Proof of a Deity

Evolution has been observed and tested. No theory can be "verified" - that's not one of the criteria of a theory.
has all that is driven home under the banner of evolution been observed and tested?
Or have they merely observed spindly milk sapped plants give rise to other spindly milk sapped plants etc etc?
No, I do not assume a complete spontaneous appearance even though the odds are better for that than for a process of gradual evolution.

Incorrect again. A complex organism is extremely unlikely to spontaneously generate, even from a sea of ingredients. A simple relf-replicating chemical system is not only likely, it is almost certain to happen given the right conditions- a sea of liquid water saturated with complex chemistry in a variety of pressures, temperatures, and mixes with rock, sand, air, and light.
Incorrect again. A complex organism is extremely unlikely to spontaneously generate, even from a sea of ingredients. A simple relf-replicating chemical system is not only likely, it is almost certain to happen given the right conditions- a sea of liquid water saturated with complex chemistry in a variety of pressures, temperatures, and mixes with rock, sand, air, and light.
has this been observed and tested?
specific details of deity aside, the question remains if atheist responding to thread hold their views because of lack of proof of a deity. If so what proof are they lacking?

How bout this for a meetin of the minds:::

Escept for me... all God beleivers are ignerent about the true deity;;; Blnndk (the true God) lives in my pocket... so specific detales aside... why do you not beleive that Blnndk is the true deity.???
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Not that you speak for atheists, but I here from atheists I talk with that they don't believe because there is no proof. Which seems all well and good, but why don't atheists establish a parameter for a proof so theists had an idea what they were wanting, rather than some sort of personal affirmation for themselves?

If a person argues that a God exists then the responsibility for providing evidence of that existence is the person making the pro argument not the atheist.

Atheists aren't required to prove Gods existence, instead theists are expected to make their case.
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