prove the Illuminati exist.

There is good ol' george 'reppin' for the university of texas.

Atleast he reps it during apprpriate times... such as 911 moment of silence...

The thing about that particular hand sign, is you have to make an effort to make your fingers do that, it's not like if you were to just wave and ppl mistook that as you saluting Hitler or something

ahmadinajad in the other picture we can outrule texas then he must be saying I love you huh???


get your heads out of your asses.... george bush addmiteed himself he is in a secret "club" with secret handshakes, etc. look at his fucking fraternity skull and bones..... you dont think secret signs, etc is prominent in these sort of organizations.


give me a break


Theres your big conspiracy theorists... and the people that over rationalize.... I could provide ample information.... nobody knows for sure... but the likelyhood is way greater that a secret goverment or illuminati body exists than does not.
I personally dont know what more (logical, physical) evidence or information one would need for them to admit there is something going on being hidden from public scrutinty in the interests of said elitists. OP should google it, plethora of information available on this subject.
George Bush alone is apart of atleast 3 proven secret organizations... Why is it such a big conspiracy that he is apart of a group of secret elitists trying to get a new one world order.. His father said on live television along with many other UN officials that we are going to be shifting into a new world order. What is the big conspiracy behind bush, hes a fucking idiot what is with the over rationalization if you believe he does hand signs for the UT football team why in such inappropriate random times, what --?? the bohemian grove?? a random summer camp for the worlds elite? Is this what you truly believe............
I wanted to put a link here. Go to youtube and search White America by Eminem, and then continue.

What do you know about mind controll? This is a music video by Eminem called "White America," and it is about mind controll.

1. Notice, the two all seeing eye pyramids in the elivator.
2. Elevator doors open, welcome to the NWO.
3. Pause at 25 seconds. Look at the sky. Notice, chem-trails, pollution, and millitary aircrafts operating on American soil (marshall law), see the American flag. Do you see the lamp post that look to be fixed with eye balls? They see everything..
4. Pause at 37 seconds. Low flying plane. Representing terrorism/fear, nescisary for control.
5. In the opening line Eminem takes a shot at the government. "America, hahaha, we love you, how many people are proud to be citizens of this beautiful
Country of ours, the stripes and the stars for the rights that men have died for to protect,
The women and men who have broke their neck's for the freedom of speech the United States
Government has sworn to uphold, or
(Yo', I want everybody to listen to the words of this song) so we're told..."
6. Pause at 53 seconds. Notice the "sheeple." One is wearing the biohazard symbol on his sweatshirt, another the nuclear symbol. Also, notice the billboard that says "just buy it."
7. From the first verse. "I never would've dreamed in a million years I'd see,
So many motherfuckin' people who feel like me, who share the same views
And the same exact beliefs, it's like a fuckin' army marchin' in back of me
, so many lives I
Touch, so much anger aimed, in no particular direction, just sprays and sprays, and straight
Through your radio waves it plays and plays, 'till it stays stuck in your head for days and
. The second reference of mind controll in this music video, after the sheeple.
8. Pause at 1:18. See the posters.
9. Pause at 1:28. Look at the red ad. "Best ever buy now." Media propelled-mind raped-capitillisim.
10. Pause at 1:42. "School Shooting." Media tactic for fear.
11. Pause at 2:07. Hypnotizing blue eye. Just throwing it out there, its the left eye.
12. 2:24. Pentogram on desk.
13. 2:34. Record label big wigs. Think about the suposed illuminati controll over the music industry. All seeing eye in the same screen shot.
14. 4:08. Civil war/uprising. Also, notice the hole ripped in our outer ionosphere. (See: HAARP)
14. 4:10. Bill of rights torn in 2.
15. 5:05. The pig/politician. Oil, and Gold. Notice the puppet strings. Whos pulling the strings?
16. 5:29. Dead bodie burried under a pile of T.V's.

So, yeah, the skull and bones society

Are a front group for the Illuminati

Who are actually a front group for alien lizardmen

And THESE are the ones taking over the world.

It's not giant multinational corporations that buy and sell politicans and small countries...
That don't give a d@mn who they kill so long as their stock prices keep rising.

Oh yeah.
I believe.
As a Reply to @MacGyver1968

Yes they are a "secret society", and they keep it secret, but being satanists you need to use symbols not to show it to the people but to enhance your control over the magic you're practicing and over the populations that are watching it, it's not about the bush hand signs, it's more about the hidden messages, symbols and gestures, that become incarnated within yourself, symbols you see everyday, everywhere, watch on tv, listen to on the radio, see in advertisements, on your 1$ bill.. they believe that making your subconscious mind absorb their messages is a way of controlling you, you may not believe what I'm talking about here, as it might seem pretty weird for someone who has not gained enough knowledge about them... that was my case before... we're too brainwashed to understand the picture, and we just don't admit that it is happening..
I think someone on here mentioned the chips, well here is the company positiveidcorp[dot]com when you go there you can also see they have a one eye in the letter O. Also Youtube VeriChip. VeriChip is positiveID.
Yes they are a "secret society"
you may not believe what I'm talking about here, as it might seem pretty weird for someone who has not gained enough knowledge about them.
Tell me: if they're a secret society just how did you gain knowledge of them?
Are you a trained investigator?
Do you have special skills in research?
Did you stumble across some long-lost hoard of documents?
Or have you read a number of "popular" books about this "secret society"?
The book, "The Secrets Of The Illuminati", used to be advertised on the back page of comic books.

How come we're not all initiates?
The book, "The Secrets Of The Illuminati", used to be advertised on the back page of comic books.

How come we're not all initiates?
Er, we weren't all dumb enough to send off payment for that particular book?
Personally I saved my money for the next issue of X-Men... :p
Er, we weren't all dumb enough to send off payment for that particular book?
Personally I saved my money for the next issue of X-Men... :p

So you didn't send away for Charles Atlas Body Building Secrets either?
So you didn't send away for Charles Atlas Body Building Secrets either?
No. But I was jealous about the "army in a foot locker": my parents wouldn't give me foreign money ($) to send away for that...