Psychic activity....


Registered Senior Member

If there really are psychics, then why has nobody been able to prove that they are psychic under certain conditions? Sorry folks, if you think you're psychic, you're incorrectamundo, there is no such thing.

And stop abusing all of those words like "intuition" it has nothing to with psychic powers, it just means that based on what's in your head, perhaps subconsciously, you decide to make certain decisions, THATS IT! I hate it when people who claim to be psychic use that word!
Well I've had quite a few meaningless "intuition" moments myself. My dad's friend who's kinda my uncle has had quite a few as well and for both of us, it has to be natural. You can't think about it, it has to just pop into your head outta the blue and then you grab it rather than trying to focus and make something happen. There's no control or anything.

Anyways, the last one I had was two days ago at one of the stores I work at. There's this old, English guy who picks up boxes and whatnot and while I was working, I had this weird vision that he was gonna come up behind me and start beating the crap outta me for no reason. Was pretty weird and I just figured it was some crazy random daydream and whatnot as everyone gets meaningless thoughts in their head. Anyways, sure enough, like a minute later, he comes down the aisle to pick up some boxes behind me, and you know those thin plastic strips that hold heavy boxes together? He picks one up and starts whipping me over and over with it. I don't even know the guy and the only times I've talked to him or had any sort of interaction with him was when saying "hi" in passing. I was like, what the hell, since I just had a similar vision to that less than a minute ago, and he says he hopes he didn't hurt me and I just said "nah, it's all in good fun" but was still puzzled over it.

Now I don't claim to be psychic or anything and I don't bother to read the paranormal section of these boards, but I can highly relate when people talk about intuition. Animals seem to be able to sense danger, so why can't we? I believe that there's something out there, but we just don't know how to unlock it. They say kids are the best are it since they're not tained with beliefs and normal daily chores and whatnot, and we no longer really live on instinct but rather technology so we've lost any animalistic instincts or intuitions we may have had.

- N
I was on my way home from work at about 3:00 AM. It was a little drizzly out, and teh ground was a little wet, but not really raining. I suddently had a disturbing image of a truck (big rig, 18 wheeler) crashing in front of me, turning sideways and blocking the road in front of me (it was I-80 in New Jersey, a large three lane highway). In my mind, I was going too fast to stop and I crashed into the truck. I actually heard the sound of the crash. Now, i know I have a good imagination and wandering mind, but this was different. The crashing sound was so loud it startled me. I slowed down to about 25 miles per hour. I was so shaken I called my girlfriend at the time and told her about it. She said what would be expected, drive carefully blah blah... After I hung up, not 2 minutes later, there was an 18-wheeler laying sideways on the highway blocking the road (except for the shoulder lane) EXACTLY how it had been in my mind. It had to have just happened, because there was no one else there, not even the cops. Just the driver. He hadn't even set up flares or anything yet. The driver was walking around, so he seemed fine, and I was just a bit too freaked out to stop (I normally would have).

Can I prove any of this? Of course not.
Can I tell you what tomorrow's winning lottery numbers are? No.
Do I claim to know what happened, what it means, what's behind it or anything else? Nope.

I simply know it happened.
My girlfriend assured me it wasn't all a dream when I got home.

My mother has has more than a few "psychic" dreams about me, my brother and my nephew, and told me about them before I told her about the "reality" of the situation.
I didn't say, "this happened" and she replied, "OH, I had a dream about that".
She would call me and say, "I had an odd dream last night" and when she told me about it, it would be far too close to reality for a concidence.

I don't care if anyone had verifiable proof of so-called psychic events or not.
I have personally experienced them and I know there is SOMETHING more than we know about there.
This certainly does not mean that all psychic phenomena are valid.

Also, I get just as annoyed as any skeptic at people who claim to know exactly how it works and what it all means, with no evidence of it.

I am with the skeptics that there is no such thing as "supernatural" events. By definition, if it HAS happened, it is natural. It is just that we simply do not know everything.
People who claim to be hard-line "materialists" and insist that psychic events are not possible have simply closed their minds to the notion that there are valid physical events and properties that we simply do not yet understand, and until the events are looked at by objective, rational, open-minded scientists, we won't (and maybe not even then).
Just because YOU don't get it, that doesn't necessarily mean there is nothing to get.
Frisbinator said:

If there really are psychics, then why has nobody been able to prove that they are psychic under certain conditions? Sorry folks, if you think you're psychic, you're incorrectamundo, there is no such thing.

And stop abusing all of those words like "intuition" it has nothing to with psychic powers, it just means that based on what's in your head, perhaps subconsciously, you decide to make certain decisions, THATS IT! I hate it when people who claim to be psychic use that word!

when you just dismiss the 'sub-conscious' as being not connected with intuition, it made me laugh.....what do you, me etc really know about te SUB conscious and its powers...huh? you are like some geek with a pit helmet on with a beam shining from it.....all the dark surround you think is besides the point, cuase yous focussed on what light shines on
meant to say...not connected with psychic powers
you see your analytical thought process boxes up things eg 'intuition' 'subconscious' 'psychic powers'-----these are abstracts from a whole process which includes conscious tho must see yourself as very 2 dimesional. such is the 'success' of formal education.....!
This one time, this black guy held me up at an ATM with a gun.

SO because of this personal experience, it means that all black people are going to hold me up with a gun doesen't it? EVEN THOUGH 99.999999% of black people I've seen in my life HAVEN'T ever held me up with a gun, this one incident proves that all black people WILL hold me up with a gun, even though I can't prove it under lab conditions. If you disagree with me, you have just been brain washed by your formal education, and just because YOU don't get it, that doesn't necessarily mean there is nothing to get, because I have personally experienced a black person holding me up with a gun and I know there is SOMETHING to it, because I simply know it happened.
Now I don't claim to be racist or anything and I don't bother to read the racist sections of various boards, but I can highly relate when people talk about black people in a racist tone!

Does ANY of this make sense? Well, if your answer is no, then I have some news for you: Those are all things that YOU ALL have been saying! It is the same concept!

Just because you all thought a thought, among THOUSANDS every single day, and it happened (which is inevitable) doesen't mean that it was due to some kind of "6th sense", it just means that you thought about something and it happened!

Also, you can't give PERSONAL EXPERIENCES as evidence because they can't be validated and they don't mean squat to anybody but yourself.
Frisbinator said:
This one time, this black guy held me up at an ATM with a gun.

SO because of this personal experience, it means that all black people are going to hold me up with a gun doesen't it?
That is such ridiculous, non-sensical bullshit non sequitur, that I can't even believe you posted it.
No it does not, and no rational person would claim that.
Did you bother reading the posts at all?
Neildo said:
Now I don't claim to be psychic or anything and I don't bother to read the paranormal section of these boards...

one_raven said:
Can I prove any of this? Of course not.
Can I tell you what tomorrow's winning lottery numbers are? No.
Do I claim to know what happened, what it means, what's behind it or anything else? Nope.

This certainly does not mean that all psychic phenomena are valid.

Also, I get just as annoyed as any skeptic at people who claim to know exactly how it works and what it all means, with no evidence of it.
At least TRY and be honest with your arguments.

Let's take your analogy and try and make it look a little closer to what was actually being said on this thread...

After the black guy held you up at the ATM, Bill says to you, "That's impossible. I couldn't have happened. Show me your proof. If you have no proof it simply MUST be false. Black guys simply DO NOT do that EVER, so it must be impossible. Look at this statistic %99.99999 of black guys are law abiding citizens, and the only evidence suggesting otherwise is anecdotal. Skewed eye-witness testimony (you know how unreliable eye-witness testimony can be, there have been COUNTLESS studies on it), unclear video footage (that can EASILY be faked), forensic evidence (that can JUST as easily be planted) and circumstantial evidence. There is not a single shred of verifyable PROOF that any bvlack guy has ever held anyone up. No one has EVER gotten a black guy to hold someone up in lab. There haven't even been any experiments suggested because it is simply impossible to test. In other words, you MUST be either full of shit or mistaken. What, Everyone that has ever lost any money has had it stolen by a black guy now? Don't you see that makes no sense? Are you a moron?"

But, you were there. You SAW him do it. You are SURE he did it. Two other people you were with SAW him do it (though they question the experience now because so may experts told them is was impossible).

What would a reasonable person's response to Bill be?
"Well, I don't know about OTHER black guys. I don't know WHY this out of the ordinary thing happened. I know a lot of black guys, and NONE of them would hold someone up, and I don't know the guy who did this personally, so I can't speak to his personal situation, motive or state of mind... I CAN say, without a doubt in my mind, that this specific incident that I am referring to DID happen."
Frisbinator said:

If there really are psychics, then why has nobody been able to prove that they are psychic under certain conditions? Sorry folks, if you think you're psychic, you're incorrectamundo, there is no such thing.

You are arrogant and clueless.

Yes there is psychic abilities.

Think about it. A person like yourself comes in. "Ahhh. There is no psychic ability. It is bullshit. Those people are liars or fools". Why would those people talk to you? Why would they prove anything to you? You are rude and abusive. Why don't they just let you stumble thru life with your ignorance?

You are not open to the idea of psychics. There is no reason to talk to you. You are looking for people who believe in psychics so you can put them down and abuse them. Not because you think they can prove anything to you.
There are really psychic powers and I know because not only have I experienced them first hand, but I am learning to control mine too!
I've been studying it for a couple of years now and I can tell you that they do exist! The biggest problem is learning to accept them. If you don't believe them, you mind will not be open to them and it will keep them repressed. Some people are lucky because they grow up in households and families that knwo about their abilities and they learn to accept them at an early age, but for other people it is alot harder, but I think that everybody has some abilities, even if they are very weak.

Frisbinator, I know that you don't want to believe because you haven't read about it in a text book and they don't teach a class on it at your school, but there are alot of good books out there that talk about the subject and do teach you how to develop your gifts.

I hope you learn to accept your potential and stop being so bitter. I think you would be alot happier if you did!
There are really psychic powers and I know because not only have I experienced them first hand

And what exactly are you able to accomplish with these so-called 'powers?' Can you repeat them on demand consistently? Can anyone else confirm these powers?
Look, this isn't the movies!!
I can't pick things up with my mind and throw them across the room or sumthing!
It's more like an interconnectedness with people. Like I know when my friends are in trouble or something bad has happened.
I've been learning about arua cleaning and energy channeling. You can feel it!
You don't have to believe me. I know what I have experienced. :p
You don't have to believe me. I know what I have experienced

You've experienced little more than what you've conjured from your imagination.

Like I know when my friends are in trouble or something bad has happened.

In other words, they tell you something has happened and you respond, "Yeah, I already knew that." :rolleyes:
(Q) said:
You don't have to believe me. I know what I have experienced

You've experienced little more than what you've conjured from your imagination.

Like I know when my friends are in trouble or something bad has happened.

In other words, they tell you something has happened and you respond, "Yeah, I already knew that." :rolleyes:
NO, he MEANS what he is saying!
Frisbinator said:

If there really are psychics, then why has nobody been able to prove that they are psychic under certain conditions? Sorry folks, if you think you're psychic, you're incorrectamundo, there is no such thing.

Mmmmm.... And since no one actually knows what conditions, if any, or indeed precisely what mechanism, or indeed any, can actually account for so called Psychic Phenomena in the first place - this qualifies the basis under which genuine scientific investigation actually can be undertaken how, precisely?

Merely because no one has defined a tenable theory implying recreatable outcome can be obtained doesn't of itself demonstrate the non-existence of anything in particular at all, merely that such tenable theory itself simply doesn't exist.

If you know what it is your looking for, know how it is supposed to work, where to find it and can anticipate correctly, through logically applied conjecture, precisely what is supposed to happen before hand and not observe the outcome taking place in the conditions necessary for success to occur - then one can genuinely make the assertion that such and such doesn't appear to be evident.

However, science is rarely so rash as to say never or impossible, not without pristine reason for so doing. "... you're incorrectamundo, there is no such thing." Is hardly empirical, reasoned, or actually any better than the sorts of responses proposing for the case for psychic ability may routinely relay on.

Is there any particular biological reason you can think of that prohibits the possession of ESP?
Lucycat said:
There are really psychic powers and I know because not only have I experienced them first hand, but I am learning to control mine too!

Let me be brief: you're full of shit.

If you aren't, prove it.

Lucycat said:
I've been studying it for a couple of years now and I can tell you that they do exist!

You believe they exist. If you can't show us the evidence, its all a lie.
Nope. It is not a lie. You are afraid of the idea of psychic powers so you deny it. You don't have any, so the idea that other people to makes you nervous. It is natural for people to kill what makes them nervous so you tell this guy his own feelings of his own body are wrong.

If you admit to yourself that people are connected, that people do know what each other are doing, you must begin to take responsibility for your actions on this earth. Instead of walking around and being abusive to people with no reaction, when you hurt someone you would feel it. You would say mean things to them and instead of standing their smiling in triumph, you would be feeling the hurt emotions of your victim.

People deny the existence of psychic powers because they don't want to take responsibility for the results of the actions towards others.

You ever wonder why liberals are "softies"? It is because they can feel when other people are hurt. If you punch someone in the face, and you feel like you got punched in the face also, you will stop punching people. Only if a person blocks themself off from their humanity can a person go around commiting violence against others and hurting them.
skeptics here..anyway, it seems pbvious--to me anyhow--adhere to materialistic science which assumes consciousness is a product of 'matter'. tus any 'anomaly' MUS be a fault in the 'biochemical machine' and/or a downright lie
so they shout in unison'SO WHY CANT WE MEASURE IT?'....well, for a start there have been things found out by the scientific method, but as a link i forewarded here in another thread shows, RANDI__FOR EXAMPLE__FIDDLES WAT HAPPENS.
BUT ALSO. that WHAT EVER IT IS..CALL IT 'PSYCHIC' WHATEVER IT MAY BE ELUSIVE. NOT TO BE PINNED TOO MUCH DOWN (oppps sorry bout all the caps) is so with abduction phemomena. its on the very fine hair on the tip of te old antenna, just enouh to encourage questioning about our worldviews. otherwise, why we all here? answer that one?
You ever wonder why liberals are "softies"? It is because they can feel when other people are hurt.

What nonsense! It's enough that some people on this board claim psychic powers themselves. Now you must include people like me (a liberal) in your delusion too?
If you admit to yourself that people are connected, that people do know what each other are doing, you must begin to take responsibility for your actions on this earth. Instead of walking around and being abusive to people with no reaction, when you hurt someone you would feel it.

That's called humanity not psychic power you moron. Excuse my aggression, but I'm feeling personally affronted by what you posted. Are you feeling it?