
Originally posted by James R
The latest theory seems to be that slaves did not build the pyramids. Rather, pious Egyptian citizens did the construction.
It is interesting that you bring that up. I only recently heard this myself. Additionally, not just the pious; it has been theorized that working on pyramid construction was actually a coveted job.

I have not yet found cites for this information, but I will pass any along that I find.

Thanks for all the great info everyone. I still don't believe that humans alone built these great structures. Don't you think the hieroglyphics carved on the inside walls of these Pyramids have some significance and relevance? They tell stories of Alien like creatures. How about the pictures of some sort of spacecraft. Now where would they get these ideas from if they did not see them?

These Pyramids definaltly seem Mystic to me.
The ancient(more ancient;) ) pyramids don't have any writting inside them, which is quite significant, because Egyptians in all times liked to record everything.
In fact I don't think tht they were built only as burial chambers. They have thei hidden purpose. Heard of undiscovered rooms inside the great pyramids ? They are confirmed to exist, but for some unspoken purpose Egyptien gavernment doesn't allow further study?????????????:mad:
Heard of undiscovered rooms inside the great pyramids ? They are confirmed to exist, but for some unspoken purpose Egyptien gavernment doesn't allow further study?????????????

Good point... ;)
The Egyptien government now is reminding me another one... :rolleyes:

Where are those rooms? If the position of the pyramids are aligned with Orion, those rooms must have a relation too!!

Do you have any link, Avatar?


They tell stories of Alien like creatures. How about the pictures of some sort of spacecraft.

Yup... like the Vimanas in the Hinduism...
Interesting... and if those gods in those Religions have something to do with aliens? I don't really thing it might be... but... who knows? :confused: :confused:

Some say, the Egyptian Government does not allow any more exploration in hard to get areas - is because, they are afraid, it will be found out that the pyramid was built by an earlier civilization. Then they will lose the MOJO....

<i>Don't you think the hieroglyphics carved on the inside walls of these Pyramids have some significance and relevance? They tell stories of Alien like creatures. How about the pictures of some sort of spacecraft</i>

All of those pictures have been misinterpreted by the UFO nutters. Things that appear to be alien beings are mostly Egyptians gods, or representations of death, or other things totally explainable with reference to Egyptian culture. Same goes for the "spacecraft".


Yes, there are unexplored areas in some tombs and pyramids in Egypt. Archaeology these days is an exacting business. Nobody wants to miss details or destroy important finds when they dig stuff up, so they plan everything carefully and do small parts at a time. The Egyptian government aren't afraid of what will be found. They are just being careful not to destroy valuable artifacts and information. We only get one try at any excavation, and mistakes have been made in the past.

There's an ongoing exploration by robots of one of the shafts in the Great Pyramid which I find interesting. There's some sort of door blocking one of the shafts. I wonder what's behind it? We'll have to wait and see.
I repeat there are no writings on the walls of the Great pyramids at Giza. Of the 2 examples of scant and brief ancient graffit being reportedly found in the stack above the kings chamber one has been proven a hoax.
Originally posted by LIGHTBEING
It just seems impossible for humans to build something like the Great Pyramid. I mean the blocks weighed 2 tons, a peice of paper couldn't fit in between any 2 blocks, it was Astrologically alligned, mathmatically designed perfectly. Someone told me once(not sure if it is true) that we tried to replicate a smaller-scaled pyramid and we were unsuccessful. Does anyone know about this?

I saw the show were a small team tried to build a scaled down version of one of the pyramids. They tried using the more suspected popular beliefs in techniques. They gave themselves a deadline that would replicate the timatable used to build the original. It was a debacle. They couldn't do it. Bricks were falling all over the place. They were getting frustrated. It was quite amusing. So here you have modern man trying to duplicate the pyramids using primitive building methods unsuccessfully. So how were they built? In school I was taught that the blocks were rolled on logs. Later I learned that the weight of the blocks would crush the logs so the answer is not simple and no explaination should be tossed aside. Even something as far fetched as E.T.s because if the answer was so simple we would have known a long time ago.
The worst case is the Machu Picchu site where stones weigh upto 200 tons going up the mountains. I do not think, aliens did it. I think, these people had some technology that we do not anymore. It could be anti-gravity or it could be some chemicals that are used to dissolve the stones to a liquid and set.

Latest theory is the chemical method. The problem with that is the way the stones are set. And they all should be exactly the same size if forms are used (for each form). That leaves anti-gravity. We do not even have a speculative theory on that. Any bright ideas?
O...ya...if you were vacationing in India with your sweet-heart, will you stop by at the local construction site to lend a hand for building their temple? May be you would, provided the locals put a statue of you and your sweet-heart inside....right?
Originally posted by LIGHTBEING
It just seems impossible for humans to build something like the Great Pyramid. I mean the blocks weighed 2 tons, a peice of paper couldn't fit in between any 2 blocks, it was Astrologically alligned, mathmatically designed perfectly. Someone told me once(not sure if it is true) that we tried to replicate a smaller-scaled pyramid and we were unsuccessful. Does anyone know about this?

I am not sure what to say?. But 1000 years from now if and only if some of our great building or their ruins will remain on earth, then the future generations might question how was that possible for the people of that time?. For the longest time I used to think that Egyptions got help from aliens but now I kinda think that, any thing is possible by humans. It doesn't mean that I don't believe in aliens but I think I believe in humans more. We are capable of doing amazing as well as horrific things.

Pyramids are amazing thou. Since I have visited them. There is strange kind of sense of silence there. Like some one is watching you. Or may be I was just freaking out. Abul-Hal is another great sight to see, human head on a body of a lion. Does any one else have visited them? I remember while back readin in readers digest that lots of scientists and many worker have died in mysterious circumstances while working or researching on those pyramids or mummies, I am not sure if some one can confirm this. But they gave a huge time frame like from early 1900 till today. Last death was listed from year 1998. I do think about stonehenge, I think that was really some sort of stargate kinda thing but it raises the same question again, did they just build an astronomical device or was that something or some sort of communications. Oh man I love all kind of mysterious things...............and maya force is my favourite.:rolleyes: :)
Originally posted by Avatar
The ancient(more ancient;) ) pyramids don't have any writting inside them, which is quite significant, because Egyptians in all times liked to record everything.
In fact I don't think tht they were built only as burial chambers. They have thei hidden purpose. Heard of undiscovered rooms inside the great pyramids ? They are confirmed to exist, but for some unspoken purpose Egyptien gavernment doesn't allow further study?????????????:mad:

I think their common believe was that they will become alive once more and then they will need all the things. That's why they have all kind of goddies burried with them.
I saw somewhere one time on a website there was this guy who was supposed to project his soul asterialy through time and space blah blah. He said he went back in time to ancient Egypt and he said they used what looked like giant balloons to lift the stone from place to place. According to him certain chambers in specific pyramids were used for time travel. "Believe it or not" the guy was probably a nut.
not so crazy as you might think. Ancient indians (America) used hot air or other gas ballons in their burial ceremonies. They tossed their dead king in the gondol(sp) with different goodies and let him fly. To all the folks it seemed like the king is going straight to heaven. of course later shamans searched for the fallen body and burried it;)
Personally I can not choose between some more ancient civilization who gave ancient egyptians a hand (Atlantis maybe) or those were aliens. But for what purpose did aliens use them:confused: , maybe like in Stargate;). It is beleived from some ancient sources (maybe a hoax who knows, but can be true) tht in those rooms filled with sand (good preservative) lies ancient technology of the gods(presumably aliens). Now then; Ehyptian government says tht there is no use for breaking into rooms which are filled only with sand. this rises another question -Why in what hell did those ancient people need to fill some hidden rooms with sand:D?. of course to hide and/or preserve something. I lean more towards aliens, but if they were humans then that should be one hell of an advanced civilization, because it had space technology, lasers, radio communications and as some here have stated- antigravity technology. In either way the true story of our history needs a heavy edit, because tht what is taught in schools nowaday makes me laugh. Any human who has logic and open mind can see tht pyramids weren't built by some small tribes raring and sittin by a fire:D And the aknowledged pyramid built methods are worth nothing.

Here's a link about those modern "pyramid" builders

doors to the hidden room

to quote one guy (whos' name I do not know)
I have a theory! You know how when you were a kid, and you watched Bugs Bunny cartoons? They were funny and seemed innocent enough, I mean, they were written for kids, right? Have you seen them as an adult? They are totally different cartoons! There are many sexual references! In one cartoon, Bugs Bunny is hung over! You don’t notice these things when you’re a kid. It goes right over your head. It’s not in a child’s capacity to understand these references and undertones, they’re much too young and immature. Even though they are right there in front of you, in the cartoon. But as an adult, with the knowledge and maturity gained, you suddenly see what you’ve been missing and see the cartoon completely different. What if the secrets to the pyramids are the same principal? What if it’s ALL there written in hieroglyphics, but we are not advanced (mature) enough to fully understand and comprehend what they are saying?
What if there are no secrets? What if the real mystery is WHEN are we going to be advanced enough to understand who they were, where they came from, what happened to them, etc., etc.
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In either way the true story of our history needs a heavy edit, because tht what is taught in schools nowaday makes me laugh.

Pretty much like me... ;)

From your link...
Hercules is, of course, a Phoenician deity (Baal Melkart), in turn derived from Bala or Bala-Rama ("the Strong Rama"), the twin

Hercules is also supposed to be one of the encarnations of Jesus, according to the Greek Mithology... ;)

Those links are really interesting...! :)

Personally, I Loved your last quote...
It explains why some people can't understand me...

You know... I Love Bugs Bunny cartoons... :D:D

I've found a proof tht pyramids are older than 2500 years as all major scientists say. Today we all agree tht te great pyramids of Giza represent the Orion's belt (consisting of 3 stars). The position in what pyramids are located shows tht the same position for Orion's be;t was ~ 10 500 years ago

Orion, Taurus, Sirius and The Milky Way
during the Age of Leo ~ circa 10,500 BC

I add this link- - - - -

[I know it is not, but there is a lot put together;) ]
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