Proof of the existence of God?

Are you going to start the discussion?

Perhaps you can begin by explaining what's in the link and what specifically about it that you'd like discuss?
Are you going to start the discussion?

Perhaps you can begin by explaining what's in the link and what specifically about it that you'd like discuss?
God Almighty Grand Unification Theroum.

Basically this is a claim of a TOE or GUT with God as the independent variable. Witch also claims to verify other forms of established scientific theories of physics.
It's on the same "scientific" level as the Nigerian guy who "proved" homosexuality is wrong by pointing out that like poles on magnets don't attract.
The guy is a fraudulent, and deluded, loon.
No Nobel nomination, he certainly hasn't "solved" Relativity.
He cannot have a scientific theory that introduces (or concludes with) "god" - and for that matter, nor can anyone else - since there is no scientific evidence (or characteristics or parameters or anything else amenable to science) of "god".
Why not simply apply the anthropic principle? The assertion proves itself. QED.

G-d knows, Interstellar and relativity are not necessary. G-d has no need of creating a mathematician or a physicist in order to make more functional fusion reactors than a finite mind can count, or to determine the value of pi to the last decimal place In less time than the blink of an ocelot's eye. Who do you think invented quantum computing? Pi isn't constant by the way.

Idiots. ALL of you. Who exactly was this guy thinking he could impress? Not his creator, surely.
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From the article you cited:

[Dr.Gabriel Oyibo] Discovered that hydrogen is the only building block of the entire universe , there is ONLY ONE ELEMENT as opposed to the current, general belief that there are 118 ELEMENTS that form the basis of science.

Uh, huh?
I have no opinion on this but I have been hearing about it for months now, it's old news. But please can the claims of this article be dissected in this thread with an honest attempt at objective critism.
Unfortunately Dr. Oyibo is insane. He did get his PhD and did some good work in his early career however he has never been nominated for a Nobel Prize as far as anyone can determine and his "God Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT)" is a figment of his deluded mind. Very sad actually to see that happen to someone.

This is a link to an older blog of his.

From his blog:
GOD has now revealed Africans as the most intelligent race by ordaining and declaring an African Professor G. Oyibo, as the most intelligent human being ever created,
Unfortunately Dr. Oyibo is insane. He did get his PhD and did some good work in his early career however he has never been nominated for a Nobel Prize as far as anyone can determine and his "God Almighty’s Grand Unified Theorem (GAGUT)" is a figment of his deluded mind. Very sad actually to see that happen to someone.

This is a link to an older blog of his.

From his blog:
GOD has now revealed Africans as the most intelligent race by ordaining and declaring an African Professor G. Oyibo, as the most intelligent human being ever created,
This may be so. But this is not the proof.
GOD has now revealed Africans as the most intelligent race by ordaining and declaring an African Professor G. Oyibo, as the most intelligent human being ever created,

And that should be enough to conclude he's bonkers.
Gabriel Oyibo's current institutional affiliation interested me. He's said to be a 'professor of mathematics' at something called 'OFAPPIT Institute of Technology' in New York State. I follow higher education and I've never heard of it. It seems to have been incorporated anonymously as a non-profit corporation in 2000. It doesn't seem to have a conventional institutional website, just this:

It looks to me to be a personal website of some kind, and rather bizarre from the looks of it.

New York State has some of the toughest laws in the United States regulating institutions that award academic degrees. With some exceptions, it's illegal to award degrees in the State of New York without approval to do so from the New York State Board of Regents. It isn't a trivial process and I have questions about whether OFAPPIT has sucessfully completed it.

In the light of that, this becomes a potential problem:

It's conceivable that appending the word 'GAGUTICAL' in front of things like physics and engineering doctoral degrees might somehow convert them into degrees in religion, which may conceivably be covered by a religious-exemption to state educational licensing laws. Personally, I doubt it. But the legality of all of this is a technical question and Mr. Oyibo or whoever owns OFAPPIT Institute of Technology probably need to consult the NY higher education authorities. They appear to be dancing very close to the edge.
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All the evidence I have seen so far indicates that not only is there no God but the evidence clearly shows that humanity is quite insignificant in the universe.

Everything we do in life clearly means nothing.

We are nothing but self-propagating genetic material and that's it. We are just animated dirt so in some sense we are all clearly insignificant and nothing we do even matters to anyone.

The way I see it we live in a universe in which humanity is an insignificant blot, fated to come and go, our appearance is unnoticed and our passing is unmourned.
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Please put this in the cesspool. All this thread will end up doing is ridiculing Dr. Oyibo, an obviously unbalanced person.
Albert Fils-Aime wrote a summary on the reality of the CTMU:

The CTMU in a nutshell:
Processors in SCSPL facilitate, maintain, define, describe, explain, stabilize, design, produce, use, and enable their spatial aspects, which are interpretative, objective, and topological compositionally. The metalogical axioms of SCSPL represent three essential ingredients of an ultimate form of tautology called supertautology, which enable one to deduce reality's composition. They are closure, comprehensiveness, and consistency.
Closure states that ...the universe possesses closed syntactic boundaries under the observation that explanatory gaps existent within the definitional confines of reality would induce a lack of informational coherence, disabling informational distinctability, causing the instability of perception. It says that reality is self-contained for lack of an external identity upon which to base itself.
The medium is this ultimate syntax on which perceptual stability is based. And comprehensiveness states that the universe is stable perceptually regardless of decidability. This has the effect of ensuring that anything cognitively or perceptually recognizable as part of reality is not excluded for want of syntax. In other words, that which is confined by reality syntax is consistently applied via syntactic distribution to its correspondent domain.
That is, states consistently represent their subjectivizations. Absolute subjective law enables consistent and coherent universal expansion of syntactic operators injected in the medium and the medium itself as a syntactic operator. By reference to perceptual reality, its consistency is thus affirmed by the recurrent operations of syntax and state, maintaining syntactic and semantic levels of consistency.
As a combination, the principle of consistency ensures that these levels of consistency exist so as to ensure total self-containment in the course of defining reality as an entity which serves as its own source, means and reason of existence. As a closed syntactic identity generalistically equating to its universe of reference, syntactic discontinuities exist at the local level, requiring reality to further embed itself as the ultimate syntactic identity, in which case telesis is bound as a telic augmentation, the form of which intelligence possesses appearance but is not otherwise.
Together with each of the above principles, we may deduce reality's composition as such, but with further (limited) compliance to what is already the scientific standard for physical law. Semantically speaking, this is as valid a theory of reality can be in accordance to the already evolved, current scientific paradigm.

contains the following words. Draw your own conclusions:

"The only correct equation and theorem that unifies all mathematics and all knowledge, Gij, represents God's mind which has the totality of all intelligence. Sir Professor Stephen Hawking of Cambridge University concluded in 1991 that it was impossible for God to reveal God's mind/self (Gij) to any human being.

God in God's infinite love however amazingly revealed that total intelligence (Gij) to Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo as the very long awaited holy grail grand unified theorem of everything during the 1990. That was how God, the Almighty, eternally ordained Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo the most intelligent human being (verified by physics professor K. Dasgupta, who recognized Professor G.A. Oyibo as being closer to God than any other human being) and the OFAPPIT Institute of Technology as the Headquarters of Human Intelligence (God's highest university accreditation)."
Why not simply apply the anthropic principle? The assertion proves itself. QED.

G-d knows, Interstellar and relativity are not necessary. G-d has no need of creating a mathematician or a physicist in order to make more functional fusion reactors than a finite mind can count, or to determine the value of pi to the last decimal place In less time than the blink of an ocelot's eye. Who do you think invented quantum computing? Pi isn't constant by the way.

Idiots. ALL of you. Who exactly was this guy thinking he could impress? Not his creator, surely.
Please clarify what you mean by Pi isn't constant?

contains the following words. Draw your own conclusions:

"The only correct equation and theorem that unifies all mathematics and all knowledge, Gij, represents God's mind which has the totality of all intelligence. Sir Professor Stephen Hawking of Cambridge University concluded in 1991 that it was impossible for God to reveal God's mind/self (Gij) to any human being.

God in God's infinite love however amazingly revealed that total intelligence (Gij) to Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo as the very long awaited holy grail grand unified theorem of everything during the 1990. That was how God, the Almighty, eternally ordained Professor Gabriel Audu Oyibo the most intelligent human being (verified by physics professor K. Dasgupta, who recognized Professor G.A. Oyibo as being closer to God than any other human being) and the OFAPPIT Institute of Technology as the Headquarters of Human Intelligence (God's highest university accreditation)."
Will you mind dissecting the math, that is actually the reason I made this thread to check the mathematical validation of the equations.