Pyramids and aliens

There's more to a pyramid that meets the eye!

Modern physics confirms that there is matter, perhaps called "super-symmetric matter", which we can neither see nor detect because it is independent of the properties of electrons and electromagnetism. (The incredible story of Claude Vorilhon Rael includes a specific reference to metal in his book "The book which tells the truth". On the face of it, laughably, he was invited by an alien for a trip in a gravity-defying flying saucer. Crucially he reports the strict injunction not to travel wearing any metal, suggesting an electromagnetic connexion with the flying mechanism). In the "Super Unification Thory" of modern physics, super-symmetric matter is linked with the nature of gravity. The transmission of matter symmetry information is required by modern quantum theory to be instantaneous. Because super-symmetric matter contains none of the properties of electrons, electromagnetic waves cannot interact with it and we therefore cannot see it. But perhaps we can. People who dowse come across something called the Hartmann Grid. This is a series of lines around 2 metres apart which cover the whole earth upon which dowsing rods want to cross. The regularity of the lines suggests that there are wave interference effects which are being observed and that they may be gravitational, associated with the properties of mass. What is interesting is that some years ago a comet met its end crashing into Jupiter and then, dowsers reputedly observed a disturbance of the Hartman grid 45 minutes before the arrival of the light of the event. If that observation was correct, the information appeared to have traveled at faster than the speed of light.

On this hypothesis David Pinnegar has taken dowsing rods into the Pyramids of Egypt looking for a possible connexion between dowsing, mass and gravitational variations and/or waves. Inside the second pyramid, the Hartmann Grid observable outside was not observable inside, and dowsing lines inside the chamber at the centre suggested that "standing waves" were being observed associated with the mass of the pyramid. Standing wave phenonomae and lines corresponding with arrangement of local masses were observed also both at the Funerary temple near the Sphinx at at the massive temple of Karnac.

Gravitational waves do affect us: there are people who we call "lunatics" who are directly affected by the gravity of the moon. We see the water of the tides move too. We are ourselves 90% water - and our brains are equally full of it. The water molecule is physically and electrically lop-sided, imbalanced. As water molecules move, electrical charges move and interfere with other electrical charges moving in our brains. As our brains move charges, they move water molecules with them! So the effect of gravitational waves or local variations could be the mechanism by which dowsing phenonomae are observed.
Well. It just goes to show, once and for all. Y'really can't argue with a man holding a split piece of ash or else waving a couple of coat-hangers around, can you....?
Mr Anonymous said:
Well. It just goes to show, once and for all. Y'really can't argue with a man holding a split piece of ash or else waving a couple of coat-hangers around, can you....?

Yea......That's some real science in action, isn't it?:D
It can be conjectured that the Egyptians built the massive pyramids, not only to bury their kings or queens but they also acted as gravity antennas. The biggest Giza pyramid is estimated to weigh 6 million tons and the King’s and Queen’s burial chambers are close to and equidistant from the center of gravity of the pyramid.
It is quite possible that the ancient Egyptians understood that localized gravity might help the passage of soul through intergalactic space.

Alternatively it is also possible that Egyptians thought that a pyramid might act as an antenna for deep thought or Universal Consciousness to help resurrect the King and the Queen! I feel the same laws may have been used by the Yogis when they meditated inside deep caves in mountains. The mountains could have acted as antennas for reception of universal knowledge.

At another level, the earth’s gravitational field might have helped in evolution of life on this planet. The molecules of a certain size became “living” when they resonated with the gravitational field of the earth. It is quite possible that at this juncture the concept of time also got embedded in the "living" systems. These could be the “critical size” molecules, which were essential for evolution of life. We do not know what this critical size was but these molecules effectively became gravity

In nature all the forces acting on a living entity help in its evolution. Gravity forces are the largest force acting on any organism on this planet earth. Hence it is natural and quite possible that gravity helped in life’s evolution. It may be interesting to test this hypothesis by taking the “critical size” molecules in the zero gravity environment of outer space and to see whether they replicate and transfer the genetic information-the basic prerequisite for life.

The interaction of deep thought and gravity can also be seen in the interaction of alpha waves and earth. Alpha waves are produced in the brain when we are in meditation or relaxing. These waves are generally in the range of 8-12 Hz frequency. The earth diameter (~12,800 km) is such that it can have a standing half-wave of 11.7 Hz (very close to 12 Hz).

Is it therefore possible that our brain evolved in such a manner that the earth’s geometry influenced the alpha wave production?
Incidentally scientists have also discovered that before major earthquakes an electromagnetic wave of 0.01-10 Hz comes from deep inside the earth.

This wave is sometimes sensed by animals and could be the basis of reported earthquake prediction by them. In some other habitable planet the living beings may have different alpha waves depending on the geometric shape and size of that planet.
Similarly life on other planets may evolve according to their gravity field.

Our present science is based on reductionist principles. We believe that once we find the basic building block then we can construct the whole universe around it. Thus the physicists all over the world are building bigger and bigger atom smashing machines to smash the matter and discover that ever elusive building block. I feel we are looking at the wrong end of spectrum. Interaction of large number of variables producing their unique signatures may provide a mechanism to link all the various forces of nature. Hence our thesis of deep thought and its relationship with time, mass, space,Universal Consciousness and knowledge maybe a step in the right direction.
Vega said:
It can be conjectured that the Egyptians built the massive pyramids, not only to bury their kings or queens but they also acted as gravity antennas.

Well, yup. It can. I believe that's what you just did. Can't argue with the evidence of ones own eyes now, can one?

Good luck with that, by the way.
A gravity sensor which Joe Parr had discovered involves the Great Pyramid and pyramid shapes in general. A static (i.e., non-moving) pyramid was aligned north-south/east-west and flat coils wound on audio tape reels were placed on the north and south side of the pyramid.

A spark gap made from a blown 1 microfarad capacitor was place at the apex of the pyramid in series with a battery, resistor and chart recorder (see figure 6). The chart recorder registered daily changes in the energies around the pyramid.

The energy bubble over time had various levels of opacity to all types of radiation.

Experiments putting radio frequency emitters, radioactive sources - specifically beta emitters, magnetic sources, and ion sources all showed attenuation when in the energy bubble which surrounds the pyramid.

Intensive research over 13 years showed that the bubble could be fed negative ions and this would intensify the opacity of the bubble. At certain times of the year the energy bubble would totally block the force of gravity, nuclear radiation, and electromagnetic radiation. Another effect noted that the pyramid seemed to be resonant at 500 and 1000 Hz.

At one time during the 11 year sun spot cycle the static pyramid sensor went dead and quit providing data. In order to find another method of continuing the research the reasoning was that a moving sensor could possibly continue providing data. Joe Parr built an elaborate experimental setup he named the "centrifuge".

Extensive experiments with the centrifuge provided additional data on the pyramid energy bubble.

Positive ions in the centrifuge would cause the pyramid to be drawn to the moon. Negative ions in the centrifuge would cause the pyramid to be repelled away from the moon.

At certain times of the year (around December 8th-15th and May 8th-15th) the energy bubble around the pyramids in the centrifuge would become totally opaque to local gravitation and inertial forces and rip off the end of the centrifuge arm causing extensive damage to the interior of the centrifuge.

Detailed analysis of the amount of energy of the pyramid, when they ripped free, showed that an 8 gram pyramid had approximately 2000 pounds of force (i.e., 113,000 times increase in kinetic energy). It is hypothesized that the pyramid moves into a different time/space condition called h-space.

The centrifuge experiments also correlated with the static pyramid in that putting radio frequency emitters, radioactive sources, magnetic sources, and ion sources all were attenuated when in the pyramid energy bubble.
And the peer reviewed journal this ground breaking, epoch making, theory shaking work is published in is........? ?
The beauty of these discoveries is that they are all interrelated so a synergistic effect will be produced whereby a breakthrough in one area will vastly improve our understanding in other areas.

For example, a breakthrough in gravitational physics will provide a deeper understanding in nuclear physics, free energy production, superluminal energy production, aetheric engineering, etc.

1. Paul Stowe, A Definition of Electric Charge, private paper, May 2, 1993
2. Paul Stowe and Barry Mingst, The Cause of Gravity, private paper, April 28, 1991
3. Dan Davidson, "Free Energy: Breakthroughs to New Free energy Devices", copyright 1977, ISBN 0-9626321-0-4, RIVAS, P.O. Box 1090, Sierra Vista, AZ 85636.
4. Dan Davidson, Jerry Decker, Mass Resonance - Another Antigravity Secret, Copyright Dan A. Davidson December 1994, published in Extraordinary Science magazine, Apr/May/Jun 1995.
5. Bruce Cathie, Acoustic Levitation of Stones, from the book "Anti-Gravity and the World Grid" by David Hatcher Childress, Adventures Unlimited Press, Box 22, Stelle, IL 60919, ISBN 0-932813-03-8.
So, not a single peer reviewed publication amongst them. Nevertheless, thank you for taking the time to provide what details there are.
Last time I had a conversation with my favorite alien, he informed me that the pyramid was part of earth's energy-grid supplying the worlds energy needs. It stripped the outer layers off certain cosmis rays by reflection through granite/quartz at the ratio of pi and what was left was beamed down a pit into the core of the earth, setting up in the ionisphere a charged field that our engines accessed like radios tuning in. I didn't believe a word of it, this little alien was drunker than shit.
Alsophia Theophilos said:
I didn't believe a word of it, this little alien was drunker than shit.
Did he have a slightly irridescent skin, small ears and bow legs? If so, and he stuck with you with the bar bill, then I think I know him. He's always ptiching that pyramid story. You were right to ignore him.