Prove God Doesn't Exist

Arete said:
Atheist are always saying there is no God, well why don't you prove it
And when answering this question, don't just think about the Christian God, but all the other religions who believe in one creator. Because everybody has a different interpretation of what God is.
as soon as you prove to me theres no Invisible gremlin in my clothes washer eating my socks.because some are always missing... :D

anyways ..heres whole lotta proofs for ya ;)
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scorpius said:
as soon as you prove to me theres no Invisible gremlin in my clothes washer eating my socks.because some are always missing... :D

anyways ..heres whole lotta proofs for ya ;)

I want to add another one:

My Perfect Proof for the Non-Existence of God

P1 If the theory of gravity were in fact true we would all have condensed into an infinitely small singularity
P2 We have not condensed into an infinitely small singularity
C God does not exist

Theist First Perfect Proof for the Existence of God

P1 If the universe existed eternally man would have evolved to be perfect
P2 Man has not evolved to be perfect
C Therefore mankind is 6000 years old, the creation myth in Genesis is true and the God of the bible exists

Notice how the first premises in both cases badly distort the science they revolve around? Notice how the second premises then point out how a certain aspect of the distorted version of said scientific does not obtain? Notice how both arguments finish with non-sequiturs? Clearly if my argument is invalid then so is yours since they both have the same features and the same If P then Q not Q therefore G or not G formats.

If i were a believer, I'd gladly accept "a draw" in that debate, any day. LOL!
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Zappa said:
Because of the evidence she has that women are subject to breast cancer.
Then she is going to the doctor with the idea that her assumption that she has no cancer may be wrong. That is my point.

whoa, you don't have to go WILD. Does it matter? That depends. If God doesn't exist, it doesn't matter - only the idea matters.
If God exists it may matter quite a bit.

Poincare's thought experiment - you wake up tomorrow and the universe and everything in it has become ten times larger. Although some would say that since there is no reference, the universe is the same, they are glossing over the objective fact that the universe is ten times larger. Can you know this? no. Does it matter? maybe. Can you do anything about it? No. Knowledge on a level encompassing the transformed universe and another reference would be necessary.
Among other things, I consider God a moral reference from outside of the known, testable, experiential universe - to be applied to the idea of human existence. Man=animal. God+man = something else. Perhaps it is just an idea to rub against other ideas, perhaps it is something more.
The materialist has no point outside of explaining what is. The non-materialist is perhaps making points up out of what is not. I am just watching my life go by, and trying to explain it in a way which makes sense to me, because I am not lucky enough to be able to stick to the ones and twos.
Why are criminal justice courts established?... Isn't god there to punish who commit crime?... Why to put criminals, rapists, robbers, behind bars and take them for trials???... Why not leave them and say "God is there. Have faith. He will punish em.".... Why to make our judicial system when such a nice system is made by god of heaven and hell. If everyone have faith in god, then free Saddam Hussein from trial and let God take his trial. Free everyone from the jail then dismiss all the trials and just go to church or temples or mosques. God is there.... right? LOL... Is this an indirect proof of God's inablilty to deal with evil? in the mind of theists? or even this has got some backup story?
First off, we're not talking leprechauns or unicorns. They are legends and are vividly described, at that. And also said to be visual entities, or seen. God, to most, isn't claimed to be something we can see.
And as to proving God, look all around you. If you believe it all evolved from simpler life forms, then think back to when it was simplest. Take life today, if it had to represent a number, let's call it 1,234. And at 600 - prehistoric age of dinosaurs, 100 - single celled organisms, etc. So what's at 0? Is it creation. And what made that period of 1. Or .11111....and so on, for that matter. It all comes down to one simple organism, right? And what made that organism into matter in which we can observe? Fact is, we don't know. Atheists call it ?. Some religious call it God. What and where is the big deal in that? True, it may seem wacky when people (prophets) say they have made contact with the creator, but can you honestly say, these people (I'm speaking of the prophets of the Abrahamic God) are here to spread hate? So 0, for example, is it a number or nothing? So even if 0 is not a number, it is something. It makes a number a number. It tells something that it is not nothing. So prove 0 doesn't exist. You may not see it but it can be represented. 0 is the mother of all numbers as God is the father of all life and time. As I said before, if time is represented in a linear sequence, it all boils down to 0 hour. And what made that first second/millisecond time? Something is the father or birther of time and it all started at 0. 0, for the unimaginable, the unintelligible, or the mindless people out there, may not mean anything. But to the wise man, he knows that without nothing, a negative, absence, there will not be something, it will always be nothing. 0-1=0. Negative isn't always negative in the emotional perspective, it exists to let us know when something is, or when something is right, or when something is good, as a comparative value. I could go on, but if you're smart enough, you can take it to more levels if you know what I'm talking about. That is one of my many arguments. And the last time I will go over it (maybe, lol). Everyone always asks the same "god exists?" questions.
audible said:
I dont see how, what I said is fairly rude, however I've never been one to suffer fools gladly.
stick and stones and all that, if people dont want the beliefs laughed at, then they should'nt have such stupid beliefs.

The statement was insulting and uncivil; hence, rude. Belief isn't just bound to the religious. It bound to every day life. Everyone (no exceptions) exercises some of the lamest beliefs on a daily basis. Do you believe what your boss just told you? Do you believe the advice your father gave you yesterday? Its too costly to apply evidence-base thinking to every day function and I gurantee everyone has a plethora of beliefs that can be laughed at. Will people interpret you as rude if you do? Certainly.

Again, the original paragraph had lots of good information in it and you're less likely to influence people the way you want with insulting / condescending / judgmental remarks.
Why to x-tians wear seat belts? Why get an education if they can be praising god all along, doesn't educationg seperate them from their precious time with god? Why do x-tians go to the doctor? Why do they enjoy sex if their god is watching them? Why do they pray, it's about gimmie gimmie gimmie, why not pray about what I, as a x-tian will do tomorrow for god. I think god serves more the purpose as a "Get Out Of Hell" card more than anything else.
Mythbuster said:
Why to x-tians wear seat belts? Why get an education if they can be praising god all along, doesn't educationg seperate them from their precious time with god? Why do x-tians go to the doctor? Why do they enjoy sex if their god is watching them? Why do they pray, it's about gimmie gimmie gimmie, why not pray about what I, as a x-tian will do tomorrow for god. I think god serves more the purpose as a "Get Out Of Hell" card more than anything else.
you have an interesting view of x-tians. It is probably accurate for many human believers. It's funny how humans have ahard time doing things "right".
Also, beginner's prayers are usually about gimmie gimmie, even in buddhism where there is no external God.
cole grey said:
whoa, you don't have to go WILD. Does it matter? That depends. If God doesn't exist, it doesn't matter - only the idea matters.
If God exists it may matter quite a bit.

I didn't go wild, I am bewildered.

To say anything specific about God, knowing it is indeed God I'm talking about,
it requires that I know God.

To know God, and know it is indeed God that I know --
requires more than I can presently grasp.

I can not imagine why it would matter whether God exists, or not.

Hence my bewilderment.
All "God-doesn't-exist" arguments can be summed up in one formula:

"Because things aren't the way I want them to be,
God doesn't exist."
My proof for the Non-Existence of God ?
Quite simple. I just asked him, please escuse me, I just asked HIM, but till now no answer. One answer = one God, two answers = two gods, ans so son. No answer = ?. Who knows... Or better, who cares ?
"Because things aren't the way I want them to be,
God doesn't exist."

That's not the reason I don't believe in god. I've come to accept my reality and the way the world works, I don't live by wishing things were better. I "work" to make things better in my life. It seems to me the theist believe in god with hopes and fantacy that everything goes their way. What the hell is prayer? but asking for.. wishing, hoping, that things work out to their advantage. It seems to be the firs thing said when an actor wins an award, "thang god" or a fighter beat the hell out of his oponent! "I had god on my side" :rolleyes: Anyhoo I rather reword your statement as follows:

Because things arent the way I want them to be, "I pray to god, that he makes my wishes come true"

Have you seen "Bruce All Mighty?" Good movie to watch, specially the prayer parts. :D Everyone won the Lotto! LOL...

water said:
All "God-doesn't-exist" arguments can be summed up in one formula:

"Because things aren't the way I want them to be,
God doesn't exist."
No offence meant, but bollocks! :D

I don't believe "God exists" because it is irrational to have a belief based on zero evidence.

It has nothing to do with the way things are or are not.
And NO ONE - religious or otherwise - has everything the way they want.
water said:
All "God-doesn't-exist" arguments can be summed up in one formula:

"Because things aren't the way I want them to be,
God doesn't exist."

tha sounds more like the argument for why you always act like a deranged bitch on sciforums.
hey, Arete, prove that there doesn't exist a fluffy pink flesh eating bunny in the zeta dimension.
while you're at it, prove that zeta dimension doesn't exist too
Godless said:
Have you seen "Bruce All Mighty?" Good movie to watch, specially the prayer parts. :D Everyone won the Lotto! LOL...


Yah... everyone get the most expencive car... including Timmy Rational Redneck. :D
I find it humourous that the criticism to the challenge of "Prove God Doesn't Exist" is always "Prove [Insert Anything Here] Does Exist."

I'm not trying to shift the burden of proof, just pointing out that the criticism for one is reproduced in the criticism itself.

MadMaxReborn said:
I find it humourous that the criticism to the challenge of "Prove God Doesn't Exist" is always "Prove [Insert Anything Here] Does Exist."

I'm not trying to shift the burden of proof, just pointing out that the criticism for one is reproduced in the criticism itself.


why not try paying attention. the argument is that you cant prove a negative. its less of a criticism than it is a pointing out of how utterly useless it is to try to prove that something doesnt exist if there is no evidence that it ever existed. to attempt to prove that god doesnt exist is exactly like trying to prove that the invisible pink unicorn doesnt exist...stupid. on top of it, when someone makes a claim that something exists and then doesnt provide proof of it, their claim isnt taken seriously. thats how the world works.
Hapsburg said:
There is no evidence that a god does exist.
However, absence of evidence isn't necessarily evidence of absence, thus a god would be an unknown unknown, instead of an unknown known or a known unknown or a Known Thing. In other words, there is not really proof either way, and it is entirely and utterly unknowable, thus...agnosticism.

Nicely put - could've been something I might have said.

I'd only add that I, personally, am Undecided.

As Sam Clemens once said, "The Evidence Ain't All In Yet".

There is insufficient evidence to prove god does exist.

There is insufficient evidence to prove that god does not exist.

There seems to be some colloquial evidence for both conditions: enough to avoid making serious conclusions either way.

You can call me "Undecided" in that I have not made up my mind about god's existence or non-existence. I will await further information: I try to avoid taking anything on "faith" (hence, my moniker).

And soon enough, I'll be in a slightly better position to tell. [if there is an afterlife] Or not. [if there is not]

Being as how none of us Get Out Of Life Alive .... <heh>
... So why fret about it?