Proof of the existence of God

It is simple question, but I'm at a loss as to why ur asking me something you already know the answer to. Plus I don't see how changing the subject in this way, is needed to answer my questions.

It's not chnging the subject.

If you believe in God, then you're saying that God exists.
It's not chnging the subject.

If you believe in God, then you're saying that God exists.

The only talk of existence or nonexistence came from Seatle.

I don't need to argue God' existence to point out the futility of the so called thought experiment.

The only talk of existence or nonexistence came from Seatle.

I don't need argue God' existence to point out the futility of the so called thought experiment.

Actually, you do.

You're claiming that God exists because you say that's the definition of God. That's circular rubbish.
God Exists whether you believe or not. making up excuses to not believe in him does not make God not exist. why does people so want to believe that God does not exist. is it because you can have guilt free sin? if you've done something wrong you know you have done it, and even if you make excuses for yourself and pretend to not know does not erase that sin

Not doing bad things because you think a magical sky daddy is going to punish you if you do, is the sort of reasoning a two year old child has.

Actual moral people don't do bad things because they're bad things.
Actually, you do.

You're claiming that God exists because you say that's the definition of God. That's circular rubbish.
Actually, you do.

You're claiming that God exists because you say that's the definition of God. That's circular rubbish.

What a load of nonsense.
Defining anything at all is not a prerequisite for believing in that thing.
You know that is true, so why carry it on?

Actually, you do.

You're claiming that God exists because you say that's the definition of God. That's circular rubbish.

Not doing bad things because you think a magical sky daddy is going to punish you if you do, is the sort of reasoning a two year old child has.

Actual moral people don't do bad things because they're bad things.
is it possible to be moral and believe that god exist? why not just do that
Why don't you just believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy?
Some simple things can be known with certainty. Some math problems and simple logic. Everything else is subject to doubt. Some things are relatively certain beyond a reasonable doubt, like I'm reasonably certain our sun will still be there tomorrow. I'm always doubtful about experiences, especially ones that are purely mental. Even if I had a god experience (I did), I would be extremely skeptical about it unless I learned something specific that I could not have otherwise known or guessed at.

This is my experience, actually just one of many . I was doing some mathematical constructions took the measurements angelic ones. Before I knew that the same measurements was in the last page of the Bible.
To recap:
Jan Ardena said:
I've made no claims that God' existence is a ''fact''
The only talk of existence or nonexistence came from Seatle.

I don't need to argue God' existence to point out the futility of the so called thought experiment.
Yet this all sprung from Jan's comment:
Jan Ardena" said:
A world with no God, means no ability to imagine, and a world where imagination exists is a world with God.
He still thinks that this is not an implicit claim of God's existence. :rolleyes:

And to repeat simply because it is still relevant:
Jan's been denying having claimed [that God exists] ever since he wrote that.
Either he is simply incapable of seeing the implicit claim within what he wrote, or he is being dishonest.
That, coupled with his inability to identify the circularity within his own arguments, says pretty much all you need to know about the last 4 or 5 pages of this thread.
Apologies, but nor would rather a large proportion of the population. Do you not believe they exist?