and over is she was going to be mine, and his answer was "she always has been, and she always will be."