Properties of the soul?


Rational Skeptic
Valued Senior Member
All of my memories & thoughts seem to be due to processes of a brain, which ceases to function when a person dies.

For those who believe in an after life in the form of something called a soul, could you provide answers to the following?
Does the soul have have all of the memories of the living person?

Is the soul capable of thinking?

Are there any legitimate mediums who can communicate or channel the thoughts/memories of a deceased person?
All of my memories & thoughts seem to be due to processes of a brain, which ceases to function when a person dies.

For those who believe in an after life in the form of something called a soul, could you provide answers to the following?

From your post # 1



Mediums are not necessary

Does the soul have have all of the memories of the living person?

Is the soul capable of thinking?

Are there any legitimate mediums who can communicate or channel the thoughts/memories of a deceased person?




All of my memories & thoughts seem to be due to processes of a brain, which ceases to function when a person dies.

For those who believe in an after life in the form of something called a soul, could you provide answers to the following?

Does the soul have have all of the memories of the living person? the form of unmediated cognitive access to all their past. It is part of being outside of spacetime in block time.

Is the soul capable of thinking?

Yes..but thinking unfettered by the encumberances of a material brain. Super enhanced thinking aided by precognition, telepathy, profound intuition, and clairvoyant access to all information.

Are there any legitimate mediums who can communicate or channel the thoughts/memories of a deceased person?

Yes, as well as their empathized with feelings, emotions, and desires.
Last edited: the form of unmediated cognitive access to all their past. It is part of being outside of spacetime in block time.

Two points please

Evidence. Where is it?

Can you translate into understandable English please?

Yes..but thinking unfettered by the encumberances of a material brain. Super enhanced thinking aided by precognition, telepathy, profound intuition, and clairvoyant access to all information.

Ditto above

Yes, as well as their empathized with feelings, emotions, and desires.

Ditto but only for the yes bit

Does the soul have have all of the memories of the living person?

The "soul" is the person.
We, as persons, generally do not remember past lives. So, generally, we don't, but the memories are there.

Is the soul capable of thinking?

Well. We are are capable of thinking, and essentially we are the spiritual-soul (if that is what you accept or believe). So yes.

Are there any legitimate mediums who can communicate or channel the thoughts/memories of a deceased person?

There are those that claim they can.

All of my memories & thoughts seem to be due to processes of a brain, which ceases to function when a person dies.

Does it really seem to be, or do you accept that particular idea? Without any prior knowledge, or idea of the brains activities, are there natural inclinations that lead to that conclusion?

Could it be that the brain is a machine that processes our will, thoughts, and actions?

For those who believe in an after life in the form of something called

The term afterlife is misleading. It implies that the body continues to live. Or the person remains the same person, after the dissolution of the material body.

There is no afterlife, there is just life, for the spiritual soul.

All of my memories & thoughts seem to be due to processes of a brain, which ceases to function when a person dies.

For those who believe in an after life in the form of something called a soul, could you provide answers to the following?

If you believe in passages in the bible the it possible to mention some, if you don't believe then is useless to mention .

Does the soul have have all of the memories of the living person?

Is the soul capable of thinking?

Are there any legitimate mediums who can communicate or channel the thoughts/memories of a deceased person?




You are great, pretty soon I will pray to you because you know everything .
You are great, pretty soon I will pray to you because you know everything .

Make it a practical prayer

Pray I win the $10 million lottery

It will be a true miracle if you pray and I win since I don't buy tickets

Don't read any more post get busy praying

Ask god to drop everything else and concentrate on my future 10 million $s

For those who believe in an after life in the form of something called a soul, could you provide answers to the following?

I like to believe the mind and body are a vessel for the soul, but cannot answer your questions since I have no memory of any existence other than that as a human. I've dreamed of being another person, but there's no definitive truth in dreams. If I were to make an assessment based on experience, having forgotten something and being aware of that fact, I would say the soul exists independent of the mind and body.

When you see a comatose individual who stares into space, unresponsive to their surroundings, you realize how thinly tethered we are to the world around us.
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I like to believe the mind and body are a vessel for the soul, but cannot answer your questions since I have no memory of any existence other than that as a human. I've dreamed of being another person, but there's no definitive truth in dreams. If I were to make an assessment based on experience, having forgotten something and being aware of that fact, I would say the soul exists independent of the mind and body.
What experience?
Based on my experience the "soul" just seems to be a process of a brain.
I'm curious as to where our experiences may differ that give rise to an alternative view...?
When you see a comatose individual who stares into space, unresponsive to their surroundings, you realize how thinly tethered we are to the world around us.
While I agree whole heartedly that we are thinly tethered, I see nothing in that thin tether that gives rise to the notion of a soul, or of existing in any form beyond the demise of our brain.
It is certainly an appealing thought, that we live on in some form after we shuffle off this mortal coil, but it also seems to be just wishful thinking, being as it is, to me, devoid of any actual evidentiary support.
Does it really seem to be, or do you accept that particular idea?
It seems to be.
You destroy brain, you destroy any sign of consciousness, soul, personhood etc.
Whether there is something that transcends this physical realm is beyond this physical realm's ability to ascertain.
Everything one can say about it existing, claim about it existing, is borne purely out of one's belief that it is so, not through actual evidence that it is so.
"Seeming" is an surely a matter of evidence: if there is no evidence it can not "seem" to be.
Without any prior knowledge, or idea of the brains activities, are there natural inclinations that lead to that conclusion?
Sure, there is the natural desire not to die, a self-preservation mechanism, that, in the absence of actual evidence of "life after death", creates the notion so as to assuage the concern one might have that this, this material realm that we inhabit, might be all that there is.
Could it be that the brain is a machine that processes our will, thoughts, and actions?
It could be.
Just provide the evidence that it is, rather than being the machine that not only processes but also gives rise to those things.
Then, perhaps, we can talk about what "seems".
The term afterlife is misleading. It implies that the body continues to live. Or the person remains the same person, after the dissolution of the material body.

There is no afterlife, there is just life, for the spiritual soul.
That is just a matter of semantics and not really worthy of discussion here.
We are discussing the matter of what might continue after the apparent death of the physical within the physical realm.
Surely whether you wish to call it the afterlife, pre-life, part of life, continuation of life, post-life, life that is but is different to the life that was, or anything else, is an irrelevancy.
But as it is, you are also wrong: the term "afterlife" is almost universally understood to be that which continues after the death of the material body, whether in the same form or another (the properties of what might continue into any afterlife is of course up for discussion).
Without the body, the person can not remain the same.
So to say that it implies that the body continues, or that the the person remains the same person, is a mistake on your part.

But if you have any evidence as to what does actually continue into the afterlife, should an afterlife actually exist (and feel free to put forth evidence for the existence of an afterlife while you're at it), then please do.
Otherwise everything you say is simply a matter of your belief, not actuality.
And as such, in the absence of said evidence, please refrain, should you find yourself wandering toward that desire, from trying to assert your belief in any way as anything more than simply your belief.
What experience?
Based on my experience the "soul" just seems to be a process of a brain.
I'm curious as to where our experiences may differ that give rise to an alternative view...?

The observation of the human experience, whether that be of the mind or of the body. It's something I've spent many years trying to understand. Even then I can't tell you from where it comes or where it goes.

While I agree whole heartedly that we are thinly tethered, I see nothing in that thin tether that gives rise to the notion of a soul, or of existing in any form beyond the demise of our brain.
If I could offer an analogy, my laptop recently took a crap. The machine functions, yet the wireless doesn't work.

It is certainly an appealing thought, that we live on in some form after we shuffle off this mortal coil, but it also seems to be just wishful thinking, being as it is, to me, devoid of any actual evidentiary support.

And I don't believe anyone will ever be able to offer solid proof. I think the soul is consider elusive by any physical observations. Either you recognize it as being the core of your existence, or you never recognize it.
And I don't believe anyone will ever be able to offer solid proof. I think the soul is consider elusive by any physical observations

Ummmm apart from physical observations what other types are there?

A good start might be reading a book. I once owned the following and thought it a good read...

Can you remember if there were other forms of observations in the book or

some sort of well thought out experiment with some sort of statically meaningful results?

Or was it a bunch of campfire stories?

The observation of the human experience, whether that be of the mind or of the body. It's something I've spent many years trying to understand. Even then I can't tell you from where it comes or where it goes.
Observation of whose human experience?
Yours, or other people's?
And what exactly are the observations that lead you to conclude that the soul not only exists but exists as you believe it does?
If I could offer an analogy, my laptop recently took a crap. The machine functions, yet the wireless doesn't work.
That is analogous to any handicap a person might suffer from.
If one is blind then the body functions but the eyes don't.
So what exactly are you trying to say with this analogy?
What are the parts supposed to be an analogy for?
And I don't believe anyone will ever be able to offer solid proof. I think the soul is consider elusive by any physical observations. Either you recognize it as being the core of your existence, or you never recognize it.
Elusive by any physical observation, yet you manage to recognise it... How?
Or do you simply mean you believe it to be so?

A good start might be reading a book. I once owned the following and thought it a good read...
How is mindfulness and meditation any evidence for a soul?
One can meditate and be mindful without believing in the soul at all.

It's not something that can be put in a jar and hand over for observation. I think that is the frustration for those who try to point the way. You can draw a picture, but even that won't give you an accurate look. I'm sorry. I'm not a mystic or sage, so I am not able to help you.
It seems to be.
You destroy brain, you destroy any sign of consciousness, soul, personhood etc.

Yes, because the brain is dead.
It does not follow that consciousness is dead.

Whether there is something that transcends this physical realm is beyond this physical realm's ability to ascertain.
Everything one can say about it existing, claim about it existing, is borne purely out of one's belief that it is so, not through actual evidence that it is so.

Everything one can say about it NOT existing, is also borne out of one's belief, and not actual evidence, unless one shows evidence that it does not exist, or more to the point, consciousness ceases to be.

Sure, there is the natural desire not to die, a self-preservation mechanism, that, in the absence of actual evidence of "life after death", creates the notion so as to assuage the concern one might have that this, this material realm that we inhabit, might be all that there is.

Where, or what, is the evidence that the desire NOT to die, is natural, as opposed to preferable (in some circumstances). I assume this particular desire has it's basis in nature, and it's laws.

It could be.
Just provide the evidence that it is, rather than being the machine that not only processes but also gives rise to those things.
Then, perhaps, we can talk about what "seems".

I asked you a question, and you replied ''Sure It could be''.
I'm not sure what you mean by ''provide the evidence'' given that I only asked you a question, and made no claim, unlike yourself.
Can you provide evidence of the CLAIMS you make?

But as it is, you are also wrong: the term "afterlife" is almost universally understood to be that which continues after the death of the material body, whether in the same form or another (the properties of what might continue into any afterlife is of course up for discussion).

I didn't say it wasn't universally understood. I said it implies that the person who was alive as Mr. Buttface, is still Mr. Buttface after the death of his material body.

But if you have any evidence as to what does actually continue into the afterlife, should an afterlife actually exist (and feel free to put forth evidence for the existence of an afterlife while you're at it), then please do.

I will do.
If you have any evidence that consciousness is a property of the brain, and dies when the brain dies, feel free to put forth the evidence. Thanks.

I like ti think of the soul as an Etch A Sketch: Life writes its doodles and death shakes it clean.