Psychic activity....

"feeling" something like someone being hurt is called "empathy" and it's usually caused by the brain processing what it would be like to be in the shoes of the person being hurt. If people believe this is some interconnection then they should understand the and the human brain is a very powerful processing machine afterall it can generate "dreams", it can manifest reality's from fiction and therefore could manifest something that you might experience too. Since afterall every experience is just a cluster of impulses firing.

As for ESP, there have been questions about it however it's not suppose to really be about "Psychic's" but certain aspects of Relativity/Non-Locality in Physics.
As for ESP, there have been questions about it however it's not suppose to really be about "Psychic's" but certain aspects of Relativity/Non-Locality in Physics.

Is this the ESP mainstream you're talking about Stryder? Geez, you're just as bad as any of them!
I don't believe in many of the so called psychics out there...

But sometime you have to wonder like in Ravens case.

One day a friend of mine called me over to the Casino.. I'm not a gambling man, but I go for a drink. So I came over, bla bla bla... Drink there, watching my friends gamble there and another drink there...

I was watching them play Black Jack and had the urge to tell them to bet on perfect pair. But didn't, because I'm not a psychic and they were doing fine with out my help. Next pair was delt and it was a perfect pair... Oh well I thought... Just Luck. I kept on watching them play, and wanted to tell them to bet on perfect pair again. So I just tell my friend... Put a 10er for me on perfect pair. Perfect pair came up... 35:1... I still have a 100$ chip from that bet for sourvenier...

Luck or something more? Intuition... I believe in some cases it may be true... Though most of the time is just bs targeting the foolish at $5 per minute.

Anyone ever watched "Psychic Sandwich" on Letterman? She never got it once...

- Shifty Russian ...Crazy Sex News Stories!!!
Stryder said:
"feeling" something like someone being hurt is called "empathy" and it's usually caused by the brain processing what it would be like to be in the shoes of the person being hurt. If people believe this is some interconnection then they should understand the and the human brain is a very powerful processing machine afterall it can generate "dreams", it can manifest reality's from fiction and therefore could manifest something that you might experience too. Since afterall every experience is just a cluster of impulses firing.

me))))))))'just a cluster of impulses firing' issss your myth. which is unprovable. please checkout te 'HARD PROBLEM' (David Chalmers) in cognitive scince. where tey are trying to understand what subjective consciousess is. you interpretation is so-called 'objective' and doesn't really explain conciousness in a deep way. just checkout about it andget bck

As for ESP, there have been questions about it however it's not suppose to really be about "Psychic's" but certain aspects of Relativity/Non-Locality in Physics.
dont really kow whatyo mean by this...?
sorry, i should clarify when i said 'unprovable'...i meant unprovable asin regards that the inner FEELINg is 'just.....etc. of course objective measurement of 'neurons firing' isprovable, but te INNER experience is NOT, you cannot measure it. you cannotmeasure consciousness
Lets say we build a computer to house an artificial consciousness, it has both inputs and outputs in fact you could probably suggest it as to be the creation of a cyberpet.

Now with that in mind, We take a large hammer and we bash/crush the computer so all it's internal processing components are broken and no longer function while leaving the inputs and outputs intact.

Would that computer (even with it's broken brain) still house a consciousness? Would we still be able to get it via the input to do a calculation to the output?
The answer would be it's consciousness ceases to exist because it has no framework to be housed in, and obviously due to the systems destruction both the inputs and outputs are now throughly useless since there is nothing to process them.

[The above would also suggest that there are "no ghosts" or "life after death"]

As for what I meant about ESP, there were references of notible scientists taking an interest in ESP as a Side effect to other experiments, however I can't remember where exactly those references were from. (Fragment of TV program etc)

As for Psychic's themselves, personally I know if I wanted to make a wedge of money and prey on the meak, mild, weak and unstable, I would be selling "Winning Lotto numbers" and telling you what the "stars have to offer you".
Perhaps I should start doing that....

"Just send me Five Dollars"
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SkinWalker said:
Let me be brief: you're full of shit.

If you aren't, prove it.

You believe they exist. If you can't show us the evidence, its all a lie.

Hey, SkinWalker :) Fancy meeting you here.

First of all, :mad: I would like to give you a personal notice, that if I see another rude expression of yours like the one above or numerous others in this or adjacent forums, I will request the moderators to ban your honor for consistently not being able to follow elementary civilized rules of intelligent discourse. :mad:

Second of all, proofs of psychic abilities are hard to find but not necessarily due to the fact that they are non-sense. You can never rule out the hypothesis that they exist, it is impossible to prove anything with a 100% confidence, statistically speaking, right? But the more important notion here is that we are talking about rare events, - something that is usually missed in a set of data because it does not even closely fit the 95% (and in this case even a bigger) confidence interval. So do not claim that something does not exist, just because nobody in your family, in your neighborhood, at your job, or your pub is able to reproduce it.

If you have further questions, consider contacting any of the following organisations. May be they will enjoy your flame more:
- Anomalous Cognition Program, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands:
- Cognitive Sciences Laboratory, Palo Alto, CA
- Consciousness Research Division , University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV, USA
- Department of Psychology, University of Hertfordshire, UK
- Eotvos Lorand University of Budapest, Hungary
- Division of Psychiatry, University of Virginia, USA
- Institute for Parapsychology, Rhine Research Center, Durham, NC, USA
- Mind-Matter Unification Project, Cambridge University, UK
- Koestler Parapsychology Unit, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
- PEAR Laboratory, Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA

Sweet dreams
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fakedlunch said:
Hey, SkinWalker :) Fancy meeting you here.

First of all, :mad: I would like to give you a personal notice, that if I see another rude expression of yours like the one above or numerous others in this or adjacent forums, I will request the moderators to ban your honor for consistently not being able to follow elementary civilized rules of intelligent discourse. :mad:

Then I shall refrain from saying 'piss off.' Man. So glad I didn't say that.

fakedlunch said:
You can never rule out the hypothesis that they exist, it is impossible to prove anything with a 100% confidence, statistically speaking, right?

Statistically speaking, there is more probability that he's full of shit. Indeed, I stand by that assertion. Of course, I'm completely willing to revise my position should he show the evidence. Otherwise, he/she is just a liar.
I think people who practice as "psychics" "taro readers" etc, should be fined.
Its obviously ripping people off of their money, and providing them with false hope, false fear, false statements, false information.
Why hasn't it been banned?

I'm studying Psychology and Neuroscience.
I also have to study statistics, which I hate, but I have done 3 semesters now so I do understand the "confidence" interval and a lot of other measures of "significance".
Is there any evidence that people can be psychic? no.
Is there any evidence that people can believe they are "psychic" or have other amazing powers, when really they are delusional? Yes. A lot of evidence.
Here is another thing you might want to consider, its called "confirmation bias". If people search for examples where there might have been "psychic phenomena" involved, they will find some, guaranteed.

Like that time I slept in cause it was raining, missed uni and ended up NOT slipping on the road and NOT being hit by a car. OOoooOOOOOoooh. Freaky.

Take a guy on this board, witnessjudgejury. Thinks he is a servant of god sent to set us all on fire with his magic jesus powers. Poor guy.

My brother has been watching "might morphin power rangers" and occaisionally dresses up as a NINJA, who weilds magic powers.
I think thats a good comparison actually - with adults who think they are psychics"..... EXCEPT MY BROTHER IS FIVE(5) YEARS OLD.
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Stryder said:
Lets say we build a computer to house an artificial consciousness, it has both inputs and outputs in fact you could probably suggest it as to be the creation of a cyberpet.

me::::hmmmmmwhat is an 'artifical' cnsciousness?

Now with that in mind, We take a large hammer and we bash/crush the computer so all it's internal processing components are broken and no longer function while leaving the inputs and outputs intact.


Would that computer (even with it's broken brain) still house a consciousness? Would we still be able to get it via the input to do a calculation to the output?
The answer would be it's consciousness ceases to exist because it has no framework to be housed in, and obviously due to the systems destruction both the inputs and outputs are now throughly useless since there is nothing to process them.

me::the consciousness seeks to exist cause tere's no framework to be housed in? so you are using that as an anology fo what would happen if someone beat me to death? you are saying consciousness would cease to exist?

[The above would also suggest that there are "no ghosts" or "life after death"]

me::::::::you seem to jump to conclusions, if u dont mind me saying so. it STILL dos not explain tis crucial question: HOW--from se-called consciousess-less neurons, synapses, molecules, atoms etc does subjective consciousness happen.....? HOW? dont be too quick to answer now. this conundrum aint called 'the Hard Problem' for nuthin!!

As for what I meant about ESP, there were references of notible scientists taking an interest in ESP as a Side effect to other experiments, however I can't remember where exactly those references were from. (Fragment of TV program etc)

As for Psychic's themselves, personally I know if I wanted to make a wedge of money and prey on the meak, mild, weak and unstable, I would be selling "Winning Lotto numbers" and telling you what the "stars have to offer you".
Perhaps I should start doing that....

me::: some real 'psychics' aren't as crass as that.

"Just send me Five Dollars"
wont get much for that dude
Why hasn't it been banned?

It's a form of harmless entertainment to those who recognize it as such. If some are so gullible and stupid as to lead their lives from what a psychic says, they deserve to be ripped off. Hopefully, they'll eventually learn its nonsense and right if off as an expensive lesson. If not, again, they deserve it.
(Q) said:
Why hasn't it been banned?

It's a form of harmless entertainment to those who recognize it as such. If some are so gullible and stupid as to lead their lives from what a psychic says, they deserve to be ripped off. Hopefully, they'll eventually learn its nonsense and right if off as an expensive lesson. If not, again, they deserve it.
how many believe bio-shrinks me wonders..? they rip off more than yer money. they rip yer very brain up!
SkinWalker said:
Of course, I'm completely willing to revise my position should he show the evidence. Otherwise, he/she is just a liar.

The problem is that that person apparently is hardly willing to prove you anything. It is just not worth the trouble of getting a load of dirty physiological references on one's brain. Is that the way you keep yourself always right?
duendy """HOW--from se-called consciousess-less neurons, synapses, molecules, atoms etc does subjective consciousness happen.....? HOW?"""

Who are you to say that neurons are "consciousness-less"??
And who are you to say that the roughly 10 trillion neurons in the nervous system, all firing, interacting with each other, chemically and electrically, wouldn't be magnificient enough to constitute what we call "conciousness"??
Where else do you propose conciousness is, is it some invisible spirit nobody can see?
Is it in the heart? Or the rectum?

If someone beat someone to death, I believe conciousness would cease to exist.
Take that Terry Schiavo case. She was brain dead, but her family wanted to keep her "alive", and they did so for 15 years. Thank goodness that woman has now been given her peace.
They were interfering when they put the feeding tube IN, not when they took it out!
Huwy said:
And who are you to say that the roughly 10 trillion neurons in the nervous system, all firing, interacting with each other, chemically and electrically, wouldn't be magnificient enough to constitute what we call "conciousness"??

some argument you got going there
who are you to say it is?

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Are you actually interested in the topic or just inciting a riot?
i'll take the "hell" out

its all part of my outreach program
i like to talk to folks in a language they can understand.