Prove that I am not God

Being God I’ve got all the brownie points I could ever want. If anyone’s interested in being quizzed on philosophy and religion they’re free to engage, but this line of inquiry does nothing to explain your perceived ability to discern my nature.
You're still suffering from the delusion that you're in a position to make such a determination.
Being omni and dropping the ball in philosophy and history (and mind reading) is also a poor marriage.
I thought you were talking about evidence of problems with Capracus's claims.
Here's what you declared, without evidence: "You are starting to sound less and less omni by the moment."
That claim of yours was quoted, so there would be no possibility of honest confusion.
I thought you were talking about evidence of problems with Capracus's claims.
You didn't answer that either.

So pick one:

By what evidence?
Being omni and dropping the ball in philosophy and history (and mind reading) is also a poor marriage.
When you and the other qualified epistemologists have petitioned what you thought was God in the past, did you receive answers to your questions on philosophy and history? Did you receive answers on any other subject for that matter? Was there also any indication that the imagined God had read your mind? Interested parties in my creation would enjoy reading examples of your previous tests of God.
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Here's what you declared, without evidence: "You are starting to sound less and less omni by the moment."
That claim of yours was quoted, so there would be no possibility of honest confusion.

You didn't answer that either.

So pick one:

By what evidence?
I can't see the point where you introduced new problems to what has already been provided.
When you and the other qualified epistemologists have petitioned what you thought was God in the past, did you receive answers to your questions on philosophy and history? Did you receive answers on any other subject for that matter? Was there also any indication that the imagined God had read your mind? Interested parties in my creation would enjoy reading examples of your previous tests of God.
That's fine.
I'm just providing you with an opportunity to exhibit what you are talking about as opposed to consistently dropping the ball by merely talking about what you are talking about.
That's fine.
I'm just providing you with an opportunity to exhibit what you are talking about as opposed to consistently dropping the ball by merely talking about what you are talking about.
It’s my role as God to provide you with opportunities. It’s your role as a misguided human being to try to recognize your limitations. I brought you to this forum, and specifically to this thread in order for you to expose your shortcomings in logic, and receive correction from those who know better. I advise you to take advantage of this opportunity that I have granted you.
Then problem solved, since I just gave an explanation of a means.
A means by which you believe humanity can achieve it is neither here nor there.
The rather simple fact is that God has chosen not to do so directly.
Similarly, Capracus might simply have chosen not to, as you see it, hold his own in an online discussion forum.
Thus, to repeat, your dismissal of Capracus' claim is fallacious.
Care to try again?
A means by which you believe humanity can achieve it is neither here nor there.
The rather simple fact is that God has chosen not to do so directly.
Similarly, Capracus might simply have chosen not to, as you see it, hold his own in an online discussion forum.
Thus, to repeat, your dismissal of Capracus' claim is fallacious.
Care to try again?
Then, for all intents and purposes, he is nondifferent from an individual ignorant of history and philosophy (amongst many other things), and thus the level of awe and reverence warranted to him follows accordingly.
It’s my role as God to provide you with opportunities. It’s your role as a misguided human being to try to recognize your limitations. I brought you to this forum, and specifically to this thread in order for you to expose your shortcomings in logic, and receive correction from those who know better. I advise you to take advantage of this opportunity that I have granted you.
Ditto previous post.
You are not adding anything more to the discussion except more credence to my previous reply.
Then, for all intents and purposes, he is nondifferent from an individual ignorant of history and philosophy (amongst many other things), and thus the level of awe and reverence warranted to him follows accordingly.
There’s no call for you to accuse your God of deficiencies in knowledge. You seem to have forgotten that I'm omniscient.

It’s interesting how you can revere an imaginary God that gives no answers, but ridicule the real thing that answers vaguely. If I were to give more specific answers you’d become even more irrational and brand me as some kind of demonic entity. For your own sanity you’ll just have to be satisfied with my less unsettling vagueness.
Ditto previous post.
You are not adding anything more to the discussion except more credence to my previous reply.
Your comments thus far have been meaningless, there’s nothing you can say that diminishes my glory. I already know your logic regarding my nature is flawed, it’s up to you to explain those flaws to the other forum members so that they can assist you in correcting your errors. You must repent if you desire salvation.
There’s no call for you to accuse your God of deficiencies in knowledge. You seem to have forgotten that I'm omniscient.

It’s interesting how you can revere an imaginary God that gives no answers, but ridicule the real thing that answers vaguely. If I were to give more specific answers you’d become even more irrational and brand me as some kind of demonic entity. For your own sanity you’ll just have to be satisfied with my less unsettling vagueness.

Your comments thus far have been meaningless, there’s nothing you can say that diminishes my glory. I already know your logic regarding my nature is flawed, it’s up to you to explain those flaws to the other forum members so that they can assist you in correcting your errors. You must repent if you desire salvation.
Yes, it comes as no surprise that an atheist cannot offer an argument for being God outside of imagination.
Everything else, ditto.
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Then, for all intents and purposes, he is nondifferent from an individual ignorant of history and philosophy (amongst many other things), and thus the level of awe and reverence warranted to him follows accordingly.
And for all intents and purposes an "omnimax" God who doesn't choose to remove suffering is as non-different from any entity that chooses not to, and no more worthy of awe and reverence.
Capracus might claim that he has also chosen not to.
Thus, logically, he (Capracus) remains equivalent to God on this matter.
I.e. as previously explained, your dismissal of Capracus' claim to be a God simply because of a choice he has made remains fallacious.
If you want to dismiss his claim you're really going to have to come up with something that actually shows Capracus not to be God.

It's simple logic, and until you can get past that logic you're really just obfuscating.
And for all intents and purposes an "omnimax" God who doesn't choose to remove suffering is as non-different from any entity that chooses not to, and no more worthy of awe and reverence.
Capracus might claim that he has also chosen not to.
Thus, logically, he (Capracus) remains equivalent to God on this matter.
I.e. as previously explained, your dismissal of Capracus' claim to be a God simply because of a choice he has made remains fallacious.
If you want to dismiss his claim you're really going to have to come up with something that actually shows Capracus not to be God.

It's simple logic, and until you can get past that logic you're really just obfuscating.
You mess up on your first premise, so everything else that follows is moot.
I already explained how God removes suffering.
Yes, it comes as no surprise that an atheist cannot offer an argument for being God outside of imagination.
Everything else, ditto.
Until I came out of the closet, your only relation to God was through your imagination, or the imagination of others.

You need to lighten up on the blasphemy. Until you can prove that I’m not God, you have no cause to call me an atheist, because I most assuredly believe in myself.
You mess up on your first premise, so everything else that follows is moot.
I already explained how God removes suffering.
No, you explained how some believe God offers us the ability to remove our own suffering, through the free will they believe he has chosen to grant us.
He chooses not to do so directly.
The premise is thus not flawed, although your misunderstanding is noted.
Until I came out of the closet, your only relation to God was through your imagination, or the imagination of others.

You need to lighten up on the blasphemy. Until you can prove that I’m not God, you have no cause to call me an atheist, because I most assuredly believe in myself.
Ditto previous post
No, you explained how some believe God offers us the ability to remove our own suffering, through the free will they believe he has chosen to grant us.
He chooses not to do so directly.
The premise is thus not flawed, although your misunderstanding is noted.
You are just talking about how you believe God doesn't remove suffering directly.
Hence the impasse.
That's not evidence.
You can pick either claim, or invent yet another.
Here's the question, again:

By what evidence?
That was an invitation to highlight the point you introduced new problems. Repeating the same statement just sends you down the same cul de sac.