Psychic Aura


Hmmmm the original topic was lost somewhere between Church and woodstock......... Anywho I belive that evryone has a lifeforce(persay) AKA "Chi" to some eastern religions. And someone brought up our brains? Yea, well we only use 10% of That 6LB Peice of meat. And if ya think about it, it explains telekinetics, Phychic, ect. Hmmmmm what was his name...... I don't remember but this man built an Intire CAstle out of fossilized coral. The strange thing is that he built it by himself. And some of the things he Did were absolutley unbelivalbe. Some people specualte that he developed A machine so simple. I suppose it was like an anti gravity machine. I wathched it on Travel Channels "Secrets". But Most people think he solved the greatest mystery of All time.... How the hell did the egyptians build the pyramids. And oh by the way there is no scientific proven fact. Only specualtion and good guesses. As far as I am concerened, A mystery that maybe my grandchildren will solve.:D :cool: :rolleyes:
Hello Tristan:

Welcome to my humble topic. You know how psychics are. One minute they are galivanting the universe, the next they are in Woodstock....
Your welcome..

Well, I think the egyptians has developed a technique with sound. That they could control physical matter by connecting to it´s wavelenght and control it from there. They could connect to the pure enrgy of the existense. Now , will someone tell me what an Oreo is? :confused:
Be glad to ...

1. A cookie that consists of two round dark brown crackers separated by a white filling; also a similar cookie that is filled with a light chocolate filling.

2. A derogatory expression signifying that a Black person is acting like a White person; similar to an 'Apple', a Native American who is acting White or Anglo depending on what part of the country the expression is being used.
Hehe..... An Oreo?! It's a chocolate cookie with white cream in the middle!:cool: :D :rolleyes:
Hmmmmm what was his name...... I don't remember but this man built an Intire CAstle out of fossilized coral. The strange thing is that he built it by himself. And some of the things he Did were absolutley unbelivalbe. Some people specualte that he developed A machine so simple. I suppose it was like an anti gravity machine. I wathched it on Travel Channels "Secrets". But Most people think he solved the greatest mystery of All time.... How the hell did the egyptians build the pyramids. And oh by the way there is no scientific proven fact. Only specualtion and good guesses. As far as I am concerened, A mystery that maybe my grandchildren will solve.

Hi Tristan,
I'm the one who brought up the subject of brains, but with this post you seem to have scrambled mine! Who are you talking about? Am I the only one confused? :confused: :)
Bobby Lee,

You're right. I took a look back and saw that the original topic was lost somewhere. But I'm still curious about who the hell Tristan was talking about.
hey all :)
kmguru - :D maybe a patience issue is coming back to prod the finger of buddha at you? {not trying to be funny but trying to look at it from a spiritual level}

i have seen auras' but not on a consistant basis and i have noticed that people seem to talk allot about them but have little experience or knoledge about them.
great topic kmguru!
anyone mave any experience with cloaking?
im keen to discuss that too if it fits the topic!

groove on all :)

by Fred Graham

A frail man, weighing not more than 100 pounds, quarried a piece of coral from the earth weighing over 28 tons. He then transported it and raised it, all alone, without the aid of machinery or modern tools.

Edward Leedskalnin of South Florida did just that and much more. He cut, quarried, and raised a castle consisting of over 1000 tons of coral rock and 100 tons of carvings. His creation of Rock Gate, later to be called Coral Castle, ranks with the wonders of our world... with the mysteries in stone on Easter Island and Stonehenge in England. To present day, no one, neither scientist nor engineer, can explain how he accomplished this Herculean project.

B. J. Cathie, a captain flying with National Airways Corp. of New Zealand and author of "Harmonic 33" and "Harmonic 695, the UFO, and Anti-Gravity," looks into the Coral Castle mystery. His well-researched theory is that a vast power grid, governing a whole array of extraordinary and unrelated world phenomena, has been set up "between some groups on this planet and UFOs."

Captain Cathie believes that, "one day, the scientists will no longer be able to turn their backs on the basic precepts of true science. They will have to examine all evidence impartially before they reach their conclusions; and, instead of offering only ridicule, they will carry out full, worldwide investigations into all phenomena related to UFOs and the grid from which those vehicles are drawing their power."

In his writing, he says, "We wonder; couldn't it be that the scientists have the full explanation of UFOs and, for reasons not yet clear, are deliberately keeping the knowledge as a jealously guarded secret within their own closed ranks?" He believes there exists, on our globe, an all-encompassing grid, the interlocking lines of which correspond to the lines of flight of verified UFO appearances.

Once the discovery of a geometric pattern of UFO activity was made, it seemed to indicate a definite purpose in the presence of UFOs about our planetary surface. When the grid was broken down into mathematical coordinates, it was found that all values represented in the grid had direct harmonic relationships with the speed of light, gravity, and earth mass.

When the author correlated the different phenomena, he concluded, "All major changes of the physical state, anywhere in the world, are brought about by harmonic interactions of those manifestations which we refer to as gravity, light, mass, electrical, and magnetic forces. The controlled manipulation of these resonant forces would, in my hypothesis, make it possible to move mass from one point to another in space time (that is, to the eye of a theoretical observer, instantaneously)."

In summation, Cathie says, "Other measurements from the Coral Castle position to the zero-degree and 90-degree longitude lines, when they passed through the equator, also yielded harmonics related to light and gravity. The final check of the distance between Coral Castle and grid pole A in the north, dispelled any doubt about the site being in an ideal position to allow Leedskalnin to erect the huge blocks of coral with relative ease. Measurements from all major points gave the geometric harmonics necessary for the manipulation of anti-gravity."

According to Cathie, it seems Ed Leedskalnin knew what he was doing when he deliberately selected this area for the erection of his famed Coral Castle.

Whether or not he knew the secrets of the Pyramids or, more modernly, levitation, anti-gravity, or the secret of the UFO grid will never be known. His secret died with him in 1951.

Was he a man born before his time or was he a man from another time? Whichever, Edward Leedskalnin was a man whose mission on earth has left monuments for us to ponder, secrets for us to discover, and Coral Castle as an accomplishment worthy of our admiration and respect.

:p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p
Captain Cathie believes that, "one day, the scientists will no longer be able to turn their backs on the basic precepts of true science. They will have to examine all evidence impartially before they reach their conclusions; and, instead of offering only ridicule, they will carry out full, worldwide investigations into all phenomena related to UFOs and the grid from which those vehicles are drawing their power."

Forget about scientists. If you think, you found some harmonic do-dah, use it to build whatever and call a press conference including CNN and publish to the whole world. In stead, these people talk about conspiracy and all these nonsense. I am aware of several companies raise money to do research on these esoteric ideas just to eat up the money while the investors are holding the bag.
Sorry i was in a hurry and so I just cut and pasted ana article from a web page that looked like it would explan boy wonder. My bad if their was that in there:confused: :rolleyes:

My opinions are not directed to you but to those out there that take financial advantage out of our curiosity.

Even if we are in the pseudoscience area, we need to be aware of flim-flam artists and treat them as such. In case of psychic aura, we should look in to brain wave patterns and thermal gradient of the body which could have a scientific basis though have not been researched.

There is nothing wrong to search for answers as long as we do not fall into the conspiracy theory....
Hey guys,

I thought I get my two cents in so here is my theory, and if I've repeated anything then I'm sorry.

When energy is applied to a gas it emits photons, right? So say that there is an undiscovered energy, different from electricity. Like life energy. And when applied to a gas (the air) it emits a special type of photon that cannot be seen through normal means. The color of the aura would not be dependent on the gas but rather the frequency of the energy ie specific states of mind like angry sad happy good, well you guys get my point. Anyway Scientists havent yet discovered it yet but how do you account for the mirracle of life. I'd say life energy is what binds molocules together and makes them function harmoniously.

Anyway, they'll probably discover it someday. I probably could write up a theory myself or something, but who would publish it?I'm just some stupid kid in grade 10? And who would read it anyways? Nobody reads theorys that conflict with the string theory that I pointed out in another post. Nobody cares unless it comes from somebody famous.
Hi Elbaz:

You just posted your theory. Just work on it...who knows what you will find. Just dont blowup your town.....

Good Luck...
And become famous in the process. Then all would look even if they didn't listen. Sounds interesting. Develop it.
Where Aura-psychic????

I thought Psychic-Aura's were the topic here.
What are you all talking about then.
Confusing, I do not know what to write here.
All kind of things are named here.
Which way you want to go now??

Tell me, I want to know.
Then Kmguru, you told me to go to pseudo science, so here I am, and what then??
Confusion, confusion.

I wait for an answer and then I will be back, curious to know what you are talking about at pseudo science, where I belong, according to some members here.
So explain, why that is??

What are you talking about???
Talk to you later....if you know what to make out of this mess.
Coinfusion, confusion
Hellooo Banshee:

With Lots of Love my friend...
Read the whole topic, you will find out.
Tell us if you can see human Auras.
Do you see Auras in Television pictures and Photographs?

I have female friends that do.
I do not see them(auras), may be because I am a male.
My female friends, who have the gift, are sweet, smart and beautiful (Deadwood, make a note!).
I do not understand it, but it works for me - more ways than you can possibly imagine.

Until then...bye...
Oh, that kind of Aura!!!!!

My, my, I read the beginnig of this topic. I come no further then to agree on what Bebelina told you.
You really blue-ish, purple??? Your Aura I mean???
You should be proud, I agree.
So you are a very stabile figure Kmguru, that makes sense.

The colour of Aura's do change if you are angry or not feeling well.
They can turn to all colours of the rainbow:red
No more colours, no less.
The colours match with your chakra's, from which you have 7 too. They work together, for example: green is the colour, if you want, that stands even for the heart-chakra which rules the non-egoistic feelings, you have towards the outer world and people. It stands for making yourself meaningful to others without wanting any thing back.
Literally 'do things with your heart', I am talking too difficult don't I?
I don't even know if somebody brought up this already. If so, it is a pity, then you have it twice in your topic.
The colours are important, I wrote them down from bottom to top.
Most people take a while to get to the even blue colour, in the images I think. Everybody has his/her own way of interpretating the colours.
I know it yes, I see it yes, I am beginning to feel like a whole freakshow all alone here........
You don't let me fall here Kmguru, don't.......

Most of the times I am very good in 'seeing' how people really are, it is rotten, it is not nice at all. Ten people tell me, You are wrong, this person is ok. It can take a week or a year, I always find out to be right on it. I hate that, don't you see.
I really do hate this a lot. I can not find a way to make it go away, it doesn't.

You want to know more on the chakra's and Aura's, you tell me, I fill you in.
Talk to you later....