psychic powers

what's the difference between psychics and physics?
Other than the spelling, one is a scientific study (Physics), the other is bunkum (Psychic's), however the psychic's already knew that... after all their psychic ;)
What's the point of a scientific study on phenomena that is already considered nonsense before it leaves the door, Stryder?
dont know if anyone posted this pr not but ive been working on a theory for pyrokinesis

although any theory on any enhanced ability in humans would involve the assumption of elevated brain waves

but here goes if the body could be used as some sort of capacitor for energy being able to absorb and emmit said energy at will then one could initially set fire to something with only a touch or wave of the hand

although i dont thin this would ever be possible on a large scale let alone at all but hey, a girl can dream right?
oh and hypnotism is real, just not to the extent what most people think of

all it is really is just an extremely calmed state where a person can be more open to suggestion and the thought process works almost perfectly due to the calmed state

one of the best studies ive seen but could never find again was one on dilation of the perception of time, basically they had a guy in a room in a hypnotically relaxed state listening to a one of those ticking things musicians used set for one tick per second

the test subject was told that the ticking was constantly slowing down and he was to raise his hand as soon as it got to one tick per minute

wat the subject didnt know is that the ticking never changed tempo

this actually worked and his perception of time was dilated. this enabled him to think and process knowledge ten times faster
the only problem with this is they found out that if there were any sudden or startling anomalies near the subject such as someone clapping their hands or any type of stress for that matter
the subject reverted back to a normal state and they had to start over
dont know if anyone posted this pr not but ive been working on a theory for pyrokinesis

although any theory on any enhanced ability in humans would involve the assumption of elevated brain waves

but here goes if the body could be used as some sort of capacitor for energy being able to absorb and emmit said energy at will then one could initially set fire to something with only a touch or wave of the hand

although i dont thin this would ever be possible on a large scale let alone at all but hey, a girl can dream right?

Most times this sort of thing is discussed it's meant to be "Pseudoscience" and is usually created by researchers or writers trying to piece together some sort of "Science" behind their work of Fiction for a film or book.

What you have to look at is that the world has a number of "Genetic Anomolies" of which out of the hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands even, not one has shown any "Pyrokinetic" ability. I mean yeah we have short people, we have tall people, we have people with long body hair but not one that starts fires with a fingertip. (unless it's clicking a lighter)

This has to say something about the general consensus of the universe, that it's not "Natural" and will not likely occur in nature. You just have to look through the hundreds of thousands of species of different animals, plants and bugs and again none have ever shown the capability you suggest.

I'm not trying to burst your bubble with this but allow you an idea of how to "rationalise" in regards to what is and is not possible.
well i thought this would be the place for it since pyrokinesis would be considered under a type of psychic power
I think there is a practical explanation for these "psychic powers", but as of now nobody has been able to demonstrate psychic ability definitively to scientists.

I think with biotech in the future
, we might be able to communicate telepathically.
I think there is a practical explanation for these "psychic powers", but as of now nobody has been able to demonstrate psychic ability definitively to scientists.

I think with biotech in the future
, we might be able to communicate telepathically.

Again considering the Evolution of creatures across the planets surface there is no evidence to support "Telepathy" in a naturally evolved state. All creatures that communicate with one another do so via some form of medium, be it sound, movement or pheromones.

"Telepathy" always seems to suggest the ability a person could transmit thought to another person but tends to neglect the Medium. Without a medium it can not exist. (Medium in definition)

This is the reason I believe that the only "Telepathy" that can ever be developed is "Artificial Telepathy" which requires Non-organic components (Like Computers and Radio antenna arrays) This would potentially allow a persons thoughts to be Calculated through the use of measuring equipment and inserted at a defined target through similar equipment.

There are other more invasive methods however they seem to imply negative health effects over prolonged periods.

This then of course brings up the implications in regards to Security and Privacy which is why the main sectors currently doing research in the area are Military or Security firms (Contractors). Although either armed with such equipment is dangerous because who's to say that a Politician speaking in front of their Countrymen is saying words that they deem true to themselves, or a cleverly scripted campaign created by insurgents intent on raising a Puppet government.
Again considering the Evolution of creatures across the planets surface there is no evidence to support "Telepathy" in a naturally evolved state. All creatures that communicate with one another do so via some form of medium, be it sound, movement or pheromones.
Thought is a medium. They'd be sent by brain waves right?

"Telepathy" always seems to suggest the ability a person could transmit thought to another person but tends to neglect the Medium. Without a medium it can not exist. (Medium in definition)
It doesn't neglect the medium; it provides one, which is brain waves.

This is the reason I believe that the only "Telepathy" that can ever be developed is "Artificial Telepathy" which requires Non-organic components (Like Computers and Radio antenna arrays) This would potentially allow a persons thoughts to be Calculated through the use of measuring equipment and inserted at a defined target through similar equipment.
I agree
Telepathy, is a foundation of a myth. The greatest part of this myth was ressurected from the known phenom of the Zeno-Effect, and the Anti-Zeno Effect. Otherwise, macroscopic events cannot be determined from such effects of thoughts.
do your research free your mind i need all your help

they do exist and can very well be proven they are natural laws of physcis just take a course in electircal engineering and use a little bit of common sense and will soon see all the connections remember all existence is bracasted of several different frequencies ranging from hihg to low pitch
With or without evidence?
Without isn't so much acceptance as woo wooism.
At first, Einsteins relativity wa considered a ''woo-woo'' of physics, and it was also seen without evidence.

It asn't until Eddington took up belief, did he rally for other scientists to stop being so dogmatic.

A movie is coming out soon, featuring the star of Doctor Who, playing Eddington, in the story of these giants of physics.
At least Einstein had mathematics to back him up....
And his theory explained already observed phenomena.
Rather more than "I believe".

It was arrived by by cold hard logic, not belief.