Properties of the soul?

My only quibble would be that I think you make people sound more fearful and self-centred than they actually are. I suspect a major reason for the idea of the soul surviving death is not that the living fear death themselves, but that they feel the loss of those they love who have died and they hope to be reunited with them. So it is, I suspect, wishful thinking on behalf of others, as much as for themselves.

Yes, wishful thinking and fear.
I fear poverty and desire a million dollars.
Checking my bank account recently makes me think the former is closer to the truth.
Speaking for myself I have nooooo problem calling myself a collection of chemicals which have have accumulated over the years various groups of them replacing those already present

On average I have a complete new body every 10 years which means I've had 7 so far

The concessness I experience from this interactive collection of chemicals is great

Most of the ethereal attributes given to this bunch of stuff are meaningless because they are inconsistent over the range of people who give them hence they are not a intrinsic core truth of what this collection "is"

Sorry I really am just a lots of little cells (non sentinant cells) hanging together with some of them (the brain ones) giving me the ability to experience the properties of the Universe (strange because even the brain cells individual or collectively are not sentinant)

The concept of soul appears to posit a mini me operating the brain like a puppet and when the body and brain dies mini me packs up and heads off to the next place taking all the information gathered during the life of the body

Concessness is a PROCESS hence has no physicality so true cannot become matter let alone be reduced to matter

The concessness I experience from this interactive collection of chemicals is great so I would disagree concessness cannot arise from a chemical matter

I would also disagree matter to concessness is a reduction

Good points. My life started as a single cell that had no consciousness. It multiplied by dividing (!) and after a very long complicated and mysterious sequence of events, my consciousness gradually emerged and developed and by the age of about 18 was fully formed. Old age is upon me and I often go up the stairs and forget why I went. I find I cannot play the piano as well as I did a few years ago. Soon, my brain will cease to function and some people think it already has.