Prophet Yahweh UFO Video

SkinWalker said:
This is a prime example of the so-called "woo-woo" position that skeptics are "non-thinkers" and the so-called "woo-woo" is the one that is open-minded. If a "woo-woo" does indeed exist, he/she is clearly anything but open-minded since that person only looks for data which supports the conclusion he/she has already arrived at.
try telling this to happeh
Qorl said:
------Skeptics (non thinkers) should not reply on this thread because they are not intelligent enough to see the truth. If they will, I'm right.------
the truth is Qorl, randi still has his money

have you seen any medical professionals?
i'm serious Qorl, hearing voices in your head that come from god is one of the signs of being delusional
leopold99 said:
the truth is Qorl, randi still has his money

have you seen any medical professionals?
i'm serious Qorl, hearing voices in your head that come from god is one of the signs of being delusional

HAHAHA..... I'll leave it at what leopold said.
Ricky Houy said:
HAHAHA..... I'll leave it at what leopold said.

Why you're using a computer? You have none idea what technology is.
leopold99 said:
the truth is Qorl, randi still has his money

have you seen any medical professionals?
i'm serious Qorl, hearing voices in your head that come from god is one of the signs of being delusional

I would really like to know if there is any medical professional in this planet, other than a robot like you and everyone in this planet.
Did I told you that God created a robots with a free will. Everyone on this planet is a ROBOT.
Mr Anonymous said:
Indeed He did, this is why we here at American First National™® only accept genuine Christ™ Branded prophesies for our insane beliefs.

Bank with US, or go straight to Hell.
Offer available for a limited time only. Terms do apply. See our Welcome Pack for details and receive the gift of Life Everlasting or a DVD Player with no obligations. Offer Subject To Availability.

I am already in hell.
I don't know why aliens created me then, maybe just to entertain them. I am sick and tired of this stupid witting also but I have no free will.
Qorl, you are a buffoon. 'Prophet' Yahweh made predictions that didn't come true.

He is a fraud, and you are a simpleton for mentioning him.

On the subject of prophecies, you said there were would a 'tragedy' at the Winter Olympics, well, the opening ceremony is Friday, I believe. Care to give us some more detail, so you too, can be proven false?
i agree wid u about 'robots'. i see these materialists just like that. you see they will believe ferevently that they are some kind of glorified computer tingamejig that is totally unconnected in a deep way with dynamic of reality. so they just go along like bull in a chian shop toxicating everything --both psychologcallyand physically/ cause they 'know' 'when yer dead yer dead' so 'why the fuk should I worry? about life, quality of life, fabric of life, generations to come, and so on. they are robots cause their philosophy is robotic. what they believe they become is what i mean. look at how grossly insentitive theyare here wit people experiencing stuff they dont understand. they just insult. they REGUTTER SNIPES. NOTACT. NO SENSITIVITY WHATSOEER. LIKE A ROBOT. HARD METAL ROBOT WITH NOSENUSAL i aint gone main. just looked up and seen caps

as for you Quorl and what you say. i persohall have no time for the 'God' thang. i see 'hih' the god wid the capital 'G' lordin it over things as writ in patriarchal myth as an...UPSTART. iew., he is rather an invention of a patriachal mindset wich fears and wants to control Nature

rather i dig Goddess more, or beteer 'Goddessing'. for with the Goddess, its a whole new sphere-game. theEarth IS he BODY. she aint no hovering architect lookin 'down' on it and her 'creatures'. oh no. earth is her body. in metaphorical terms tis means Nature is sentient. als universe is her body too
so Earth, Nature, universe and all creation I creaTIVE. it is wonder...wonderFULL. patriarchal mythlogical propganda attemptes ro split tis wonder. so we get 'spirit' versus Nature. mind versus body and so on

explore this. itis truly healing and depthless . a never-ending journey of creativity...
In fact I take back what I said earlier. Don't enjoy your delusions, seek help! Hearing voices in your head is not normal, and if they are saying what you claim they are saying then it is certainly not God, because He loves everyone equally. There is no reason He should pick on you. Get some therapy NOW, before the voices start telling you to kill.
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Qorl said:
Why you're using a computer? You have none idea what technology is.

Well, you don't have 'none" english skills. So whats your point? Can you prove i have no knowledge of technology? I don't think so. I beleive i have a better idea of what it is then you do. Its not like i spent my whole life having "none" idea of what technology is.
Rick? Qorl isn't actualy english. Given the fact he's having to translate everything both ways, actually his english skills are pretty damn good...

Qorl said:
I am already in hell.
I don't know why aliens created me then, maybe just to entertain them. I am sick and tired of this stupid witting also but I have no free will.

Oh, Qorl old man, even in the tenants of your own beliefs, God created freewill - granted, He did make something of a song and dance about regarding Adam & Eve and the consequences of nibbling on a certain fruit from a certain tree - but he never once physically prevented either parties either inquiring or infact acting upon their newly acquired curiosity regarding such matters.

In short, His Nibs said "I'd rather you didn't, and if you do there's a price to pay..." but choice, free will was always on the menu.

Of course, old Adam and the misses probably didn't quite see it in such terms, but you can read and you do actually have a choice.

Now, unlike my esteemed colleagues here, I believe you implicitly when y'say God's talking too you, telling you things, never shutting the fuck up... Enough to make a chap ponder quite who's running the Universe really if all God's got to do with his day is make you feel small and worthless and sick as hell.

You need to talk these things through with someone other than God, and I'd imagine God's had a fair bit to say to you about that matter - but's that's just like the story of Adam & Eve and the apple.

Everyone lived to tell the tale, even though His Nibs had made things pristinely clear to begin with how things stood with him - Adam & Eve disobeyed a direct instruction and still went on to populate a planet.

And remember here. They weren't going by anything written down in anything so mundane as a mere Book - there was only them and Him and everyone got on relatively fine afterwards despite all the threats of eternal damnation, etc.

You'll prosper no less, I suggest you talk it through with a Doctor. Just a regular one for starters, see if he can't do anything about those infernal head aches you've been getting and getting a good nights sleep.

Where y'go from there is your own business my strange friend, but even His Nibs isn't going to begrudge a chap taking something for a head ache and getting a few nights proper sleep - no matter how much He may may appear to disapprove - always remember what didn't happen to Adam & Eve and lets someone who knows what they're doing help you along.

See a doctor, tomorrow. No excuses. ;)
phlogistician said:
Leave you alone? You chose to come and here and risk ridicule. Well, you have it. If you want to be left alone, SHUT UP
I mean that God should leave me alone.
Ricky Houy said:
Well, you don't have 'none" english skills. So whats your point? Can you prove i have no knowledge of technology? I don't think so. I beleive i have a better idea of what it is then you do. Its not like i spent my whole life having "none" idea of what technology is.
From your last post I told you that you have no knowledge about technology. Not our but Gods technology. You don't wanna know.
Communist Hamster said:
In fact I take back what I said earlier. Don't enjoy your delusions, seek help! Hearing voices in your head is not normal, and if they are saying what you claim they are saying then it is certainly not God, because He loves everyone equally. There is no reason He should pick on you. Get some therapy NOW, before the voices start telling you to kill.
There is a bigger picture about someone innocent like me. He doesn't loves me and my life is a prove I'm right.

Humans are robots, just look at politicians or scientists or any who else. They believe in one thing like robots. Just like I do in myself or you in you. If Goddess have no power, there is a male God who controls everything.
Qorl said:
From your last post I told you that you have no knowledge about technology. Not our but Gods technology. You don't wanna know.

Please tell me about "Gods Technology" I'm so curious to know of such a thing. I imagine he has tons of aliens at his disposal at any given moment. Oh no, I bet he has people like you go onto online forums and speak the rhetoric of the divine UFOs. The prophet of Yahweh will call upon his mighty army of UFOs "Hallelujah". For God is so infinite in power he needs UFOs.

Did you ever take into consideration that god does not have ANY need for air craft? Well, nevermind. I'm sure he has a tough time talking to the world as it is. I mean of course he used to speak through bushes. Whatever happened to good ol' fashioned talking bushes? Probably died when God discovered his inifinite use for UFOs.
Well, I'm sure he is telling you at this very moment that revelations will began with a sudden flash of light. Something seen form the north, east, south, and west. Then Jesus will appear to walk out of a UFO on a white horse, followed by his army of Jews dressed in all white. Because we all know God loves his new found UFOs. I wonder why he didn't use these before? I mean he is ominecent correct? Perhaps he knows we will learn of his new found word through the Prophet Yahweh, and his UFOs.

But then again, he could be speaking through you. Possibly through his infinite wisdom he knows that you are the best messenger to use anothers actions to further your proof. After all every other prophet has done so. :bugeye: If god really speaks to you he would give us a sign of such actions. He would not in any case give you the internet and tell you to preach the gosphel.

But, then again what do I know about the Bibles technology. I figure a prophet of God would not be such an, how should I say this.... imbecile. I'm sure every prophet of the Lord will jump to such conclusions as to say some one does not have any knowledge of something. I mean Jesus did it all the time.... :bugeye:

You could never have the Lord speak to you because you jump to conclusions upon another human being so narcissistically. But, then again what do I know? I"m just a ragamuffin. Some one who will never know of God and his infinite need for technology.
Y'know, funnily enough, were you an orthodox Jew actually that particular aspect of the perception of God is very much a central issue - there is no Devil in rebidic Judaism, only God who, indeed, may fuck one over royally if He wishes wishes...

But this isn't a theology debate, or even a questioning of your specific beliefs Qorl - this is just simply about telling your problems to someone who can actually help you and allowing them to do that for you. Help you.

Now, if you can tell us here on the Internet something about the nature of your problems, you can do it in words in your own native language a damn sight easier.

Yes, the person you talk to will doubt the nature of your experiences, no different from people here. This isn't about changing things or doing the impossible - this is just about getting some help to get a little bit of peace and a little bit of rest just through good natural sleep without any bad dreams or nightmares getting in the way.

Now this you can get done, with help. We, unfortunately can do very little except wish you well and suggest you try.

If you've been trying, try harder. You don't need to do anything drastic or silly, just talk this through with your family doctor and that's all you need to do - you don't even have to accept his or her help if you don't want to, but ask for the help first then decide.

I realise for you this must be like being told to do something silly by children who simply don't know enough to understand - but there's often wisdom in that and a reason for it being said.

See you're doctor. Tell them the truth as you see it. That's all.
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