governing both a universe and the multitudes of living entities for a startOrigionaly posted by cluelusshusbund
Does you'r God take responsibility for anythang.???
What does he take responsibility for.???
so IOW once we understand the values you have in place for a given, we can understand the issues of responsibility at handFor esample... if i build a house wit inferior products an it falls down i escept responsigility for it fallin down... if i breed a short leged dog an enter it in a race wit long legged dogs... i woud escept responsibilty for it loosin insted of blamin the dog an punishin it for eternity.!!!
so it would kind of silly to expect you to take responsibility for opening a can with a kitchen knife when you had the intention of slicing carrots with it?
the triple 0 omni godPS
Which God do you bow down to.???
(omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent)