Proof there is a God

Well then you can either quote your previous answer or state which post numbers have your reason for thinking that scriptures are the best source for information on God.
Well then you can either quote your previous answer or state which post numbers have your reason for thinking that scriptures are the best source for information on God.

Why bother Deacon?
It's a simple question. I'm genuinely interested in obtaining comprehensive information about God, and I can't see where else you're going to get it. If you know of somewhere, please share. Otherwise stop with the games.

And I'm genuinely interested in why you think scriptures, specifically, are the best source for information about God.

How about YOU stop playing games and just give a straight answer for once?
And I'm genuinely interested in why you think scriptures, specifically, are the best source for information about God.

How about YOU stop playing games and just give a straight answer for once?

I've just told you in that last response.
That shows you're not interested in what I'm actually saying.

So you're saying that you think scriptures are the best source because you don't know of any other sources?

Why say they're the "best" then? What are you comparing them to?
Scriptures are just things written by people, where did they get their information from?
The Christian definition falls into that scriptural definition. The Christian will not deny that definition. That being said, it would be rather silly of me not to accept the most universally comprehensive definition when try to prove God.
Yes most all Christians will agree god is defined by their holly book(s) and so would most all followers of other religions. Problem is there are huge differences. For example, Christians believe your soul goes beyond Earth after death (to heaven, hell or limbo for child who died three days after birth). Vs all the religions that believe in re-incarnation. They believe you soul stays on Earth. They obviously are preferred by Ockham as we know earth exist, but the existence of heaven, hell & limb are only unsupported postulates.
Responsible in the sense that you are responsible for the maintenance of all of your body.
I said I will take your definition of God as the "Supreme Being that is responsible for the material world" as your better defined definition of God. (rather than your "scripture describes God" version). Your current reply, just quoted, supports more the other meaning of "responsible" (I. e. caretaker, or over seer of activities on earth) instead of "creator of the universe."

I know you like to avoid clear answers, but that does not help progress in understanding you. So I'll ask again. Is the god you speak of:
A. Responsible for the creation of the universe?
B. Responsible for maintenance of it all? (I.e.. god is just what many call the "natural laws.") I'm reasonable sure you do not mean God is responsible for all the evil on earth (mass murders, ethnic cleansing, wars, mass starvations, etc.).
C. Both A & B

The reply you gave and I quoted, supports B as in “God maintains the body” (where “body” is the earth and/or the universe) / takes care of it and the activities on it.
While I do believe that God has other characteristics, for the purpose of this thread, I have only given the characteristics that are present within scriptures. ...
Does this imply that 10,000 years ago, before writing was possible (no scriptures) God had no characteristics? He first got Characteristics when the Jews wrote the Tora. etc.

BTW, their holly books do not postulate any heaven or hell.
God couldn't have possibly made it, because it violates Ockham's Razor.
Yes he could. Ockham was only making the point that if two different explanations for universe are possible, the one with the least unsupported postulates was more likely to be correct. That does not assure that it is.

That is why I and many scientists prefer / support the POV that the universe was created by a statistical fluctuation in the nothingness, much like electron /positron pairs are now from the nothingness of the vacuum. We could be wrong, if the postulate that God makes trillions of electron /positron pair each micro second, is true. I. e. just because some theory makes an unsupported postulate, does not make it false. Or directly relating to this thread, god could exist even though that is an unsupported postulate. No one can prove god does not exist. (Proofs on non-existence are possible only in the realm of mathematics.)
Someone ought to inform the boys at the scripture making factory. jan.
All of them? I. e. there are many such factories, and new one with few followers are producing their scriptures every month or so.
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Prove that the quote is out of context.
I did. By supplying the context. Twice. The part where I explicitly say I am not asserting the statement to be true:

"Either both are true or neither is true. I'm not offering an opinion on which it is; that is up to you."

This underhanded tactic of misquoting should have been beneath you, jan.
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(Proofs on non-existence are possible only in the realm of mathematics.)
Just a point of correction... you can prove non-existence in the cases where you are able to apply to the entire universe under consideration a search that is capable of detecting the thing in question if it were to exist.
E.g. if I claim that a heavy black slime-mound exists but only lives in the bottom of a specific cup, I can prove the non-existence of this because I can apply a search (vision) to the entire universe under consideration (the mug), and that search would be capable of detecting the mound if it indeed existed.
Just a point of correction... you can prove non-existence in the cases where you are able to apply to the entire universe under consideration a search that is capable of detecting the thing in question if it were to exist.
E.g. if I claim that a heavy black slime-mound exists but only lives in the bottom of a specific cup, I can prove the non-existence of this because I can apply a search (vision) to the entire universe under consideration (the mug), and that search would be capable of detecting the mound if it indeed existed.
True. But, absent a qualifier (the cup), the universe-under-consideration is generally agreed to be, literally, the universe. And that's why it can't be proven.
True. But, absent a qualifier (the cup), the universe-under-consideration is generally agreed to be, literally, the universe. And that's why it can't be proven.
Yes and also, normally if not always, there is a non-zero chance that the search failed to find something that does exist. So for both reason (your's and this one) a finite search with negative results dose not prove Non-existance.

For example it is widely believed that unicorns do not exist, but it is impossible to prove that. Perhaps on some planet more than 5 million light year away from Earth, They routinely pull plows on simple farms.
I keep telling the humans about the manipulation but they will just hand wave me away and dismiss this yet again, sight...

Well you should know about your masters the Archons alien reptilians but hey if you believe they don't exist then you belong together. I flipped a coin so you get this. But they are the parent of Elohim imposters I told you about in the first proof of God thread that has now halted. Yeah just business as usuall energy sucking vampires the literal devil yes Billy you are right this world is currently run by a demon thier father this is why you are all confused. It's a clandestine plan with clandestine offspring. The Tarians are just considered slaves.
I keep telling the humans about the manipulation but they will just hand wave me away and dismiss this yet again, sight...

Well you should know about your masters the Archons alien reptilians but hey if you believe they don't exist then you belong together. I flipped a coin so you get this. But they are the parent of Elohim imposters I told you about in the first proof of God thread that has now halted. Yeah just business as usuall energy sucking vampires the literal devil yes Billy you are right this world is currently run by a demon thier father this is why you are all confused. It's a clandestine plan with clandestine offspring. The Tarians are just considered slaves.

Great stuff, Brian, keep it up!
For the record I am not agnostic or gnostic believer actually classifying yourself in a certain group is one of the keys factors to deception. You see how easy humanity is lead to satanism. Disinformation runs so deep. And also Gnostics also get a lot wrong the master manipulators mixes truth inside lies to further confuse. Aliens Angels and Demons are essentially the same thing.
I also do not support satanism or self worship that's the whole point of failure and what got us here in first place it's all deeply poetic.