Proof of God


Deacon Blues
Valued Senior Member
Can you prove the existence of God? I do not belive it possible to disprove the existence of God. But can you prove the existence of God? Below is a listing of proofs (somewhat humorus I admit).

Here are a few of my favorites:

(1) If God exists, then he will let me watch you be tortured forever.
(2) I rather like that idea.
(3) Therefore, God exists.

(1) My proof is so big it doesn't fit into the margins.
(2) Therefore, God exists.

But I would like to here some serious proof and some not so serious proofs.
... I do not belive it possible to disprove the existence of God. ...

For human claims of 'God', they can all be disproven. For the generic idea of a 'God' it cannot be disproven as it has no falsifiable detail; although, it also has no higher probability of existing than say a dunguness three hundred dimensional tape worm of love.
i belive that i have the answer

...but to share it. i should have the time to explain my self and the way how i got to this relution. contact me.
(sorry for my english...always)
god! is a word man to make to understand about knowing nothing and to have fear
fear man get with one only knowledge. to know that one day he will die. and after? this is the main character of mankinds fear.....
...but to share it. i should have the time to explain my self and the way how i got to this relution. contact me.
(sorry for my english...always)
god! is a word man to make to understand about knowing nothing and to have fear
fear man get with one only knowledge. to know that one day he will die. and after? this is the main character of mankinds fear.....

Hear Hear!
I think that many people have their own reasons as to why they believe in God, and I'd like to share mine with the community. When asked the question "Why do you believe in God", my answer is "Because I saw Him". Let me explain.

In March of 2004, my father-in-law was diagnosed with colon cancer. He was given 3 months to live, but he fought, and made it to over a year. On April 29th, 2005 he lost that battle (which was also 4 months before our wedding, but that's another story). It was the next day that I saw God.

My father-in-law was full of life. He was a short, stocky guy who always had a big smile on his face. During the last few weeks of his life, cancer caused him to physically be a shell of his former self. He was literally skin and bones, and the further the disease progressed, the less he looked like himself. And, while he tried, his smile was gone.

The night that he passed, he just looked "asleep". He died at home, so the family stayed the night at my mother-in-law's. The next morning, my wife woke me up with a grin on her face; that was the last thing I thought I would see that day. She asked me to follow her to her parents room, where her dad was. I walked in, and I was floored by what I saw. My father-in-law was smiling. He looked like himself again. Happy. Peaceful. The cancer was gone, and I saw God.

I know that the atheists and agnostics reading this will talk about rigor mortis, and how it's all in my head. How they will diagnose me with being "delusional" during a time of great stress. A diagnoses that comes from thousands of miles away behind a keyboard owned by someone who wasn't even there to experience it firsthand. I did; but of course, according to them, I'm wrong.

There was a time when that would bother me, but no longer. I was there. I saw it. I felt God's presence. I've always been a believer, but that was all the "proof" that I needed.
these are the worst resons that god exsists i have seen!
i won't convert to christianty yet
The night that he passed, he just looked "asleep". He died at home, so the family stayed the night at my mother-in-law's. The next morning, my wife woke me up with a grin on her face; that was the last thing I thought I would see that day. She asked me to follow her to her parents room, where her dad was. I walked in, and I was floored by what I saw. My father-in-law was smiling. He looked like himself again. Happy. Peaceful. The cancer was gone, and I saw God.

It isn't clear but it sounds like you might be implying he was alive and that you took him to a doctor who found the cancer was gone.
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people are going sick and are getting good. some people lives some years more some others not. some people die earlier and other tortur they self with oldness years, and die after..... thats the circle of life. thats whats about it. that life.....
i dont know if i see the same way how u see things, but...... this is just my opinion.
of course yours is fully to respect..... if u feel good in that way. sometimes its makes strong and to get over it....of some things.
i have a different way and i think different. im a greek with arcways of thinking. thats makes me a knower. but everys opinion is individual to accept:D
I think that many people have their own reasons as to why they believe in God, and I'd like to share mine with the community. When asked the question "Why do you believe in God", my answer is "Because I saw Him". Let me explain.

In March of 2004, my father-in-law was diagnosed with colon cancer. He was given 3 months to live, but he fought, and made it to over a year. On April 29th, 2005 he lost that battle (which was also 4 months before our wedding, but that's another story). It was the next day that I saw God.

My father-in-law was full of life. He was a short, stocky guy who always had a big smile on his face. During the last few weeks of his life, cancer caused him to physically be a shell of his former self. He was literally skin and bones, and the further the disease progressed, the less he looked like himself. And, while he tried, his smile was gone.

The night that he passed, he just looked "asleep". He died at home, so the family stayed the night at my mother-in-law's. The next morning, my wife woke me up with a grin on her face; that was the last thing I thought I would see that day. She asked me to follow her to her parents room, where her dad was. I walked in, and I was floored by what I saw. My father-in-law was smiling. He looked like himself again. Happy. Peaceful. The cancer was gone, and I saw God.

I know that the atheists and agnostics reading this will talk about rigor mortis, and how it's all in my head. How they will diagnose me with being "delusional" during a time of great stress. A diagnoses that comes from thousands of miles away behind a keyboard owned by someone who wasn't even there to experience it firsthand. I did; but of course, according to them, I'm wrong.

There was a time when that would bother me, but no longer. I was there. I saw it. I felt God's presence. I've always been a believer, but that was all the "proof" that I needed.

While I sympathize with your distressing experience, I must point out that personal experience is no proof of god.'s existence. You were under a lot of stress so you interpreted what you saw in a manner which would reduce your pain.

Why do you feel god chose to reveal himself to you in that way, when millions of people die every day accompanied by no such revelations ?
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For me the existence of God is pointed to by the fact that the moon eclispes the sun so perfectly during a total solar eclipse. I don't believe this is coincidence.
While I sympathize with your distressing experience, I must point out that personal experience is no proof of god.'s existence. You were under a lot of stress so you interpreted what you saw in a manner which would reduce your pain.

Why do you feel god chose to reveal himself to you in that way, when millions of people die every day accompanied by no such revelations ?

That's the same response I was going to give. Many people who go through stressful situations of loved-ones who are very sick, can go through this.

My grandmother past away on july 25th of last year, she went through something of the sort. Her last night with us, she said she seen her husband, her son, and her daughter all of which had died. A hospice group had given us a booklet on what to expect as she goes through the stages of death. The booklet, which was well written, stated that this is caused by re-occuring memories of people she had been close to in life. Her brain was firing off memories basically, it was called "Life Flashing Before Eyes."
A story of a man who denied the existence of Allah:...
This is nothing more than a sophisticated shell game, where you move the definitions wherever science reveals contradictory information. It's the God of the gaps, and it isn't even Islamic.
For me the existence of God is pointed to by the fact that the moon eclispes the sun so perfectly during a total solar eclipse. I don't believe this is coincidence.

Uhm.. it has not always been that way.
And the moon also does not always perfectly eclipse the sun.

The moon moves away from the earth at 3.8 cm/year, which incidentally slows down the rotation of the earth.