Psychic schools / psychic trainers

I have heard they exist, and wonder if anyone has ever been to one.
what was it like what was it called etc... ?
you dont need to name names if you like for possible legal liabillity issues.
I did meet a psychic-trainer or guru once.

He offered me a lesson for a few hundred dollars.
Imagine my surprise when he took me to a secluded alley and began unzipping his fly.

I was flabbergasted, insulted, dismayed and soon ….enjoying his lessons.
I quickly discovered the easiest way towards enlightenment and supernatural empowerment.

The same forces that produced the magic of new life could impregnate my soul with paranormal insights and mystical abilities.

I swallowed…my pride and took a healthy spoonful of his aura within me.

Since then I can perceive stupidity.
I feel it right …around…here!
Yes; I can see what drives them away.

You are doing an excellent job patrolling the sciforums, keep it up.

I suppose you don't believe in Ball lightning either?

or is that too "paranormal" for you?

I suppose you have never heard of "Steven Hawkings", or we could talk for length (NOT) about his "fifth dimension" mathematical concepts.

Everything is energy. It may seem hard to grasp, so you may want to sit down, but we are made up of cells, beyond that, molecules, beyond that, atoms.

Nikola Tesla tried to explain Ball lightning and could not. Can you?
More appeals to authority. Try sticking to the relevant topic. The things you mention above in your failing attempts to offer legitimacy to your imagination have data that stand on their own and their own debate points.

"Psi," on the other hand, is unrelated to any of these things and has no real science behind it. Even the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research laboratory (PEAR) has closed it doors after fleecing believers for millions in grant money over the years.

But I'm sure there are plenty more "oppressed and ridiculed" scientists and scientific ideas you've yet to appeal to in your search for legitimacy. You should look into the chap that discovered plate tectonics and how he was laughed at by his geologist peers until later research proved his theory (or a very close approximation).

The difference between "psi" and all the genuinely oppressed, laughed at, and doubted is that the former has had just as long to produce results and has failed. Miserably.

Besides, if all the woo-woo's and kooks would be "driven away," then the subforum would find its genuinely useful purpose: discussing the dangers and problems that pseudoscientific inquiry into the paranormal and junk like "psi" really poses to science and science education.
This is my second last reply on sciforum, and my last on this thread.

My point with the lightning ball, is that it has been an "unexplained mystery". There have been sightings and denials, and it was never accepted as fact.

It was not until less than one month ago it has been explained. It has been the result of lightning hitting silicon. Some mystery.

I kinda feel for ya. It must be sad patrolling the sciforums weeding out the "bad information". See, I always believed the good forums had discussions and assumed possibilities. Sciforum apparently falls into a latter category.

I was hoping for responses such as.

"If telepathy were possible maybe you could... blah blah."

graffiti all you want. I am done here. I only have one more post, in a different thread.
This is my second last reply on sciforum, and my last on this thread.

My point with the lightning ball, is that it has been an "unexplained mystery". There have been sightings and denials, and it was never accepted as fact.

It was not until less than one month ago it has been explained. It has been the result of lightning hitting silicon. Some mystery.

So what? This has nothing to do with your imaginative assertions, which you've yet to demonstrate in any way.

I kinda feel for ya. It must be sad patrolling the sciforums weeding out the "bad information". See, I always believed the good forums had discussions and assumed possibilities. Sciforum apparently falls into a latter category.

"Weeding out" fantasies of the overactive imagination of significance-junkies and mystery-mongers isn't science, it's just good, clean fun. We won't apologize for 'weeding' you out.

I was hoping for responses such as.

"If telepathy were possible maybe you could... blah blah."

graffiti all you want. I am done here. I only have one more post, in a different thread.

How about, "If telepathy were possible, someone would be able to demonstrate it?"
Every time I see a magic trick which I cannot explain nor understand the trick behind it, I immediately jump to the supernatural conclusion that the magician is a sorcerer.
When I do not comprehend the ordinary I imagine the extraordinary.

I’m funny that way.

I bet to a dog an automobile is magical just like to a moron the processes of nature are supernatural.
My point with the lightning ball, is that it has been an "unexplained mystery". There have been sightings and denials, and it was never accepted as fact.

Since the author of this post has made the wise choice of moving on, let me offer a reply for those that stumble on this thread via Google (like he no doubt did in finding a science forum).

The above quote is an example of the logical fallacy called an argument from personal incredulity. Typically, this argument says, "I can't explain or understand this, therefore it cannot be true." But sometimes it gets turned around, as kwhilborn has done and made to say, "there are unexplained things that science accepts, therefore the unexplained nature of 'psi' means it must be true."

In essence, what kwhilborn has done is mixed three logical fallacies by turning around the argument from personal incredulity. Namely, he creates an appeal to authority (science) which doesn't follow (creating the 3rd fallacy, the non sequitur) since being unexplained isn't reason enough to assume legitimacy.

Unicorns and altantis are unexplained, yet have no legitimacy. The alien abduction phenomenon is largely unexplained (though there is recent psychological work that has made some in-roads into the disorder), yet has no legitimacy with regard to the hypothesis that space-aliens are abducting people in their sleep.

The woo-woo will always find a science board where other woo-woo's to try and find some discussion. The reason is this provides legitimacy in their minds, justifying their beliefs, either to themselves or to peers since it may be their hope that they can say to them, "look, I've had discussions with scientists, my 'theory' must be legitimate since it's accepted by the scientists who discussed it with me."

This is the reason that Stephen J. Gould and Richard Dawkins had/have policies that they do not debate creationists in public: Gould believed that as soon as they did, they would declare legitimacy based solely on the fact that science paid them some attention.
Since the author of this post has made the wise choice of moving on, let me offer a reply for those that stumble on this thread via Google (like he no doubt did in finding a science forum).

The above quote is an example of the logical fallacy called an argument from personal incredulity. Typically, this argument says, "I can't explain or understand this, therefore it cannot be true." But sometimes it gets turned around, as kwhilborn has done and made to say, "there are unexplained things that science accepts, therefore the unexplained nature of 'psi' means it must be true."

In essence, what kwhilborn has done is mixed three logical fallacies by turning around the argument from personal incredulity. Namely, he creates an appeal to authority (science) which doesn't follow (creating the 3rd fallacy, the non sequitur) since being unexplained isn't reason enough to assume legitimacy.

Unicorns and altantis are unexplained, yet have no legitimacy. The alien abduction phenomenon is largely unexplained (though there is recent psychological work that has made some in-roads into the disorder), yet has no legitimacy with regard to the hypothesis that space-aliens are abducting people in their sleep.

The woo-woo will always find a science board where other woo-woo's to try and find some discussion. The reason is this provides legitimacy in their minds, justifying their beliefs, either to themselves or to peers since it may be their hope that they can say to them, "look, I've had discussions with scientists, my 'theory' must be legitimate since it's accepted by the scientists who discussed it with me."

This is the reason that Stephen J. Gould and Richard Dawkins had/have policies that they do not debate creationists in public: Gould believed that as soon as they did, they would declare legitimacy based solely on the fact that science paid them some attention.
You, Sir, are a hard-headed, credulous, unbeliever and insatiable skeptic.

I despise you!!!

Imagine throwing all that cold water on unsuspecting imbeciles convinced that they have supernatural powers or knowledge of the mysterious.
Imagine using reason to combat the irrational.

You should be flogged, tarred and feathered.
If it weren’t for types like you, religion would be more acceptable and Christ would truly be the Son of God.
Kudos. All of these posts have been insults towards you, yet you seem to think I am seeking validation from you.

Ha. Ha.

OMG, I want to puke.

The entire banter and "Flat Earth Society" thing was just because it amuses me to see closed minded individuals. You are kinda fun, but you're taking up to much of my time. That is why I am leaving SciForums. It seems to be just a poorly organized Chat room. I will stick with members only forums, at least they use their real names, and discuss things.
Kudos. All of these posts have been insults towards you, yet you seem to think I am seeking validation from you.

Ha. Ha.

OMG, I want to puke.

The entire banter and "Flat Earth Society" thing was just because it amuses me to see closed minded individuals. You are kinda fun, but you're taking up to much of my time. That is why I am leaving SciForums. It seems to be just a poorly organized Chat room. I will stick with members only forums, at least they use their real names, and discuss things.

Our teacher is…….goooone.

Damn you all for not being worthy of him!

The Earth is not flat?!!!!

Are you reading the correct epistemology for the ontology of a flat Earth?
Are you accepting the guidance of the “correct” authorities?

It’s all a matter of education.
You are retarded…but around certain crowds you are perspicuous.
Star Trek conventions, for instance.
The entire banter and "Flat Earth Society" thing was just because it amuses me to see closed minded individuals. You are kinda fun, but you're taking up to much of my time. That is why I am leaving SciForums. It seems to be just a poorly organized Chat room. I will stick with members only forums, at least they use their real names, and discuss things.

Translation: "I can't find anyone here that agrees with my fantasy, so I will blame them and look elsewhere for someone who does."