Proof that if god exists, he is Either a Liar or an Idiot.

But as Twain accurately stated, the minute we do that job, god pops up just in time to get credit for it. "Thank god"... everyone forgets the firemen etc that actually did all the work:

I once asked a clergyman whether a Harvest Festival ( Thanksgiving ? ) had ever been shelved because of a bad harvest. He put me in my place by telling me that it was not for us to question god's ways.

My take on it is that if there is a bad harvest someone will say: "Thank
god it wasn't worse "

One hears that sort of rubbish after some disaster has resulted in many deaths. Survivors thank god for having spared them. They do not blame him for allowing others to die.
He doesn't exist...probably

Well, I don't really think this so called "God" actually exists, though it is possible that he might exist on another plane of reality.

In order for the Universe to have been created, there must be a plane of reality on which it must be created, there must be materials with which to make it with, and there must be someone/something to create it, unless it can create itself.

By the way, here's a description of Christianity in a nutshell:

The belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...yeah, makes perfect sense, doesn't it?
[QUOTE=tetra;39199]My argument is based off of two verses in the Bible.
<i>Matthew Chapter 19, Verse 26 </i>
But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

In this bible verse, Jesus says that with god all things are possible.

If everything is possible, it is impossible for an impossible situation or event to occur, and therefore, everything cannot be possible.
Heres an easier way to put it:

For the sake of argument, I will assume that everything is possible. Because everything is possible, there is nothing that <i>cannot</i> happen or occur. Something that is impossible cannot exist in a universe where everything is possible.

<b>I repeat, it <i>cannot</i> exist</b>.

So, the very nature of the "Everything is Possible" theory directly contradicts and disproves itself, because for everything to be possible, it must be impossible for an impossibility to occur/happen, which is impossible :)
So what? Jesus was wrong. What does that have to do with god?
<i>Revelation Chapter 21, Verse 5 </i>
And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. </b>

God says that the words of the bible are true, yet the words we discussed above <i>are not</i>!

That means that either god lied to make himself seem more trustworthy, or that with all of his infinite knowledge and wisdom he couldn't understand that the "Everything is Possible" theory is wrong.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=tetra;39199]My argument is based off of two verses in the Bible.
<i>Matthew Chapter 19, Verse 26 </i>But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

In this bible verse, Jesus says that with god all things are possible.

If everything is possible, it is impossible for an impossible situation or event to occur, and therefore, everything cannot be possible.
Heres an easier way to put it:
For the sake of argument, I will assume that everything is possible. Because everything is possible, there is nothing that <i>cannot</i> happen or occur. Something that is impossible cannot exist in a universe where everything is possible.

<b>I repeat, it <i>cannot</i> exist</b>.

So, the very nature of the "Everything is Possible" theory directly contradicts and disproves itself, because for everything to be possible, it must be impossible for an impossibility to occur/happen, which is impossible :)
So what? Jesus was wrong. What does that have to do with god?
<i>Revelation Chapter 21, Verse 5 </i>
And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. </b>

God says that the words of the bible are true, yet the words we discussed above <i>are not</i>!

That means that either god lied to make himself seem more trustworthy, or that with all of his infinite knowledge and wisdom he couldn't understand that the "Everything is Possible" theory is wrong.[/QUOTE]