Problematic heaven.

Valued Senior Member
“Time of death: 8:45pm”.

A sentence similar to this one spells the end of your existence. Your thoughts, feelings, hopes, dreams and desires all cease to be. Everything that you once were has gone – leaving but a bag of bones and flesh that shall soon decay and rot, while all manner of insects nourish themselves on the bits that still remain. It is the tragic, but at least consistent, end of the line for every living thing on the planet.


You wake up. You feel fresh, healthy, at peace. You look around and find yourself in a new realm, a land of beauty and calm, vibrant and lively. It takes a while to notice that the woman next to you is your grandmother. Oh it has been so long since you have seen her, and she is no longer the saggy breasted, senile old bag you remember her being. Instead she is in the prime of her youth, mid twenties, her hair long and flowing, coloured like a field of buttercups in the height of summer. Her body is pert and tight and she flitters around like a butterfly looking for nectar. You see your mother with her, no longer ravaged by age, the cancer that worked its way through her like a plague absent, her health restored.

It doesn’t take long before you are surrounded by loved ones. Your father and brothers, your cousins and aunts – all with you now, happy and smiling. They welcome you with open arms, as ecstatic to see you as you are to see them. For an instant you are the happiest dead-alive man in ‘after-existence’.

“Where’s my daughter?” You ask, looking through the crowd of loved ones in front of you, searching frantically for the person you love more than anyone else, the one person you could never live without. It takes a while before you find out that your daughter isn’t actually in the same place as you, instead she resides in a pit of never ending fire – a fire so intense it would make the sun look about as hot as a snowball.

You grab those around you, asking if there’s anything you can do, if there’s a way of making an official complaint, if there is a way you can rescue the person you love the most from a place created for the sole purpose of burning humans for eternity. You find out that there’s nothing you can do, that your daughter ‘chose’ her fate. Naturally you argue against this, and ask to know what evil action she committed that resulted in her ultimate never ending punishment in a pit of fire and brimstone where there is wailing and the gnashing of teeth.

“She believed in the wrong God”, you are told. “She never accepted Jesus as her saviour, and thus chose to burn”.

You look around you, absolutely gob smacked that these people can’t see a serious issue with what they have just said.
“Imperfect creations can’t make imperfect choices?” You ask dumbfounded.
“Imperfect choices have consequences,” they respond coldly.

It is at this moment you realise that ultimately, whether in heaven or hell, you are destined to an eternity of suffering. For ever and ever and ever you will know that the person you love the very most out of everyone you’ve ever known is burning. That fact will sit in your mind festering with each and every passing day of a never ending existence – and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. By day you worship and bow to this God, the image of your daughter in indescribable agony fresh on your mind. By night you worship and bow to this God, the image of your daughter in indescribable agony fresh on your mind – and that is all you do.


As luck would have it however, God eventually comes to visit you with a unique offer.
“I give you a choice: Would you like to swap places with your daughter?”

1) “Yes!” You say without hesitation, knowing that such a sacrifice is worth it if it saves your daughter.

This is invariably where the whole story falls apart. By saying “yes”, you are putting a human before God – which goes against the very reason you were made by him. If you would choose to be away from this God, you would never get to be near him in the first place. So while a “yes” answer is certainly more humane, more moral and more loving – it is not in keeping with the reason for your existence.

2) “No!” You exclaim, knowing that this God demands worship and servitude, that love belongs to him and him alone. Your daughter burns but you get over it, it’s her own fault anyway. The old words of Jesus resound in your ear; “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters - yes, even his own life - he cannot be my disciple.” You realise that you were made not to love other humans, not to even love yourself, but to simply love and worship God. That is the entire point and purpose of your existence and ‘after existence’, nothing else matters.

While not everyone has this particular view of heaven, they will generally assert that the afterlife involves some people being there and some people not being there, (good/bad – although exactly what that entails is debateable). As a result the same problem remains – unless of course they simply do not care about their loved ones once they’re in this realm. If so they’re not themselves anymore, in which case I would argue as to its value and indeed the value of ever having lived a mortal existence in the first place.

A couple of things need to be clarified:

1) Will we or wont we give a damn about our mortal loved ones once dead. If the answer is yes, how exactly do we engage in an eternal life with the knowledge that they’re burning, and even more so how can we even consider worshipping and serving a being that is ultimately responsible for their predicament? If the answer is no, I would indeed ask what the value is in having any feelings for others while living a mortal existence when that is going to be the overall outcome in the heavenly realm.

2) Although some clearly don’t have the problem that I do, I cannot establish how there is any remote value or worth in worshipping one entity for all eternity. I am currently writing another version of this story, (for a short story competition), and at this moment have the line:

“So, what have you been up to since I last saw you 300,000 years ago?”
“Worshipping God, you?”
“Same.” Long pause. “So anyway, do you remember that girl that flashed her boobs at us when we were fifteen?”
“Yeah, that was great that was.” Both men stared into their non-existent pint glasses.

While this is an attempt at a witty look at heaven, I find it quite pertinent to express my distaste at the notion of worshipping one entity, (that does not need worship), for eternity and can only wonder how anyone could keep that up for such a length of time. Does the very idea not seem astoundingly boring? Ok, I am sure this space entity will love and revel in the fact that billions of souls are bowing to it’s every move and serving it’s every whim, but what about the souls? In short: What is the point other than to feed a god’s omni-ego?

Any decent answers welcome.

P.S I know I have touched on this before, but there was no satisfactory post made in response to it. As such I have rewritten the idea and will try again.

Nice post. Lots of food(ammo) for thought, thanks!

Reflects my ideas of the "heaven" conundrum:

Just why do I want to be in any place forever? Certainly not a place that holds any religious zealot I have ever met(think Sandy and her ilk).
Jesus spent most of his time on Earth showing Humans how to behave on Earth. Referring mostly to Heaven as a result of this behavior, Being with the "Father". Maybe heaven will be boring for you, maybe you will be bored being in the presence of the creator of babies, sex, love and the universe and of free will to boot, but I give Heaven more credit than that. Maybe you will be able to save your daughter and maybe it will involve sacrifice. Sounds like fun to me!
Can you describe to a fish what running is like? I am being literal. When the fish understands, let me know what he/she says. A silly proposistion, no doubt, but think about it.
I guess that begs the question, how can we going from being "fish" to "running" in heaven in the "Blink of an eye"(how long I was once told - it takes to get to heaven when you die).
i belived that god dosent care about how much you worship him as long as you are a good person and belive he is there he will alow you into his kindom i hope so anyway or i am fuked waite i already am i blaphemed to many times.
there is no God, when one dies he ceases to exist in physical state. Consciousness however remains. You will feel yourself as yourself, you will feel the "I" and that is all. There will be nothing else but the "I", nothing at all. Eternity will pass but you will not know it and eternity will be as no time has passed at all. Than consciousness will awake in the new baby in a new world and life anew will start.
there is no God, when one dies he ceases to exist in physical state. Consciousness however remains. You will feel yourself as yourself, you will feel the "I" and that is all. There will be nothing else but the "I", nothing at all. Eternity will pass but you will not know it and eternity will be as no time has passed at all. Than consciousness will awake in the new baby in a new world and life anew will start.

Dragon, I have every gravity you do to this attractive theory, but I can't help but notice how conceited it is. What owes us eternal life?
we ourselves do. Everything in universe is recycled and we are no strangers to this.

Just because the materials that make us up were once part of a star does not mean that we will be recycled as ourselves.
Just because the materials that make us up were once part of a star does not mean that we will be recycled as ourselves.

True, there is no special ingredient injected into our basic materials that allows room for an independent consciousness to drift within after our bodies have been decomposed.
there is no God, when one dies he ceases to exist in physical state. Consciousness however remains. You will feel yourself as yourself, you will feel the "I" and that is all. There will be nothing else but the "I", nothing at all. Eternity will pass but you will not know it and eternity will be as no time has passed at all. Than consciousness will awake in the new baby in a new world and life anew will start.

I've always thought that. I like how it sounds.

I don't fear death. I'm comfortable knowing I won't go to any heaven. I was dead billions of years before I was ever born, and I'll be dead billions more when I die. I don't remember anything before I was born, so what's the big deal, I'm dead.

I do agree with draqon though.
Can you describe to a fish what running is like? I am being literal. When the fish understands, let me know what he/she says. A silly proposistion, no doubt, but think about it.

No, I can't. Unfortunately however this doesn't really ring true as an analogy. Let's add some essential parts:

There is a book written in fish language by me that explains what running is like. Some of the fish sit down and debate about the issues that appear in that book - and come to inevitable and logical conclusions based upon the words written in that book.

1) You have a heaven - some people go there

2) You have a hell - some, (most?), people go there

3) How are you going to feel when you find out the most important person in your life is in 2 while you're in 1?

I think the question is essential for people to come to conclusion on before promoting heaven as a great place to be. From a personal perspective I would say that an eternity in heaven without my daughters would be hell to me. The following is of course a quite common assertion regarding heaven:

"i belived that god dosent care about how much you worship him as long as you are a good person and belive he is there he will alow you into his kindom"

If this is the case, every atheist ever to have existed is destined to go to hell and burn simply because they couldn't 'just believe' in the existence of a grand space daddy. For this they supposedly burn forever.. Doesn't anyone see anything wrong with that?
No, pull a salmon out of a river and explain running to it, right now. Or a trout - your choice.
My only suggestion is the exact nature of "eternity with the creator" is subject to an existence we know little about, so to question that existence using the human experience as a base is confusing for me. Beer and Boobies? They will be missed, no doubt.
No, pull a salmon out of a river and explain running to it, right now. Or a trout - your choice.

Unfortunately, once again, this analogy is faulty. It would be more in line if these fish had 'running' explained to them in fish language detailing what running was about. This fish book explains that they have to run for eternity or get smoked - so sayeth the all powerful entity 'the running god'. These fish would be inclined to discuss the issues in fish language:

"blobba blib blob blab", which when translated means: "what if my son Nemo (c) doesn't believe in the running god and is therefore going to be smoked for eternity?"

Now ultimately the fish book might not have been written by the running god, indeed the running god could be the invention of fishkind - that is a largely separate issue, but the fish will undoubtedly work with what they have: a book saying this specific outcome is true which, if we accept that it is, raises many further questions.

We must also assume at this moment in time that the running god is quite a clever old chap and thus could easily explain it in such a way where there simply was no confusion - unless of course, like human gods, he thinks the way to get loyal puppies is to write the most contradictory guidebook in the universe.

My only suggestion is the exact nature of "eternity with the creator" is subject to an existence we know little about, so to question that existence using the human experience as a base is confusing for me.

So ultimately you're saying we just shouldn't question anything related to religious beliefs/god beliefs? I mean c'mon, we have nothing other than a base of human experience to work with. Of course this has never stopped anyone in the history of humanity, indeed people have discussed and debated the 'good book', (along with the other million good books), since they were written.

Why is it specifically an issue when I do it or do you say the same thing to everyone?
And lo, the Son of Fish sayeth to his Labroides dimidiatus followers, "Give a fish a fish, and he'll eat for a day. But teach a fish to fish, and he'll eat for a lifetime."

Hey. Big fish eat the little ones.
Loved it :)

Of course most Theists don't think too much about this little conundrum. That's no fun. I suppose that the "heaven"/after-life idea used to be a place where pretty much everyone went and it wasn't touted as the "ideal" place but simply a place really not that much different than Earth.

That said, don't the Jehovah's witnesses believe almost everyone goes to Earth 2.0 and a select few monks with no Earthly connections go to heaven and there is no hell?

It seems as humanity matures Hell is no longer relevant. I think it's really only still believed in by simpleminded peoples, like those living in the South of the USA or KSA :p
Snakelord, well done ! :)
Heaven either lets one retain their conscienceness/memories or not. In the first case heaven will be dissatifying (to say the least) sooner or later. In the second case there is just no point to heaven as you are not the person your were back on earth (or you could make the point the other way around which doesnt make much of a difference), in which case there no point to existence other than to glorify God like the please-bots we are.
In short, either God is cruel and in essence unworthy of worship or there is no point to heaven other than to satisfy Gods ego. Which also would make him unworthy of worship.

1) Will we or wont we give a damn about our mortal loved ones once dead.
if you are dreaming about your relationship as Cleopatra with Julius Ceasur, when you wake up, does that seriously affect the relationship you have with your existing family members?

If the answer is yes, how exactly do we engage in an eternal life with the knowledge that they’re burning, and even more so how can we even consider worshipping and serving a being that is ultimately responsible for their predicament?
its all a dream - of course I would contend that hell is not eternal - although a little time there feels like a long long time
- as for persons spending some memorable moments in hell, they are there due to the results of their own activities
If the answer is no, I would indeed ask what the value is in having any feelings for others while living a mortal existence when that is going to be the overall outcome in the heavenly realm.
the more one develops attachment to god, the more one sees how everyone is inevitably connected to him - in material life one's circle of concern is quite meager (one's own family, or if one is a bit more generous, one's own country .. or if one is a bit less generous one's own body), but in spiritual life one's concern expands out to all living entities

BG 12.15 He by whom no one is put into difficulty and who is not disturbed by anyone, who is equipoised in happiness and distress, fear and anxiety, is very dear to Me.
2) Although some clearly don’t have the problem that I do, I cannot establish how there is any remote value or worth in worshipping one entity for all eternity. I am currently writing another version of this story, (for a short story competition), and at this moment have the line:

“So, what have you been up to since I last saw you 300,000 years ago?”
“Worshipping God, you?”
“Same.” Long pause. “So anyway, do you remember that girl that flashed her boobs at us when we were fifteen?”
“Yeah, that was great that was.” Both men stared into their non-existent pint glasses.

While this is an attempt at a witty look at heaven, I find it quite pertinent to express my distaste at the notion of worshipping one entity, (that does not need worship), for eternity and can only wonder how anyone could keep that up for such a length of time.

one could also question what's with the infatuation of pornography considering there is very little variety in people's bodies from the neck down - still you find that there are some people who can download the stuff for hours - I guess beauty must lie in the eye of the beholder or something ....

Does the very idea not seem astoundingly boring?

Ok, I am sure this space entity will love and revel in the fact that billions of souls are bowing to it’s every move and serving it’s every whim, but what about the souls? In short: What is the point other than to feed a god’s omni-ego?
if the living entity has no ultimate scope for enjoyment it remains in their best interest to serve the foundation of their existence - just like the enjoyment/sustainance/increase in vigor of the hand lies in placing food in the mouth as opposed to squishing food in between its fingers

if you are dreaming about your relationship as Cleopatra with Julius Ceasur, when you wake up, does that seriously affect the relationship you have with your existing family members?

its all a dream - of course I would contend that hell is not eternal - although a little time there feels like a long long time
- as for persons spending some memorable moments in hell, they are there due to the results of their own activities

the more one develops attachment to god, the more one sees how everyone is inevitably connected to him - in material life one's circle of concern is quite meager (one's own family, or if one is a bit more generous, one's own country .. or if one is a bit less generous one's own body), but in spiritual life one's concern expands out to all living entities

BG 12.15 He by whom no one is put into difficulty and who is not disturbed by anyone, who is equipoised in happiness and distress, fear and anxiety, is very dear to Me.

one could also question what's with the infatuation of pornography considering there is very little variety in people's bodies from the neck down - still you find that there are some people who can download the stuff for hours - I guess beauty must lie in the eye of the beholder or something ....

if the living entity has no ultimate scope for enjoyment it remains in their best interest to serve the foundation of their existence - just like the enjoyment/sustainance/increase in vigor of the hand lies in placing food in the mouth as opposed to squishing food in between its fingers

Werent you the one that said God is outside time ? If that is so, is heaven also outside time according to you ? And if THAT is so doesnt everything last forever in heaven ? :bugeye: