Proof that the Christian god cannot exist

Cris said:
Truecreation - yes, I've seen your post and read it - thinking of a suitable reply. I have something slightly differnt and trying to think how it would fit.

Your'e right this is a very old thread.
Thanks, I look forward to your response.

-Chris Grose

You'll find out for yourself someday.
Nope. I already know for sure about LDS. If you take a look at the big picture of world religions then LDS is just a minor perversion. Its attempt at rationalizing Christianity is creative but futile.
Sorry, I didn't read the whole thread, and maybe I should have but here it goes. God knowing everything and us having free will are not a contridiction. God doesn't determine what we are going to do, He just knows what we will do. God knows what choices we will make but it is up to us to make the choices. God did not decide them for me.
Nobody ever answers any of my replies which are solid facts which say at the very least, religion is false.

If you are inclined to believe in a God, why not believe in a God, rather than believing in a religion? There is a dramatic difference between the two, and I wish people would click to that.

I for one am on the fence as to wether or not a 'God' exists, but I also have the common sense to know that no religion developed by mankind represents our god (IF there is one). Why can't people see that? People can function quite well as athiest or agnostic - It seems people have the most problems thinking for themselves as theists, so why waste more of your short life on a fairy tale?

It's very simple - if every action you will ever make is known well before you are born then where is your free will to do anything other than those pre-determined actions?
Cris said:

Nope. I already know for sure about LDS. If you take a look at the big picture of world religions then LDS is just a minor perversion. Its attempt at rationalizing Christianity is creative but futile.

Gee, for someone who doesn't even "know for sure" that there is a God, how can you "know [anything] for sure"? What are your criteria for "knowing for sure" about anything?
The same goes to anyone who knows for sure there is a God, many think 7 day creation and Adam and Eve are scientific fact.

As someone who neither disbelives or belives, I think there is only one solution, to explore our universe and expand our minds. Christianity has historically and to the presant day, been against this.

Gee, for someone who doesn't even "know for sure" that there is a God, how can you "know [anything] for sure"? What are your criteria for "knowing for sure" about anything?
That's difficult but for Mormonism it is extremly easy - it is such an obvious fraud - it doesn't need a second thought.
Cris said:

That's difficult but for Mormonism it is extremly easy - it is such an obvious fraud - it doesn't need a second thought.

Remember those words when you come before the throne of God to be judged. It is His religion, He restored it through Joseph Smith, and He will show you that it's true.
If Cris, truly and absolutly did not believe in God he would not be posting. He'd be off doing other things then trifling with the non-existant God. Or concepts. But it's the antagonizing inability to quench the thirst for truth that lies in the center of his soul--that keeps him here--momentarily he's freed from the hunger and thirst, gripping to the logic and ideas of no God, but the fabric and fiber of his immortal spirit will not let him rest. Neither in time or in eternity, until this doubt is resolved.

The murmuring and simple doubt; That he could be completely and entirely wrong. From there, only one of two things can happen. He either summons God, or God summons him.

In the end every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess.

Remember those words when you come before the throne of God to be judged.
Don't be silly no worthwhile god is going to be using a throne. What an infantile notion.

It is His religion,
Again a silly idea. A real god wouldn't use such a dumb idea as religion.

He restored it through Joseph Smith,
LOL - How can you be so naive and gullible as to be so totally brainwashed by a proven charlatan?

and He will show you that it's true.
Dream on - that is all you have.
Cris, time will tell. I'm completely confident that the LDS Church is true. You'll find out eventually.

If Cris, truly and absolutly did not believe in God he would not be posting.
I am lazy. My background is science, but science is hard. The religion forum offers me very easy pickings since religion is such a dumb thing.

He'd be off doing other things then trifling with the non-existant God.
How can one trifle with something non-existent?

But it's the antagonizing inability to quench the thirst for truth that lies in the center of his soul
It is not a search for truth that keeps me here but the comedy of religion.

but the fabric and fiber of his immortal spirit will not let him rest.
Don’t be silly – there are no such things as souls.

I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own -- a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism. -- Albert Einstein

Neither in time or in eternity, until this doubt is resolved.
I have no doubt about the idiocy, childishness, and fallacy of religions like Christianity, but I live in hope that someone here might present something credible and believable. If I am at fault it is because my eternal optimism allows me to hope that reason and common sense will eventually prevail, and current religions don’t come close.

"From the viewpoint of a Jesuit priest I am, of course, and have always been an atheist.... I have repeatedly said that in my opinion the idea of a personal God is a childlike one. -- Albert Einstein

The murmuring and simple doubt; That he could be completely and entirely wrong.
Now you are dreaming. That someone could so totally dismiss the utter foolishness that you hold so true is apparently beyond your comprehension.

From there, only one of two things can happen. He either summons God, or God summons him.
Again don’t be so silly – the gods of the so called revealed religions are pure fantasy and quite absurd.

The doctrine of the divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity. -- John Adams

I can hardly see how anyone ought to wish Christianity to be true; for if so the plain language of the text seems to show that the men who do not believe, and this would include my Father, Brother, and almost all my best friends, will be everlastingly punished. And this is a damnable doctrine. -- Charles Darwin
Marlin said:
Cris, time will tell. I'm completely confident that the LDS Church is true. You'll find out eventually.
If that was true, I would kill myself.

Wait.... that wouldn't work in this case... :eek: :(
Marlin said:
Nope. I only want one wife. Ever.

And the Church hasn't practiced polygamy since 1890. And it excommunicates those who practice it. ...rolleyes yourself. :rolleyes:
What is Mormonism without poligamy!? It's like Christmas with no Santa!
I mean.... that's what DEFINES Mormonism...
No fun!

No 72 virgins waiting for you in heaven...?

Yaba Daba :m: