Proof Nasa Lies "Mars Coverup--literally"

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Registered Senior Member
I appoligize for my lack of photshop skills as I have only photshop'd
sorta since the rover landed. I slide the little lever over till it looks good
But the pro's do it scientifically and many of these photo's once enhanced
by the likes of keith Laney of and others like him they will be even clearer.

Most of these Tif's are fiction created by NASA...But don't take my word for it!
Do your own homework. Cheap LCD monitors wont cut it for seeing detail.

Don't allow the Negative posters here to antagonize you .Once their added to you ignore list, reading is much more enjoyable..

The word edit equals alter, paintover pasteover clipout etc. but not putting seams of the mosaic together thats a different subject.

These arrows indicate types of areas to look for edits .
Any area that has a darker or lighter color is an edit
Any area that appears like a dirt mound is an edit
Any time an object looks half covered with dust's an edit

Example of NASA editing

This first Image shows the white patch im looking at.


This is a closeup untouched

This shows same patch with color and brightness/contrast enhancements "only" I think it's Nasa covering up living snakes.. (my guess)


Location of finds


Appears to be a strange rock holding a weapon


Again no editing I used lasso to outline it and clip image

Appears rover Lost an arm !


Actually this arm is still attached to the object to the left but has been seperated by Nasa's paintjob.


It Appears Rover Landed on a small toy robot by size estimizing! It has eyes ears nose and hair as well as 2 metal brackets with holes for a neck It's on the far left side of this photo. The photo is busy and there are many anomalies here but focus on left . it's body is under the lander


Mars appears to have very strange geology and rock formation
There are more anomolies here but they have been semi painted out

I won't say what this looks like they will lock me up!
ok it looks like a garden jockey



Feel free to count both his 5 toes or five fingers of his right hand!

If you can see the bones in this light photo you can imagine how many bodies are here and painted out.

Too me it appears to be a human baby's face but slightly broken like fossilised rock.


This is without a doubt an arm with a square implant under skin and insignia
Pardon Nasa but they didnt paint it out just seperated the fingers and painted
it so it look like it went down.

Every square inch of this image has anomalies the ones you see and the spaces in between are the ones you don't.


This Picture also has anomalies in every square inch of this image the ones you see and the spaces in between are the ones you don't.


All above from tif below
I consider New TIF to be quite Interesting, to say the least.
What happened here was it a war geological devastion? Soldiers or farmers ?
other sites to check out
Welcome to the real world!
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What the hell are you talking about? It's just more rocks. If you're talking about the aparent right angle, that's an illusion made by two rocks that happen to be sitting right next to eachother, I find it highly unlikely that you wouldn't see a single fucking hard angle while staring dementedly at a bunch of pictures of rocks all day looking for "The TRUTH!" all the frigin' time.

And what the heck is with those lines you made for the arrows? I know that drawing with a mouse is hard, but could your hands possably be any less steady? You were up all night drinking coffe and stairing at every square inch of that picture, weren't you? Come on, admit it, you're just a little obsessed, and very dilusional.
That stone, if that's indeed what it is, looks oddly smooth. The only way to achieve that level of smoothness is if it's been eroded. Maybe proof of water on Mars?
CounslerCoffee said:
That stone, if that's indeed what it is, looks oddly smooth. The only way to achieve that level of smoothness is if it's been eroded. Maybe proof of water on Mars?

Or violent dust storms over millenia. Water _isn't_ the 'only way'. Think before you post, eh?

So we have some 'internet nuts' thinking straight edges are weird, and others thinking rounded objects are weird. Maybe both factions should read a bit more about geology.
Well I know NASA was looking for a method of increasing their Budget,
Why don't they start FINEING HOAXERS?
So I've downloaded the .tif, and had a good look at it at high zoom, and guess what?

It's a rock, and there are NO signs of alteration.

Of course, this fluid gimp thinks that NASA can make a probe and send it all the way to Mars, but making convincing fake photos is beyond them, and he can spot their mistakes. Now that is funny.
Fluid, doesn't it just suck being you? Your new nickname is little bitch. Start taking your meds again....oh wait I wouldn't get it...I'm ignorant. :rolleyes:
More importantly, why are they covering stuff up on earth?!?

See the attached picture. It's the wheel of an alien craft on earth... but they erased the rest of the vehicle!!!!!!!! Those BASTARDS!

This is a bigger problem than you though!

Please save the children.
Why, if they are covering up the horrible truth about what is going on on mars, does NASA insist on sending pricy space probes to make it clear (to some people) that they are covering things up? I mean, dosnt it make more sence to cover something up by trying to hide it rather than spending billions of dollars to go and take pictures of it? Or MAYBE they do it just to make me ask these kinds of questions in my snide self assured tone?

Also I downloaded the big tif there, looked at your pictures, looked at the big tiff, read your descriptions, looked back at the tiff. I cant really see what you are talking about? what looks cut off where?
the mysterious alien in the foreground seems, intriguingly, to be made entirely of wood... could you explain further?
tablariddim said:
the mysterious alien in the foreground seems, intriguingly, to be made entirely of wood... could you explain further?

I hate to call Patrick Troughton a wooden actor. Assuming you mean the Ice Warrior in the background, the most likely explanation is the famously bad BBC SFX department , bad scans and early B&W TV. You too can make a cult TV series on less than £3000 per half hour episode.
Boggling you doesn't really seem to take much. Hell, you are confused by rocks.
Well considering you have yet to explain what was special about all those rocks, you are still just a nut. If something is actually special about them, you should be able to explain it.
-iLluSiON- said:
I can somewhat see the rectangle that you're talking about. Persol, what picture is the "wheel" in?
It's in one of the other threads this guy decided to spam with. Here's the link:
Basically, he posted a picture of some place on earth and said "Do you see rocks that look like these." Unfortunately for him, the answer was "Yes" and I put them all together. What he is doing is nothing different than looking for shapes in clouds.
Persol said:
Well considering you have yet to explain what was special about all those rocks, you are still just a nut. If something is actually special about them, you should be able to explain it.

Can't you see it? It's the shapes in them. Admittedly you have to stare at them for over 2 hours straight before you see the shapes. You may find you go a little dizzy and eyesite blurs as well. My kids thought I had gone completely batty. Oh! wait!
Ohhhh... let me take my glasses off and try again.

Cool, it's a duck! *quack quack*
Or violent dust storms over millenia. Water _isn't_ the 'only way'. Think before you post, eh?

Allow me to retort; no. Why don't you stop posting? I don't even use the quick reply, I hate the quick reply. Why don't you read the forum description?

I'm allowed to be paranoid!
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