Psychic Aura

Hi Banshee, Thank you for the second opinion. But Proud? -if you mean arrogance, No. Pride is one of the sins I would like to do without.

I reason I brought up Aura is that, many years ago, I was involved with a Music Band Group, due to my talent in advanced digital audio technology. There, I was exposed to all types of psychic activities and people that is normally not found in corporate environment. I had a lot of fun. Just so you know, where I am coming from.


I think that you are basically correct in what you say above.
I would be very interested to hear the compleat list of what you green for the heart chakra ect.
I agree with that part.
Incidently,do you see the heart chakra exactly where the heart is?
I can assure you that it is definately not because you are male that you do not see auras.
I know two very male males who see auras very well.

You have seven chakra's.
Every chakra has his own task in your body.
I have to translate this in understanable english, I hope it works.

At the bottom of our body, we forget arms and legs for now, at the end of your backspine is the chakra situated that rules the material way of living in our live. This chakra is like the roots with which we are standing in life, in the Earth. Colour is red and it is attached to the element Earth.

Next chakra, Belly-Chakra is situated so ten centimeters below your navel ? and this chakra is a sort of junction from energy. We have to use this energy to learn to be objective towards things in life, too stay flexibel and not to stand still. This chakra is also the centre of feelings of love and sexuality. Also this chakra looks after your health, it should help your body in case of sickness, so you recover quickly.
This is an important chakra. Colour is orange and it is attached to the element Water.

Next chakra is situated so ten centimeters above the navel. This chakra, Midd riff-Chakra or PLexus Solaris, is the junction energy that keeps you a free and self thinking person. If it functionates well, it will give you the certainty and will power you need to survive in this life. It also gives you the energy to deal with feelings like anger, being in love, frustrations and so on. This chakra is as important as they all are of course. The colour is yellow and it is attached to the element Fire.

Then we come at the Heart-Chakra. It is situated in the middle of your breast and is the centre of the less 'I' feelings. This chakra gives you the strenght and compassion to give and not want any thing in return for it. This is simply called Love. This is the centre of Harmony, and keeping Heart and Soul in balance. The colour is green. With this Chakra comes a symbol: Air

The Throat-Chakra then is the conjunction of energy we need to communicate. Being busy with language, singing. All sorts of communication. Also making music and writing books fall under this Chakra. It is situated in lower part of your throat. The colour is light-blue and the logical symbol here is: Sound

Then the Head-Chakra. This is the centre of your Thinking, deep thinking, philosofy, intuition, higher conciousness ?. It is situated between the eyes. The colour is dark-blue and the symbol is: Light

The last but most important Chakra, if you can say it that way, 'cause they are all important.
The Crown-Chakra is the centre of energy that is coming and going from the Cosmos. It makes us feel a part of the Cosmos, part of a mystyc home-town which lays in all our minds. You just have to look for it. In your Deeper Self. It is situated on top of your head. The colour is purple and the symbol is: A Halo or Aureole.

So you see, it is a lot. I hope it makes sense, I am not that good in english to explain this items just like that. Maybe I forgot some things.
Please, let me know, I wrote down what I could. But I am only human and can make mistakes.
Please tell me then and don't turn me down immediately.
Thank you.
The Human Aura

The psychic aura does exist. It is actually how a psychic reads a person. It is said to extend six to eight feet from the human body and is made up of several layers. It can change from moment to moment and is a most vivid story of the person to whom it belongs. The shape of the aura as well as its colors (and many times there are several in one aura) are the keys to aura interpretation.
To see an aura...well let's drop that idea for a moment. The first thing we all need to realize is that one does not have to see an aura in order to interpret it. According to one's psychic strength (as we are all psychic and capable of observing an aura) one can see, hear, feel, and know the vibrational patterns of an aura. All four psychic types are able to pick up on shapes and colors.
For instance, KMGuru, you have stated that you have had a hard time seeing an aura (I won't say "cannot" as I believe otherwise). However, you did mention that you have the ability to heal by touch. To me this would indicate that you have latent clairsentient (psychic feeling) abilities. If you've read my most recent reply regarding "Is Psychic Ability Possible", you already know how to activate your psychic feeling reception area in order to receive psychic vibrations. Now you need only to focus on the shapes and colors that you feel. It is possible to feel color. Take into consideration the cases you might have heard about blind people being able to pick-up on colors and other details of some objects by touch alone (of course these are cases where the subject at one time did have sight).
As far as interpreting an aura goes, I have read , from several different sources that the color one sees from an aura should be interpreted according to what the color means to the person doing the auric interpretation. For example, while blue in an aura might mean kindness to one person, it might mean loneliness to another (I used blue as an example because I've heard both of those interpretations while watching friends read auras and they proved to be correct).
Yes, the aura's I do see, 'loud' and 'clear' to call it that.
Some people have Aura's that shine bright, you can see a halo like glow around the person. The colours change, the most dominant colour is the one you 'see' best.
I meant to say that there are only 7 colours and they are all detached ? to a Chakra. This Chakra's make show the colours on the outside, because one day you feel better then another day.
So, then the most dominant colour becomes a lttle vague and there are more spicks in it from other colours, belonging to the Chakra which is belonging to the not ok feeling.
It is too difficult english, I try anew, read please, help me here....

For instance, you are feeling very angry with some one. The Chakra that rules this kind of feelings is the Mid-riff Chakra, or Plexus Solaris, then the yellow colour shows up more, there is a brighter shine of yellow in your Aura. You understand how it works?? I really hope so, it's difficult. But everybody has an Aura, it is better to not see them, sometimes it is so wrong what you see, you scare back from it. A lot of people are very twisted, in their heads I mean. More flickering red and even black sometimes, which doesn't even belong in an Aura. Stay away from that persons, that's for sure.

If you are a real egoistic person, that Chakra will be dominant on others and other Chakra's start to fade away if you are not in balance, in and outside your body.
When you go with your hand over your body, not touch a little above, you can feel change in energy which goes through your body, from Chakra to Chakra. I told you were the Chakra's are situated. Try to keep your hand a little above the place where the Chakra is. Then concentrate on the Chakra which you want to feel, imagine you see it, think of the element or symbol which belongs with this Chakra and feel. You can feel the energy under your hand, in your body.
That's the way to get in contact with your energetic body.
When you feel one Chakra better then others, it means you have to work on the ones which you do not feel well enough. Maybe then you have some problems and you work more with one or two Chakra's then to handle the problem with your whole energetic body. I am afraid I make no sense to you.
If you do not understand, please tell me. I just want you to show how this works.

It is case you finally find the balance you need between body and your Deeper Self. Then you feel good, because then every Chakra is able to work at ful strenght. It takes a while before you can get that right, it can take a life time.
But the Aura's bring out the colours you have inside you, in your Chakra's. And there are a lot of people nowaday's who know to see Aura's. You have to practise.........A very lot.

I hope I made sense to you. It is a difficult item to write down in english and it is not all. There is a lot more to it then only this.
Later I tell you, if you want to know.
If you don't think I am a lunatic, you may think that, I understand, heard it enough......;)
Banshee...Lunatic...nah! - just kidding...

I also found out that I can sense microwaves and x-rays through my skin on my arm. I have tested with blind fold and someone turning off and on, without me knowing when it is on or off... I get a tingling sensation that is difficult to describe.

When my indoor plants need watering, I usually sense it. It could be a coincidence...

Since my friends can see aura in crystals, I was thinking to run a test to see if I can energize a crystal using electromagnetic field. Anybody has any experience with that?

I use a pendle which is made from crystal and it works on magnetic fields. You can use the pendle also on humans, it leads you the way when some one is in pain. It shows you where the pain is. I see that in colours, though my pendle is pure crystal and looks like glass. It colours when I find what I am looking for.
I think you should get yourself a pendle, I have the feeling it will work very well for you.
Do they have pendle's there. I guess so. You can buy them in New-Age store's. Look to it that it is pure crystal. They are the best to work with. They have a high potential as spiritual guide if used well.
You have to make a pendle work for you. If you have one you have to 'order' it with your mind, to give you :
Yes, by moving from and towards to you.
No, by moving horizontal.
I don't know, by moving clockwise.
I can't answer this, by moving not clockwise but the other way round.

You have to give this orders by taking the little chain of the pendle between your dumb and first finger. Loose, don't move it.When it hangs still, you have to hold it, not move it. Give the order with your mind and make the movement with your eyes. You will see it is easy. You may never move it yourself, then the answer is not certain any more. If you have ordered it, it goes by itself in no time. Every time you use it, first bring it at ease between your fingers til it hangs still, then it will work ok.
Try it. I think it may work well for you.
You let me know what you think of it?
What you think of it at all?
