prove to me that god is real

This is what I believe:
1. I think
...therefore I exist.
2. I can see things around me that are complex beyond the powers of conception of my mind alone
...therefore the world is real and I did not create it.
3. A creator must exist in order to make a creation
...therefore there must be a God who created the universe along with me

If you look further, there is historical support for several of the events reported in the Bible (such as Noah's ark, I think), and within the Bible itself there is also extensive corroboration between and among the old and new testament authors. So there you have it, the foundation of my faith.
Yorda said:
How? Why would I have? Maybe because I'm not so affected by outer things...

Unless you spent your childhood removed from society without parents to raise you, I'd say you have some kind of social conditioning.
banana said:
This is what I believe:
If you look further, there is historical support for several of the events reported in the Bible (such as Noah's ark, I think), and within the Bible itself there is also extensive corroboration between and among the old and new testament authors. So there you have it, the foundation of my faith.

There's historical support for a great flood found in slews of mythological and relgious writing.
3. A creator must exist in order to make a creation
...therefore there must be a God who created the universe along with me

If we were to use this analogy; then there must be a SUPERIOR GOD that created god, that created the universe. And thus we have an infinite regression of gods.

God is only real; if your delusional enough 2 belive that there's such a thing.

God is a tool to manipulate the ingnorant masses. Dictators love god.
i.e. Bush believes he was appointed pres. by god.

God was the answer for anything unknown. It still is.

Dano9700: There's historical support for a great flood found in slews of mythological and relgious writing.
M*W: Historical support...found in myth! That proves it all, doesn't it?
Dano9700 said:
Unless you spent your childhood removed from society without parents to raise you, I'd say you have some kind of social conditioning.

I have spent my life removed from everything but myself. Even if "I" am with people, my MIND is not with them. I am the only existence.

Even if you spend time with people, you can still feel as though you were alone with yourself and even if you're alone you can feel as though you were not alone. When people are around you, be as though you were alone, and when you are alone, be as though there were people around you.
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Godless: If we were to use this analogy; then there must be a SUPERIOR GOD that created god, that created the universe. And thus we have an infinite regression of gods.

Maybe God 'exists' in some form outside our understanding of the term. If he does not have the same existence as us then he need not be created himself. The world is composed of atoms, made up of subatomic particles, made up of quarks, made up of bundles of energy or something. God is not any of those things, but rather is spiritual in nature.
banana: the supernatural/spiritual world, is only real to you (subjective reality)for it to be real to everybody(objective reality) it must effect one or all the senses.
which it has not done yet.
look at my post on page one, quote "The existence of a thing can be conclusively proved by producing one single instance of the thing."
CAREfull how you ASK a question. it might have a hidden premise in therer your not aware of. which this question does

the premise is YOUR preconceived understanding of what 'God' is. ie., a transcendental sky-god-father figure who is craftsman of the universe.....riiiiight?. from there the questioner says...'go on...prove god exists'
well, the very idea is flawed anyway. that idea comes from a long line of patriarchy that separates 'spirit' from Nature, making you believe--indoctrinating you that 'matter' is besides the point. that what IS important is 'spirit in the sky'.....rigght? so your focus is on up there, and down here is totally ignored

YET if you really want to know spirituality, you need to begin opening up to Nature

so if you ask again, understanding all of that, i would say try some of this. Fruits of the Moon Tree. and soon you would understand what God/dess is
Banana to suppose that a god exists outside of the realm of our known existence is only the excuse given by theists, because they themselves can't prove the existence of the entity.

On another matter, the false conclusion that there are "other realm of existence" is totally bogus, existence is what we perceive, and what we with our super telescopes, and tools have been able to see, no other existence exists, i.e. no heaven or hell exists, to suppose that other realms of existence exists is to deny "this" existence.

Furthermore the idea of god, is part of our primitive mind set. Our mental capabilities of ancient past created the gods, these were voices of hallusinations, and visions from dreams, still today schizophrenics have visions, and dreams of gods, and what not. However "god" is a word with no identity. Thus in order for one to prove the existence or non-existence of the entity one has to know what god is, since god is a undentified entity no one can prove of it's existence or lack there off.
We can't prove a negative. We can't prove that there is no Easter bunny or anything supernatural for matter. What we do know is that it is highly unlikely.
We can't prove a negative. We can't prove that there is no Easter bunny or anything supernatural for that matter. What we do know is that it is highly unlikely.
kenworth said:
yes you can.

alteredperception is correct. It can't be proven. The claim 'the easter
bunny exists' can be contradicted with known factual information (evidence).
banana said:
Maybe God 'exists' in some form outside our understanding of the term. If he does not have the same existence as us then he need not be created himself. The world is composed of atoms, made up of subatomic particles, made up of quarks, made up of bundles of energy or something. God is not any of those things, but rather is spiritual in nature.

If God is eternal then He could not have a creator since He would have no beginning point that requires a creator.
ellion said:
why is god always refered to as he?
Because in the Biblical and Scripture times men were often referred to as stronger, smarter, faster, brighter, etc. human beings to females. To the men of the time females were nothing but someone to bear and take care of children and a family. So, therefore, in the reference to God in the sense of The Holy Bible we refer to God as He. Also, we should capitalize the h- in He and the g- in God for we are referring to the specific God of one religion. For some reason, the apostles were sticklers like that.
Personally, I feel that God is a third sex, and not a hermathrodite. Foolish assumption, but that's what they said angels were in the Scriptures.
the mis-take i sense your arguments are making is: dismissing deep experience, which postivist science labels 'subjectivity'.....i am not saying that visions, non-ordinary experiences ISN'T subjective, i am just being aware of how the postivist mindset operates. in this case, splitting 'subjective' from 'objective' and at the same time denigrating the former and deifying the latter

yu are basically denying the deeper part of yourself. thi is not to say that if one has a vision of 'God' that that is 'true'.

I need to explain. i feel therer can be visions whose symbols can emphasize divisive beliefs. for example, an idea might be integrated that matter is illusion, and evil, etc. THAT i would challenge. But BECAUSE of the danger of that, doesn't ALSO mean that Deep Experience per se is false. it is deepening experience, felt. to oppress this capacity of us is wrong!