Psychic Aura


Staff member
What do you think about psychic aura? Those who can see them, do engage here. I did some research, I will post the details later.
Originally posted by kmguru
What do you think about psychic aura? Those who can see them, do engage here. I did some research, I will post the details later.
I've recently come to the conclusion that:
1. There is an aura around us all - specifically an EM field.
2. There are probably three people on Earth who can see it. The rest are charlatans and astrologers (pardon the redundancy). The reason I think anyone can see it is that we already know mutations exist that allow some people to see colours outside the spectrum that's visible for most of us. It's not without the realms of possibility that a few mutants can see the aura.

Typing 'kirlian photography' into google will result in nice pictures and justification for our millions of faking chums.
I was told that good people have blue to purple auras, evil people have yellow to red auras. People who have terminal deseases have almost no aura before death (within 6 months). White aura go to Mother theresa and Purple goes to the Pope.

What that means, I have no freaking idea....but if it is true, may be we can develop a sensor to treat illness (non-invasive procedure)

Sometime ago, I brought home a thermal camera we use at work. We played around to see our bodies and how they chage color. What we found is that a family member had bruised leg, which showed up as yellow to red color in the affected area. Interesting...
Originally posted by kmguru
I was told that good people have blue to purple auras, evil people have yellow to red auras. People who have terminal deseases have almost no aura before death (within 6 months). White aura go to Mother theresa and Purple goes to the Pope.

What that means, I have no freaking idea...
It means that someone's been talking out of their arse. There's no such thing as a 'good' person or an ''evil' person. Just varying degrees of fucked up people.
The truth is that there is cerainly an aura and that all people can see it, if they just opened their eyes. My aura is blue-turqoise. The aura showes the state of mind , body and soul of the person. Instead of good , we can say loving and instead of bad , we can say afraid. That is closer to the reality.

Hugs from Bebelina ;)
Hi Bebelina:

I was told that my aura is Deep-blue to Purple. I do not know what that means.
When I was teaching meditation through a local New Age group, I came across several people who practice western rituals and can read Auras. It was fascinating in that a lot of items were in common with certain practices in India.

With some stretch of imagination , I could understand that a living person produces the EM field and hence the detection of Aura. But they also say that they could see aura in photographs of people. One time, I was wearing my Dad's ring. my friend told me that it has a strong purple to white aura, whereas my other ring which was a present a few days earlier did not carry any.

There is more...of my experience in India....if anybody is interested
Well then, you should be proud of yourself! Those colours indicate an enlightened, healthy and loving spirit. :cool:
Yes, I´m really interested. I always wanted to go to India, but the opportunity has never come up. Friends of mine has however been there several times, always 6 months at a time. And then they come back with the most amazing stories.
Then here it goes. I have several stories and they are interrelated but have different topics. I have got positive results as well as negative results. I will let them stand on their own. Because they are experiences, I am neutral in the belief department.

After my engineering degree, I took some philosophy courses to balance out the education. I debated with one of my Philosophy professor that Indians worship too many Gods. I said, in the 20th century, is not this more ignorance. He said, someday scientist will prove that life has certain energy signatures. You can donate a miniscule energy to another person or thing, since we are all part of the universe at a subatomic level.

He said: Now, this induction of vibration or energy attaches to anything. As we pray to a God with a focus on the idol, the idol can be a likeness or a deity or simply a nice round stone as with Shiva. Before the stone or the idol is set to be worshiped, it is just a piece of stone. After the ritual, when the priest declares that now it is so and so God or Goddess, then the worshipper expects that stone to have certain attributes. In reality, the worshipper provides the energy/EM field/life force to the stone. After many thousands of worshippers visitations, the stone fills up with the energy like a capacitor. Those who are in need of cure (healthwise) get some of the energy to them because, the sick have lower energy state.

I shook my head. Thought to myself, it sounds logical. I can not prove it. But what the heck! if I get sick, I am showing up at the temple for worship - it would not hurt.

Until next time....
Bobby Lee:

I tried, but I can see no aura. However I have persons close to me that see them. I guess each person has their own talents. One of my friend can see bits and pieces of the future such as a setting we may live or interact in great detail. But they are not consistent. That is one out of three views may be exact but which one? - until it happens.

I have another friend who is a concert level Viola player. She has a similar talent for others but can not see herself in it.

The only talent I have is, I can heal muscle tension by touching them better than Lodine can - that is what my Yoga students told me. I am not sure.
The fact that we use such a small percentage of our brain leaves me little doubt that all of the abilities mentioned in this topic are possible. I think as mankind evolves (assuming we don't blow ourselves up) we will learn to access and use these gifts. I hope so anyway, because these abilities could help us understand each other and, I hope, eventually lead to a more peaceful society.

hey all :)
great topic!!!
and so here is my 5 cents worth :D

think of how many people say that they believe
"if you want it or believe in it strong enough it will come true"

now combine that with the idea of posative(+) thought.

evaluate the biggest belief of society(fear and mistrust)
and then u have the norm.

so i gues the next question is...
"how many people does it take to over ride the negative thought of the rest of the population"?
you gotta wonder.. its just a big damn shame soo many people @ woodstock were smashed off their brains!!!

in light of such weird thought...think about what the subject or topic of motivation is that creates the worlds biggest and most common gatherings!...?

groove on all :)
Hey, ROD, Thanks. Those of you who go to church, do a little experiment. Go there when no body is there. And spend a few moments quietly to soak in some positive vibrations.

Old catholic churches are good place to get some energy because of their elaborate ornamentation of the place. Give us a feedback how it worked. You do not have to have a specific faith to receive it. It works if you just relax and open your mind.
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A shame?

Hey Rip,
you gotta wonder.. its just a big damn shame soo many people @ woodstock were smashed off their brains!!!
But it sure made you oblivious to the rain and the mud and let you just groove the music.
Like ... yeah

Not 'in', 'at' ... Not that talented.

Followed a couple of guys who had left the day before on four wheels. Glad I did, getting through the traffic on two wheels was a whole lot easier. It ended up being one damned wet ride home - but worth it. Glad I made it ... Never happened again.
Ah, Female Messiah ...

I thank you ...

My children thank you ...

My grandchildren than you ...

Oh hell! Thanks.