Psychic schools / psychic trainers

You know one thing i was waiting for to see if someone mentioned it is;
The concept of gratitude being companion to ego ballance and counter ballance to greed and lust-addiction.
It seems purely logical to me that if a child is taught to show gratitude in some way be that in what ever form that takes then they will be far more likely to value the concept of sharing with others, rather than being a greedy taker who just trys to get as much as they can as fast as they can and never give anything in return.

Exactly, should we not be appreciative of the gifts we receive, regardless of the giver? If a child is never taught to be thankful for that which is given then they will grow into an adult who believes that taking is the necessary order of things. If we are not thankful, as a society, for all that we have, then we see no boundaries or limits in what we can take from others. Giving becomes futile as we assume that no one will be thankful to us.
Exactly, should we not be appreciative of the gifts we receive, regardless of the giver? If a child is never taught to be thankful for that which is given then they will grow into an adult who believes that taking is the necessary order of things. If we are not thankful, as a society, for all that we have, then we see no boundaries or limits in what we can take from others. Giving becomes futile as we assume that no one will be thankful to us.

Whom or what are you thanking? It is not necessary to be thankful in this context. The implication is that you are being favored over someone else, but who or what is doing the favoring? We do not have to go around thanking some mysterious benefactor for what is obviously a byproduct of our being, circumstance, or just plain dumb luck. And when you're on the other end of some really bad luck do you go around thanking something for it? I will never tell a child to be thankful for what they have. However I will tell one that somewhere in this world there is someone not quite as lucky and if you want to correct the imbalance then the fortunate have to help the unfortunate. Thanking whatever for your good fortune is just plain selfish, not the most admirable attribute one can strive for.
Exactly, should we not be appreciative of the gifts we receive, regardless of the giver? If a child is never taught to be thankful for that which is given then they will grow into an adult who believes that taking is the necessary order of things. If we are not thankful, as a society, for all that we have, then we see no boundaries or limits in what we can take from others. Giving becomes futile as we assume that no one will be thankful to us.

Not only that it reduces the interactions of others as a one way mechanism, rather than the socialist base that all non violent communaties operate on, but the actual working fundermental of the businesses that will be born of it.

the pure Capitalist model of companies is purely evident in this expresion of the complete psychopathic action of these companies, poluting the environment to gather as much cash (labour hours) as possible.

All well educated people and societies have a system of trade and or barter that is relative to a level of appreciation of giving and receiving on a parr.
Thus to re align the personality/character to one of total taking then reduces the society into one like the ghengis khans and other such cruisades.
breeding dictators and those who think total domination of all things is perfectly acceptable.

With out charity to neighbours, a society does not exist.
Remove the socialist law from children and you have little savages.

would you shoot a child for crossing your border ?
would you take ownership of a childs toy if it came over your fence never to return it ?

oh how quickly they forget
I have heard they exist, and wonder if anyone has ever been to one.
what was it like what was it called etc... ?
you dont need to name names if you like for possible legal liabillity issues.

I'm sure you can find any number of "schools" willing to take your money if you're willing to give it to them in exchange for their "information."

For $40, Doug de Long will teach you about "psychic development and spirituality" along with a host of other nonsense classes he's all-too-eager to have you pay for.

For a mere $15 you can get the 150 page "psychic development manual." They take pay pal.

My all-time favorite is this one: for $200 you can attend the psychic school's Clairvoyant Class from the comfort of your own home. They also take pay-pal (all self-respecting internet scams do).

Psychic claims are scams or assertions of the deluded. Anyone that says they have psychic ability is either lying or deluded. If I'm wrong, please show us the evidence.
Your wrong.
Take a different perspective for once, you self serving .... ***.. never mind that part.........
in holland they have a steiner university, i dont know if you are familiar with his teachings?
I'm sure you can find any number of "schools" willing to take your money if you're willing to give it to them in exchange for their "information."

For $40, Doug de Long will teach you about "psychic development and spirituality" along with a host of other nonsense classes he's all-too-eager to have you pay for.

For a mere $15 you can get the 150 page "psychic development manual." They take pay pal.

My all-time favorite is this one: for $200 you can attend the psychic school's Clairvoyant Class from the comfort of your own home. They also take pay-pal (all self-respecting internet scams do).

Psychic claims are scams or assertions of the deluded. Anyone that says they have psychic ability is either lying or deluded. If I'm wrong, please show us the evidence.

your favorite number is 12 and you have a 15 year old daughter
tabble tennis is a real passion for you and you have 9 pairs of orange socks, tuesday is your special day of the week and your defincient in dopamine
for a mear 500 pounds sterling in gold bullion (and a couple of packets of chips a loaf of bread and a bottle of orange juice, and a extra large packet of toilet rolls, and a couple of those things that kinda look like the things that were just over there) you may have a full reading of the sunday paper while on the toilet.
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My point is why worship anything, Earth, rocks, dead men, spectres, whatever? Nature giving me life, that's great, but are we not a part of it? Don't you think its kind of like worshipping yourself? What is man's penchant for needing to worship something? Just accept that you are here through an incredible sequence of circumstances and live your life without bowing to something you either can or can't see.

Whats wrong with man worshipping woman and woman worshipping man?
Whats wrong with man worshipping woman and woman worshipping man?

Good point.
if one does not worship anything,
then where does one draw a comparative value on life ?
why not commit suicide immediately ?
why not kill everyone else you do not like immediately ?

psychopathy is indeed an illness of the mind.
is empathy innate ?
i suggest it is, and is mearly nurtured OUT of children as they grow up rather than "into".
lol that type of thinking is familiar.


biggotry and religous fundermentalism have no place in my private life, and i avoid all private and busines contact with any who are that way inclined.
a new better world with less violence and less famine is not created through apathetic complacency and mealy mouthed convalesence to such anti society people and companies.

unfortunately most children are alrady conditioned by their own parents and peers once they get to be about 12 years old.
basicaly once they finnish puberty its most often too late to turn them around into a caring non boiggotted human being that has empathy.

Women are just as bad as men with sexual dysfunction and biggotry,
keeping in mind the majority of morals and ethics come from the mothers.

the father makes the little off hand comments, the mother jokes about it and puts on the pathetic excuse voice and says "you should not "realy" say that".
undermining any last resolve of the child well before they even get to high school.

Keep in mind, most women know it is all about keeping up with the jones's and so will play the social high ground around other peopel in a public setting, but the reality is in how they raise their own children.

biggotry and religous fundermentalism have no place in my private life, and i avoid all private and busines contact with any who are that way inclined.
a new better world with less violence and less famine is not created through apathetic complacency and mealy mouthed convalesence to such anti society people and companies.

unfortunately most children are alrady conditioned by their own parents and peers once they get to be about 12 years old.
basicaly once they finnish puberty its most often too late to turn them around into a caring non boiggotted human being that has empathy.

I think when it comes to the problem of biggotry and lack of empathy, it's not something which can be solved by simply censoring it. I think the main problem with Americans, and the west in general is the west wants to sweep bigotry under the rug, and hide the racism. Thinking that if they just don't say anything racist, that they can at least not look as bad to the anti-racists such as yourself. The problem with this however is, even if people don't say racist words, people still act just as racist as always, and just as sexist as always, so I'm actually in support of freeing the language from the censorship so that we can actually communicate as humans. I do not think racism is something people should be forced to hide, even if I disagree with it. Freedom of speech ranks higher than covering up bigotry.

Women are just as bad as men with sexual dysfunction and biggotry,
keeping in mind the majority of morals and ethics come from the mothers.

the father makes the little off hand comments, the mother jokes about it and puts on the pathetic excuse voice and says "you should not "realy" say that".
undermining any last resolve of the child well before they even get to high school.

That's exactly the point. People want to be bigots or racist in secret, in private, and joke in private when they think no ones watching. The problem with this is, this makes it impossible to actually have a debate on anything. The more people censor themselves in public, the more fake relationships people will have, and the more conflict and bigotry it will generate. Basically, in order to move beyond race we have to actually be able to discuss it, from BOTH sides. It's pointless to have a censored conversation about race, using politically correct terms, and talking points from the left and right. Obviously there is a racist element in this country, and they have points of view which should be heard. Where exactly can an anti-racist go, to have an honest discussion/debate with a self admitted racist?

Even the most racist members of the KKK do not want to admit to being racist in public, so whats the point? Why be racist if you are not proud of it? Why believe in something which cannot stand the test of debate?

Keep in mind, most women know it is all about keeping up with the jones's and so will play the social high ground around other peopel in a public setting, but the reality is in how they raise their own children.

Maybe you are right, but once again, where can racists and anti-racists go to have intellectual discussions? It seems from my perspective, at this point that neither side discusses anything, they talk at each other. Both the racist and anti-racist want to pretend to not be racist, by adopting certain neutral code words like multi-culturalism, and tolerance, when in reality, in most cases both sides are racist in two completely different ways. The result of these fake debates is that there is no progress. People cannot even begin to discuss genetic discrimination, or move beyond the race debate because both sides want to use these code words to have fake discussions that promote race and racism.

If you even use the word tolerance you are promoting intolerance, because whats the opposite of tolerance? If you use the word race you promote racism, because what is a race anyway? It's the language that both racists and anti-racists share, which makes any intellectual see that both sides want race to exist, both sides protect their code words, and talking points, and neither side really wants to end the debate, it's almost as if both sides gain by just having the fake debate on race moreso than actually having a scientific discussion, or progressing the debate onto more sophisticated yet related topics such as genetic discrimination.

What exactly does the average anti-racist believe when they still insist we believe in race and use the word race, and use the word tolerance? Why should we keep using the same words?

And what exactly do the racists believe on the other side? I don't actually believe they believe all the stuff they put out there because some of it is so unscientific that it's humorous. Maybe you can attempt to tell me, why exactly do people still have the 50 year old race debate? Why are we using words, and concepts, from times of slavery, like black and white, and using these weak PC words like tolerance instead of acceptance?

I mean, should we tolerate gender equality? Should we tolerate homosexuality? The word tolerance itself, is based on the principle of being unable to accept something. That word may have made since right after segregation ended, or during the civil rights movment, but it's 2007, and most of the youth grew up in a society that had/has actual acceptance. Tolerance as a word brings us back to the days where inter-racial marriage is illegal, and where homosexuals were to be stoned to death.

So I think, the best thing parents can do, is listen to their children on social issues. The youth know more about it. There are a range of new ideas, new concepts, new words, that did not exist when our parents were growing up. Our parents might not have had the internet and had no concept of how connected the current world is. So obviously the outdated race debates, are what holds us back. The gender and homosexuality debates hold us back too, because our current concept of gender is too ridged and limited, and then we still have people who think homosexuality is both a choice and a sin.
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All good points, there is something in your writing that makes me wonder if your a muscian.
he he
will not go any further on that one as this is not the place for private discussions.

"can't say i would agree to tollerate such discusion any less than one of that such desired by the very nature of discusion."
(hint on methadology [thespian paraphrasing])

Someone is always pushing a barrow of some sort.
Now that the tory right have entrenched the use of depresion as the tool of REPRESION, there is a diffeent game a-foot my dear schollar.

Should i dare walk in the mind set i might just spit poison for a day or two.

the whole political correctness movement is one designed to promote biggotry and reinforce Sexism, Racism, Sexual orientation stereo typing, and to reinforce the undercurrent of behind closed doors hatred for anything other than the norm.

it is a big mistake to think the concept of biggotry and racism (sexism and sexual oritentation included) is one that sits firmly on the light or white western peoples shoulders.

I know what your asking
i simply have no time to give it any real justice.
this is my last day online, and i am already 2 days behind scedule. :mad:

ask yourself do you want the answer you seek handed to you on a plate as an opinion ?
or do you want the formula of the equation that facilitates it inside the mind of the expereincer.
everybody is a psychic teacher.

We are all teachers. If you have learned to follow hunches and tell others you believe; that is teaching. In the same manner if you doubt and share that, you are also teaching.

"whether you think you can, or think you can't. Either way you are right."
- Henry Ford.

It is also interesting how gratitude has entered into this thread, albeit that it should have its own.

According to many great historical figures and present day magnates they have achieved much through the
POWER of gratitude.

This list includes Plato, Jung, Shakespeare, Beethoven, Churchill, Hugo, Newton, Lincoln, Emmerson, Einstein, Bell, Buddha, Stone, Ford, Winfrey, Hill, and more.

They have all looked at gratitude as a means towards success. Even Newton (whom we all must respect being a science forum and all) devoted much time to ancient "secrets" such as the famed "Emerald Tablet".

see: --- - 31k

A simple way to understand the power of gratitude is by watching the new movie called "The Secret".

A short version of this power is what has been called "The law of attraction". This power can be guffawwed by scientists and naysayers, but oddly enough it seems to work miracles.

The idea is that "energy follows thought" and that every thought is a creation. (Hocus Pocus, YEP!!!).

Every thought is a creation buffered by time. If you think about and worry your bills you attract more bills. If you think about sickness, you can get sick. If you are thankfull, you attract more things to be thankfull for. If you think of living in abundance, abundance will come.

"All that we are is a result of what we have thought"

"You create your own universe as you go along"
- Winston Churchill

"What this power is I cannot say. All I know is that it exists"
- Alexander Graham Bell.

So kooky as I may sound. I am not alone. Catch negative thinking in the bud, and replace it with thankfullness and visualizations of glory, and test these theories.

The final frontier of science will be the human mind.

Why do woo-woo's always cite random quotes of famous (and, in Henry Ford's case, infamous) people?

"We are all teachers." This reminds me of Bobcat Goldthwaite's comedy routine where he notes that he finished third from the last in his class. His plan was to find two guys that finished below him and become the leader of their gang! In that regard, we are all teachers!
Yes skinwalker, and I also accept paypal! Another venue for psychic training (besides Hogwarts), is to look at ESP conventions etc.

Why the interest in parapsychology if you are obviously closed to the possibilities?

How many science frontiers have once been deemed impossible by the skinwalkers of the world. You can wear your "flat earth society" t-shirt in the privacy of your home, but science does have room for telepathy as surely as it does radio, etc.

This thread was for someone who wants to explore psychic training. If your only comments are graffiti, then go to Yahoo chat or some other stress relief bantering forum. There is more acceptance of telepathy and other psi occurrences than ever before among the science community, and how can you even perform in science if your mind is closed.

I am way past believing in Telepathy. I cannot prove what I have witnessed in this field is beyond continual coincidences, but it has been enough to know that I have a better understanding of the Universe than many. It is enough to know I can exclude any theories that dissallow telepathy. You will just have to continue disbelieving, because no matter how well psychic hypothesis are proved, there is always the matter of how many coincidences equals proof. Proof of something that cannot as yet be measured seems pretty far off.

I know you'll respond with more "graffiti", but I've said my piece. Believe what you want. I won't think of you as a lesser being, just deprived a bit.

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Why the interest in parapsychology if you are obviously closed to the possibilities?

Because nutjobs, woo-woo's, scammers, and the ignorant deserve a counter-voice of reason and, in your case, ridicule.

How many science frontiers have once been deemed impossible by the skinwalkers of the world. You can wear your "flat earth society" t-shirt in the privacy of your home, but science does have room for telepathy as surely as it does radio, etc.

Oh, goody. The appeal to authority. Appealing to the authority of legitimate science is a hallmark of pseudoscience. So-called "pysychic" mumbo-jumbo has had over 200 years to figure it out. Since that time, the microscope has paved the way to modern microbiology and we use scanning electrons to look close; Da Vinci's drawings of flying machines made to resemble birds have given way to jet aircraft and modern avionics; Jules Vernes' fantasies of visiting a Moon made of cheese has been replaced with robotic exploration of the universe that reveals possible water on Mars and oceans of methane on Titan.

But what has the study of "psi" given us in two hundred years? Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zip.

Its poppycock held onto by significance-junkies and mystery-mongers that, perhaps, lack the intelligence, education, or imagination to find a genuine sense of wonder and awe in the real world. They, therefore, look to the fantastical.

This thread was for someone who wants to explore psychic training. If your only comments are graffiti, then go to Yahoo chat or some other stress relief bantering forum.

Nope. Not gonna do it. I was here first. And if you want to make claims that "psychic abilities" are real enough that someone can "train" in them, I'm going to ridicule you whenever it strikes my fancy. But show a single shred of legitimate evidence for your claims and I'll retract all my words. Saying that this thread is "for someone who wants to explore psychic training" is like saying another thread is for someone that wants to learn how to be invisible or fly like superman. Its poppycock. Before one can "train" in "psychic abilities," one must first establish that such nonsense isn't nonsense. That hasn't been done.

There is more acceptance of telepathy and other psi occurrences than ever before among the science community, and how can you even perform in science if your mind is closed.

Complete and utter bullshit. There is zero "acceptance" of telepathy and other "psi" in science. This is because it hasn't been supported by evidence. It is poppycock. Complete and utter nonsense perpetrated by the ignorant, the under-educated, and the greedy.

You will just have to continue disbelieving, because no matter how well psychic hypothesis are proved, there is always the matter of how many coincidences equals proof. Proof of something that cannot as yet be measured seems pretty far off.

That's just it. Coincidences don't equal proof of any sort. Not when the only coincidences that are considered are the positive ones whilst every negative coincidence is ignored or not even considered. THAT is how the "psi" phenomenon works: consider the "hits" and ignore everything that's not a "hit."

I know you'll respond with more "graffiti", but I've said my piece. Believe what you want. I won't think of you as a lesser being, just deprived a bit.

Yes, the faithful always have their conclusions to which they consider only the data that supports them whilst willfully remaining ignorant to data that is contrary.

Every few months, our little science board gets a woo-woo trolling through after discovering a thread on google to offer his .02 cents on the "miracle of psi" and how its changed his life and how "those that seek knowledge will be rewarded...," etc, etc. Interestingly enough, the Religion subforum gets the same kinds of nutters, but with a different imaginary force to blame.
Yes; I can see what drives them away.

You are doing an excellent job patrolling the sciforums, keep it up.

I suppose you don't believe in Ball lightning either?

or is that too "paranormal" for you?

I suppose you have never heard of "Steven Hawkings", or we could talk for length (NOT) about his "fifth dimension" mathematical concepts.

Everything is energy. It may seem hard to grasp, so you may want to sit down, but we are made up of cells, beyond that, molecules, beyond that, atoms.

Nikola Tesla tried to explain Ball lightning and could not. Can you?