Proof of the existence of God?

This seems to be similar to some another Thread to which I Posted the following (paraphrase)
A proof requires some axioms assumed to be true.

Any proof that a god or gods exist would be based on axioms/logic likely to be unacceptable to anyone who is not a believer. For example:

Some sentient entity must have created the universe.

The various Aquinas proofs like: The existence of a watch implies the existence of a watchmaker. Similarly our existence implies the existence of a creator.​
Who is Boka Haram?
'Boko Haram' Means: 'Western education is forbidden'. Boko Haram is a radicalized Nigerian Islamic group, evidently.

It is the same group that abducted 276 girls from Chibok, Borno in April 2014, over 200 of which are still captive (about 50 escaped). The State Department has posted a $7 million dollar bounty for information leading to the capture of their leader.
'Boko Haram' Means: 'Western education is forbidden'. Boko Haram is a radicalized Nigerian Islamic group, evidently.

It is the same group that abducted 276 girls from Chibok, Borno in April 2014, over 200 of which are still captive (about 50 escaped). The State Department has posted a $7 million dollar bounty for information leading to the capture of their leader.
2 thumbs down for Boka Haram I do not support the abduction of
'Boko Haram' Means: 'Western education is forbidden'.

It is the same group that abducted 276 girls from Chibok, Borno in April 2014, over 200 of which are still captive (about 50 escaped). The State Department has posted a $7 million dollar bounty for information leading to the capture of their leader.
2 thumbs down for Boka Haram, I will not support any group that abducts children, in fact you have now put them on my radar " I will take out the trash, that little problem you got, that terrorist regime"...
There is no proof for the existence of God because all the evidence really points to God's nonexistence.

For starters, there is too much evil and injustice in this world for God to exist.

The problem of evil cannot ignored.

If God really exists and is really very powerful and loves everyone equally then he will not allow good people to suffer so much.


Also can God create an armor which he cannot destroy? If the answer is yes then it's possible for something to exist which defies God's power, which means God cannot be omnipotent. Now if the answer is no then there is something God cannot do, which again come to show that God cannot be omnipotent.
Man was given the freedom to choose. If there was no allowance for evil there could not be free will.
So you're saying that God either doesn't have the power to change that reality or He doesn't have the love to want to change it.
Man was given the freedom to choose. If there was no allowance for evil there could not be free will.

Free will is an illusion. Evidence from neuroscience and genetics clearly shows that what we call "free will" is an illusion.

You should go and read Sam Harris. Neuroscience is the death of free will.

Some people can't even choose what to eat for launch so are you telling that these people have free will?
Free will is an illusion. Evidence from neuroscience and genetics clearly shows that what we call "free will" is an illusion.

You should go and read Sam Harris. Neuroscience is the death of free will.

Some people can't even choose what to eat for launch so are you telling that these people have free will?

Heisenberg Uncertainty but that's another story. Our choices define us. Now, while interacting objects are influenced by other interacting objects that are in their immediate vicinity, that does not mean choice is an illusion. Choice requires thought. Intentions can be pure or mixed. Physical freedom corresponds directly with mental freedom which equates to ultimate reality. And there are truly defining moments in our lives that choice plays a part in, even if that choice is being controlled by an external agent such as God or anything besides us.
Heisenberg Uncertainty but that's another story. Our choices define us. Now while interacting objects are influenced by other interacting objects that are in their immediate vicinity, that does not mean choice is an illusion. Choice requires thought. Intentions can be pure or mixed. Physical freedom corresponds directly with mental freedom which corresponds with intelligence and creativity. And there are truly defining moments in our lives that choice plays a part in, even if that choice is being controlled by an external agent such as God or anything besides us.

My point was that we think we have free will but we don't actually have free will because our brain decides something before we do it.

But the reason why we think we have free will is another story.
Technically it means he's not omniscient. But an omnipotent being could manipulate reality so that you could freely make the choice He wanted you to make.

And why does he need us to understand Himself?
This god is young, immature. Lacks knowledge and experience.
Then he is not omnipotent. You said he is all knowing (omnipotent) and also lacks knowledge. See the problem, or were you trying to be ironic?
Then God's parents didn't raise God very well. That kid has some nasty temper tantrums.
Then he is not omnipotent. You said he is all knowing (omnipotent) and also lacks knowledge. See the problem, or were you trying to be ironic?

Omnipotent does not imply , maturity , knowledge and experience.

This so called god is growing. Maturing.