Prophet Yahweh UFO Video

Qorl said:
Man you live in a MATRIX. We are not batteries as it shown in he movie bet everything else is the same. MATRIX man.

Where did you ever get this from? What exactly are you talking about? Because it is completely irrelevant to the conversation I put up. Besides, I never implied that any one are batteries from any where. I implied that you're ignorant.
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Ricky Houy said:
Where did you ever get this from? What exactly are you talking about? Because it is completely irrelevant to the conversation I put up. Besides, I never implied that any one are batteries from any where. I implied that you're ignorant.

rofl..this thread is hilarious
Qorl said:
Yes, remote controlled.
ie., as in involuntary. do us a favour. just google 'alan watts voluntary involuntary' he can explain it more eloquently than me
Ricky Houy
I didn't mean to speak this way. I was just talking about technology of God that is Matrix, believeth or not man you and me live in a Matrix. Maybe I'm really ignorant because I do everything with no proof, I relay on my thoughts that I'm getting from someone, that one I call God. If you watched a movie matrix you could saw that humans are actually batteries, that's why I mentioned we are not. But we do have a virtual memory that is given to us by God when we are born. If you don't believe in this one than ask yourself why only humans of all beings on this planet speaks and create.
You know I don't really know what's going one, I have no proof of who I am or who is doing this to me any more. I know I'm not crazy, this is all I know. But I'm sure 100% that somebody is controlling me with some kind a reason. If this is God than I don't know why he chose me. Maybe because I'm fearless. Forget about me.
alright, i hear you. for me, my definition of matrix--as in your --theme, if you like--is semntic reality. i see it created via indoctrination. so for example a myth is a matrix. itis a way of understanding when a matrix is negative is when it is opprssive. i feel a matrix now which is a materialist matrix which tries to OBSCURE Nature.......a great exmple of what i mean. Ralph Metzner went to the South American jungle and too a psychedelic ,Ayahuasca. he was really disturbed cause his visions were all gaudy, neon lights, cheap, plastic etc-----this eally freaked him. but he got insight to accept it and then he saw tis huge Serpent which kind of was deeply real and underlying everything. so he had seen THROUGH the matrix. the overlay culture tries to 'outdo' Nature

as for your question as to why it is humans who are creative. i dont tink it is ONLY who who are creative,and need an ousde agwncy, 'God' to 'give us' it. for i believe that Nature---all matter-energy is tingling wit consciousness--is sentient. so we are a form of this pervasive intelligence, but so is tree, animal, rock, wind, molecule, quark, etc etc etc

Watch a movie Vanilla Sky and The 6th Day to fully understand of what kind of matrix I'm talking about. A matrix that God created. My writings are not reality because nobody believes that my claims might be true. What if I am right? Could you believe that your life (faith) was programmed in havens before you we're even born? All you have is a tiny bit of a free will, so we are more interesting for God. It is unbelievable, watch those two movies. Not impossible when God is in Question.
Artificial intelligence, this world is moving too fast if you look with scientific eyes. Or with eyes that could see the truth, something is wrong.
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what i feel is that you are lookin at the wrong bad guy!
the problems we have in tis world, since looong time back are not 'God-made'---for the very concept of a sky-god is man made--they are MAN-made

tis is really important for yo to explore. for i sense you are paranoid about very life itself

remember seeing ths docu. a while back. it was about m-brane theory. and part of it was a theory that a super advanced intelligence may have created us qit super technological computers, etc

well, can you now see that that idea is just a midified version of the patriarchal concept of an architect sky-god?

and any child wouold ask such unproveable suggestions. eg 'so who made 'God'? and/or 'so who made the advanced people who made us?' ad questions like thi can g into infinite regression. ie., so who mae the person who made the person? ...etc etc

tis world is amazing. look at Nature. get into it. really get into it. and see how man-who-follows-anti-nature-beliefs shits on it!
I didn't say that this world is not real, I live by forest.
Qorl, your mind sees these movies, and the bit of it that talks to the rest of the mind via those "voices" merely repeats the ideas that it has seen in the movies. It's like a parrot living inside your head, only you believe that it is God. It isn't
The question is whether we can exist inside the binary world of current CPU. Many say we can’t. But this does not suppose that there are other realms of computing.. There are some that say the universe is but one giant computer, others say that any machine beyond certain complexity will produce behaviours that we class as life.

It is a religious affair when contemplating the reason for being, the ether, the substance that support us is beyond us. Yours and the myriad of conjecture we humans have contemplated, are, and will always be, just metaphors of reality.
Communist Hamster said:
Qorl, your mind sees these movies, and the bit of it that talks to the rest of the mind via those "voices" merely repeats the ideas that it has seen in the movies. It's like a parrot living inside your head, only you believe that it is God. It isn't

Not exactly, I know about this ideas before I even saw this movies.
Blindman said:
The question is whether we can exist inside the binary world of current CPU. Many say we can’t. But this does not suppose that there are other realms of computing.. There are some that say the universe is but one giant computer, others say that any machine beyond certain complexity will produce behaviours that we class as life.

It is a religious affair when contemplating the reason for being, the ether, the substance that support us is beyond us. Yours and the myriad of conjecture we humans have contemplated, are, and will always be, just metaphors of reality.

I believe that universe is one giant computer, like atoms.
Qorl said:
I believe that universe is one giant computer, like atoms.
this is quite acommon belief. when you look at te history of ideas you see mindsets influenced by their current science/technology assuming reality is aso that. so for example we had the idea of the 'clokwork universe' ala Issac Rene Descrtes with his pulleys and tubes to explian reality in connection with human brain....NOWit is the 'computer-universe' and we humans--according to their theory are some kind of glorified bio-computers

cqn you not see that this is just limited logic being used by a male mindset which is based on a materialistic philosophy?
the limits of what the KNOW they project onto reality

but reality cannot be GRASPED rationally
Yes, I believe we are some kind bio-computers. It's limited logic because we do not accept the idea, We could be bio-computers. Don't you feel a limit's with this post? Reality is what you believe it is not always what you see. God is eternal, we are not. He knows everything, we don't. He doesn't makes mistakes, we do. If you take just last 3 statements of mine you could easily see that we have huge limits. Who believes in God this days? The ones who does have a limits on technology, like God is spiritual and he's meditating all the time. The ones who does they think; I don't want to pray in the church, I am more into technology I'm going with the time, God is a mit and spiritual to much. A big difference between belief and non belief. Everyone will like a proof of existence, if we will have one we would not try to think any more. Thinking and discovering make us intelligent or should I said free willing. Creation will make no sense. Watch a movie I Robot, it shows how a robot opened consciousness. Look back in your life when you were young. How many stupid things you did. Maybe you should take a look on a day before, you changed thinking about a certain thing and you don't know a reason why you did it. It's like today I think this way, tomorrow I will think differently. It doesn't matter in what kind of moment you are, you are right. You feel limit's on my post, but what if I'm right about my ''delusions'', What if we really are remote controlled?

I just watched a movie, House Of Flaying Daggers. It is Chinese and a masterpiece, art.
Qorl said:
Yes, I believe we are some kind bio-computers.

me)))i do not

It's limited logic because we do not accept the idea, We could be bio-computers.

me)'could' doesn't mean we ARE

Don't you feel a limit's with this post?

mec)))dont understand what you mean

Reality is what you believe it is not always what you see.

me))true. sometimes people are dulled to the real wonder of reality

God is eternal, we are not. He knows everything, we don't. He doesn't makes mistakes, we do. If you take just last 3 statements of mine you could easily see that we have huge limits.

me)))like i've said before. you are pre-supposing a patriarchal concept of a 'God' who is a separate entity. i dont believe this. i believe ALL reality is sentient. is creative

Who believes in God this days? The ones who does have a limits on technology, like God is spiritual and he's meditating all the time. The ones who does they think; I don't want to pray in the church, I am more into technology I'm going with the time,

me)) see it that people have been SO mindfuked by the patriarchal propagada about reality that they now seek some kind of comfort in technology

God is a mit and spiritual to much.

me)whats that sentence mean?

A big difference between belief and non belief. Everyone will like a proof of existence, if we will have one we would not try to think any more. Thinking and discovering make us intelligent or should I said free willing.

me))well tats what ilike to do and encourage. free xploraton. you find tis difficult if you feel a 'God' breathin down ya neck!

Creation will make no sense. Watch a movie I Robot, it shows how a robot opened consciousness. Look back in your life when you were young. How many stupid things you did. Maybe you should take a look on a day before, you changed thinking about a certain thing and you don't know a reason why you did it. It's like today I think this way, tomorrow I will think differently. It doesn't matter in what kind of moment you are, you are right. You feel limit's on my post, but what if I'm right about my ''delusions'', What if we really are remote controlled?

me))but its 'what if' isn't it. look....i know that many people WILl feel that they have no control. this is the natureof ptriarcha indoctrination. PLEASE understand this. it is crucial. patriarca indoctrination via their myths seeks total control over the mind. MIND CONTROL. not 'God'--it is man-made myth. so explore THAT, and see thru it. begin exploring seeing through it. then you begin freeing yourself from its enclosing matrix

I just watched a movie, House Of Flaying Daggers. It is Chinese and a masterpiece, art.
are you familiar with Chinese Taoist philosophy?
Qorl said:
Ricky Houy
I didn't mean to speak this way. I was just talking about technology of God that is Matrix, believeth or not man you and me live in a Matrix. Maybe I'm really ignorant because I do everything with no proof, I relay on my thoughts that I'm getting from someone, that one I call God. If you watched a movie matrix you could saw that humans are actually batteries, that's why I mentioned we are not. But we do have a virtual memory that is given to us by God when we are born. If you don't believe in this one than ask yourself why only humans of all beings on this planet speaks and create.
You know I don't really know what's going one, I have no proof of who I am or who is doing this to me any more. I know I'm not crazy, this is all I know. But I'm sure 100% that somebody is controlling me with some kind a reason. If this is God than I don't know why he chose me. Maybe because I'm fearless. Forget about me.

First off that would be impossible. Second off what technology is capable of creating the effect of love, emotions, and the abilty to think? But at that what techonlogy creates that but makes us obsolete?
Ricky Houy said:
Second off what technology is capable of creating the effect of love, emotions, and the abilty to think?

Isn't biology basically technology? What's the difference?