Proof the Bible is God's Word

Originally posted by Jenyar
Therefore I suggest another preliminary conclusion, based on the observation that scientific accuracy is always lacking in retrospect - that the presence or lack of such accuracy cannot support or damage a case that does not rely on objective measurement for its authority.


verry funny...

that the presence or lack of such accuracy cannot support or damage a case that does not rely on objective measurement for its authority.

it was the postulation of the first poster that the bible is scientifically accurate. The case that was presented that the bible conveys more authority because it is scientically accurate. I know that the bible doesn't rely on scientific authority.

You first try to claim it is scientific accurate, then you claim it can be scientically accurate. then you claim its authority is not based on scientific authority. Ja well...good luck with it.

based on the observation that scientific accuracy is always lacking in retrospect

Gosh. You have an observation that scientific accuracy is always lacking in retrospect? Which one is that?
First of all, is it relevant?, and second there are old scientific works that are more accurate than modern ones. Would that not be an observation of the statement that scientific accuracy is not always lacking in retrospect. But of course, it has nothing to do with the entire matter, just like your statement.
the bible may have wisdom in it, but it also has much that is either isnt wise, or once was, but no longer is, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Its nice, but doesnt work in real life. Innocent people have horrible things happening to them, that they have never done unto others.
It also has more contradictions then it should. A commandment "honour thy father and thy mother", what if they worship the devil or whatever, still honour them?

also, "There's an old saying: "Nobody's perfect."" the reason for this, is that perfection, may well be impossible, if you think strength is a plus, then, a person can just be stronger, and stronger. if there is infact a limit as to how good a person can be, then, it is just very unlikely, if each chromosome has to be exactly perfect, each of the billions of dna has to be perfect, the chances of this happening.... very low
alain said:
the bible may have wisdom in it, but it also has much that is either isnt wise, or once was, but no longer is, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Its nice, but doesnt work in real life. Innocent people have horrible things happening to them, that they have never done unto others.
It seems you came to the same conclusion as Job had. Fortunately, faith does not depend on how good and perfect the world is - it is all the more necessary for it.

It also has more contradictions then it should. A commandment "honour thy father and thy mother", what if they worship the devil or whatever, still honour them?
Yes, you still honour them. It does not mean you must honour what they're doing, or do it yourself. If it meant that, then love would be impossible in most families. The only thing you gain by not honouring them is a sense that you have no responsibility towards them. In fact, undeserved honour and respect is where love begins in any relationship.

also, "There's an old saying: "Nobody's perfect."" the reason for this, is that perfection, may well be impossible, if you think strength is a plus, then, a person can just be stronger, and stronger. if there is infact a limit as to how good a person can be, then, it is just very unlikely, if each chromosome has to be exactly perfect, each of the billions of dna has to be perfect, the chances of this happening.... very low
Obviously it depends on what you measure perfection by. Especially if you start applying scientific elitism. But consider Jesus' words:

"If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." (Matthew 19:21)

You have a problem with the imperfections of the Bible, but consider what a problem you would have had if it had been as "perfect" as you think it should be. Maybe it would have been as highly regarded among non-Christians as Christians, but frankly I think it would just have been hijacked by the scientific community with no second thought about God. It would have been "possible", so there would be "no need to bring God into it"...

As it is, we strive to take hold of perfection, with or without the knowledge that God has provided it to everybody.
Jenyar, you said that if the bible had been more perfect, scientists would have taken it and not thought about God. Therefore, Being as he is ominiscant, he would have actually kept truth back from people (lied) to make people worship him
alain said:
Jenyar, you said that if the bible had been more perfect, scientists would have taken it and not thought about God. Therefore, Being as he is ominiscant, he would have actually kept truth back from people (lied) to make people worship him
I have a problem with your logic. You're basically saying that if God did not tell us everything there is to know about everything He knows, He would be "holding back" and therefore a liar. If the Bible was a testament of God's knowledge, you might have had a point, but it isn't.

The Bible isn't a magic recipe that contains everything that's necessary to understand God, but it does explain His will and the role of faith. It tells you what normal people did and experienced in a real relationship with God. They had the same limited knowledge, were the same wilfull, obstinate and foolhardy people that we are today. And God made them prophets, priests and kings. He promised them salvation and a kingdom, imperfect as they were.

This passage might illustrate my point:

39These [people who lived and died faithful] were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised. 40God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect. (read Hebrews 11)

The kind of perfection you have in mind does not guarantee salvation or even faithfulness. If that were the case, the rich young man who had followed every letter of the law (Matt.19) would not have still lacked perfection. It just doesn't provide us with what we need to know God. Biblical perfection does not come just from the Bible, or from infinite knowledge or perfect righteousness, but by faith in God, i.e., from God himself.
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