Problematic heaven.

(My two cents.)

I can't decide if I would like to see lg out of this thread; it certainly would get things back on topic and rid it of any more nonsense...but at the same time, it's so entertaining to read SnakeLord's responses! They'ze great! :D
“ Snakelord
they appear for some time and then disappear ”
So uhh, anything that exists for some time and then ceases to exist is a dream? Lol..
particularly when such transitory things come before something more substantial – like say the recollection of one’s relationship with Julius ceaser while waking from a dream

so you want to pass on the subject of eternal hell? ”
forget it
(looks like you already have)
with the added advantage of lessening one's chances of developing cancer of the colon ”
Offering a leaf to god lessens ones chances of getting colon cancer? K then.
if one exclusively eats such vegetarian offerings, yes
maybe you would be better off writing all your ideas on bits of paper you could store in a drawer rather than posting them on debate forums ”
I do that too. However, I like to post these things for people to discuss them. Many have done so but it seems only you couldn't figure out what it was related to and so decided to regale me with stories of tomato farmers and the gods desires for bananas and grapefruit instead.
well it was related – of course it was not related in a way you anticipated but hey, that’s the nature of discussions – if that makes you throw a hissy fit I guess you should just leave things like this in that voluminous drawer of yours ....
sounds like boredom to me .... ”
Then your brain is clearly wired differently. Perhaps your time would be better spent in a different thread. Thanks.

you definitely should have left this in that drawer of yours ....
probably because it is a better experience than any of the run of the mill things one can encounter in practically any species of life ”
How do you know that?
ISO 11. Only one who can learn the process of nescience and that of transcendental knowledge side by side can transcend the influence of repeated birth and death and enjoy the full blessings of immortality.
once again – there’s nothing exclusive about what you are advocating as the summum bonum of life

What validates your claim?
direct perception
absorption in the activities of one's body and things related to one's body is the munificent alternative? ”
Hmm.. worship a talking cloud or enjoy the life that I have.. Let me think for a moment..
if that’s the extent of your theistic understanding, small wonder you’re an atheist ....
what you are in delight of is boldly apparent to even hogs, dogs and camels ”
O....k, and that's an issue.. how/why?
“ with your claim that I am an unbeholder ”
Eh? How does that follow on from what was being said lol? How does an activity not being exclusive and done by pretty much all species of life make that activity mundane?
wake up

you stated that I was an unbeholder to the object of your cherished object
I stated that such an object is beheld by practically every animal in existence


And.. if you don't engage in such activity, how can your claim that it is mundane be taken seriously?

mundane things are very easy to participate in - that’s why they are labeled as such
(My two cents.)

I can't decide if I would like to see lg out of this thread; it certainly would get things back on topic and rid it of any more nonsense...but at the same time, it's so entertaining to read SnakeLord's responses! They'ze great! :D

I guess we would have to see the cost price of ad homs to determine if this actually has the value of two cents
P.S I know I have touched on this before, but there was no satisfactory post made in response to it. As such I have rewritten the idea and will try again.

You should try again, i added a logical response to the first post. This would render the scenario obsolete.

Your random stipulations-
As luck would have it however, God eventually comes to visit you with a unique offer.
“I give you a choice: Would you like to swap places with your daughter?”

1) “Yes!” You say without hesitation, knowing that such a sacrifice is worth it if it saves your daughter.

are where this scenario falls apart. Lack of mercy and forgiveness is illogical, as it was pointed out to us and should be considered. AND if you ask me the father is NOT in Heaven at all according to you description.
if one exclusively eats such vegetarian offerings, yes


Have any scientific studies been conducted that show that if one offers a leaf or flower to the gods that their risk of getting colon cancer is lower?

if that makes you throw a hissy fit..

Hissy fit heh? K.

you definitely should have left this in that drawer of yours ....

I don't think so, and seemingly many other people don't either. What they probably will agree on is that it would have been better if you weren't here. You have nothing of any value to add, especially when you can't even comprehend the purpose and point of the post - and this is clearly not the only one.

once again – there’s nothing exclusive about what you are advocating as the summum bonum of life

O..k, and once again what does exclusivity have to do with anything?

you stated that I was an unbeholder to the object of your cherished object
I stated that such an object is beheld by practically every animal in existence

O..k, and I asked: What does "most living things do it" have to do with anything? It's something that is obviously universally enjoyable - where is the problem with that?


You should try again, i added a logical response to the first post. This would render the scenario obsolete

All due respect John, but I couldn't seem to find anything pertinent in your 'logical' response. You quoted "the sins of the father shall be visited on sons" then wrote 'or daughters' and then said "What would heaven be like without the most important person in your life there?"

Which was the basic idea of my post to begin with. So what have you answered or stated?

are where this scenario falls apart.

Oh, you mean right at the part where I said: "This is invariably where the whole story falls apart." ?

Thanks for the input but I had gathered that, which is exactly why I wrote it in my original post. You see, if you were to choose a human over god then you wouldn't be in heaven in the first place. This problem still exists in my story version that I am working on - but what i'm leaning towards is that this man still gets a 'taste' of heaven - because as every human well knows, god likes man to think he is making his own choices. As a result, this man appears in heaven and is given the option of going to hell or staying with god. Ultimately the man 'doesn't have a choice', not that theists would understand that.

Lack of mercy and forgiveness is illogical, as it was pointed out to us and should be considered.

It is also the main tenet of christianity - that unbelievers are already condemned to eternal hellfire and must save themselves before they die. Even a mass rapist can be forgiven as long as he recognises jesus as his saviour before death. If not, burn baby burn.

if one exclusively eats such vegetarian offerings, yes


Have any scientific studies been conducted that show that if one offers a leaf or flower to the gods that their risk of getting colon cancer is lower?
wake up

what I actually said was

even vegetarians eat other living entities, albeit the ones that are not likely to writhe around on the floor in agony drowning in their own blood and also who's production and consumption is likely to result in damage to the environment of the landscape or one's digestive tract.

Hence spiritual persons eat according to scriptural injunctions

BG 3.13 The devotees of the Lord are released from all kinds of sins because they eat food which is offered first for sacrifice. Others, who prepare food for personal sense enjoyment, verily eat only sin.

possessed of unlimited intelligence, god recommends

BG 9.26: If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I will accept it.

BG 9.27: Whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you offer or give away, and whatever austerities you perform — do that, O son of Kuntī, as an offering to Me.

BG 9.28: In this way you will be freed from bondage to work and its auspicious and inauspicious results. With your mind fixed on Me in this principle of renunciation, you will be liberated and come to Me.

if that makes you throw a hissy fit..

Hissy fit heh? K.
whining? grumbling? etc etc

you definitely should have left this in that drawer of yours ....

I don't think so, and seemingly many other people don't either.
many atheists right?
What they probably will agree on is that it would have been better if you weren't here.
given that they are atheists, it sa healthy sign

You have nothing of any value to add,
if its revealed that the slant of your thread (ie "what is the value of eternally existence in a temporary material context?") has no value (except perhaps in the books of atheists looking for means to bolster their value systems), what would one expect?
especially when you can't even comprehend the purpose and point of the post - and this is clearly not the only one.
its crystal clear

you are suggesting that eternal life in view of temporary (aka dream like) relationships is not pleasant

that is why it is suggested in theism that eternal life exists in the context of eternal relationships

once again – there’s nothing exclusive about what you are advocating as the summum bonum of life

O..k, and once again what does exclusivity have to do with anything?
once again

you stating that I am an unbeholder

you stated that I was an unbeholder to the object of your cherished object
I stated that such an object is beheld by practically every animal in existence

O..k, and I asked: What does "most living things do it" have to do with anything? It's something that is obviously universally enjoyable - where is the problem with that?
for a start its not clear how you could label me as an unbeholder

No... you wake up.

I directly quoted the bg statement: BG 9.26: If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I will accept it.

I said that was sweet to which you said, and I quote: "with the added advantage of lessening one's chances of developing cancer of the colon"

To which I must now ask again if you have anything to support your claim that offering flowers to gods has the advantage of lessening ones chances of getting cancer.

you are suggesting that eternal life in view of temporary (aka dream like) relationships is not pleasant

See, told you you didn't understand. Kindly only respond when you have figured it out. Thanks.

you stating that I am an unbeholder

I fail to see how the two are related. To my statement, (taken from your statements), that you're an unbeholder you could say "yes I am, but.." or "no I'm not".

I don't quite see where "but it's not exclusive and is thus mundane" fits in to any of that.


for a start its not clear how you could label me as an unbeholder

You mentioned it on some other thread. :shrug:
wake up

No... you wake up.

I directly quoted the bg statement: BG 9.26: If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I will accept it.

I said that was sweet to which you said, and I quote: "with the added advantage of lessening one's chances of developing cancer of the colon"

To which I must now ask again if you have anything to support your claim that offering flowers to gods has the advantage of lessening ones chances of getting cancer.

wake up

you are suggesting that eternal life in view of temporary (aka dream like) relationships is not pleasant

See, told you you didn't understand. Kindly only respond when you have figured it out. Thanks.
you did type this didn't you?

A couple of things need to be clarified:

1) Will we or wont we give a damn about our mortal loved ones once dead. If the answer is yes, how exactly do we engage in an eternal life with the knowledge that they’re burning, and even more so how can we even consider worshipping and serving a being that is ultimately responsible for their predicament? If the answer is no, I would indeed ask what the value is in having any feelings for others while living a mortal existence when that is going to be the overall outcome in the heavenly realm.


you stating that I am an unbeholder

I fail to see how the two are related. To my statement, (taken from your statements), that you're an unbeholder you could say "yes I am, but.." or "no I'm not".

I don't quite see where "but it's not exclusive and is thus mundane" fits in to any of that.
I said everyone is a beholder of such things


Bravo. A well thought out, worthwhile confirmation of your statement. :bugeye: Get out of my thread.

you did type this didn't you?

Yes I did.

The problem comes in your statement that it's a "temporary relationship", given that one of the arguments premises was that most view the 'soul' if nothing else as eternal, (that means not temporary lg), and thus the question posed is whether we'll give a damn about our loved ones, (whose souls - i.e "them", is as eternal as the rest of us), once we leave mortal existence.

Wake up.

I said everyone is a beholder of such things

Yesssssss, and I then asked why everyone being a beholder of it or not makes it an issue. What does it matter?

wake up

Bravo. A well thought out, worthwhile confirmation of your statement. Get out of my thread.
in your ecstasy to ad hom I guess you missed the bit in bold

you did type this didn't you?

Yes I did.

The problem comes in your statement that it's a "temporary relationship", given that one of the arguments premises was that most view the 'soul' if nothing else as eternal, (that means not temporary lg),
most also view the soul and the body as the duality of our existence too
and thus the question posed is whether we'll give a damn about our loved ones, (whose souls - i.e "them", is as eternal as the rest of us), once we leave mortal existence.
you mean what will become of our bodily relationships when the body dies, particularly in light of the soul being reunited in its spiritual medium (aka heaven)?

I said everyone is a beholder of such things

Yesssssss, and I then asked why everyone being a beholder of it or not makes it an issue. What does it matter?
I guess it depends whether you think making the statement "you are not a beholder" contradicts the notion that "everyone is a beholder"

You are quick to dismiss criticisms as ad homs. But if they are indeed accurate criticisms, then how does tagging them as "ad homs" make them any less true?
in your ecstasy to ad hom I guess you missed the bit in bold

Not an ad hom but hey.. if you makes you happy.

Anyway, I did see the bit in bold. What's the point?

In English it would still equate to me saying that offering flowers is sweet and you following on with: "with the added advantage of.." with regards to saying that offering flowers to gods also prevents colon cancer. Let's put it down to language barrier - fine, offering food to the gods doesn't do anything - I get you.

most also view the soul and the body as the duality of our existence too

That's wonderful, was there something you disagreed with or wanted to state with concerns to your statement about temporary relationships even though my questioning was with regards to how one would feel about what are ultimately eternal relationships if they are away from that loved one?

you mean what will become of our bodily relationships when the body dies, particularly in light of the soul being reunited in its spiritual medium (aka heaven)?

Sheesh kebabs. Come back later, I can't be bothered right now writing out the whole thing again for the sake of one person that will probably still not understand.

I guess it depends whether you think making the statement "you are not a beholder" contradicts the notion that "everyone is a beholder

That's entirely irrelevant to what's being said. Let's go through it again.. *pfft*

1) My post stated a question asking what the value or worth was in worshipping one entity for eternity.

2) You countered with some irrelevant garbage about pornography and made the statement that "people are the same from the neck down".

3) I then asked how you could make the statement given that you're an admitted celibate and clearly have a serious dislike to looking at the human form, (established from many discussions with you).

4) You then stated that beauty was in the eye of the beholder.

5) I said, given that you're an unbeholder, of what value is your opinion.

6) You then said "what you anoint as marvelous is incredibly mundane - there is nothing exclusive about it and it is the direct perception of practically everyone, if not all species of life "

Which clearly is not an answer to the question that I asked you. Also note your usage of the word "practically", although for some reason you have now changed that to "everyone". So...

A) Is it "everyone" or "practically everyone"? Make up your mind.

B) Kindly explain how your statement has anything to do with the question asked

C) Then, tenth time lucky perhaps, explain to me why something being done by 'practically' everyone makes it an issue. What does it matter if it's done by everyone?

D) Finally.. kindly explain to me what the fuck any of this has to do with my original post.

You are quick to dismiss criticisms as ad homs. But if they are indeed accurate criticisms, then how does tagging them as "ad homs" make them any less true?

uuhhh - a criticism of the person (as opposed to the ideas presented by the person) is an ad hom

(My two cents.)

I can't decide if I would like to see lg out of this thread; it certainly would get things back on topic and rid it of any more nonsense...but at the same time, it's so entertaining to read SnakeLord's responses! They'ze great!
in your ecstasy to ad hom I guess you missed the bit in bold

Not an ad hom but hey.. if you makes you happy.

Anyway, I did see the bit in bold. What's the point?

In English it would still equate to me saying that offering flowers is sweet and you following on with: "with the added advantage of.." with regards to saying that offering flowers to gods also prevents colon cancer. Let's put it down to language barrier - fine, offering food to the gods doesn't do anything - I get you.
I guess you have lost track of the whole issue of vegetarianism - anyway it wouldn't be the first time ...

If you meant the former I would have to disagree unless all spiritual people are vegetarians and animal rights activists. If they're not you really can't argue that they're "concerned about all living entities".

most also view the soul and the body as the duality of our existence too

That's wonderful, was there something you disagreed with or wanted to state with concerns to your statement about temporary relationships even though my questioning was with regards to how one would feel about what are ultimately eternal relationships if they are away from that loved one?
I guess you don't understand the concept of duality (which is the principle that theistic notions of eternal existence operate on)- and further more you have no inclination to understand such a concept .....

you mean what will become of our bodily relationships when the body dies, particularly in light of the soul being reunited in its spiritual medium (aka heaven)?

Sheesh kebabs. Come back later, I can't be bothered right now writing out the whole thing again for the sake of one person that will probably still not understand.
its quite simple - bodily relationships are the medium of material existence - in an existence that transcends material existence, all aspects of the body (including its relationship with other bodies) is transcended.

I guess it depends whether you think making the statement "you are not a beholder" contradicts the notion that "everyone is a beholder

That's entirely irrelevant to what's being said
uhh - you said it

Given that you're an "unbeholder", of what value is your opinion?

. Let's go through it again.. *pfft*
1) My post stated a question asking what the value or worth was in worshipping one entity for eternity.

2) You countered with some irrelevant garbage about pornography and made the statement that "people are the same from the neck down".
which culminated in my statement

I guess beauty must lie in the eye of the beholder or something ....

3) I then asked how you could make the statement given that you're an admitted celibate and clearly have a serious dislike to looking at the human form, (established from many discussions with you).
all I said (in previous threads) was that masturbation does not make one a more advanced or elevated person - on the contrary it tends to indicate that one has a few unresolved issues - I hesitate to fathom how you arrived at the whole admitted celibate thing ....

4) You then stated that beauty was in the eye of the beholder.
I suggest you work out the correct order in which the statements fell

your 4) actually fell before your 3)

5) I said, given that you're an unbeholder, of what value is your opinion.
(this even fell in the same paragraph about the pornography - strange how you have divided the two, but hey, whatever makes it easier for you to dismantle an argument ...)
6) You then said "what you anoint as marvelous is incredibly mundane - there is nothing exclusive about it and it is the direct perception of practically everyone, if not all species of life "

Which clearly is not an answer to the question that I asked you.
when a person uses the word "everybody" it tends to include first, second and third persons

Also note your usage of the word "practically", although for some reason you have now changed that to "everyone". So...

A) Is it "everyone" or "practically everyone"? Make up your mind.
I guess anyone who dies before puberty has no notion of sex life (or at best a cloudy one)
probably the same could be argued for assexual organisms

B) Kindly explain how your statement has anything to do with the question asked
if you can't understand how the word "you" is encapsulated by the word "everyone" I guess we are at loggerheads again
C) Then, tenth time lucky perhaps, explain to me why something being done by 'practically' everyone makes it an issue. What does it matter if it's done by everyone?
for the tenth time, if something is done by practically everyone then that means it is not done by practically no one - all this means that there is not much scope for statements such as "You are an unbeholder"
uuhhh - a criticism of the person (as opposed to the ideas presented by the person) is an ad hom
Not quite true.

Just attacking the person is an insult.

An Ad Hom is attacking the person in order to discredit the arguments made.

E.g. Providing a reasonable counter-argument and then adding the word NUMBNUTS at the end is merely an insult.

Saying: "But your arguments are invalid because you're a numbnut" is an Ad Hom.

Understand the difference?

You need to separate a true Ad Hom from mere insults.

Fine, do tell me how telling you to get out of my thread is an ad hom or for that matter how: "Bravo. A well thought out, worthwhile confirmation of your statement" is a personal attack as opposed to a statement concerning your post, (the post not the person)?

I guess you have lost track of the whole issue of vegetarianism - anyway it wouldn't be the first time ...

Lost track? I'm still trying to figure out what vegetarianism has got to do with my thread.

I guess you don't understand..

Yes, yes, yes.. Was there something specific you disagreed with/wanted to comment on with regards to my original post?

I hesitate to fathom how you arrived at the whole admitted celibate thing ....

Because you said it :bugeye: Of course you've probably done some 500 posts since then so I don't intend to go back and quote you. But whatever, I still don't see how my post is in any way related to pornography or sex.

(this even fell in the same paragraph about the pornography - strange how you have divided the two, but hey, whatever makes it easier for you to dismantle an argument ...)

Uhh no, but nevermind. I refer to post 30, which quoted your statement from post 28. But hey, I still fail to see it's relevance.

when a person uses the word "everybody" it tends to include first, second and third persons

Probably, just a shame then that you said "practically everyone", which does not specifically include the first, second or third person.

if you can't understand how the word "you" is encapsulated by the word "everyone" I guess we are at loggerheads again

Here you go again wiggling out of a statement that you made - which you have also done on other threads, (i.e your statement concerning pigeons). We'll try again: Is there a specific problem with everyone, or practically everyone, engaging in something?

for the tenth time, if something is done by practically everyone then that means it is not done by practically no one - all this means that there is not much scope for statements such as "You are an unbeholder

What are you talking about lol? Ok, although. (as with the rest of your post), it is entirely irrelevant to anything I will just point out that "practically" certainly does leave scope for saying you are an unbeholder - even more so when you're an admitted unbeholder.

Now.. please.. with a cherry on top. Get out of my thread.

Fine, do tell me how telling you to get out of my thread is an ad hom or for that matter how: "Bravo. A well thought out, worthwhile confirmation of your statement" is a personal attack as opposed to a statement concerning your post, (the post not the person)?
if a person glorifies someone in a way that they are not, is it not an insult?
For instance if I said "snakelord you truly are a brilliant scientist. The whole world will truly benefit from reading your posts. I think you deserve a round of applause from your wife and children every morning" is that not an insult?

I guess you have lost track of the whole issue of vegetarianism - anyway it wouldn't be the first time ...

Lost track? I'm still trying to figure out what vegetarianism has got to do with my thread.
You brought it up

I guess you don't understand..

Yes, yes, yes.. Was there something specific you disagreed with/wanted to comment on with regards to my original post?

I guess not only do you not understand but you have no inclination to understand the concept of duality .... pity, because it would give you the opportunity to raise your arguments to the level of "substantial" if you did ....

I hesitate to fathom how you arrived at the whole admitted celibate thing ....

Because you said it Of course you've probably done some 500 posts since then so I don't intend to go back and quote you.
In the mean time I guess its okay for you to say anything and say that i said it, huh?
But whatever, I still don't see how my post is in any way related to pornography or sex.

“So, what have you been up to since I last saw you 300,000 years ago?”
“Worshipping God, you?”
“Same.” Long pause. “So anyway, do you remember that girl that flashed her boobs at us when we were fifteen?”
“Yeah, that was great that was.”

I guess it must have been your original value judgments

when a person uses the word "everybody" it tends to include first, second and third persons

Probably, just a shame then that you said "practically everyone", which does not specifically include the first, second or third person.
as already indicated, persons who have not approached puberty and asexual organisms are probably exempt ....

if you can't understand how the word "you" is encapsulated by the word "everyone" I guess we are at loggerheads again

Here you go again wiggling out of a statement that you made - which you have also done on other threads, (i.e your statement concerning pigeons). We'll try again: Is there a specific problem with everyone, or practically everyone, engaging in something?
only if you want to tag "you have not beheld such engagements" to such statements

for the tenth time, if something is done by practically everyone then that means it is not done by practically no one - all this means that there is not much scope for statements such as "You are an unbeholder

What are you talking about lol? Ok, although. (as with the rest of your post), it is entirely irrelevant to anything
all you have to do is retract your statement "you are an unbeholder"
I will just point out that "practically" certainly does leave scope for saying you are an unbeholder
- even more so when you're an admitted unbeholder.
where did I admit this?

Now.. please.. with a cherry on top. Get out of my thread.
if you only want to discuss topics in the company of people who agree with you, this is not the place ....
if a person glorifies someone in a way that they are not, is it not an insult?

Glorifies someone or a post that someone made? There is a key difference. Still, I am at least glad that even you realised the inherent worthlessness of your 'response', if I dare call it that.

For instance if I said "snakelord you truly are a brilliant scientist. The whole world will truly benefit from reading your posts. I think you deserve a round of applause from your wife and children every morning" is that not an insult?

Actually no, that's a compliment - and a highly accurate statement to boot. If on the off chance you were being sarcastic, it's apparent that the difference needs to be highlighted. In your example you started with "Snakelord you.." and then continued purely about me, while also including my family.

Where did any such thing occur in my statement regarding your post, (as opposed to you)?

You brought it up

I see. At least this has brought to light another key issue that needs to be resolved before we can move on.

You stated that in spiritual life ones concerns stretch out to all life. I responded that this couldn't be true unless these people were vegetarians, (yes this in itself is not even perfect but is sufficient to make the point), and must surely all be animal rights activists.

Now.. you then waffle on about an irrelevant matter, (vegetarianism), when that's not what the post or my response to your statement was about. My response was with regards to your claim of 'concern for all life'. Your response to that should therefore be also concerned about that claim and my dispute of it - not details regarding vegetarianism and that even plants are alive and offering plants to god helps stop colon cancer. Can you understand this? To provide an example, your response could be something along the lines of:

"Well, they are concerned, just not concerned enough to not eat them".

That is a response to the refutation of your claim. Waffling on about colon cancer is not. I hope I have made that clear to you.

I guess not only do you not understand...

Were you actually going to say something of substance, (i.e point out specific errors contained in the post etc), or just keep up with the personal attacks? I notice while you have the ability to constantly tell people they don't understand, you never display the decency to point out where the error is etc.

However, I'm not the fussy type. Next time just say "you don't understand anything" and then leave my thread. I'm good with that.

In the mean time I guess its okay for you to say anything and say that i said it, huh?

Not really, but then I didn't realise I would be engaged in conversation with the specific type of character that you now display. You think that you can just change everything you are from one thread to another, and that speaks volumes. It speaks highly of you as a person and perhaps even shows a serious lack of self esteem that you can't even remain consistent in what you have or have not done/seen etc. You're even up to this very same trick on the god and music thread we're also conversing in and I find it distasteful at best. Make an ultimate decision on these things and then stick by them and we wont run into this problem. To be nice I shall actually spend a great deal of time tomorrow tracking down the statement you made. However, I shall also give you the chance to now state your position. In doing so everyone will be able to see whether you indeed have the courage to speak the truth.

So, are you celibate?

(Btw, in this instance a failure to answer suggest guilt. I would advise you try your hardest to answer. Also note that there is no judgement upon you - frankly I don't care in the slightest what you do or don't do with your pinky).

I guess it must have been your original value judgments

Once again the same problem as mentioned earlier appears. That quote from me wasn't about sex.

That should in fact be entirely evident given the text that surrounded that quote. Namely the: "Although some clearly don’t have the problem that I do, I cannot establish how there is any remote value or worth in worshipping one entity for all eternity." before it and the: "While this is an attempt at a witty look at heaven, I find it quite pertinent to express my distaste at the notion of worshipping one entity" directly after it.

That is exactly the problem we need to rectify. Either you're not paying attention, or - from what it seems like to me - you have an 'apologetics guidebook' that has a list of phrases such as "normative descriptions", "bereft of qualification", "electrons", "pornography" and "it's not quite clear" and yet you're unsure when to use them and so just spurt them out whenever you see certain key words, (sex, boobs, vagina etc).

But let me ask you; if you can't work out the context of a statement completely surrounded by the point in a simple 1,000 word story then why would you be a good person to listen to with regards to interpreting scripture?

To point it out the story was concerned with two men that were trying to find something of interest to tell each other. It's like the man and wife that work at the exact same place doing the exact same thing. When they get home they've got nothing to say. Basically these two men have been doing the exact same thing for 30,000 years, (worshipping god), and thus had to go back to something from a mortal existence to be able to relate to each other something of interest and value. No lg, it wasn't about boobs or sex or pornography. The ultimate question then comes in the form of where is the value in such a thing where everyone is doing the exact same thing for all time? To this one can assert that you'll just be happy - but then the counter is that you're no longer 'you' and thus where is the worth?

No lg, this wasn't about sex, or pornography, or cleopatra, or vegetarianism or norwegian tomato farmers.

as already indicated, persons who have not approached puberty and asexual organisms are probably exempt ....

Certainly, along with celibate people and 40 year old virgins.

all you have to do is retract your statement "you are an unbeholder"

This will come tomorrow after you have answered the earlier question and I have pasted your former comment.

if you only want to discuss topics in the company of people who agree with you, this is not the place ....

A misunderstanding on your part i'm afraid. I didn't agree with rjr6 on page 1, but I didn't ask him to leave the thread. I am asking you to leave the thread because I don't feel there's anything of substance you can actually contribute - which is evidenced by your inability to stay on topic, your inability to recognise the point of a point, and your seeming inability to be honest. Now, please leave my thread. You can do so with any impression in your mind that you like - yes I only want atheists, or those that agree, or those with blonde hair.. I really couldn't give a shit.