Yeah, I've seen a number of these threads where a christian asks what it would take to convince an atheist. Usually some atheists provide some more-or-less reasonable things that would serve as convincing evidence. Strangely (as we see here) the christians often seem to act all confused about why the listed pieces of evidence would satisfy atheists, as if it was hard to understand why having prayers sent to a particular deity miraculously come true with statically significant frequency was evidence that the deity existed.I recall one thread by vitalone where he actually started arguing about whether or not the listed pieces of evidence would convince atheists, even though it was atheists who provided the list!
On a side note, a number of times now I've started threads where I asked christians what it would take to convince them that their god did not exist or that some other religion was correct. Usually I got a boatload of responses saying that nothing could ever possibly convince them that they were wrong. They often bluntly admit that they would simply ignore any and all evidence that their beliefs were wrong. I've actually seen people say that if followers of some other religion started doing things that christians couldn't do, like miraculously healing people, they would automatically assume that it was the work of the devil. And often when they do privde things that would convince them, the things that they list don't really make sense. I've seen things like "I would stop believing in god if humans could create life from scratch" or "if science could provide a way to make people live forever" if any of that was evidence for or against the existence of god.
It's hilarious that christians accuse atheists of being "closeminded," when in fact most atheists will happily list things that could change their mind, while most christians can't. Hey rjr6, what would it take to convince you that your religion was wrong?
Your observations are quite correct. Consequently the reason why Christians push back when an atheists specifies what he would consider supportive evidence is because it puts them in the performance chair and they know deep down inside that their prayer wont work... much like all claimers of psi fail demonstration in a controlled environment.