
I think that part of your "proof" is still sitting on your computer. The image link for the first pic is: C:\My Documents\zvirbulvanags\orion.gif

Are the Pyramids really tombs?

They are realy travel and/or communication devices and not likely built by men, because there are no hieroglyphs (a king builds his burial chamber and not a word about him!:D) or if built not thought of as "oversized coffins".

read the link above, it says all my ideas and I wouldn't like to double everything;)

" Man and all things fear time, but time fears the pyramids"
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Originally posted by goofyfish
I gotta see the reference for that one...


Erich von Daniken
"Botschaften und Zeichen aus dem Universum"
(c) 1996 by Goldmann Verlag GmbH, Munchen
With regards to Ancient Native American Ballonists:
Originally posted by Avatar
Erich von Daniken
Oh, enough said right there, thanks.
I thought there might be hard evidence.

Hey, ok:) I know the guy has become too famous. But I thought tht it would be interesting to add, and not so impossible either.
I don't stick to it though, because I have vitnessed tht his immagination sometimes takes a flight:D

yeah, I admit-no hard evidence for tht one. But there are other more significant and important things thn these.

They are realy travel and/or communication devices and not likely built by men, because there are no hieroglyphs (a king builds his burial chamber and not a word about him!) or if built not thought of as "oversized coffins".

I agree, and I would like to add the possibility of them being power plants that capture energy from the constellation of Orion. ;)
This might be possible with technology beyond the four dimensions we know...

PS: Thanks for the book of the dead!! :)

I saw on the learning channel that sphinx got erored due to rain which puts the item before the area became a desert, i.e. over 10,000 BC. Here another link:

Astronomy Joins The Sphinx Debate
n 1989 I published a paper in the Oxford Journal, Discussions In Egyptology (vol. 13), in which I demonstrated that the three Great Pyramids and their relative position to the Nile created on the ground a sort of 3-D 'hologram' of the three stars of Orion's belt and their relative position to the Milky Way. To support this contention, I brought into evidence the inclined shaft in the Great Pyramid which were aimed at the south meridian towards these group of stars as well as written evidence from the Pyramid Texts that identified the afterlife destiny of the pyramid-kings with Orion.
Later in my book The Orion Mystery (Heinemann-Mandarin) I also demonstrated that the best fit for the Giza Pyramids/Nile pattern with the Orion's belt/Milky Way pattern occurred when the sky was pushed back in time (i.e. precessed) to the epoch of 10,500 BC. There were good reasons for doing so.

The ancient Egyptians, for example, constantly refer to a remote golden age they called Zep Tepi, 'The First Time' of Osiris, which they believed had long predated the Pyramid Age. Osiris was Orion, and the Great Pyramid had a shaft directed to Orion at the meridian. To me, this 'silent' astro-architectural language seemed to be spelling out 'here is Osiris in the sky when these pyramids were built, yet know, too, that his origins are rooted in the First Time.' But The 'First Time' of what? How could the stars of Orion have a 'First Time'?

Well they can. And they do. Provided, of course, that you can read through the allegorical 'language' of the ancients via the symbolic architecture and the related Pyramid Texts. Allegory, to put it in another way, is the 'Q-Basics' of the master astronomers who designed the Giza complex. When the stars of Orion are observed at the meridian in the precise manner that the ancient Egyptian astronomers did over many centuries, the could not help noting that these stars crossed the south meridian at different altitudes at different epoch. This is, of course, due to the phenomenon of Precession (see The Orion Mystery, appendices 1 and 2). In short, the stars of Orion can be said to have a starting point or 'beginning' at the nadir of their precessional cycle. Simple calculations show that this occurred in 10,500 BC. Could the ancient astronomers of the Pyramid Age have used their very clever 'silent language' combined with Precession to freeze the 'First Time' of Osiris - somewhat like the gifted architects of gothic cathedral froze in its allegorical stonework the 'time of Christ'?

In the summer of 1993 Graham Hancock and I got together to investigate this issue further. Graham was quick to realised the important implications this approach could have on the Sphinx problem. He had a hunch that the curious harking back to the epoch of 10,500 BC by the pyramid builders of Giza was an invitation by them to consider the actual age of the Sphinx. If this hypothesis was correct, then the Sphinx must be an 'original' time-marker of that remote epoch using an obvious celestial tag valid for 10,500 BC. But which tag? What could the Sphinx be representing that was in the sky? Could this have something to do with the due east direction of its gaze towards the horizon?

In his ground-breaking book Fingerprints of the Gods (Heinemann-Mandarin), Hancock pointed out that the 'First Time' date of 10,500 BC also denoted the beginning or 'First Time' of the Age of Leo. This was when the 'lion' constellation would have risen heliacally (at dawn before the sun) on the day of the spring (vernal) equinox. This event brought the celestial lion to rest due east, thus in perfect alignment with the Sphinx. The Sphinx, in other words, was made to look at his own image in the horizon - and consequently at his own 'time'. Hancock pointed out that 10,500 BC was no random date. It very precisely denoted another beginning, that of Orion-Osiris defined on the ground with the pattern and alignments of the nearby Pyramids. Here, then, were not just the Pyramids but also the Sphinx luring us to the same date of 10,500 BC. But were we dealing with a 'coincidence' -albeit an astonishing one- or was all this part of a deliberate long term scheme set by the ancients? Could it be possible that some blueprint was put into motion in 10,500 BC with the making of the Sphinx then to be completed much later by the builders of the Pyramids? Was there evidence of a continuous presence here at Giza through the ages of some master 'astronomers' who could have been responsible to see this scheme through?

If so, who were they? Where had they come from? Why here at Giza? Graham and I have spent the last two years researching this fascinating issue. We believe that what we have uncovered will change the perceptions of what Giza was (and still is) forever. The full results of our investigation, as you might have guessed, are laid out in our new book, Keeper of Genesis, available now at a discount through AA&ES. Suffice at this stage to say that author Colin Wilson, who gave the book an early review, thinks it's 'a much more satisfying tour de force' than Fingerprints of the Gods or The Orion Mystery. Meanwhile let us take a look at an intriguing archaeological discovery near the Sphinx that has very recently made the news.
Sorry Avatar, somehow, I scrolled past your posting....

then again...great minds think alike....:D :D
- - - TRUE - - -:)

So we see tht the nowaday aknowledged age of Egyptian civilization and pyramids is false. Facts talk for themselves - and those are cold hard facts not some phantasies of EvDaniken;)
It is proven-finito-end | there can be said nothing against it. Pyramids or at leas Sphinx have been built ~10 500 years ago.
Yeah and earth is not round and it also stands on a tower of turtles:D

Why not?! Goofyfish?
If you have some better facts against mine(ours) speak up, but these mysterious answers start to recall those of KalvinB, when his biblical world was put to a test;)
You have to be suspicious of anything with Graham Hancock's name attached to it. The guy is an established pseudo-scientist.
Originally posted by Avatar
If you have some better facts against mine(ours) speak up...
Robert Bauval himself leads off with
Startling new evidence from Giza appears to prove that the Sphinx was built over 10,000 years ago.
"Appears to prove..." I do not need any counter-facts, as there are no "facts" in the link that you provided. There is speculation, perhaps even interesting supposition, but no proof. To paraphrase John Anthony West's comments from your cite, would it stand in an "open court" under public scrutiny? Let me pick just one.
The vertical weathering patterns on the Sphinx and its enclosure, Schoch argued, were not caused by wind effect, as had previously been thought, but by water - water from torrential rains and pouring down in sheets over these ancient structures.
Where is the analytical data for Schoch's claim. Certainly not on his website. Has this analysis been confirmed separately?


By the way, the KalvinB comment was pretty low.
I'll be watching your replies quite closely from here on out. :D
Someone has to dig through this, here are some references to date Sphinx to 10,000BC

BRADLEY, Raymond S. "Paleoclimatology (International Geophysics Series)." Academic Press Ltd, 1999. Order Paleoclimatology from -- Covers paleoclimatic reconstruction, climate and climatic variation, dating methods, ice cores, marine sediments and corals, non-marine geological and biological evidence, pollen analysis, dendroclimatology, documentary data, and paleoclimate models. CHOWDHURY, A.N.; Punuru, A.R.; and Gauri, K.L. "Weathering of Limestone Beds at the Great Sphinx." ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY AND WATER SCIENCE. Vol. 15, No. 3 (1990), pp. 217-225.

GRIEVE, et al. "The Record of Terrestrial Impact Cratering," GSA TODAY. Vol. 5 No. 10 (1995), pp. 194-196 [Lists about 150 impact sites including the Chixalub crater].

GUARI, K.L.; Chowdhury, A.N.; Kulshreshtha, N.P.; and Punuru, A.R. "Geologic Features and Durability of Limestones at the Sphinx." ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY AND WATER SCIENCE. Vol. 16, No. 1 (1990), pp. 57-62.

GUARI, K.L.; Sinai, J.J.; and Bandyopadhyay, J.K. "Geologic Weathering and its Implications on the Age of the Sphinx." GEOARCHAEOLOGY. Vol. 10, No. 2 (1995), pp. 119-133.

HARRELL, J.A. "The Sphinx Controversy: Another Look at the Geologic Evidence." KMT. Vol. 5 (1994), pp. 70-74.

HILDEBRAND, et al. SCIENCE. Vol. 248 (1990), pp. 843-847 [Chixalub crater].

HILDEBRAND, et al. GEOLOGY. Vol. 19 (1991), pp. 867-871 [Chixalub crater].

IMBRIE, John and Imbrie, Katherine P. "Ice Ages: Solving the Mystery." Harvard University Press, 1986. Order Ice Ages from -- Discusses Milankovich cycles. Provides an excellent overview of theorized mechanics of Earth's ice ages.

KENNETT, J.P.; Hodell, D.A. "Stability or Instability of Antarctic Ice Sheets during Warm Climates of the Pliocene." GSA TODAY. Vol. 5, No. 1 (1995), pp. 1, 10-13, 22.

MEYEROFF, et al. GEOLOGY. Vol. 22, No. 1 (1994), pp. 3-4 [Chixalub crater].

POWELL, James Lawrence. "Night Comes to the Cretaceous: Dinosaur Extinction and the Transformation of Modern Geology." W.H. Freeman and Co., 1998. Order Night Comes to the Cretaceous from -- Was the extinction of the dinosaurs caused by the impact on Earth of an asteroid the size of Mount Everest? Powell describes the whole debate in a highly-readable text.

PUNURU, A.R.; Chowdhury, A.N.; Kulshreshtha, N.P.; and Gauri, K.L. "Control of Porosity on Durability of Limestones at the Great Sphinx, Egypt." ENVIRONMENTAL GEOLOGY AND WATER SCIENCE. Vol. 15, No. 3 (1990), pp. 225-232.

RUDDIMAN, W.F. and Wright, H.E. "North America and Adjacent Atlantic Ocean during the Last Deglaciation," GEOLOGY OF NORTH AMERICA. Vol. K3 (1987), pp. 509.

SAID, Rushdie, editor. "The Geology of Egypt." Rotterdam: Balkema Publishers, 1989. Order Geology of Egypt from -- The holocene climate history of Egypt (pp. 487-507).

SCHOCH, R.M.; West, J.A. "Redating the Great Sphinx of Giza, Egypt," GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA ANNUAL MEETING, San Diego, CA, 1991. -- Abstracts with programs.

SCHOCH, Robert M. and McNally, Robert Aquinas. "Voices of the Rocks: A Scientist Looks at Catastrophes and Ancient Civilizations." NY: Crown Publishers, 1999. Order Voices of the Rocks from -- For those who follow the work of Robert Schoch, geologist who worked with John Anthony West on "The Mystery of the Sphinx" video.

STANLEY, Steven M. "Children of the Ice Age: How a Global Catastrophe Allowed Humans to Evolve." W.H. Freeman and Co., 1998. Order Children of the Ice Age from -- Intriguing investigation into the effect on early humankind of the movement of land masses millions of years ago between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans that triggered an ice age that fragmented African forests.

VOGT, Peter R.; Tucholke, Brian E., editors. "The Western North Atlantic Region with Plates (The Geology of North America, Vol. M)." Geological Society of America, 1986. Order The Western North Atlantic Region from -- See pp. 720.

WICANDER, Reed and Monroe, James S. "Historical Geology." International Thomson Publishing, 1993. Order Historical Geology from

Once the soft limestone was exposed, the rain and atmosphere began to erode it. R.M. Schoch, a Boston University geologist, studying the weathering patterns on the Sphinx, found signs of water action up to 8 feet deep in the front and sides of the colossal statue. Other structures in the vicinity, made from the same limestone, supposedly at the same time (about 2500 BC), do not display such deep erosion. Based upon the depth of the weathering, Schoch dates the Sphinx at 5000-7000 BC--- much older than the mainstream date of 2500 BC. In fact, Schoch opines that work on the Sphinx could have begun as early as 10,000 BC.
Originally posted by kmguru
Someone has to dig through this, here are some references to date Sphinx to 10,000BC
Yes... that would be you if you are presenting these publications as supporting evidence.

Pyramid as a pump.

I looked at the web page that suggests that the great Pyramid is a water pump. The diagram for the pump design is not the same as the acutal Pyramid, therefore it is not a pump.

I heard that wooden crescent shaped objects have been found. Placed around a stone, rounding off the corners, enables it to be rolled into place. Very ingenious and practical.

At the bottom of the Great Pyramid, there is a dead-end hall. I think at one time, all of the Pyramids were accessable through underground passages. The inside of the Great Pyramid was probably a "Holly of Hollies", reserved for religious and/or government leaders. I think the current Egyptian currators know about more passages, but considering how history has shown that the treasures of ancient Egypt has always been exploited by others, they are reluctant to share this with others. Probably secrets of historical significance lies beneath Giza. But, information about UFOs and other such things are probably not there.