Problems with the biblical Genesis story (split)

I think Wales (or at least the Welsh) would object to being called a "sea monster" (although it does tend to rain a lot there) and the plural of octopus is octopuses, octopi or octopodes.

i thought whales looked wrong..and octopi was intentional..
This is all quite irrelevant really because no matter how you twist it, a literal reading of Genesis does not match what actually happened, even just here on earth. You think that the creatures really came into being in that order? If you do then you should also be aware that the bible misses quite a few steps.

Like I said though, it's irrelevant because a literal Genesis simply can not be reconciled with what we know to be true. Why else would biblical creationists be trying so desperately to discredit science?

To meaningfully argue for (or against) a literal reading, we would have to read the text in the original language, while being fluent in that language.

Thigs get lost and added in translation ...
@Signal --

Well then I guess we'll never know as the ancient Hebrew it was written in is illegible, what with not having any vowels, spaces, or punctuation. Even if it were an English cypher and we could translate it letter for letter we still wouldn't be able to read it. So I guess that nobody really knows what the bible says and we should probably abandon all of the abrahamic religions now.

I jest, sort of. No, I don't need to know exactly what the bible literally says in the original language to argue against a literal interpretation. All I need to do is point at an animal(doesn't matter which one) and say "the theory of evolution", and I win. It's that simple.
@Jan --

Well then we've got a problem because the Genesis creation story says that plants were created before the sun was, and that's just plain impossible.

I think you misunderstand me, I'm not bothered whether or not you believe
the contents of any scripture. My point was that in order to understand it, you have to take it literally. I believe you have taken parts of it literally why you don't agree with the order of creation, regardless of whether you are right or wrong.

“ Originally Posted by Dywyddyr
I think Wales (or at least the Welsh) would object to being called a "sea monster" (although it does tend to rain a lot there) and the plural of octopus is octopuses, octopi or octopodes.

Wasn't there a desert monster named Wales? Josey Wales?

Look guys Genesis is the best ever way to smash fundamentalism. First, get your fundamentalist to learn a few words in Hebrew, or how to use a concordance, which they love because it's like going Wiki in here.

OK now get your Fundi (like Fungi) to look up in reverse the fourth word in King James. Allegedly, the Englishmen say, the word is God. Damn Yanks! But actually it is plural: Elohim is GODS not GOD. So wow that will start a pissing contest real fast.

Next go to the decimation of... Nineveh I think, no not from the Bible, but from archaeology. The Library was saved from its attackers by having the home army pull its walls down over the "stacks" so to speak. Now of course we have about what 10,000 or 30,00 or some unGODly number of these cuneiform tablets. Get yer Fundi to catch up with this cuz itz reel sweet. They (sumerians I guess) had like a volume 1 or something, the beginning of their record keeping - they were like bean counters or something. OK so somewhere right up at the beginning it mentions something like this: "OK look we just figured out how to make sense of these little blivets in the clay, so were going to use them as a language. By the way, we've been around for a while so here's a synopsis of some of our past kings..." something like that. And number 3 or 5 or whatever on the list has the name ADAM! wooooh dude! Adam king of the bad guys! And definitely not first ever man-dude.

OK so now you get yer Fundi really riled up by introducing them to Gilgamesh, the sumerian/assyrian/babylonian equivalent of Noah who was informed by the gods that he best weave a wicker boat real quick and load it up with all the future DNA because a flood was coming. Of course this story is way older than the Hebrews as a people so it get your Fundi kind of hot under the collar.

Oh that's when you ask them to find Eden on a map. Look for where the Tigris and Euphrates (Iraq) intersect with a river flowing out of the land of the Kush (Somalia, therabouts) so all you need is a river that flows under, over or throough the Red Sea, then up some mountains into some yet undiscovered tributary in Iraq, and man you've found Paradise.

IT's great I love it. Because god, who suspends physics, also suspends archaeology, geography, history and every related field just to give us a story about how bad we are and it all boils down to fruit or something. Wow. That's an idea I would stake my eternal soul on. Genesis: on sale in bookstores everywhere. And they just keep coming... kkkCHING!
gay? now there's a twist: Adam and Eve being the archetypal struggle over sexual identity? Hey never even occured to me til you mentioned it.
wow that would really put the Fundis on alert : "this just in... lost fragment of Genesis reveals entirely tolerant attitude towards sexual orientation"
No, I don't need to know exactly what the bible literally says in the original language to argue against a literal interpretation. All I need to do is point at an animal(doesn't matter which one) and say "the theory of evolution", and I win. It's that simple.

@Jan --

Well then we've got a problem because the Genesis creation story says that plants were created before the sun was, and that's just plain impossible.

Have you heard that the moon was formed doe to a collision between earth and an other planet ? So the earth was hear already and there was light , and plant could grow using photosynthesis, It is not known how fast was the earth spinning prior collision .
So you like this answer . .
@arauca --

Have you heard that the moon was formed doe to a collision between earth and an other planet?

Yes I have, however this has a problem of irrelevance. Not only was that collision pre-life, but it was post-sun. The sun was already here when it happened.

So the earth was hear already and there was light , and plant could grow using photosynthesis, It is not known how fast was the earth spinning prior collision .

Yup, the earth was there and so was the sun, but no plants. A blatant contradiction of the creation story in Genesis as the moon and sun were both created after the plants were. Also, the speed at which the Earth rotated pre-collision(likely much slower) is irrelevant to the current discussion.

So you like this answer . .


And it's not an answer.
Im tired of answering these same meaningless questions. Stop. You are not going to figure it out. If you want to live your life and not believe in God then do so in peace. We are getting to the time were if you can't live in peace and you tell people God IS NOT real that you will have to answer to someone like me who likens himself to God.

Trust me, the time has come. Alpha and Omega kindom has come. Jesus is here, all the key players are here. It is time.
Try reading the thread!
The Sun wasn't created until the fourth day.

(And it was dark in the beginning).

Gen. 1 verse 3 " let there be light and there was light "
From were does the light comes ? perhaps from your flash light
Please think , Physic

Latter come come the moon , , Probable to show there two kind of illumination
Gen. 1 verse 3 " let there be light and there was light "
Keep trying:
1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 3And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

From were does the light comes ? perhaps from your flash light
Please think , Physic
The Sun (and Moon) weren't formed until the fourth day:
16And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. 17And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, 18And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good. 19And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
Think physics? Really? Explain "god" with physics. Explain how god managed to speak in a vacuum. :rolleyes:

Latter come come the moon , , Probable to show there two kind of illumination