prove to me that god is real

Prove that god is real? Read the bible. I mean what more proof could you possibly want?
if you are not joking then you have problems. I could write a book about how I am god, does that make me god? according to that reasoning it does. so here goes: I am god, I have all power over everything, send me all your money.
dansufc said:
any religion i dont care which just prove to me that your god is real! thanks in advance

Hi. Interesting request.

It's been my personal experience that religion won't prove to anyone that God is real. A person has to experience God personally, I think.

Thanks for asking,

For those of you who insist on being close-minded and stating your opinions as facts (i.e., 'God doesn't exist, so this thread is pointless'), where's your proof that God doesn't exist?

If such an entity ('he/she' really don't apply to God, for God is something that far surpasses the limits of human understanding) does exist, you should consider the consequences of living in constant rejection of this possibility. I'm not saying that any religion is right pertaining to its beliefs about heaven and hell and how one ends up in those places, but to assume that you have the cognitive ability to dismiss the existence of God is not only ignorant, but vain.

Consider this:

Every age, every generation has its built-in assumptions--that the world is flat, or that the world is round, etc.--there are hundreds of hidden assumptions, things we take for granted, that may or may not be true. Of course, in the vast majority of cases, historically, these things aren't true. So presumably, if history is any guide, much about what we take for granted about the world simply isn't true, but we're locked into these precepts without even knowing it sometimes.

The brain processes 400 billion bits of information a second, but we're only aware of 2,000 of those... that means reality's happening in the brain all the time. It's receiving that information, and yet we haven't integrated it.

Take a look at an atom. We think of it as a kind of hard ball. Then we say, "Oh, well, not really. It's this little tiny point of really dense matter right at the center surrounded by a kind of fluffy probabitlity cloud of electrons pooping in and out of existence." But then it turns out that that's not even right. Even the nucleus, which we think of as so dense, pops in and out of existence just as readily as the electrons do. The most solid thing you can say about all this insubstantial matter is that it's more like a thought; it's like a concentrated bit of information.

When you are not looking, there are waves of possibility; when you are looking, there are particles of experience.

These statements are merely some basic premises of quantum theory stated in the movie What the 'Bleep' Do We Know, a movie that questions everything about human perceptions of reality. The point is, what we assume to be real is based on our limited perceptions of our surroundings. We are composed of atoms, and the laws of physics on that level are completely, radically different from the laws that we observe with our senses.

So before you say that God doesn't exist, realize that you don't know anything.
You can't prove a negative. Your question is foolish. You can't prove that theres not a teapot orbiting Jupiter.
alteredperception said:
You can't prove a negative. Your question is foolish. You can't prove that theres not a teapot orbiting Jupiter.

Why can't you prove there's not a teacup orbiting jupiter? Theoretically, I mean.

And every idea has an oppisite idea. Like the idea that there is a god.
see the conundrum you create when you fall into the trap of separating spirit from Nature, and then wonder if it is 'true'

People use to have spiritual ritual in groves.........NATURE was Goddess. you didn't/don't have to prove that, right

eventually patriarchs dominate and build buildings that split people off from Nature, and put 'God' in it, and far away from Nature

so then what do we get. we GEt people blinded to the Wonder of Nature wanting to know how to prove 'God' is real

it is a Comedy of Errors
audible said:
love is a chemical reaction, so can be verified.
see here

I didn't mean that sort of 'love'. I mean if you love your father, can that also be proven? I defend the idea that nothing can be proven, you can only make it sound rational. Another question... can you prove that you exist?

Actually... I know that emotions and thoughts are 'material' and they can be proven, if not now, at least in the future. So maybe God also exists, in the form of thoughts and emotions :bugeye:
i actualy can prove that there isnt a teapot on jupiter because it wouldnt survive. The Bible is a WHACKY BOOK says gays are wrong and loads of other stuff like cato said i could just write a book on my on made up religion saying my ps2 is my good and he speaks to me id get put in a mental home. So should all religious people for actualy believing god is real! apart from budahism (sp) i think.

edit; i never said god didnt exisit i just asked you to prove it
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Think free of your social conditionings and try to find out what people may have misinterpreted as "God".
Sufi said:
Think free of your social conditionings and try to find out what people may have misinterpreted as "God".

Easy question, since I have no social conditionings. 'God' is another word for the 'self' which is in all things.
Yorda said:
Easy question, since I have no social conditionings. 'God' is another word for the 'self' which is in all things.

Just curious, how do you not have any social conditionings?
What I would really like to see is for a theist to prove that their god is real and everyone else is delusional.
audible said:
why, it's woould be quite easy.

The existence of a thing can be conclusively proved by producing one single instance of the thing.

To put that another way: -
When the existence of a thing is denied, This can be proven wrong by producing one single instance of the thing said not to exist

The non-existence of a thing can never be conclusively proved because there is always the theoretical assumption that the thing exists but has not been seen yet or it exists in a place that can not be visited. Unless all places in the universe have been visited and are being constantly observed, we can not be absolutely certain.

From this we can say that there are only two possible statements we can make about the existence of a thing:

The thing exists.

It is unknown if the thing exists or not.

It is not possible to prove that a thing "does not exist" without further qualifying criteria.

If a thing does NOT exist it can not leave any evidence of it's non-existence. Only things that DO exist can leave evidence. From this we can derive that conclusive proof can only come from the person that claims that a thing exists. It is nonsensical to demand proof of non-existence.

like what.

I agree. It is a natural that we accept something doesnot exist unless we have a proof that it does.