Proof that earth is older then 6k years?

Pete is a hoax of some bored Sciforumers - 95% .....and I can almost guess who
errrr, no. pete is me. A real person. U probably wont believe me but i am. Ive just waved at the screen to prove it :D :)

(i am a proper person btw)
After an afternoon of research and breaking in to top-secret files, I have found this: PETE (Personal Extra Talkative Entity) v.1.0.3 is in fact the person to whom we are talking. He has been programmed by those facisnating people at MIT with a grant from the CIA to take a set position on an argument. Being a bot, however, it argues in a rather empty sort of way, often repeating itself. Ekimklaw is actually an alpha release of v.7.0.1, Tiassa is really v.15.0.5, the latest version.

Good luck arguing with bots! You won't get anywhere...
Thats very funny GB-GIL Trans-global. I have a fixed position on things because my thinking on things had not folowed all the way through yet. My belief system is still growing :eek: lol. no but really, it is. So i do not want to listen to some more complex ideas and problems becuase i have not got that far in my thinking yet :rolleyes: :p lol. Anyway. Athiests and other such people refuse to listen to logic and evidence so why should i listen. Both sides refuse to listen (IMHO) because they do not want the other side to destroy their beliefs. :(
Athiests and other such people refuse to listen to logic and evidence so why should i listen. Both sides refuse to listen (IMHO) because they do not want the other side to destroy their beliefs.

It's impossible- atheism is a lack of beliefs

again- atheists are different, I can not speeak for all
It's impossible- atheism is a lack of beliefs
No. Atheism is a belief that there is no God. This is still a belief and they will not listen to evidence claiming to prove otherwise any more than a beleiver in God will listen to evidence claiming to prove that God doesnt exist. I think that this is true for both sides. Neither side want any kind of evidence that could possibly damage their beleifs. Anyway. Im sure that for any evidence found, opposing evidence can be shown to either invalidate or question the evidence and so niehter side gets anywhere. This is why i look at a lot of threads and cannot be bothered to post a reply because all it does is create arguments. Plus, i have my beleifs and i cant be bothered going out of my way to try to shake someone elses beleifs. If they want to believe what they want to beleive then thats fine. I have my beleifs, and they have theirs. :) Live and let live. Even if they are wrong. :p lol :D
Originally posted by p_ete2001
No. Atheism is a belief that there is no God.

Actually, Atheism is both:
Strong Atheism is the belief that there is no God… simple enough.
Weak Atheism is the lack of belief in God, without the negative assertion.

Weak Atheism is close to Agnosticism which, of course, has it's own variants:

There is strict agnosticism, which is the belief that the question of God's existence is intrinsically unknowable.
There is also empirical agnosticism, which does not believe that the question is unknowable but is simply undecided.. that there is not enough evidence either way to make a decision.

Obviously, the Weak Atheist and Empirical Agnostic are fairly close and confusing. The difference, generally, is that the Empirical Agnostic position is that there is or may be some evidence of God's existence, just not enough to make a judgment while the Weak Atheist does not believe there is any evidence for God but admits to a lack of knowledge that is required for an assertion that God absolutely does not exist.

The most interesting thing is that most people fall into multiple categories depending on the definitions.

This is still a belief and they will not listen to evidence claiming to prove otherwise any more than a beleiver in God will listen to evidence claiming to prove that God doesnt exist. I think that this is true for both sides.

Anyway. Im sure that for any evidence found, opposing evidence can be shown to either invalidate or question the evidence and so niehter side gets anywhere.

This is often true. But I believe that it is more accurate to say that Theists and Atheists use differing methods of weighing evidence… What one side perceives as evidence the other side dismisses.

Plus, i have my beleifs and i cant be bothered going out of my way to try to shake someone elses beleifs.

Debate is not only about changing someone else's opinion, it also helps you to examine and strengthen your own.

It's impossible- atheism is a lack of beliefs

Atheism Is iimpossible. Why? Because even if you dont believe in anything, your belief is that you beleive in nothing. So really its an impossibility. Think about it.

Atheism Is iimpossible. Why? Because even if you dont believe in anything, your belief is that you beleive in nothing. So really its an impossibility. Think about it.

That is holding a belief about about the status of your belief rather than believing or not believing in God. Active disbelief is a belief but lack of belief is not a belief.