Proof that God exists!

I am convinced also! Great job there. It says it all . . . .

It also holds true for Santa Claus, unicorns and munchkins. Since we cannot prove the do not exist, we have to accept that they do! I wonder if all the millions of Shinto kami spirits exist also! I am beginning to wonder if we won't be crowded out of the world at this rate . . .:shrug:


The argument starts with the idea that people can't prove that God doesn't exist. Somehow it meanders into then stating that that is proof that God does exist.

I believe in God, but I believe that God is everything. Most people believe that everything exists. No men walking on water, rising from the dead or other such mythological happenings need apply. I'm still quite interested in paranormal things, but I like to see evidence that paranormal things exist, not just a lack of evidence that it doesn't exist.
Here's a picture of fairies so they too must exist because you can't disprove they don't.

Well, why do people keep thinking God is some 'old guy' seated on a throne in 'heaven' as depicted in movies and cartoons? well, that image is what we don't believe in but possibly, the entire universe could be God....pantheism makes much more sense to me....though I still remain an atheist.
Well, why do people keep thinking God is some 'old guy' seated on a throne in 'heaven' as depicted in movies and cartoons? well, that image is what we don't believe in but possibly, the entire universe could be God....pantheism makes much more sense to me....though I still remain an atheist.

Agreed. However, I'm having trouble with their various 'deities'.
The argument starts with the idea that people can't prove that God doesn't exist. Somehow it meanders into then stating that that is proof that God does exist.

I believe in God, but I believe that God is everything. Most people believe that everything exists. No men walking on water, rising from the dead or other such mythological happenings need apply. I'm still quite interested in paranormal things, but I like to see evidence that paranormal things exist, not just a lack of evidence that it doesn't exist.

That is, for all practical purposes, atheism.
scott3x said:
The argument starts with the idea that people can't prove that God doesn't exist. Somehow it meanders into then stating that that is proof that God does exist.

I believe in God, but I believe that God is everything. Most people believe that everything exists. No men walking on water, rising from the dead or other such mythological happenings need apply. I'm still quite interested in paranormal things, but I like to see evidence that paranormal things exist, not just a lack of evidence that it doesn't exist.

That is, for all practical purposes, atheism.

Shhhhh ;-). Seriously though, I agree. But atheists are always saying that God -doesn't- exist and this can get some people all in a tussle. For this reason, I like calling it God; I think my mother has always believed in God, regardless of the religion she was practicing at the time; I to believe in this 'not quite sure what God is' God ;-). In all seriousness, I can go for Carl Sagan's idea that the world is one. Even the universe. And we're all connected in some vague, ethereal way. This goes with Karma and even reincarnation and if we are also many, why not many deities too.

Countries, democracies, constitutions, they're all based on things that are greater then oneself. The idea is, as Spoc once famously said, "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one". As the 3 muskateers said, "all for one, and one for all!". Anyway, as long as I'm at one with things, I'm sure I'll be fine with God/everything ;-).
Well, why do people keep thinking God is some 'old guy' seated on a throne in 'heaven' as depicted in movies and cartoons? well, that image is what we don't believe in but possibly, the entire universe could be God....pantheism makes much more sense to me....though I still remain an atheist.

I agree God is the entire energy of everything...possibly
but this "video" is a mockery and is extremely superficial.
I agree God is the entire energy of everything...possibly
but this "video" is a mockery and is extremely superficial.

The eyes have it, God is everything, so even atheists can be partake in this theism business if they want (ofcourse, some may just hate the word God or the idea of a theism, whatever that means). And, if you prefer, God can be sectioned off (so that polytheists can have it their way too). Problem solved :)!
Here's a picture of fairies so they too must exist because you can't disprove they don't.


I'm all for their existence anyway; just read "My life as a teenage fairy", with one very memorable fairy/pixie in it; God it made me laugh when she'd call handsome men 'biscuits' :p.
scott3x said:
I believe in God, but I believe that God is everything.

do you actually believe that there is an all powerful, righteous, and just entity out there somewhere?
i find such a concept absurd.

Well, everything is certainly all powerful (it is all powers, after all), but I wouldn't say that it's 100% righteous and just. So, when times are rough, I like to go duotheistic and separate everything between Go(o)d and (d)evil. Go(o)d, ofcourse, is on my side and will vanquish the (d)evil :cool:. When talking to others, I find it best to atleast be atleast somewhat agnostic to the possibility of many possible deities (even if most of the people I know only believe in one, but that that particular deity, whether eir be catholic, protestant, muslim or jew, is the one (tm)).

-The line between imagination and reality is more imaginary then real (my father)
I just find it a bit funny how theist cling even when a logical, rational mind would find any religion absolutely absurd. I've seen that video before, and it's dead-on. You really have to just throw logic completely out the window to have faith.