Prove God Doesn't Exist

Godless said:
Audible was not rude in his statement...

I disagree. He opened with:

arete, you people make me laugh, with your prove god question.

which is fairly rude. The rest of what he presented was fine and informitive. I am sure arete is a big girl/boy and can withstand one small emotional remark.
I dont see how, what I said is fairly rude, however I've never been one to suffer fools gladly.
stick and stones and all that, if people dont want the beliefs laughed at, then they should'nt have such stupid beliefs.
audible said:
Do you think a woman should have a double mastectomy because she presumes the existence of cancer cells, without evidence? Of course not.
She ASSUMES the non-existence of cancer cells, until presented with evidence that cancer cells are present.
Therefore, presuming the existence of God and acting accordingly is exactly the same as presuming the existence of cancer cells and having surgery accordingly.
One should always assume non-existence, until presented with evidence supporting the idea of existence.
Actually, if you assumed consistently that there were no cancer cells, you would never go to get checked for breast cancer, which is the path of the unwise.
Assuming that cancer exists and acting accordingly is only smart, you don't have to assume that you personally have cancer.
Interesting analogy (at first glance) though, I'll give you that.
cole grey said:
audible said:
Do you think a woman should have a double mastectomy because she presumes the existence of cancer cells, without evidence? Of course not.
She ASSUMES the non-existence of cancer cells, until presented with evidence that cancer cells are present.
Therefore, presuming the existence of God and acting accordingly is exactly the same as presuming the existence of cancer cells and having surgery accordingly.
One should always assume non-existence, until presented with evidence supporting the idea of existence.
Actually, if you assumed consistently that there were no cancer cells, you would never go to get checked for breast cancer, which is the path of the unwise.
of course, but where does audible even hint at, assuming consistently, he goes on to say quote "One should always assume non-existence, until presented with evidence supporting the idea of existence."
cole grey said:
Assuming that cancer exists and acting accordingly is only smart, you don't have to assume that you personally have cancer.
again of course, but the womans not going to have a double mastectomy because she presumes the existence of cancer cells, is she, She ASSUMES the non-existence of cancer cells, until presented with evidence that cancer cells are present. as audible said.
cole grey said:
Interesting analogy (at first glance) though, I'll give you that.
great analogy at any glance.

for the life of me I cant understand why you made a comment on the analogy, in the first place.
as he had already covered your arguement.
Lerxst said:

It might be logically possible that a unicorn-like species might have existed, but without evidence that they did exist, I don't think you'd want to say that you positively believe they existed. Right?

no i dont believe they do exist, until there is evidence showing me a skeleton of one,

but it is possible and logical to believe they might have existed,

other than saying "no ofcourse they didnt exist"

Mythbuster said:

The Invisible Pink Unicorn is a being of great spiritual power. We know this because she is capable of being invisible and pink at the same time. Like all religions, the Faith of the Invisible Pink Unicorn is based upon both logic and faith. We have faith that she is pink; we logically know that she is invisible because we can't see her.

yes i grasp the metaphore,

but the reason why i think its logical to beleive a god like energy could exist in the universe, is because of the mystery of the universes creation.

time and time again i have thought about the universal creation, and i cant actually come up with a better explanation than an infinite energy source, (ie god), not the bible version of god, i speak of god as an infinite energy source non conscious or conscious i dont know,

but yeah i dont think of god as a man with a white staff and beard, i think of god as a plasma like energy source that is infinite, or i think of god as the tao, the empty space that is everywhere in the universe,

i just think about what is possible, i dont actually believe any of this, its just what could be possible,

the universe is a mystery to everyone on earth no matter what we think we know, i believe in physical science as much as the next guy, but i wont start saying a god like bieng is not real, simply because im just a human so what the hell do i know about the creation of existance itself?,

again im not saying god is real im not saying god isnt real. but i am saying an infinite energy source in the universe that created it is possible,

geeser said:
of course, but where does audible even hint at, assuming consistently, he goes on to say quote "One should always assume non-existence, until presented with evidence supporting the idea of existence." again of course, but the womans not going to have a double mastectomy because she presumes the existence of cancer cells, is she, She ASSUMES the non-existence of cancer cells, until presented with evidence that cancer cells are present. as audible said.
great analogy at any glance.

for the life of me I cant understand why you made a comment on the analogy, in the first place.
as he had already covered your arguement.
You obviously can't see the problem.
If she was assuming the non-existence of cancerous cells, there would be no reason to get checked. Instead she makes no asssumption and gets checked for the possibility of cancer - that is the intelligent way to act in this scenario.
I'm not saying anyone should go get a mastectomy - or sell their house and move to mount sinai or whatever. I am simply pointing out that making an assumption of non-existence in this scenario, would allow you to avoid all checkups - if you know you don't have cancer, you have no reason to get checked. The thing is - you don't know, that is why you get checked.
cole grey said:
You obviously can't see the problem.
If she was assuming the non-existence of cancerous cells, there would be no reason to get checked. Instead she makes no asssumption and gets checked for the possibility of cancer - that is the intelligent way to act in this scenario.
your right I cant see this problem, you seem to have with this, audible quite clearly states
audible said:
She ASSUMES the non-existence of cancer cells, until presented with evidence that cancer cells are present.
IE she gets a pain and goes to see the doctor etc.

f**k me man, we all assume we have nothing wrong with us until we get a pain/illness and see a doctor.
geeser said:
your right I cant see this problem, you seem to have with this, audible quite clearly states IE she gets a pain and goes to see the doctor etc.

f**k me man, we all assume we have nothing wrong with us until we get a pain/illness and see a doctor.
Women are not advised to get checked when they have "a pain", but regularly, with or without a pain - i.e. with no clue that the cancer exists in their body, and only having the idea that the cancer may exist.

P.S. It is even possible that the cancer exists after the doctor checks them out, but to react to that "cancer" would in fact be paranoid behavior - the big difference between this and spiritual belief is that there is no acceptable test for God's existence. But that is not really my point.
cole grey said:
You obviously can't see the problem.
If she was assuming the non-existence of cancerous cells, there would be no reason to get checked. Instead she makes no asssumption and gets checked for the possibility of cancer

Because of the evidence she has that women are subject to breast cancer.
geeser said:
f**k me man, we all assume we have nothing wrong with us until we get a pain/illness and see a doctor.

After 50 you should have periodic colonoscopies even if you feel great. In the early, treatable stages, colon cancer might present no symptoms at all.

Shoot, I go in for a physical once a year even when I feel fine.
God doesn't exist because if he did that would limit him to the description humans gave to him. Thus limiting god means he can't possibly exist!

Christians define god, god being defined ceases to be a god and adopts human qualities, thus it's fantasy.
Sarkus said:
You do know that agnosticism is not actually a separate viewpoint to atheism or theism?

A/theism is concerned with "belief" (or lack thereof) in the theological God(s).
Agnosticism is concerned with epistemology - the nature and limits of human knowledge around, in this case, God.

I, for example, am an agnostic atheist. :D
Like I said, god is an unknown unknown, something that is entirely unknowable by the limits of human knowledge, thus it is impossible to really know either way.
Though there is a simple mathematical equasion to determine if god exists or not. God supposedly has no beginning and no end. Mathematically, this is expressed as 0 x inifinity. Plug that into a calculator, and you come up with: 0.
Hapsburg said:
Like I said, god is an unknown unknown, something that is entirely unknowable by the limits of human knowledge, thus it is impossible to really know either way.
Though there is a simple mathematical equasion to determine if god exists or not. God supposedly has no beginning and no end. Mathematically, this is expressed as 0 x inifinity. Plug that into a calculator, and you come up with: 0.

Mathematically He doesn't fall into any equation, because eternity is outside of time which is finite, and is not subject to be represented by any number or variable.
Plug that into your calculator...
Hapsburg said:
Like I said, god is an unknown unknown, something that is entirely unknowable by the limits of human knowledge, thus it is impossible to really know either way.

Though there is a simple mathematical equasion to determine if god exists or not. God supposedly has no beginning and no end. Mathematically, this is expressed as 0 x inifinity. Plug that into a calculator, and you come up with:

Haha, this is ridiculous, especially given the content of your first paragraph. Mathematics is within the limits of human knowledge/mental capacity, goober.