Putin's invasion of Ukraine

I might add that just because it may be a solution doesn't necessarily mean that it will happen. Cold war mentalities and paranoia still pervade our older generational leaders. The key difference I see is that it is that Putin is dependent on the West's support for too many things and all he is really doing is political posturing as part of his leadership cycle. (The Russians just love it when conflict calls upon their collective patriotism. Not unlike those in the USA and other places as well.) Putin needs the support of his older generational ex cold war generals and playing up to them is also part of his strategy.
The improvement in citizen prosperity etc in China and Russia etc over the last 30 odd years means that economics has a greater priority IMO than what was happening in the cold war and invading Ukraine would be simply bad for business.
but really, I have no idea what I am writing about and haven't really been paying all that much attention to it...

Chrimea is the new gate way
it needs to be easily supported and secure
as china expands russia will want to expand.
russia will want to install some of its migs around there within easy reach of turkey
they have a score to settle which is waiting & russia will want to exert its military power over turkey and dominate that entire region.
russia has been dealing with the terrorist threat coming from that region and needs to extend coverage to stamp it out
a large more comprehensive military base in chrimea would do that and add protection to the black sea which is russias back door step soon coming russias front door step

the black sea is a critical aqua culture zone that russia must secure beyond all doubt for food security
geopolitical buffer
...just to add to your comment which I generally agree with, I really wonder whether the powers that be understand the nature of globalization. No-where is actually safe and no-where needs to be invaded. Moscow is just as vulnerable to catastrophic outcomes as New York is or London is etc..
"So a Ukrainian extremist decides to take the train to Moscow with a dirty nuke in a back-pack as pay back for Putin's actions..." etc
ICBM's do not have to be nuclear...
US, UK and other European countries are coward, they cannot protect Ukraine.
They can only bully small countries like Iraq, Libya, Syria, but not Russia or China.
US, UK and other European countries are coward, they cannot protect Ukraine.
They can only bully small countries like Iraq, Libya, Syria, but not Russia or China.
If anything was going to force Ukraine to join NATO then this latest move by Russia's dictator will do it easily.
US, UK and other European countries are coward, they cannot protect Ukraine.
They can only bully small countries like Iraq, Libya, Syria, but not Russia or China.
Yeah, Russia invaded the USA last month, but the media or anyone didn't notice.
US, UK and other European countries are coward, they cannot protect Ukraine.
They can only bully small countries like Iraq, Libya, Syria, but not Russia or China.
Article two signed by the USSR on the UN charter after WWII stated sovereign equality for all it's member states. Russia broke that agreement when Putin said that those Ukraine provinces are viewed as independent. The world disapproves of Russia's hostile actions but you just want to call the USA and others names?

Well, if so, at least try to do a better job.
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After WWII, US rampaged around the world and killed millions of innocent lives.
The devil is US.
Sanction here sanction there,
accused China.

Hope Russia will blow the faces of US and UK.
Reports that airbases, air defense sites, and other military facilities in the outskirts of Kyiv and various other Ukrainian cities are being hit by ballistic and cruise missiles as we speak. So it looks like the war has begun. 7:55 PM PST/ 10:55 PM EST
The Ukraine president promised weapons to every citizen that wants to defend their country.

I think this is more important than loosing some strategic buildings; NATO could help this war be won just by supplying guns.
After WWII, US rampaged around the world and killed millions of innocent lives.
The devil is US.
Sanction here sanction there,
accused China.

Hope Russia will blow the faces of US and UK.
This is 2022. And you want to roll back time and see the rebirth of the USSR. You want the world to devolve do you?


Sanctions and guns.

Maybe, just maybe, we can hope.


Martial Law declared.
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You would think that Putin would have learned from history but no ...welcome to the second cold war. *CW2...(most likely outcome IMO)
144 million people (Russia 2020) and all taking a big hit in their vodka rations.
Sanction here sanction there,
Nations have no obligations other that good faith to trade. Any one can refuse to sell or buy stuff when ever they want..
Sanctions are just a withdrawal of services/products that Putin doesn't seem to want or value any how...
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What allies does Russia have now?
I see Belarus, China,Iran and ,presumably N Korea.

Are there others?
Only allies until they do not fit into Putin's schemes...lying and betrayal seems to be his main MO.
Well I only mean countries that will support him in any way at all.

I am not asking if they share anything but a commonality of interest.

It is easy to assume that countries with no strong democratic institutions would be more likely to be sympathetic to the Russian attack on a democratic country.

Any other countries apart from Pakistan?

Venezuela? Brazil? Cuba?

Has every country had to stand up at the UN and be counted?

Any abstentions or mealy mouthed statements?
Well I only mean countries that will support him in any way at all.

I am not asking if they share anything but a commonality of interest.

It is easy to assume that countries with no strong democratic institutions would be more likely to be sympathetic to the Russian attack on a democratic country.

Any other countries apart from Pakistan?

Venezuela? Brazil? Cuba?

Has every country had to stand up at the UN and be counted?

Any abstentions or mealy mouthed statements?
I heard China call for a diplomatic solution. This was just after the incursion, no one was/had been killed.

Aside, I heard Costa Rica specifically say that women should be involved in the path to peace.

I still don't really know what to make of such an odd statement at the UN. :?