Psychic schools / psychic trainers


Registered Senior Member
I have heard they exist, and wonder if anyone has ever been to one.
what was it like what was it called etc... ?
you dont need to name names if you like for possible legal liabillity issues.
I know that there are schools that supposedly train in this type of thing. I found one on the web once, but I don't remember why. Many people who practice Wicca or Paganism have schools and I know they train in the areas of, how do I say, mind expansion? Developing the inner eye, that sort of thing. There are a lot os psychic training courses you can take.
thanks for that, i use to have a vast array of links of all manner of sites of staggering variations but lost them all when i lost my computer a few years back.
i did wonder how different they are to what could be termed life coachs and basic theories of developing the inner self on personal development issues a si have heard they tend to be linked, thus wonder if they might be completely seperate in the nature of what they teach. there seems tobe an ever growing number of peopel who take it very seriousely, as least as and if not more soo or equal to how the majority of the worlds population consider religion in general.

Traditionaly there has been great service to humanity through various religous organisations by teaching reading and writing through to crop management and various other needs of basic society like animal breeding and seed stock preservation, as far as the human body and basic medicine and even some extreemly advanced medicine.

Some of the more well known things would be Yoga and herbal use for health purposses.

as Society moves away from traditional religous structure that use to be the basic mechanism for the greedy and power hungry to control populations and garner land and other material wealth it did cross my mind that there in turn with evolution must come groups and organisations that try to purafy their mission toward the betterment of the whole devoid of these aspects of power and control dysfunction, thus do psychic schools and schools of wicca and paganism (as you refer to) pick up the batton on this always present cutting edge of human evolution ?
thanks for that, i use to have a vast array of links of all manner of sites of staggering variations but lost them all when i lost my computer a few years back.
i did wonder how different they are to what could be termed life coachs and basic theories of developing the inner self on personal development issues a si have heard they tend to be linked, thus wonder if they might be completely seperate in the nature of what they teach. there seems tobe an ever growing number of peopel who take it very seriousely, as least as and if not more soo or equal to how the majority of the worlds population consider religion in general.

Traditionaly there has been great service to humanity through various religous organisations by teaching reading and writing through to crop management and various other needs of basic society like animal breeding and seed stock preservation, as far as the human body and basic medicine and even some extreemly advanced medicine.

Some of the more well known things would be Yoga and herbal use for health purposses.

as Society moves away from traditional religous structure that use to be the basic mechanism for the greedy and power hungry to control populations and garner land and other material wealth it did cross my mind that there in turn with evolution must come groups and organisations that try to purafy their mission toward the betterment of the whole devoid of these aspects of power and control dysfunction, thus do psychic schools and schools of wicca and paganism (as you refer to) pick up the batton on this always present cutting edge of human evolution ?

I believe so. Since the 60's and 70's there has been what most people call, that New Age movement, though many find the term "New Age" offensive. It offered a way for like-minded people to connect and find faith and healing outside the normal areas of religion. Still, many don't realize that a lot of what is considered New Age is actually very old and that many Pagan religions practiced today are revivals of what was practiced long ago. I do not know about Wicca. There isn't really a place in history specifically for Wiccan's, from what I know, it is thought of as the Old Religion, but there is no documented proof, though this religion came "out-of-the-closet" in the 1950's.

I think the religious "norm" of our society leaves much to be desired, thus leaving people stranded; no faith, no gods or goddesses, no place where they can come together to meet others like themselves because these other areas of practice, like you said, are not widely publicized or are unknown. Most people can no longer be controlled by some fear of Hell and since you can't burn people at the stake or toture them legally anymore, people are no longer afraid to step outside the box. Thus, like you said, leaving others like Pagan's, Wiccan's, and other believers of such, to "pick up the baton", take these people in, and run with it. I believe that the condemming (spelling?) nature of many of todays "normal" religions, just doesn't fit some people's world views anymore. Though I cannot speak for everyone, obviously over half the population still believes in these religions.

I think schools for psychic training and others that offer these kinds of things, are not widely known for fear of hate and crazy people with pitchforks and stones! :rolleyes: But they are there. You just have to know where to look and know the right people. Many Wiccan's and Pagan's train in this sort of thing, but you have to be, sworn in, for lack of a better term, and you must promise that all things taught or learned be kept secret. That is how these people's beliefs and traditions have survived for so many years. They certainly didn't get there by waving there knowledge all over the internet and posting people in air ports with flyers. I used to work for a Pagan couple that was very deeply involved and devoted and, well,...I'll never tell...:D
I think schools for psychic training and others that offer these kinds of things, are not widely known for fear of hate and crazy people with pitchforks and stones!

Indeed, not only do they come with pitch forks stones and burning torches but with TV cameras, and small children to use like a mace.
i gues you would have noticed very well how these nutters use children mearly as a weapon against others like a mad scientist may use a rat and peice of litmus paper.

There isn't really a place in history specifically for Wiccan's, from what I know, it is thought of as the Old Religion, but there is no documented proof, though this religion came "out-of-the-closet" in the 1950's.

while doing some research i found indications that suggest wicca was mearly a variant of paganism that was the un purafied version by a certain amount of divergence in reaction to opresion and persecution.
wicca going undercover and paganism being attuned to naturist activities to try and miss direct those screaming mobs with pitch forks and stones.

note you only have to be a women in some countrys to be privy to a good pitch forking or stoning.
and thats only for having sex, or showing a part of your body or talking to a man.

it is interesting to see the heavy matriarchy in wicca and paganism and lightly compare that to the heavy patriarchy in the last 2 thousand years of main stream religion.
i loved that little saying by the guy in jurrasic park about nature over coming things, can't recal it properly but people tend to be the same.
If not we would be extinct by now.
i modafied the statement to my own as
"Nature over comes nature, herself".
meaning as soon as you find something that is in sense a wall of scientific principal and cast in stone factualised in concrete...
there is its complete parody and almost mocking opposite scientific principal.

fish with anti freeze for blood
sea shrimp and crabs living in near boiling water which is highly acid on sea floor vents.
certain plants and animals that only exist on one food and or nutrient combination etc...

where would we be without these people...
running around wearing busines suits swinging clubs with a monobrow :/
"We have attempted to conquer nature as we have attempted to conquer sin"

I take this to meaning, what is the point? Many Wiccans and Pagans worship the earth and believe that the earth is the living embodiment of the Goddess. To me, this makes much more sense then worshipping a dead man on a cross and a God that is above and outside the world we live in.

"The image of "God" as outside of nature has given us a rationale for our own destruction of the natural order and justified plunder of the Earth's resources"

I think that man himself has always attempted to conquer woman. If the earth, is indeed a woman, then destroy it. If the woman is worshipped then we must burn her and hide the evidence that she was once powerful and equal. Strange, strange, strange. At least science itself acknowledges that without the female there wouldn't be a male and vice versa. We need both people! So many religions and even societies do not give women any credit because they are "weaker". Hence child-birth being the original sin. What a load of bull. Child birth is natural, women were made this way, no God decided to punish women because she ate a fucking apple. *sigh*...I am getting off track. For a very long time, women have been objects of ridicule, hate, and fear. Not to say that all men treat women this way, no that is not fair to say. I just think that the Patriarchy of todays religion leave something to be desired for women especially.
To me, this makes much more sense then worshipping a dead man on a cross and a God that is above and outside the world we live in.

It does? How so? What's the difference between worshipping dead men and unseen spectres than worshipping a chunk of inanimate space rock?
God decided to punish women because she ate a fucking apple. *sigh*...I am getting off track. For a very long time, women have been objects of ridicule, hate, and fear. Not to say that all men treat women this way, no that is not fair to say. I just think that the Patriarchy of todays religion leave something to be desired for women especially.

hehe spoken like a women who was walked a few miles.
you know this reminds me of a certain disorder that is bread into people as children.
specificaly the boys.
i wont get into it on the boards but feel free to pm me to chat about it.
too many seriousely disturbed people to have an effective discusion without having ability to moderate the thread.
i will only be online for another week maybe 2 then im off no idea when ill be back.
It does? How so? What's the difference between worshipping dead men and unseen spectres than worshipping a chunk of inanimate space rock?

Well, why not worship the earth, something you can touch and feel and that you know is real and has power? The power of nature is undeniable. It can give life, but also destroy and cause death just as easily. Worshipping the earth isn't saying you worship something invisible, it's there, right in front of you and it has answers. You don't need proof that the earth exists. You are in it, of it, and with it. Saying a God created it and that he resides beyond it, is something else, but to celebrate the power and the wonder of earth doesn't seem silly to me. It gave us life and continues to do so. People, scientists, have been fascinated with and have devoted their lives to discovering it and exploring and explaining it. I am not saying it has to make sense to you...that's why I specifically said "it makes sense to ME".

hehe spoken like a women who was walked a few miles.
you know this reminds me of a certain disorder that is bread into people as children.
specificaly the boys.
i wont get into it on the boards but feel free to pm me to chat about it.
too many seriousely disturbed people to have an effective discusion without having ability to moderate the thread.
i will only be online for another week maybe 2 then im off no idea when ill be back.

I think you have the PM feature off. I can't PM you for some reason so you should PM me when you get the chance. Love to chat anytime.:)
Well, why not worship the earth, something you can touch and feel and that you know is real and has power? The power of nature is undeniable. It can give life, but also destroy and cause death just as easily. Worshipping the earth isn't saying you worship something invisible, it's there, right in front of you and it has answers. You don't need proof that the earth exists. You are in it, of it, and with it. Saying a God created it and that he resides beyond it, is something else, but to celebrate the power and the wonder of earth doesn't seem silly to me. It gave us life and continues to do so. People, scientists, have been fascinated with and have devoted their lives to discovering it and exploring and explaining it. I am not saying it has to make sense to you...that's why I specifically said "it makes sense to ME".

My point is why worship anything, Earth, rocks, dead men, spectres, whatever? Nature giving me life, that's great, but are we not a part of it? Don't you think its kind of like worshipping yourself? What is man's penchant for needing to worship something? Just accept that you are here through an incredible sequence of circumstances and live your life without bowing to something you either can or can't see.
jessiej920 <> sorry my err have corrected it

your point sounds very valid.
however not any more valid than anyone elses point.
your question is a question of the nature of the indevidual.
you surely can't expect an answer from one person to stand for the reasoning of others ?
except for those with very little brain function (nurtured ignorence) who follow like sheep and are religous fundermentallists brain washed from childhood.

do you know much about psychology ?
your reasoning is very A typical of a homosexual man going through the first or second stage of self reasoning after they have come out from the closet as such.
because the bulk of society is soo vastly backwards with hidden predjudices going on behind closed doors the actual level of extreem hate is not entirely realised by many until they walk a few miles in that world.
The decision to abandon all higher beleife systems is one basic way for many to try and cope, although it is a slippery path that most often leads to a blackened heart and cold personality matched with hyperphrenic schitzophrenia.
the only people who are realy capable of abandoning all beleife systems are the upper echelons of the scientific world where they hold no bias and do not say what is and what is not,
mearly accept they do not know.
WHICH is a stark contrast between some raving religo nutter chanting death to all women wearing mini skirts and homosexuals.

My /\/e)(T QuesTioN is what do you know of th ego and self development ?
and if you do know some things about the ego then what part does that play in self development... ?
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do you know much about psychology ?
your reasoning is very A typical of a homosexual man going through the first or second stage of self reasoning after they have come out from the closet as such.

I nearly fell off my chair reading that one. I can assure you I am not a homosexual. Do I sound like a priest? By the way is this an attempt at using psychology on me?

I don't think acceptance of there being nothing to worship is the sole domain of the scientific commnity. I'm no scientist nor am I schizophrenic. Are you trying to say that people who go around endorsing a no belief system are usually diagnosed as schizo? When were these books your getting these ideas from printed?
I nearly fell off my chair reading that one. I can assure you I am not a homosexual. Do I sound like a priest? By the way is this an attempt at using psychology on me?

I don't think acceptance of there being nothing to worship is the sole domain of the scientific commnity. I'm no scientist nor am I schizophrenic. Are you trying to say that people who go around endorsing a no belief system are usually diagnosed as schizo? When were these books your getting these ideas from printed?

your response illistrates to me there is no point in me trying to discus this matter with you.
Give yourself another 10 years and it might be a different story
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your response illistrates to me there is no point in me trying to discus this matter with you.
Give yourself another 10 years and it might be a different story

Ditto.... besides this is a thread about psychic schools.

I knew there was a good chance you were going to react the way you did, I've been to school. I learned that on my first day. It's all about the odds and no one will chastise you for being wrong as long as you are right some of the time, the more the merrier. Being psychic is not an exact science.

Psychology is very important when used to predetermine outcomes. This is why I tried to be careful after you insinuated I was an out-of-the-closet gay. The odds were I was not and although you were wrong with that prediction you would have been right to expect a retaliatory statement from me saying I was not....a typical normal hetero reaction. See what I'm getting at. My guard went up, not knowing if you were who you say you are. You also intimated that I might be a psychologist, scientist or schizophrenic. The odds are I was not schizo and there was a chance I was either of the options. These predictions were too risky with a high chance of them being wrong. Remember there is nothing wrong with a psychic who errs. Cayce and Nostrodamus are only known for some things they sort of got right, but that's good enough for a successful career as a psychic.
Here's something. I was in the MGM program at my school. There were five of us "gifted" kids. They took five average kids from the other classes and set us up, one at a time, through the Zener card test. We each did three rounds. The MGM students scored significantly higher than the average students throughout the test. Does this indicate that the MGM students were prone to psychic abilities, or that we better understood the laws of probability?
I'd say probability.

If after every 'guess' the outcome was known, then this would improve your odds, just like a blackjack playing card counter.

If you didn't know the outcome until all 25 cards were viewed by the experimenter how can you make yourself look psychic? At minimum, if you said the same symbol for each card then you would be at least 20% correct.

Can anybody be psychic without some known factors? Would you call a criminal profiler psychic? Let's face it, those guys are pretty good. When you listen to the news and somebody is murdered in an ethnic area of town, isn't easier to predict a member of that group as the pepetrator? I think it only takes one known factor to influence a psychic prediction, the more factors there are the easier it gets.
This is why I tried to be careful after you insinuated I was an out-of-the-closet gay. The odds were I was not and although you were wrong with that prediction you would have been right to expect a retaliatory statement from me saying I was not....a typical normal hetero reaction. See what I'm getting at.

look your quote is pink you must be gay.

you have interpretted my post to be one where the message between the lines is more important than what is actualy written.
that is your error although maybe not with the nature of a great deal of online communaties.

i do not bother with making predictions of people or for people on messageboards because it is far too dodgey, the amount of nasty bent weirdo freaks who are just out to spread hate is far too common to bother with.

i was simply attemtping to illistrate a concept of patern in mental function, it is effectively an equation i have illistrated for you, it holds no value to the type of person you are sexualy at all, i just used the most obviouse most common situation that comes to mind in a stereo typical manner in which you migh tbe able to observe it and or have come into contact wth it.

it is also a stage during teenage years and cross linked to puberty transition but its all rather complex to get into the finer points.
as i cant be bothered typing such a huge complex post that i would need to edit a few times to ensure it was understandable, and i only jumnped on for a few minutes now prior to heading out the door.

if i was to make an assumtion of you i would assume you were in nature formaly trained and tend toward your profesional ethics in consideration while in the messageboards or have a leaning that way,
either way you should think a little more before reacting to what you perceive as baiting.
although i only bait for possative explanations not negative attacks.

homosexual brains function different to hetro sexual brains, so with varous other types of brains...

biggotry is a single language
i have other things i should mention but im pushed for time.

main point
im not having a dig at you and do not care if your homo bi tri quad poly or any other type of sexual orientation (within the [bassic] laws of western countrys).
My point is why worship anything, Earth, rocks, dead men, spectres, whatever? Nature giving me life, that's great, but are we not a part of it? Don't you think its kind of like worshipping yourself? What is man's penchant for needing to worship something? Just accept that you are here through an incredible sequence of circumstances and live your life without bowing to something you either can or can't see.

In a way yes. But it makes more sense to me to "worship" the earth and yes, yourself :) , because no one can point the finger and say you don't exist. Besides, isn't giving thanks to gifts received the natural order of things? Do we not celebrate the birth of a child, thank someone for a gift or their kindness, or gather with others to celebrate the happiness life brings? Worship might be the wrong word for the point I was trying to make, let me re-state: it makes more sense to me, to celebrate the earth and give thanks for it's gifts, then to worship a dead man on a cross or an unseen god.
In a way yes. But it makes more sense to me to "worship" the earth and yes, yourself :) , because no one can point the finger and say you don't exist. Besides, isn't giving thanks to gifts received the natural order of things? Do we not celebrate the birth of a child, thank someone for a gift or their kindness, or gather with others to celebrate the happiness life brings? Worship might be the wrong word for the point I was trying to make, let me re-state: it makes more sense to me, to celebrate the earth and give thanks for it's gifts, then to worship a dead man on a cross or an unseen god.

You know one thing i was waiting for to see if someone mentioned it is;
The concept of gratitude being companion to ego ballance and counter ballance to greed and lust-addiction.
It seems purely logical to me that if a child is taught to show gratitude in some way be that in what ever form that takes then they will be far more likely to value the concept of sharing with others, rather than being a greedy taker who just trys to get as much as they can as fast as they can and never give anything in return.