Pyramids and aliens

Tyltyl said:
Actually they STILL build pyramids.
There's one in France, in front of the Louvre museum.


The French used faith and unknown technology to build it over one nighttime.
Of course strange happenings inside, some human autopsies, UFO tests and parties.

Maybe aliens like to party too. Especially the ones from Zeta2 Reticuli......Another round of Alien beer please. Drinks are on the house (or pyramid that is). :D
Tyltyl said:
The French used faith and unknown technology to build it over one nighttime.
Of course strange happenings inside, some human autopsies, UFO tests and parties.

Both factually accurate and perfectly true, although lest we forget, the Human autopsies are conducted with a certain la convoitise pour la vie and flair few others cultures readily aspire to.

And as for their UFO Testings.... Why panaché just isn't the word.

Shame about what the fuckers do to Geese and Citrons, but y'can't have everything.
lol, you still haven't solved the pyramid mystery. they were built by the early descendants of the giants from a destroyed continent, who used levitation tools (not technological) to lift the stones and also dematerializing tools to cut them. they lift the stones with their mind sort of (mind over matter), but they had tools which could strengthen the will power (life force, magnetism) thousand times.

and the symbol mystery of the pyramid is 3(god)x4(elements)=12(zodiac)

triangle=god (3 in 1)

i know it sounds a bit weird, but it's true!!!!!1
c7ityi_ said:
lol, you still haven't solved the pyramid mystery. they were built by the early descendants of the giants from a destroyed continent, who used levitation tools (not technological) to lift the stones and also dematerializing tools to cut them. they lift the stones with their mind sort of (mind over matter), but they had tools which could strengthen the will power (life force, magnetism) thousand times.

and the symbol mystery of the pyramid is 3(god)x4(elements)=12(zodiac)

triangle=god (3 in 1)

i know it sounds a bit weird, but it's true!!!!!1

Where can I get some of these great pyramid buiding tools? Home Depot? :D
Novacane said:
Where can I get some of these great pyramid buiding tools? Home Depot? :D
You can't get them because the early descendants of the sons of God dematerialized all of them except the ones which they left for Moses ("Ark of the Covenant" and "Aaron's rod"). The great pharaohs in ancient egypt always had a rod of life, which they used to control weather and other "laws of nature", and that's why kings now have a rod, but it's now only a mere symbol of power.

That's also the reason magicians have a small "magic wand". They no longer know the real "magic", they only do tricks... they imitate that which was once true, as if their wand had any power.

Besides the kings, Gods were usually pictured with the rod of life/God in their hand:

The "Ark of the Covenant" was essentially the same thing as the rod, except it was more powerful.

After so many years, both the Ark of the Covenant and the rod have run out of power, so even if you found them you'd have no use of them, because man can no longer control the divine powers that rule the universe. Moses dematerialized his body with the rod, that's why his body will never be found.
c7ityi_i know it sounds a bit weird, but it's true!!!!!1

:) ... If it helps in the slightest I believe you implicitly. I haven't a clue what it was y'just said, obviously, but you're considerably less wordy about things than I am and, Hey!

That can't be a bad.

My regards,

c7ityi_ said:
You can't get them because the early descendants of the sons of God dematerialized all of them except the ones which they left for Moses ("Ark of the Covenant" and "Aaron's rod"). The great pharaohs in ancient egypt always had a rod of life, which they used to control weather and other "laws of nature", and that's why kings now have a rod, but it's now only a mere symbol of power.

That's also the reason magicians have a small "magic wand". They no longer know the real "magic", they only do tricks... they imitate that which was once true, as if their wand had any power.

Besides the kings, Gods were usually pictured with the rod of life/God in their hand:

The "Ark of the Covenant" was essentially the same thing as the rod, except it was more powerful.

After so many years, both the Ark of the Covenant and the rod have run out of power, so even if you found them you'd have no use of them, because man can no longer control the divine powers that rule the universe. Moses dematerialized his body with the rod, that's why his body will never be found.

When and if they ever find the real 'Ark of the Covenant' and it works, then comes the copycats. :D
Prince_James said:
The pyramids would be RIDICULOUSLY easy to build, actually. The structure of the pyramid is essentially a raised mound. It is far more difficult to make the towering spires which we shunt into the sky, which have to take into consideration the forces of the wind, structural stresses, getting water and air up there, et cetera, et cetera.

The marvel is in the building techniques which did not admit of mechanizaiton.

Are you kidding, maybe we could do it but not easily. They could not even build my office building easily. Mess up after mess up. I thought it would be duck soup.

There is a long hallway in the great pyrimid and I think its ceiling and walls do not vary more than a fraction of an inch. ever try to wallpaper your house? You will find not even a 8 foot span is level. Now it could be that we simply don't give a crap today. Maybe they were ultra picky about things being corretly lined up. Its amazing in 2000 years it did not settle.

More amazing is how many blocks there are and how much they weigh. No high tech tools to work with and really not enough time to build it even in 100 years. There are 2,300,000 giant blocks of stone. Lets say they put down 1 per day. hmm 6300 years or so. Well maybe 10 per day..630 years! Well lets say 100 per day still 63 years which is still double the 30yr estimate.

Thats 12 hours day working weekends and never ending for 63 years. No high tech toys. That also includes leveling cutting the stone, dragging it without wheels. Its pretty damn impressive.

To say it would be easy today is over estimating just a bit. If it were easy it would have been duplicated by now.
Novacane said:
It appears pyramids have lost fashion in the last 2,000 years. At least, as far as I know of, there aren't any pyramids currently being constructed in downtown los Angeles or Manhattan. How about Portland?
You forgot about Las Vegas! Also, Indianapolis has a group of buildings that look like pyramids.
madanthonywayne said:
You forgot about Las Vegas! Also, Indianapolis has a group of buildings that look like pyramids.

Las Vegas! No better place to build a pyramid. All that Vegas money just waiting to be dumped into a powerful pyramid casino. Should be a good place for those aliens to land their flying saucers, have a few burgers, some drinks and spend some of their hard earned Chubaca dollars and then head for those Iowa or Nebraska cornfields and get in a few crop circles before heading home. Ah.......What a life!:D
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the pyramids are not graves, but when the ark of the covenant was no longer kept in the great pyramid, the bodies of the 'god-people' were put in the pyramids because their body was like the ark of the covenat, so they radiated good energy for egypt long after they were gone.
Novacane said:
When and if they ever find the real 'Ark of the Covenant' and it works, then comes the copycats. :D
no, they couldn't copy it because they can't copy the power which has faded away. i mean... the ark of the covenant was just a piece of metal. a special metal which could transmit and transform and strengthen all kinds of energy. but i think only a few special enlighetened people could have any use of them.

later in the future we will make our own technological thing which works on the same principle as the ark of the covenant.

no one would want such powerful tools now, because we would destroy the earth with it. the continent of the giants was destroyed with the rod of life you know (by a black magician)

Stop spreading these stories.

Everyone knows that it was the war with Archaea and Stygia which slew the Atlanteans and submersed their continent. Moreover, the pyramids are the receptacles of Stygian demons, not of "good energy".

Crom and his devils! Have you not read the histories?
c7ityi_ said:
lol, you still haven't solved the pyramid mystery. they were built by the early descendants of the giants from a destroyed continent, who used levitation tools (not technological) to lift the stones and also dematerializing tools to cut them. they lift the stones with their mind sort of (mind over matter), but they had tools which could strengthen the will power (life force, magnetism) thousand times.

and the symbol mystery of the pyramid is 3(god)x4(elements)=12(zodiac)

triangle=god (3 in 1)

i know it sounds a bit weird, but it's true!!!!!1
are you talking about nephilim???, creatures from the skies?
maybe i shud read the conan stories some day. but only the comics, because books have so much text, and no pix.

Vega said:
are you talking about nephilim???, creatures from the skies?
yeah, but the nephilim didn't come from the sky. and they have many names, and there's much misunderstanding about them...
c7ityi_ said:
the pyramids are not graves, but when the ark of the covenant was no longer kept in the great pyramid, the bodies of the 'god-people' were put in the pyramids because their body was like the ark of the covenat, so they radiated good energy for egypt long after they were gone.

no, they couldn't copy it because they can't copy the power which has faded away. i mean... the ark of the covenant was just a piece of metal. a special metal which could transmit and transform and strengthen all kinds of energy. but i think only a few special enlighetened people could have any use of them.

later in the future we will make our own technological thing which works on the same principle as the ark of the covenant.

no one would want such powerful tools now, because we would destroy the earth with it. the continent of the giants was destroyed with the rod of life you know (by a black magician)

It's those so-called 'White' magicians that call themselves presidents that I'm worried about. :D