Proof that earth is older then 6k years?

Hope those help. I'm a bit tired to explain this very well, but basically, there are several different ways of determining the age of the earth, and they all give the same age, and this age is about 4.5 billion years.
bullsh*t BULLSH*T BULLSH*T BULLSH*T BULLSH*T. Why do people come up with lies like this to try to prove that god doesnt exist. even if ur right, get ur facts straight so people can make thier own minds up. "there is no scientific test anywhere that will point to the earth being older than 1 million years." David T. Moore. The following is not my own work but i agree with it strongly!! Prove it wrong (if u can).
Evolutionary biologists have been quoted as saying that "it couldnt have happened (the universe appearing on its own) but we choose to believe it because the only alternative is creation."
The fossil record -if evolution is true there should be a subtle appearance of simple life forms and a smooth transition with no gaps up to present day man. if creation is true then there should be a sudden appearance of creatures and there will be huge gaps. Worlds leading evolutionist "the gaps are missing right where we want them the most" the missing link is still missing!!!!! Even if the world/universe is billions of years old, the evidence still points to creation! 4.5 billion years is the assumption for the length of time the world has existed. this assumption is based on the fact that it takes at least this long for evolution to occur.
Geo-cronology -the science of trying to date the earth. (not buying it drinks etc :bugeye: ) This uses 80 different tests applied to different things on the earth. Geo-cronology is based upon the theory of uniformity i.e. if something is happening at this rate today then it is logical to assume that it happened at the same rate throughout history. If u backtrack this then u can work out how old the earth is.
example 1-cosmic dust. This falls throught our atmosphere and scientists have measured this and know exactly how much falls here. If u take the average that falls in any given month, and calculate this out to 4.5 billion years then there should be 50-60 feet of cosmic dust on earth. There is wind that blows it about and it could be washed into the sea but there are not such things on the moon. The dust should have been accumilating there. STILL should be 50-60 feet. When we visited the moon scietists were worried that the module would touch down and just dissapear into all so they put those feet on it, like snow shoes,to try to stop this happening. In actual fact, there was less than 3 inches of this cosmic dust. If u track THAT back then the earth is only 10,000 yrs old (max)
example 2-the earths magnetic field. This is weakening every year, as measured by science (which i know u all value and love so dearly ;) ). For 130 yrs it has been measured and it has lessened in intesity by 14% which is significant. If u calculate this back (assuming uniformality which all evolutionists accept) then 10,000 yrs ago it was so strong that no life could have survived on here. And if u go back 30,000 years then the magnetic field would have been so strong that the temprature on earth would have been 5,000 degrees!
example 3- the sun. The sun is getting smaller all the time. As it burns the gas it contains then it obviously loses it. Scientists (again lol) have been measing this and it is shrinking by 5 feet an hour. 1 million years ago it would have been so hot that nothing would be able to survive on the planet and 20 million years ago, scientists say that it would have been so large that it would have been touching the earth!!!! 4.5 billion years ago!???? i dont think so.
example 4-carbon dating,radiometric method etc. R.M measures volcanic material and measures the amount of radioactive decay. Moon rocks and moon soil were given 5 different R.M testing. The soil dated 4 different dates with 4 different tests. These dates spanned 4 billion years. Oh yes. This is extremely accurate!! carbon 14 dates things that used to be alive. When u die u stop taking carbon 14 in so the less u have in u, the older u are and vice versa. Living Molluscs were dated at 2,300 years old!!!?? :confused: Organic material from castle mortar was dated. They knew the castle was 787yrs old yet carbon 14 dated it as 7370yrs old!!?? Freshly killed seals were dated as being 1300 yrs old. Mumified seals that had been dead for 30 years (they knew when they were killed) were dated at 4600 yrs. It has been discovered that water messes up the carbon 14 dating system. If there was a flood like some people believe and the whole planet was covered in water then this would throw the whole testing system away!!!! Evidence from everywhere shows that the earth is in fact much younger than we are told.
For those capable of coherent thought, see ...Or, of course, you can always try and make some sense of This.

By the way, if you insist upon mindless chatter about such things as: "Moon rocks and moon soil were given 5 different R.M testing. The soil dated 4 different dates with 4 different tests. These dates spanned 4 billion years." you should, at the very least, tell us which comic book you are using as your source. :rolleyes:

First calm down!

Remember that mutations are often very dramatic. The variance between the DNA of chimps and us are at 1%. I don't know who invented this stupid idea of a missing link. Organisms rarely fossilize. This process requires some extreme incident/snow. Remember also that this is more a situation of continuims. When you go back further the lines that you have set begin to blur. A hunt for a specific link in a continuim is counterproductive. You didn't specifically reference the Cambrian explosion, but from what I read this is the concept that you are using to define creation. Evidence refuting such a rapid appearance is being gathered:

The biggest error in creation theory is the fact that fossils exist. Certainly things deep within the Earth were not around during the last 5,000 years. That is not long enough for a species to develop and go extinct. Moreover humans and Dinosaurs could not have existed in the same period. Recorded history goes back for more than the 5,000 years anyway, but remember that the 5,000 years would require all organisms to occupy the planet at the same time. Why would humans be the most successful in the same place where the highest concentration of Dinoaur bones are found? The only way to subscribe to creation theory is by a regimental practice of bashing your head into to a blunt object to fascilitate the underlying need for ignorance.
The dust should have been accumilating there. STILL should be 50-60 feet. When we visited the moon scietists were worried that the module would touch down and just dissapear into all so they put those feet on it, like snow shoes,to try to stop this happening. In actual fact, there was less than 3 inches of this cosmic dust. If u track THAT back then the earth is only 10,000 yrs old (max)
All the dating I have seen for the moon place it older than the Earth. This is not compensating for the fact that the Earth is active. The Earth recycles its surface.

the earths magnetic field. This is weakening every year, as measured by science (which i know u all value and love so dearly ). For 130 yrs it has been measured and it has lessened in intesity by 14% which is significant. If u calculate this back (assuming uniformality which all evolutionists accept) then 10,000 yrs ago it was so strong that no life could have survived on here. And if u go back 30,000 years then the magnetic field would have been so strong that the temprature on earth would have been 5,000 degrees!
This just says we may be moving toward a field revesal. That means more raditiation- more of that non-existant mutation and another set of extinctions:

Living Molluscs were dated at 2,300 years old!!!?? Organic material from castle mortar was dated. They knew the castle was 787yrs old yet carbon 14 dated it as 7370yrs old!!?? Freshly killed seals were dated as being 1300 yrs old. Mumified seals that had been dead for 30 years (they knew when they were killed) were dated at 4600 yrs. It has been discovered that water messes up the carbon 14 dating system. If there was a flood like some people believe and the whole planet was covered in water then this would throw the whole testing system away!!!! Evidence from everywhere shows that the earth is in fact much younger than we are told.
This would all work out: except there is no evidence of massive flood. We say words: then we back them up with proof. You pretend to know so much of the sciences yet you ignore this fact.
example 3- the sun. The sun is getting smaller all the time. As it burns the gas it contains then it obviously loses it. Scientists (again lol) have been measing this and it is shrinking by 5 feet an hour. 1 million years ago it would have been so hot that nothing would be able to survive on the planet and 20 million years ago, scientists say that it would have been so large that it would have been touching the earth!!!! 4.5 billion years ago!???? i dont think so.
Who says this??? No scientist would have the sun with a 1AU radious. That is physically impossible. Have you ever heard of exponential change?

example 4-carbon dating,radiometric method etc. R.M measures volcanic material and measures the amount of radioactive decay. Moon rocks and moon soil were given 5 different R.M testing. The soil dated 4 different dates with 4 different tests. These dates spanned 4 billion years. Oh yes. This is extremely accurate!! carbon 14 dates things that used to be alive. When u die u stop taking carbon 14 in so the less u have in u, the older u are and vice versa.
At this point I know you are lying. Carbon 4 is not used to date beyond 50,000 years. Anything more is unreliable. Either you are lying or have gained some data from idiot scientists. I cannot say as I have been looking for confirmation of this information and have yet to find it. Did you get this garbage from a Creationist website?
what are you talking about!? i really cant bebothered argueing on frums like this. prefer chat rooms. Goodbye.
p.s you havent offered any kind of arguement to disprove what i was saying.
cant be bothered to read this. its boring!
yeah maybe. but its still boring :)
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STOP FOLLOWING ME U GANG OF WIERDO'S!!!!!! This is private. u shouldnt be accessing my views like this!! Terry pratchett!!! i know ur there:bugeye:
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Pete, hon,
this is a public thread. Anybody can view it as long as they have the Internet and a browser that supports the scripts used on the page. If you wanted to keep your views private, you should've written them down on a piece of paper and locked it up in a safe.

p_ete2001 wrote:

what are you talking about!? i really cant bebothered argueing on frums like this. prefer chat rooms. ... you havent offered any kind of arguement to disprove what i was saying ... cant be bothered to read this. its boring!
So much for Intelligent Design ... :D
Maybe it's boring because it's actually REAL science, unlike your 'sum of the square root of a piece of pie'?
EVERYONE knows that it is absolutely impossible to find the square root of a peice of pie!! All pies (and their individual peices) do not have sufficient mass to measure such things. Even if they did, we do not currently have the technology to make an accurate measurement and therefore could not even make a credible guess!!
EVERYONE knows that it is absolutely impossible to find the square root of a peice of pie!! All pies (and their individual peices) do not have sufficient mass to measure such things. Even if they did, we do not currently have the technology to make an accurate measurement and therefore could not even make a credible guess!!

Well thanks, Ive always wondered about that:D
Gee, Pete, to come to the conclusion that there even IS such a thing as the square root of a piece of pie, you must've gotten an education from the prestigious PBFU (Pete's Bedroom Fake University)

Pete is the missing link!

Seriously I hope we don't get a repeat of Tony1 here or worse, KalvinB! These could all be devil's advocate Sciforumsers (trying to keep us on our feet).

I should hope that someone so meticulous in their recreation would spare us some of the more uninteresting aspects of such a personality (bored yet?). I can't think that the last lines would offer any assisteance to the working profile for this reason.

So we have a Jesus/God nut, not as much but bordering on the order of a Sir. Loone.