Proof of the existence of God

Every single person in the world has a different idea about God, so how does that alter the actual definition/attributes of God?

"The actual definition/attributes of God"? Where does this supposedly definitive definition come from? How does one distinguish between whatever you believe is the correct definition of the word 'God' and supposedly incorrect ones?

What does it mean, what are you asserting, when you say that something is the "actual definition" or that it expresses the "actual attributes" of God? It seems to assume that God really exists, in order to possess "actual attributes". And it seems to assume that somebody out there already has authoritative knowledge of what God's "actual attributes" really are. You suggest very strongly that you are part of that divinely favored group.

I hope that you are capable of seeing that in the context of this 'proof of the existence of God' thread, to spin "actual definition" as you seem to be doing would beg the whole question and reduce the discussion to circular reasoning. Even Pachomius never made the elementary logical mistake that you seem to be making. He proposed his own concept of 'God', "creator and operator of the universe and everything with a beginning", not as the uniquely correct description of God's "actual attributes", but simply for the purpose of discussion.

But God is God, and any honest person has some idea of who and what God is, will assign at least some of the universally known attributes.

In other words, anyone who doesn't agree with Jan Ardena's never-clearly-explained personal theology must be dishonest.
you cannot explain how God became a concept
I did explain it as a perversion of the natural human tendency to find agency in events, because if you can figure out why something happened, you have a degree of control over it. If you find animal tracks in the sand, you conceive of the animal that made it, and conceive of a plan to track it down and turn it into dinner.
Free will doesn't explain the evil of human-specific parasites and diseases, baby cancer, genetic deformities, conjoined twins, kids born with their hearts on the outside...

Subhumans also exist but does that disprove God? No.

I agree with you that good and evil are objective truths, what's your point?

That they are pointers to an invisible reality.
Monotheism is a relatively modern invention. Read some history, I'm not going to babyfeed you.

It started with the rise of agriculture in the fertile crescent, which is apparently when you think history began.

It's not a matter of opinion. These things have been studied empirically.

What you call knowledge of God is pretend. It's not knowledge, it's pretending to know something you don't know. It's a delusion. You commit multiple logical fallacies in your defense of your delusion, like argument from popularity. As if when many people believe something, that makes it true.

Animists don't believe in a supreme being. They are atheists with respect to your God. So are Buddhists.

Belief in God and religion are sinonymous.

Because appeal to popular culture has nothing to do with truth. All sorts of wrong beliefs are common.

Nachash is a hebrew word meaning serpent or snake. You can invent all kinds of things so that it makes sense to you, but that's what was written. But hey, if you can redefine words, then so can I. "God" in the bible means merely an ideal towards which people strive, an image of perfection that has no reality except as a metaphor. See how that works? By the way, why are you talking about scripture? I'll tell you why, because belief in God isn't natural, you got it from religion, as did everyone else.

I don't claim absolute knowledge as you do. But in the absence of evidence, lack of belief in God is the only rational position.

Great. Can you tell me how you know?
And if are just copying what someone else said, can explain how they know.
Thanks in advance.


Wheat you call knowledge of God is pretend. It's not knowledge, it's pretending to know something you don't know. It's a delusion. You commit multiple loggical fallacies in your defense of your delusion, like argument from popularity. As if when many people believe something, that makes it true.

What do I call knowledge?

]Monotheism is a relatively modern invention. Read some history,

No it's not.
Read some scriptures.

It started with the rise of agriculture in the fertile crescent, which is apparently when you think history

No it didn't. That's just crap you feed yourself to make yourself feel good about the lies you live offa.

It's not a matter of opinion. These things have been studied empirically.

I don't share your dogma. It looks like you're going to have to spoon feed me the information on how they know their findings are actual as opposed to guesswork.

What you call knowledge of God is pretend. It's not knowledge, it's pretending to know something you don't know. It's a delusion. You commit multiple logical fallacies in your defense of your delusion, like argument from popularity. As if when many people believe something, that makes it true.

Your opinion is duly noted.

Animists don't believe in a supreme being. They are atheists with respect to your God. So are Buddhists.

I didn't say they did.

Belief in God and religion are sinonymous.

Why are they?

Because appeal to popular culture has nothing to do with truth. All sorts of wrong beliefs are common.

Irrelevant. We're discussing w whether God was born in the mind of man.
So far it doesn't look like it.

Nachash is a hebrew word meaning serpent or snake. You can invent all kinds of things so that it makes sense to you, but that's what was written. But hey, if you can redefine words, then so can I. "God" in the bible means merely an ideal towards which people strive, an image of perfection that has no reality except as a metaphor. See how that works? By the way, why are you talking about scripture? I'll tell you why, because belief in God isn't natural, you got it from religion, as did everyone else.

Snake, serpent, reptiles, seducer, enchanter, etc...
There are lots of differing concepts, but they are simply variations of the knowledge of which you have no idea of it's origin. Unless you can support your beliefs, knowledge/information of God remains a natural phenomena that happens to be present like all other natural phenomena.

I don't claim absolute knowledge as you do. But in the absence of evidence, lack of belief in God is the only rational position.

No you just claim knowledge of all events that occurred from the beginning of time, plus read all minds. Not delusional at all, are you.

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I know. But it can't be reconciled with a God that cares about people. God is either evil or indifferent to our suffering.

You know nothing of God. The evil people are blind like you and they know not what they do for they are false to themselves.
The one thing this thread demonstrates remarkably well is that it's pointless to try to have a rational discussion about an irrational subject.
Okay fine, I admit it.

You got me.

I am God. I exist.

Happy now?
Right you are. You are thinking using facts and logic. This is why you are in no way mistaken, Daecon.

That was halarious, I almost hit like on your post, oh maybe it was another one but...
seriously, a God must exist because you would never be able to be as assertive as you were here ;)
I thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster for providing me with the carbs I need to get through the day.
Dear atheists, no need to reply to your limited thinking, please consider that according to science time has a beginning so also space.

Are you into insisting that the existence status came forth from the non-existence status, meaning in plain language: there was literally nothing then something came forth?

You see, you keep on and on insisting in your understanding of beginning as a time concept, but beginning also means a causative beginning.

Now, you will ask, can causation occur outside time?

Yes, of course: because science tells us time has a beginning, so on causative antecedence in which antecedence there was no time, time itself by causation came into existence, so that all things in time existing are now subject to time.

But time itself is caused and it has a beginning, a causative beginning outside time itself.

The way I see you, you are banking all your thinking on the concept of beginning as only a time captive concept, in which case you are of the idea that everything in existence came forth from nothing -- which is an absurd idea.

Think about this idea, there has always (non-time always) been something in existence from which something everything in time came forth, and time itself began existing together with the everything that came forth from the causative agent which has always (non-time always) existed, i.e., in what we call for lack of a better term and concept, eternal existence.

That is a very old fallacious non-thinking tack of atheists, binding the word beginning to an exclusively time captive concept.

Here, think on facts and logic on this idea or distinction:

1. Time based causation which is what we humans observe all the time in time; let us call this chronological causation.

2. Timeless based causation which is what we can know even though we never experience any causation in which time antecedence is not involved; let us call this second case a-chronological causation.

The lesson you must always bear in mind is that you cannot without absurdity maintain that something came forth from nothing, i.e., you must maintain with certainty at the cost of going absurd: that something always exists even in the causative antecedence of time, meaning when time has not begun to exist by causation, it the something already and always (non-chronological already and always) exists.

So, the default foundation of all thinking is that there has always existed something beyond time and space, but when it created time and space, everything which it created in time and in space is subject to time and space.

And that something is what I call God, in concept the creator and operator of the universe and of everything with a chronological and causative beginning -- and God Himself is not subject to time and space.

Answer this question before you go forth into verbosity in aid of fallacious thinking:

Has there already and always (non-chronological already and non-causative always) been the default status that something has already and always existed, instead paradoxically nothing?
Halliloujah a real man. COme to papa hunk.
God is in the heart of beholder.

no hearts are the same, even twins.

for those have God, have peace.

otherwise, wrong believe.