Proof that God exists!


The point is, which you are omitting, is that it is belief without proof, for a reason. The implication I believe you are making, is that faith is a belief in everything and anything, without evidence. Regardless of whether evidence exists or not.
There is a good reason to have faith in God, and that is, you have no real knowledge as to whether this life is all there is, or we are essentially souls.

You seem to think that "proof" requires perfect foresight.

I'm not sure how you get to this point.
Faith occurs because it can't be proven, because we just don't know, and will never know for sure until it happens.
If you have faith in someones ability to do something, that faith is based on what you already know and understand of that person. Not that you know, and have proof, that the person will do that particular thing.

Faith, then is the act of believing in things FOR NO REASON. "Reason" being the key word. It is an open act of insanity.

You have to have faith at some level, unless you can prove that every endeavour you pursue, will play out exactly how you envisage them.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

This quote from the bible defines what faith really is about, IMO.

Confusing a dropped object as an act of faith destroys the meaning of reason and faith and shows a gross ignorance of all the concepts discussed in this thread.

You brought up this "dropped object".
How it is relevant, I don't know.
