Proof of a Deity

Yeah, I've seen a number of these threads where a christian asks what it would take to convince an atheist. Usually some atheists provide some more-or-less reasonable things that would serve as convincing evidence. Strangely (as we see here) the christians often seem to act all confused about why the listed pieces of evidence would satisfy atheists, as if it was hard to understand why having prayers sent to a particular deity miraculously come true with statically significant frequency was evidence that the deity existed.I recall one thread by vitalone where he actually started arguing about whether or not the listed pieces of evidence would convince atheists, even though it was atheists who provided the list!

On a side note, a number of times now I've started threads where I asked christians what it would take to convince them that their god did not exist or that some other religion was correct. Usually I got a boatload of responses saying that nothing could ever possibly convince them that they were wrong. They often bluntly admit that they would simply ignore any and all evidence that their beliefs were wrong. I've actually seen people say that if followers of some other religion started doing things that christians couldn't do, like miraculously healing people, they would automatically assume that it was the work of the devil. And often when they do privde things that would convince them, the things that they list don't really make sense. I've seen things like "I would stop believing in god if humans could create life from scratch" or "if science could provide a way to make people live forever" if any of that was evidence for or against the existence of god.

It's hilarious that christians accuse atheists of being "closeminded," when in fact most atheists will happily list things that could change their mind, while most christians can't. Hey rjr6, what would it take to convince you that your religion was wrong?

Your observations are quite correct. Consequently the reason why Christians push back when an atheists specifies what he would consider supportive evidence is because it puts them in the performance chair and they know deep down inside that their prayer wont work... much like all claimers of psi fail demonstration in a controlled environment.

isn't space nothing? if it is, then something can come from it, because scientists have seen particles suddenly appear from vacuum.
If the universe didn’t exist then there would be no space.

also, if the universe has always existed, why hasn't all life "already" died? scientists say that the entropy in the universe is increasing. they say that all stars will eventually run out of energy, and the universe will be lifeless and empty. so if the universe has always existed, why hasn't that already happened? where does it get all the energy for its perpetual motion?
The concept of entropy is only applicable to a closed system, something infinite has no boundaries so can’t be considered closed.

btw, if the universe has existed forever, then nothing caused it. but how can nothing cause anything?
For something infinite there can be no cause.

“ It then necessarily follows that something infinite exists. This also proves that not everything needs a cause. ”

everything has a cause except everything/universe? what a funny statement.
You need to read what I said more carefully. Something infinite is a necessity. Something infinite cannot have a cause/beginning. Whether that is the universe or something else is not determined here.

i agree that the universe has always existed, but i think there still has to be something that causes it to exist eternally.
That’s just a simple contradiction. If it always existed then it had no beginning and hence no cause.

it doesn't make any sense otherwise. it would be a universe without an explanation. it has to make sense. the universe is not nonsensical.
Why does it have to have a purpose or meaning? That is also not a necessity.
Yeah, I've seen a number of these threads where a christian asks what it would take to convince an atheist. Usually some atheists provide some more-or-less reasonable things that would serve as convincing evidence. Strangely (as we see here) the christians often seem to act all confused about why the listed pieces of evidence would satisfy atheists, as if it was hard to understand why having prayers sent to a particular deity miraculously come true with statically significant frequency was evidence that the deity existed.I recall one thread by vitalone where he actually started arguing about whether or not the listed pieces of evidence would convince atheists, even though it was atheists who provided the list!

On a side note, a number of times now I've started threads where I asked christians what it would take to convince them that their god did not exist or that some other religion was correct. Usually I got a boatload of responses saying that nothing could ever possibly convince them that they were wrong. They often bluntly admit that they would simply ignore any and all evidence that their beliefs were wrong. I've actually seen people say that if followers of some other religion started doing things that christians couldn't do, like miraculously healing people, they would automatically assume that it was the work of the devil. And often when they do privde things that would convince them, the things that they list don't really make sense. I've seen things like "I would stop believing in god if humans could create life from scratch" or "if science could provide a way to make people live forever" if any of that was evidence for or against the existence of god.

It's hilarious that christians accuse atheists of being "closeminded," when in fact most atheists will happily list things that could change their mind, while most christians can't. Hey rjr6, what would it take to convince you that your religion was wrong?

Your observations are quite correct. Consequently the reason why Christians push back when an atheists specifies what he would consider supportive evidence is because it puts them in the performance chair and they know deep down inside that their prayer wont work... much like all claimers of psi fail demonstration in a controlled environment.

I believe that amongst atheists and theists there is much prejudice and stereotyping, myself included. Though I am not schooled in various religous theory, I imagine that most mainstream religions at their core expouse that the mind of God can not be known completely by Humans. I imagine that most religions speak to how to conduct yourself as a human and how to get closer to God.

That being said, my belief as such, christianity aside, how could a test be developed to establish "proof" inside our reality testing something outside of it (this reality)?

To answer the question posed about what would make me not(?) believe in a deity.

The absence of my spirit, consciousness, soul or that which is of me that is God's.
I believe that amongst atheists and theists there is much prejudice and stereotyping, myself included. Though I am not schooled in various religous theory, I imagine that most mainstream religions at their core expouse that the mind of God can not be known completely by Humans. I imagine that most religions speak to how to conduct yourself as a human and how to get closer to God.

That being said, my belief as such, christianity aside, how could a test be developed to establish "proof" inside our reality testing something outside of it (this reality)?

If you're asking about how to prove your specific 'God' (which I am assuming is not the christian 'God') then you have to tell me the details about what you are claiming. What is it? How has it interacted with reality? How will it interact with reality? What has it claimed? etc. etc. etc.
If you're asking about how to prove your specific 'God' (which I am assuming is not the christian 'God') then you have to tell me the details about what you are claiming. What is it? How has it interacted with reality? How will it interact with reality? What has it claimed? etc. etc. etc.

specific details of deity aside, the question remains if atheist responding to thread hold their views because of lack of proof of a deity. If so what proof are they lacking?
specific details of deity aside, the question remains if atheist responding to thread hold their views because of lack of proof of a deity. If so what proof are they lacking?

An instance of a deity, instances of a deity omnipotently interacting with reality, instances of a deity omnipresently interacting with reality, and instances of a deity omnisciently interacting with reality would be good starters.

That's why I chose prayer as a 'best case' demonstration of a particular deity's existence. The most popular religions claim their respective deities will grant humans pretty spectacular miracles via prayer. Praying amputee's limbs back, severly retarded people intelligent, or the statue of liberty into solid diamond are pretty spectacular manipulations of reality that humans cannot perform or fake; hence, they are perfect demonstrations of a deity's existence.

As I mentioned earlier, no theist is going to do this because they know it will fail. Several on this board have tried and failed; thus, demonstrating they are liars.
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Why would any of those things prove the existence of a deity?

It provides very compelling evidence for the claim that their deity exists because humans lack the ability to spontaneously alter reality with thought.

Why wouldn't someone's arm growing back not be thrown into the category of "yet unexplained by science"? Even if it were being prayed for?
To Crunchy:

As stupid as it sounds, say for instance the situations you described began happening. Everyone in the world became believers and then there was a "dark age" so to speak.

These "miracles" are forgotten and they become "reality" -accepted-, though unexplained they are observed, tested, peer reviewed--but unexplained. What then would be needed to prove the existence of a deity?
Why wouldn't someone's arm growing back not be thrown into the category of "yet unexplained by science"? Even if it were being prayed for?

It would have to be prayed for and the results would have to be more or less instantaenous and perfect. That would show a strong correspondence between prayer and some omnipotent life form's intervention.

As far as scientific categorization is concerned, it would likely result in a branch of study for omnipotent life.
To Crunchy:

As stupid as it sounds, say for instance the situations you described began happening. Everyone in the world became believers and then there was a "dark age" so to speak.

Why would there have to be a "dark age"? I would bet the farm that science would help devise improved methods of communication with omnipotent life and benefit from knowledge gained from it.

These "miracles" are forgotten and they become "reality" -accepted-, though unexplained they are observed, tested, peer reviewed--but unexplained. What then would be needed to prove the existence of a deity?

Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about.
It would have to be prayed for and the results would have to be more or less instantaenous and perfect. That would show a strong correspondence between prayer and some omnipotent life form's intervention.

As far as scientific categorization is concerned, it would likely result in a branch of study for omnipotent life.

Why would there have to be a "dark age"? I would bet the farm that science would help devise improved methods of communication with omnipotent life and benefit from knowledge gained from it.

Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about.

The basis of the thread is that there are many unexplained phenomena in the world, why would your specific case(s) make the existence of a deity true to you and/or the majority of unbelievers? Why would this proof not just become "reality"?
The basis of the thread is that there are many unexplained phenomena in the world, why would your specific case(s) make the existence of a deity true to you and/or the majority of unbelievers? Why would this proof not just become "reality"?

Because they are part of a specific claimed cause and effect chain:

Claim->An omnipotent life form exists that grants fantastic miracles through prayers.
Knowledge->Humans lack the ability to spontaenously manipulate reality via thought.
Demonstration->A theist prays for one of the aformentioned items.
Observation->The claim corresponds to reality.

I think you know this already and you're intentionally acting stupid about it. Regardless, atheists have given their criteria. The onus is on theists to demonstrate.
Because they are part of a specific claimed cause and effect chain:

Claim->An omnipotent life form exists that grants fantastic miracles through prayers.
Knowledge->Humans lack the ability to spontaenously manipulate reality via thought.
Demonstration->A theist prays for one of the aformentioned items.
Observation->The claim corresponds to reality.

I think you know this already and you're intentionally acting stupid about it. Regardless, atheists have given their criteria. The onus is on theists to demonstrate.

The thread states "proof of a deity". Actual details of this deity, how it interacts with this world etc... was not ascribed. The thread was created in an attempt to understand that if atheists required proof of a "supreme being" what would that proof entail?

Testable supernatural spontaneous results from prayer was your answer (paraphrased), and that is a very good answer. But this thread is not attempting to discuss religion, just existence of a deity.
and lo and behold there is also criteria regarding issues of qualification that have to be met before one can even begin to look at issues of evidence

Not with the prayer demonstration that was outlined. It's quite self-evident when an amputee magically has a limb in the blink of an eye. In other words, the average adult is quite over-qualified to make such an observation.
The thread states "proof of a deity". Actual details of this deity, how it interacts with this world etc... was not ascribed. The thread was created in an attempt to understand that if atheists required proof of a "supreme being" what would that proof entail?

Testable supernatural spontaneous results from prayer was your answer (paraphrased), and that is a very good answer. But this thread is not attempting to discuss religion, just existence of a deity.

rj, you have the answer. If you don't want to accept it then that's your problem.
It seems to me that the argument from mathematics alone establishes the necessity of a deity. Notice that I don't say 'existence of a deity'. God does not exist; He is, which is something entirely different. Exist is from the Latin prefix ex meaning from or out of. We exist. The universe exists. God does not.