Proof God Exists


Registered Member
I have a way for people to discern if there is a God or not. It involves watching your bodily itches and muscular twitches. I believe that these signals are from God and will prove that he exists. If you don't believe me, just watch your body signals (as I call them) and try to interpret them.

Some of the basic body signals are listed below:

Right side of the body symbolizes Good
Left side of the body symbolizes Evil

Legs symbolize Thoughts
Arms and shoulder blades symbolize Actions

So, if my right leg itches, this means I just thought a good thought.
If my left leg itches, this means I just thought an evil thought.

If my right arm itches, this means I'm doing a good action.
If my left arm itches, this means I'm doing an evil action.

Muscular twitches work just like itches.

If you don't believe me, just try to watch your body signals and interpret them. They are from God and will prove to you that he exists.

There are many body signals, but these are some of the basic ones. I believe they can prove God's existence to you as well as his will towards you. Good luck!
I have a way for people to discern if there is a God or not. It involves watching your bodily itches and muscular twitches. I believe that these signals are from God and will prove that he exists. If you don't believe me, just watch your body signals (as I call them) and try to interpret them.

Some of the basic body signals are listed below:

Right side of the body symbolizes Good
Left side of the body symbolizes Evil

Legs symbolize Thoughts
Arms and shoulder blades symbolize Actions

So, if my right leg itches, this means I just thought a good thought.
If my left leg itches, this means I just thought an evil thought.

If my right arm itches, this means I'm doing a good action.
If my left arm itches, this means I'm doing an evil action.

Muscular twitches work just like itches.

If you don't believe me, just try to watch your body signals and interpret them. They are from God and will prove to you that he exists.

There are many body signals, but these are some of the basic ones. I believe they can prove God's existence to you as well as his will towards you. Good luck!

Is this satire or something?...
Take it from the resident theist,(me)

this will get you nothing but trouble here.
just because you credit twitching to God, does not mean it is God that is doing it.
to say that it is 'proof' of God is inaccurate and a logical fallacy(see here and here )

as a theist, i argue that God does NOT want to be 'proven'..

and ignore Dywyddyr when he gets his two cent posted..(he is a one trick pony) as he will post 'wrong','unsupported claim', and 'prove it'. of course he would not be wrong in this particular case..but he still likes to mess with theists..(Dyw, i can't recall you doing this to a non-theist..)

<edit> it may even qualify for banning..or at the very least thread closure..
Take it from the resident theist,(me)

this will get you nothing but trouble here.
just because you credit twitching to God, does not mean it is God that is doing it.
to say that it is 'proof' of God is inaccurate and a logical fallacy.

as a theist, i argue that God does NOT want to be 'proven'..

and ignore Dywyddyr when he gets his two cent posted..(he is a one trick pony) as he will post 'wrong','unsupported claim', and 'prove it'. of course he would not be wrong in this particular case..but he still likes to mess with theists..(Dyw, i can't recall you doing this to a non-theist..)

<edit> it may even qualify for banning..or at the very least thread closure..

The proof is in the pudding. I don't have to prove anything--God will do that.
The proof is in the pudding. I don't have to prove anything--God will do that.

God does not prove himself.
he does exist and there are indicators to his existence, but none of those indicators are 'proof'

It is my opinion that if God were to prove that he exists it would be detrimental to our society as a whole.
How many ppl do you know, who are happy and content with the 'do as your told' attitude?
How many believers do you know that do not question their beliefs?

keep in mind what convinces you of God, does not convince others.

How do you know that the right side is good and the left is evil, rather than the other way around?

How do you know that the legs symbolises thought and the arms symbolise actions?
God does not prove himself.
he does exist and there are indicators to his existence, but none of those indicators are 'proof'

All I ask is for people to watch their body signals and draw their own conclusions. Is that so unreasonable?

It is my opinion that if God were to prove that he exists it would be detrimental to our society as a whole.
How many ppl do you know, who are happy and content with the 'do as your told' attitude?
How many believers do you know that do not question their beliefs?

keep in mind what convinces you of God, does not convince others.

Try it.
Wow ! S.F. is fun . Left twitch now a right twitch . Here a twitch there twitch every where a twitch titch . Old Mac Donald Had a twitch Ei Ei O

I been thinking about a rock and roll version of that song Wadja think
Wow ! S.F. is fun . Left twitch now a right twitch . Here a twitch there twitch every where a twitch titch . Old Mac Donald Had a twitch Ei Ei O

I been thinking about a rock and roll version of that song Wadja think

Go for it!

How do you know that these twitches come from God?

Also, I'm still confused on how you can discern which is good and which is evil just from observation of your body alone.

How do you know that these twitches come from God?

Also, I'm still confused on how you can discern which is good and which is evil just from observation of your body alone.

Of course, God speaks primarily to the human heart and mind. That is where the real proof is. The body signals, I believe, supplement that primary witness; they certainly do not and cannot replace it. I think of them as a sort of jumping-off point, not an end in itself.
As much excessive though, assumption of course, that you have is causing some sort of stress which is giving you the bumps which I call them. I get them too when my mind is overloaded. These thoughts are your gift.
All I ask is for people to watch their body signals and draw their own conclusions. Is that so unreasonable?
this is a reasonable disclaimer..

what i was arguing with is your assertion that it is 'proof' of God.

btw, answer james questions.
to not answer his questions does not show any coorelation between the twitching and God.

How do you know that these twitches come from God?

1. They are consistent with the internal witness that God bears in my heart.
2. They match my thoughts with remarkable consistency over time.
3. Who else knows all my thoughts?

Also, I'm still confused on how you can discern which is good and which is evil just from observation of your body alone.

I didn't say I could discern them from observation alone; again, it is the inner witness combined with the signals that is convincing to me.
I have a way for people to discern if there is a God or not. It involves watching your bodily itches and muscular twitches. I believe that these signals are from God and will prove that he exists. If you don't believe me, just watch your body signals (as I call them) and try to interpret them.

Some of the basic body signals are listed below:

Right side of the body symbolizes Good
Left side of the body symbolizes Evil

Legs symbolize Thoughts
Arms and shoulder blades symbolize Actions

So, if my right leg itches, this means I just thought a good thought.
If my left leg itches, this means I just thought an evil thought.

If my right arm itches, this means I'm doing a good action.
If my left arm itches, this means I'm doing an evil action.

Muscular twitches work just like itches.

If you don't believe me, just try to watch your body signals and interpret them. They are from God and will prove to you that he exists.

There are many body signals, but these are some of the basic ones. I believe they can prove God's existence to you as well as his will towards you. Good luck!

on a different note..

I have read somewhere that if one is sensitive enough one could 'read' the thoughts of another by holding his hand and interpreting the twitches in the hand.

not claiming this is true or not.

IF there is validity to muscle twitches being a conduit to ones thoughts, it would fall to science to test those claims.(IOW it would be a natural occurrence,not a Godly one)

also not saying if God directed your attention to this phenomenon, which is to say God is not responsible for the phenomenon, but for the act of directing your attention to it.