Proof there is a God

That quote proves that theism (faith in an mindful God) does not qualify as a scientific discipline.

It is exactly the opposite of the scientific method, which demands evidence of verifiable observable things. Whereas we do have *theoretical science*, any proposition such as the above biblical quote cannot ever be considered Truth, until the hypothesis has been tested and falsified.
From your inferences (including your statement that I actually believe in your God), the God you are describing is not "mindful", but merely a mathematical process, which functions as it must by natural mathematical laws.

You didn't get the point (AGAIN)
I suggest you read the conversation again.

Well, this is an entirely different POV regarding *logic*. Let me unpack this. "If you can prove something does in fact exist, it is not the thing you have just proven to exist. OTOH, if you cannot prove that something exists, it must in fact exist. Give it a break, jan.

Your problems are the unpacking, and, the need to unpack.

Evolution doesn't exist and if it does it is God's will?
You may want to look up the term *gene drive*. I have a wonderful clip explaining how science is on the verge of being able to create entirely new species, but as you are unable to follow * recorded lectures*, Ill just post this for others to watch this fascinating *cutting edge* research in creating entirely new species. Take note of this term "Gene Drive"

Aside from giving evidence of intelligent design, what is the purpose of this link?

Every human thinks a little different, thus their personal God must also be a little different, which means there are as many different gods as there are humans, each person has his/her own god. Take them all together and we arrive at a generality of a single God, to represent *Thought* and *Mindfulness* (in all human beings).

The personal God is the same, it is the relationship that differs.
A good analogy is a large family. The parents of the siblings always remains the same, but each sibling has a unique relationship with their parents.

IMO, such a hierarchical order of Thought forms could be defended in areas of human
psychology, but it does not extend beyond the human realm.

What is the human realm?

Universal Potential created human reality, but by a purely implacably logical,
mathematically probabilistic, function, which is independent of mindful thought, because it needs not be sentient in and of itself.

Replace U.P. with God, and not only do you automatically become a theist, you can join an impersonalist religion.

Think of any scientific or technological discovery from anytime, or think of all the discoveries, not only of science, but of anything, that is yet to come.
Now think if there are no (specifically) human beings to discover these things. I'm sure you'll agree that there will be no discovery.
So what is this human being that has this ability? That's the type of scientific information you will find in scriptures.
Why do you think there are definitely not any life-forms in the universe at least as equally as intelligent that might discover these things as well?
So you know (for a fact ) that consciousness arises out of gross matter, through reading books, analyzing scientific data?
Don't be stupid.
So you know (for a fact) that consciousness can't arise out of gross matter, through reading books, analysing scripture?
Don't be hypocritical.
Jan's faith that God created life on earth, not evolution, over rules well established facts.

For example earth is 4.6 billion years old and the first life forms for at least a billion years were anaerobic as there was no oxygen in the atmosphere until green plants began making it, less than 1 billion years ago: said:
In the late Proterozoic, oxygen levels in the oceans and atmosphere increased dramatically. By 600 million years ago, the oxygen in the atmosphere reached about one-fifth of today’s level (21 percent). The oxygen boom favored the evolution of lifeforms that could use oxygen to create energy. For other organisms, oxygen was poisonous, and they were forced into extreme airless habitats or into extinction. ...

Until about 430 million years ago, most aerobic organisms lived in the ocean and used oxygen dissolved in seawater. Then about 430 million years ago, life on land appeared. Small plants and invertebrates (animals without backbones) evolved the ability to live on land and use oxygen directly from the atmosphere. During the Devonian Period, 416-397 million years ago, plants evolved, as did the first four-footed animals.
This is from part 5 of the Smithsonian's Museum of Natural History's eight part series.

BTW, those "extreme airless habitats" are the guts of animals, man included, where they help break down complex foods, like starches, into simple sugars that man and other animals can use for energy.

If you want facts, instead of faith based opinions, on how life evolved on Earth, read all 8 in this series.
Here is small part from section 4:
"Life and Earth’s atmosphere evolved together. Over time, tiny photosynthetic organisms produced enough oxygen to react with the methane in the atmosphere, transforming it forever. About two billion years ago, the methane haze cleared and the sky turned blue."
As the solar out put ~ 4 billion years ago was only about 70% of what it is today, that powerfull green house gas, methane, CH4, as the atmosphere is the only reason there could be liquid water on Earth.

A huge number of various versions of trilobites were among the first land animals. So many trilobite fossil have been found that buying a few, as I have, is cheap. They did not need as much oxygen as the later four legged animals did as they moved very slowly.
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The thing that confuses me is the thought that "science" and "religion" have to be mutually exclusive... that doesn't add up. What is there to prevent religious understanding from evolving and growing, much the same way science does... and by that, I mean look at some of the usual arguments against religion, such as the "stoning" thing. Such is an example of the times that the text was written. Isn't it simply appropriate to continue to adapt as the times change?

After all... adapt, or get left behind.

The latest adaption to spirituality is the FSM. I would not call this adaption or evolution.
But is is now a recognized religion (by law) in The Netherlands. Us Hollanders are a strange lot. Of course in Holland psychotropic drugs are legal.

But seriously, the problem is that scripture , being the revealed word of god is exempt from editing and inserting new knowledge. That would impact the Divinity of the Scripture.
Maybe you should look up the Sushruta Samita, that's at least 3000 years old.
So what?

I am already way earlier that that...60 - 70 thousand years earlier, when man was evolving a brain capable of abstract thought and oral traditions were communicated from generation to generation, until someone decided to write it all down, cherry picking the stories, in a book, which has been renamed and edited several times.. Torah, Bible, Quran, Book of Mormons. The same thing happened in Deism. Unfortunately, none were edited with latest scientific knowledge.

What happened to the "lost books" of the bible. Were those books not divine enough to be included?
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Your problems are the unpacking, and, the need to unpack.
Yes, its called *critical thinking*, based on current scientific knowledge. You just *accept part and parcel* of 3000 year old retold mythology without question. Maybe that's your problem?
The personal God is the same, it is the relationship that differs.
There you go, and those different relationships has caused untold disaster, from generation to generation.
What is the human realm?
That which is experiential in human reality.
Replace U.P. with God, and not only do you automatically become a theist, you can join an impersonalist religion. jan.

No jan, Theistic Religions are specific beliefs in non-material sentient spirits. I have no such beliefs. Mathematics are not sentient in and of itself, but gave rise to sentience in humans. That does not make the mathematical function a God, it makes it a probabilistic *function*.
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The latest adaption to spirituality is the FSM. I would not call this adaption or evolution.
But is is now a recognized religion (by law) in The Netherlands. Us Hollanders are a strange lot. Of course in Holland psychotropic drugs are legal.

But seriously, the problem is that scripture , being the revealed word of god is exempt from editing and inserting new knowledge. That would impact the Divinity of the Scripture.

You are Dutch?? I'd never have guessed.
So you know (for a fact ) that consciousness arises out of gross matter, through reading books, analyzing scientific data?
Don't be stupid. jan.
As usual you mix up and twist different question into a single question, forcing me to parsing your post with two different answers.
a) *Consciousness* arises from gross matter, i.e. The physical neural network of the brain.
b) *Knowledge* comes from observation, reading books, and analyzing scientific data.
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I haven't been making any claims about knowing; I have simply been asking for clarification on your stance.
I think that exchemist's comments back to me a few quotes above, probably capture best what I've been trying to say relating to 'tangible evidence,' etc...
Well, this thread is a train wreck...

let me ask this - what evidence, outside of biblical passages, does anyone have to prove or disprove the existence of a being we theoretically could not comprehend?
Well, this thread is a train wreck...

let me ask this - what evidence, outside of biblical passages, does anyone have to prove or disprove the existence of a being we theoretically could not comprehend?

Actually This has been the best thread for some time, in the religion forum. It has been very revealing, to say the least.
What was especially good was the lack of need to use biblical passages.

What is it that we can't, or won't comprehend?
Once you answer that then comprehension begins..

God can be proved through reason, and reason operates on an individual level.
Atheists deny God, and that has been shown in this thread time and time again.
They hide behind the mantra "there is no evidence", and when they get caught they become offensive.

God (math/eternal) bless.

Physics predicts alternate universes and dimensions. Religions predicted the same thing thousands of years earlier. Alternate universes or realms was a way to explain the barrier that existed between material and spiritual realms.

For example in Greek Mythology;

Geographically, the Underworld was considered to have been surrounded by five rivers: the Acheron (river of woe), the Cocytus (river of lamentation), the Phlegethon (river of fire), the Styx (river of unbreakable oath by which the gods took vows), and the Lethe (river of forgetfulness). Past the rivers, a diamond gate, guarded by Cerberus, formed the entrance to the kingdom. Deep within the kingdom, lay Hades' vast palace, full with guests.

If you interpret the five rivers to be space-time (x,y,z,t) plus another linking dimension (Q), the ancients were doing modern applied physics. Hades could not be reached by the material body, but needed to be in the form of energy/information; soul.

The first four rivers are woe (x), lamentation (y), fire (t), unbreakable oath or instincts (z), while the last is forgetfulness (Q). Forgetfulness is different in that it detaches from the woes, lamination, unbreakable oat, pain/emotions (fire); (x,y,z,t).
Actually This has been the best thread for some time, in the religion forum. It has been very revealing, to say the least.
What was especially good was the lack of need to use biblical passages.
Yet there is a distinct lack of any proof yet provided that is not simply circular in reasoning.
What is it that we can't, or won't comprehend?
For you it seems to be the mind of an atheist.
Once you answer that then comprehension begins..
I look forward to you doing so.
God can be proved through reason, and reason operates on an individual level.
Individual reason can be illogical and based on unsubstantiated premises.
If you are excusing such things before even beginning then any "proof" arrived at while containing such will unfortunately not bear any semblance to reality.
Atheists deny God, and that has been shown in this thread time and time again.
Where is ther evidence of any denial.
There is simply rejection.
Denial implies the truth of that which is being denied, and that truth has yet to be proven.
Are you going to offer a proof that is not circular?
They hide behind the mantra "there is no evidence", and when they get caught they become offensive.
It is not a mantra as much as it is the truth: there is no evidence that the atheist is aware of that leads to the rational conclusion that God necessarily exists.
Do you have any?

It seems to me, Jan, that you simply fail to understand the atheist point of view.
You understand the key words that they use but not the reasoning for them.
You can not comprehend thus you belittle them, you accuse them of denial rather than merely rejection, you accuse them of being offensive rather than listening to the criticisms they put forth, criticisms that you simply ignore and/or dismiss as offence, and you have yet to offer any actual proof through reason that you claim exists.
Not only that but as soon as you get found out and your position and tactics exposed, you simply put those people on ignore rather than address the valid criticisms they raise.

Are you now going to offer that proof you claim exists up for analysis?
Actually This has been the best thread for some time, in the religion forum. It has been very revealing, to say the least.
What was especially good was the lack of need to use biblical passages.

What is it that we can't, or won't comprehend?
Once you answer that then comprehension begins..

God can be proved through reason, and reason operates on an individual level.
Atheists deny God, and that has been shown in this thread time and time again.
They hide behind the mantra "there is no evidence", and when they get caught they become offensive.

God (math/eternal) bless.

Reason is not individual, it's universal or it's crap.
Thing is, as a believer myself, I accept that the physical evidence is sorely lacking - I readily admit that my belief cannot be outwardly proven; that us part of what makes it so personal and, well, spiritual. I have, for lack of better phrasing, experienced moments or periods of profound peace when I would have expected something else. Was that the Holy Spirit comforting me? I like to think so, but I accept I cannot explain it one way or another; any attempt would be simple supposition.

That is, to me, the most dangerous aspect of religion though... when one tries to insist it as fact, it is quickly perverted, going from a deep personal sense and experience, to a vulgar statement used as a weapon and excuse for unwholesome and bigoted acts.